How can she make a boyfriend in the future? Why don't she just find Mo Jun as her boyfriend, since Mo Jun looks like he's still single...

Yotsuya Miko thought of this, her cheeks suddenly became hot and blushing, and she quickly patted her own face to wake herself up.

Can't keep thinking about it!The more I think about it, the more wrong I am!

How did it make her seem like she could only marry Mo Jun in this life? !

Mo Jun just saved her god, it doesn't matter if his patron saint takes a look at his body.

right!That's right!Don't think too much!

Yotsugu Jianzi comforted herself in her heart for a long time, and after dividing her identity and Mo Ren's identity into a big gap, she sat down in front of the computer and turned on the computer, ready to be a good companion for the gods.

The job she wants to play today is a priest...she knows the job of a healer.

Although she doesn't play many games, she also knows how to play this profession, as long as she has enough milk, that's enough.

After all, she is here to play games with Mo Jun, so it is enough to nurse Mo Jun and make Mo Jun happy!

Main Text: Chapter 72 69. The Lazy Angel Who Defrauded His Teammates and the Unexpected Silver Princess ([-] words)

"Where is the new girl?!"

"Oh! Is it called Jianzi? It's a cute name~"

"Are you Mo Ren's girlfriend? This is the first time I've seen him pull someone in. Are you his childhood sweetheart or a junior? What kind of beautiful girl are you?!"


Yotsuya Miko logged into the game online, and received an enthusiastic welcome when she entered the voice, but the welcome was too warm, and she was a little helpless.

This girl named Nyaruko seems like someone who likes to strike up a conversation, she is also a girl herself.

"Jianzi, don't pay attention to her strange remarks, she is just the kind of home girl who likes beautiful girl games, probably, maybe, she is not a pervert."

Mo Ren also felt speechless when he heard Naiyazi's speech like an idiot, but he still helped to explain it, so that Jianzi would think that he was such a person.

To be reasonable, if Nyaruko didn't think that Nyaruko was probably Niyazi, Mo Ren would definitely silence her, and she would be funny and scary when she came up.

But if this idiot is transformed into a beautiful white-haired girl like Nayako, his senses will be completely different.

For an evil god, this level of speech is already super normal. Naiyazi is just more enthusiastic, and doesn't really want to harass people.

"Why do you use the words probably!? Make me sound like I'm really crazy?!"

Naiyazi immediately defended, but Mo Ren decided to let her calm down, ignoring her and ordering Gabriel to work.

"Gabriel, you are in charge of taking Jianzi, and when the dungeon is finished, teach Jianzi how to play."

"Why do you want me to bring people?! You never said that!!!"

Gabriel was unhappy when she heard it, and asked her to help cultivate competitors? !

She hasn't been able to fool her yet, and Vinette is here to play with her. How can she help her competitors grow up? !

If the training is successful, this guy Mo Ren will definitely kick her away!

Gabriel is still a bit hard on her personality. If she had a choice, a normal person would definitely not choose herself to play with her like this. It's just that Mo Ren has always had an indifferent attitude, and she is also used to Cong Mo Ren now gets krypton gold benefits from time to time.

Until now, she didn't have a sense of crisis. This guy Mo Ren actually found a new companion to play with. He seemed to be a beautiful girl with a soft personality.

Pay more attention to sex than friends!This scumbag is really not a good thing!

"Who asked you to buy the priest's equipment for Jianzi? Aren't you the only priest here?"

Mo Ren said mercilessly, in fact, he didn't want to replace Gabriel, although this useless angel has a bit of a mouth and is greedy for equipment, but these are trivial things, and people have to give up when they are called to play with him. To be sweet, he just used this method of being taken advantage of so that Gabriel would not feel that he was throwing money at her.

He wouldn't change it before, but now that he knows this guy is Gabriel, he won't change it anymore.

The reason why Gabriel taught Jianzi was because he played swordsman, Naiyako played assassin, Yuuki Asuna played mage, and Gabriel was the only one who played priest.

"Uh...Okay, Jianzi, you wait and follow me."

Gabriel didn't expect that she shot herself in the foot with a rock. She obviously wanted to steal the newcomer's equipment, but now she has to work as a coolie to train the newcomer.

"No, wait! I don't think I told you my name!? How do you know my name is Gabriel?!"

Gabriel was about to give this newcomer a bad start and let her see how powerful the senior was, when she suddenly thought of the name Mo Ren called her just now.

"Do you think it's a lie for me to say that I will go to you to settle accounts with you if you cheat me again?" Mo Ren didn't hide anything, and said frankly, "You work part-time in that coffee shop, I just need to look for it at a nearby school, okay? .”

He actually called it that on purpose. Gabriel, a useless angel, only wants to take advantage of her all day long. If she can't get involved in reality, it will be difficult to develop Gabriel's connections.

Anyway, the last time Gabriel voluntarily exposed his identity, he could make any excuses.

"You bastard, you are so despicable!"

Gabriel complained angrily.

"One hundred thousand yen."

"Thank you boss! Come to my house for dinner when you have time~Of course, you have to bring your own ingredients~"

Gabriel instantly calmed down, and smiled happily.

"You really have no morals, and it was settled for only [-] yen."

Naiyazi, who was ignored, laughed and said that the relationship between her and Gabriel is actually quite good. Both of them are serious nerds, but there is a big gap in their financial resources.

"I'm still a student, and my living expenses for this month are all gone. One hundred thousand yen is my life! A rich person like you will never understand the pain of the poor!"

Gabriel argued that if she was discovered, she would be discovered anyway, how could Mo Ren come to trouble her?

