Bai Chengze stopped her from behind, "Auntie."

"Huh?" Zheng En'ai turned around, "Is there anything else baby?"

"I want to visit our factory." Bai Chengze said.

Hearing Bai Chengze's request, Zheng En'ai was a little surprised and pleasantly surprised.

In her opinion, this is an expression of the young master's dedication to the family business, and it is a commendable thing.

So, without even thinking about it, she agreed.

"Our family has four factories, which one do you want to see?" Zheng Enai asked with a smile.

Bai Chengze has done a lot of homework these two days,

Through the cross-examination of his subordinates and the information on the Internet, he has a better understanding of the family and the cognition of the group.

"I want to see that factory on the island," Bai Chengze said.

Zheng Enai nodded,

Of the four pharmaceutical factories of Yinhui Group, only one is set up on the island, which is Jeju Island.

She nodded, "Of course, when do you want to see it?"

"Right now." Bai Chengze said firmly.

The two made simple preparations,

Not long after, a helicopter landed on the apron in the courtyard.

South Korea is actually not a big country, that is, an area as large as Shandong.

From Seoul in the north to Jeju Island in the south,

Taking a helicopter is just a matter of half an hour.

After a dusty flight, Zheng Eun'ai and Bai Chengze landed on Jeju Island.

The landing place is inside the factory, so it can be said that the helicopter directly goes from home to the factory.

Bai Chengze took a rough look at the inside of the factory,

This factory is very large, about [-] to [-] square meters.

Converted down, it is the size of seventy or eighty acres of land.

In addition to the pharmaceutical workshop, there are also many buildings, including conference buildings, office buildings, dormitory buildings and so on.

The interior of the factory is also wide enough, as far as the eye can see, it is open and flat.

This made Bai Chengze very satisfied. He could carry out his next plan here, implement military deployment secretly, and quietly develop technology.

"We still need to build some more workshops to increase efficiency." Bai Chengze glanced around and murmured softly.

When Zheng Enai heard Bai Chengze's words, she didn't refute, but just nodded slightly, "Actually, I also have this consideration."

Under the leadership of the general manager of the factory and a group of high-level executives, the two visited inside and out.

After visiting,

The general manager proposed to entertain them well, and then take the two of them to play on the island.

Faced with this proposal, Bai Chengze flatly refused.

He asked the general manager for a car, and drove Zheng Eun'ai away from the factory, saying that he wanted to take a stroll around the island.

After leaving the gate of the factory, you can see many typical island scenery,

For example, an open asphalt road with tall and straight coconut trees on both sides.

Although it is autumn, the people on the island are still wearing short sleeves and shorts, looking enthusiastic.

The girls' originally fair skin also looked a bit wheatish under the sun, and they looked very healthy and energetic.

When approaching the coastline, you can still see some beauties in bikinis coming and going, stepping barefoot on the soft golden sand.

Jeju Island, a great place.

It is an isolated island surrounded by the sea.

The area of ​​the entire island is 1845 square kilometers, which is about the same as the "deep" area of ​​my country's "North, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen".

The location of Jeju Island is very good.

It is the southernmost piece of land in the entire South Korean land.

Although it is an isolated island, it is not lonely because it is surrounded by three countries.

To the north of Jeju Island is South Korea.

To the west of Jeju Island is the Dragon Kingdom,

To the east of Jeju Island is the country of cherry blossoms, which has a good life.

As for the south, it is an endless sea.

Although the area of ​​this oval-shaped island is not too large, it is definitely not small either.

The most important thing is that it has an excellent geographical location and a pleasant climate.

Moreover, it is completely independent, an isolated island surrounded by the sea.

After years of development on the island, all kinds of infrastructure have already established a mature system.

Needless to say, power supply, water supply, and heating facilities, even some high-tech manufacturing industries have factories in this 093.

Because it is a tourist city, not much food is produced here, which is the only downside.

However, it is not difficult to be self-sufficient.

Bai Chengze observed the soil environment,

It was found that the overall conditions can still meet the planting standards.

Bai Chengze has great ambitions,

What he sees is his.

Bai Chengze wants to completely own this island,

Complete ownership means having control over the island, land rights, discourse rights, and command rights.

He wants to take the entire Jeju Island into his pocket and make it his own private property.

This sounds outrageous,

But for Bai Chengze, it is not impossible.

He firmly believes that with his current development speed, it is only a matter of time before he takes over the island.

What Bai Chengze has to do now is to lay the foundation in advance, make preparations, and first deploy his own infrastructure and technology on the island.

When it really starts to take power, the island must at least have a certain amount of hard power to ensure that it will not be harassed and threatened by foreign enemies.

He wants to turn Jeju Island into a paradise,

There is only one thing to implement on this island, and that is: happiness.

[104] This time, let me make up for your regret, aunt

The scenery of Jeju Island is famous in East Asia.

The air here is fresh, away from the hustle and bustle, and the temperature is suitable.

The sea breeze blows on the face, and there is a sense of comfort that is neither hot nor dry.

Bai Chengze drove a Bentley borrowed from the factory,

I drove my loving aunt around the island,

The two walked slowly along the Binhai Boulevard, admiring the scenery along the way.

"It's really nice," Bai Chengze said sincerely, "It's nice to live by the sea."

Zheng Eun'ai on the side also had a happy face, and echoed, "Yeah, it would be great if I could always be as relaxed as I am now..."

Ever since Zheng Enai married into the door,

For a long time, she has been in a state of high tension,

Outside, she has a lot of group affairs that can't be finished,

At home, she has a heart that can never be finished.

The four girls in the family are all unwilling to be involved in the group's affairs and cannot share her worries.

Zheng Eun'ai didn't make too many demands or reprimands for this. She believed that everyone has their own ideals and paths, and they shouldn't be forced to impose anything on them.

After all, don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself.

Zheng Enai understands these principles and has been practicing them.

From the perspective of an elder, she has a clear conscience and can't find any faults.

But as a woman, it's hard for her to say she doesn't have moments of burnout and exhaustion.

The affairs of the group made her breathless,

Even when she was traveling in Pingchang, she was always directing the group's large and small affairs remotely, for fear of any trouble.

In the eyes of outsiders, she enjoys the glory and wealth that ordinary people cannot match.

But only she knows that while she is beautiful, she is also under enormous pressure that ordinary people cannot bear.

It's just that no one can tell these things.

Bai Chengze's arrival relieved her a lot.

She felt that she had let go of a lot of burdens.

It won't be long before he can share his worries and pressure, carry the banner of Yinhui Group, and lead the clansmen to a higher height.

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