If their identities could be sold for so much money, she would definitely sell the identities of Vinetrafer and her descendants.

Then she can become a big kryptonite kryptonite and become a krypton gold boss.

"..." Yoshitani Miko was a little silent listening to Gabriel's violent remarks.

Is this how Mo Jun makes friends with his online friends? It's a little different from what she imagined.

To throw money at someone even if they didn't agree with each other, but Mo Jun, a friend, was quite happy to accept it. She couldn't tell whether Mo Jun really wanted to throw money or was joking.

But the atmosphere seems to be quite harmonious, it should be a joke.

Yuuki Asuna, who also didn't speak in the team, was also a little confused. She was very surprised when she heard the communication between Gabriel and Mo Ren, and Mo Renjian didn't seem to deny the relationship between the two lovers.

Could it be that Gabriel and Mo Ren really aren't lovers?

In fact, Asuna Yuki knew that Gabriel, who was in the same group, was playing with Mo Ren, and she only helped krypton gold and did not give cash.

It's just that she has always felt that the two of them are lovers, what to play with, the boss, it's just the mood of the two of them.

After all, how can anyone spend money on others to hate themselves? Gabriel said that she was playing with Mo Ren, but in fact she didn't flatter Mo Ren at all. She only said something when Mo Ren spent money on her. Good thing, at most, because I have been playing games for a long time, I can be on call.

As for Mo Ren, in fact, Mo Ren played more competitive games, and basically only played Gabriel in the krypton gold game.

At least when she is free to play together, if Mo Ren is playing krypton gold games, he is basically playing with Gabriel, if she is free to go online, add her as one.

Nanami, Nyaruko, and Bronya, who are often active in the group, all prefer to play stand-alone games, but they like different types. Playing online games is generally playing real-time competitive games.

Therefore, Yuuki Asuna felt that Gabriel and Moren were usually flirting with each other and feeding her dog food, but looking at it today, it seems that they are really not CP.

After all, Gabriel doesn't care about the relationship between Moren and Jianzi at all, and still maintains her original intention, thinking about cheating Moren's money as always.

The new Jianzi seems to be very close to Mo Ren, and Mo Ren does whatever he wants, maybe this is Mo Ren's real girlfriend...

When Yuuki Asuna was having a storm in his head, several of them had already finished the novice plot with Mitsuko Yotsuya, and now they can go to download some event dungeons that do not limit the level.

They also played casually, so they took her into the dungeon without waiting for Yotsuya Miko to level up and let her order her skills and change her equipment.

Anyway, Gabriel and Yotsuya Miko are priests, and the milk volume of the two nannies is enough.

However, when Mo Ren and Naiyazi were rushing ahead, and when they were about to kill the mobs and prepare to brush the boss, they found that Gabriel behind him not only didn't give them milk, but instead buffed the opposite boss!

It's really off the charts! ?

Although this world is a bit messy, the entertainment industry for ordinary people is still quite developed. The game they play is similar to the 3D Sky Island Girls. Many operations need to be mastered by themselves, such as hitting their own people and resurrecting the enemy. The mistake novices often make.

However, although Gabriel is really good, she is an old fritter after all, and she can't make mistakes simply by using her skills. Now she is not fighting a very intense and chaotic team battle.

"Uh...that, Miss Gabriel, it seems that this skill is not for monsters, is it?"

Yotsuya Miko hesitated to control the character, wondering if he should follow Gabriel to use buff skills on the boss.

Although she is a novice and doesn't understand many things, she has just been taught which skills are buffs and which are debuffs. Now casting skills will only be thrown at the boss...

"Ahem, it seems that I misplaced it, but it's okay! Now I will teach you the first important knowledge you should know as a pastor!" Gabriel coughed awkwardly, and then said seriously, "Once you accidentally throw it wrong skills, don’t panic when you are blamed by your teammates.”

"It's not terrible to make mistakes, as long as you don't admit it."

"It was purely because Mo Ren and the others didn't keep up with my train of thought. They were slow and didn't get touched by my buff skills."


Mo Ren and Yuki Asuna were speechless, what did Gabriel teach, they were going to spoil her when they first arrived.

"Hey hey! Why are you hitting me, Vinai!"

Hearing the silence in the voice, Gabriel was about to say a few more proud words when suddenly she was hit hard on the back of the head. Only then did she realize that Vinet was still at home, and that she would be punished by the demon Vinet for saying such arrogant words.

"Xiao Jia, if you don't learn well on the Internet, your computer will be confiscated. Go to bed early tonight."

Gabriel's good friend, the gentle, kind and virtuous purple-haired demon Vinet is cleaning up Gabriel's messy room.

However, when she heard Gabriel teaching bad guys on the Internet, the two Vinettes with hairpins and bangs walked up to Gabriel expressionlessly, and directly picked up the laptop in front of Gabriel.

"Ah! Vinay don't touch my computer!"

Gabriel quickly hugged Vinette's thigh tightly, and shouted loudly.

"I don't have classes on the weekend tomorrow! How can I not stay up late on the weekend!"


Yoshitani Miko heard Gabriel's cries of pain, and fell silent for a while.

The game team that Mo Jun asked her to join seems to be different from the kind of well-organized and professional game-playing dungeon she imagined...

Of course, she likes everyone's enthusiastic attitude that doesn't treat her as an outsider at all, and everyone talks happily, but everyone says some things that make people speechless from time to time.

She doesn't play online games very much, and she doesn't know if everyone is like this, or if it's just Gabriel and the others.

"It seems that our good-for-nothing priest is in trouble, so let's ignore her and continue beating. Don't worry about seeing her, just think about it slowly. We can take our blood bottle and beat slowly."

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