"Who cares about what you make, a little bit!"

After being severely fucked by Qiyana, Mo Ren got out of the car with Dilumon in his arms, and waved goodbye to Qiyana and Mei, who were making faces at him.

"Mo Ren, you two have such a good relationship, you can fight at will without getting angry."

Looking at the car going away in Mo Ren's arms, Dilu Beast sighed a little.

In the short time since she came here, she saw several fights. Judging from the calm reactions of Mei and Bronya next to her as if they didn't see anything, this kind of thing should happen often.

"Hehe, in fact, she just used this kind of behavior to express her unhappiness, not really angry, and naturally I can't be angry."

Mo Ren rubbed his chest that had just been beaten by Qiyana, looked down at Dilu Beast and said with a smile.

Although Qiyana had already restrained her strength, her little punch still made him a little painful.

However, it may be because he knows that Qiyana, who has always been lively and cheerful, has become a mature look after experiencing some things. He usually doesn't care if he suffers a small loss, and treats it as a small punishment for taking advantage of Qiyana.

Qiyana is really stubborn most of the time, and she doesn't have so much thought to act on her feelings. He also hopes that she will be more sensible and mature, but when he thinks of the price of being sensible and mature, he thinks it's better now.

There is no need to fight against the collapse of this world, and it is good to live a simple daily life happily.

Of course, he now wants to know when the Daily Store will be able to generate cheaper and more useful abilities, and he can't wait to bully Qiyana back.

Hmm...it's better not to be armed with transformation, but with abilities that can be loaded on the body on a daily basis.

If you have to transform into an armed man while playing around, it would be too narrow-minded, and he is not such a narrow-minded person.

"Okay, let's go back and introduce our home to you!"

"OK, all right!"

Mo Ren hugged Dilu Beast, turned and walked into the apartment, and took the elevator back to his house.

Although I ran into other residents on the road, at most I had to pay more attention to Dilumon because of its cute appearance. No one would think Dilumon was strange.

After all, Dilumon really does look like a cat, and there are no Digimon in this world, so Digimon fans won't be ecstatic after seeing it.

"Di Lu Beast, can you eat pork? Fat or thin?"

Mo Ren went home to wash his hands first, then walked to the semi-open kitchen, ready to cook an ordinary family meal for Dilu Beast.

Although he had eaten it long ago, because Dilumon just arrived, he felt that he had to cook an order and have a meal first, and communicate at the table together so that Dilumon, who had just arrived, felt at home.

"Usually I don't pay attention to these, Mo Ren, you just look at it, I don't have anything particularly annoying."

As soon as Di Lushou entered the room, he walked around the room, looking at her home in the future, and when he heard Mo Ren calling her, he immediately came out of Mo Ren's room, jumped on the back of the sofa and looked at Mo Ren who was busy in the kitchen.

"Okay, if there is something that you don't do well, just say it, and I will pay attention next time."

Mo Ren nodded, checked the eggs, cabbage, pork, shallots, carrots, kelp, tofu and other ingredients in the refrigerator and started cooking.

Because usually he doesn't want to make too much trouble by himself, so he only keeps a few simple, convenient and easy-to-preserve ingredients. Among them, tofu is perishable, but he bought it yesterday during the day, and it is not so easy to deteriorate after treatment.

Although these ingredients don’t seem to be much, in fact, sometimes this is enough for him to eat for a week, because when he is lazy, he can cook a porridge with pickled vegetables to solve the meal.

Anyway, he is at home alone, so he can continue to eat when he is hungry, so he doesn't have to worry about porridge not being hungry.

Because it was already late at night, Mo Ren only cooked a few simple dishes, pork with cabbage, boiled eggs, fried poached eggs, and carrot kelp tofu soup for soup.

"Mo Ren, do you usually eat that much?"

Dilu Beast watched Mo Ren bring out the fragrant tofu soup from the kitchen and put it on the table, smelling the aroma of food in the air, he couldn't help sighing.

"Of course not. How can I eat so much by myself, but now you and I are two people."

Mo Ren smiled at Dilu Beast who was sitting across from him. Normally, he seldom cooks so much by himself, and two dishes are the most, let alone cooking soup to watch the heat.

But isn't he happy today? From today onwards, there will be one more official member of the family. From now on, he will no longer eat and wash dishes by himself.

"But I can't eat that much."

Looking at the several dishes and a large pot of soup on the table, Dilu Beast felt that they couldn't finish it.

"If these dishes can be eaten, at least the eggs must be eaten, and the rest can be put until tomorrow."

"Well, Mo Ren, you are right."

Dilu Beast nodded and was about to start eating, but just looked at the bowls and chopsticks on the table, and the paws she had just stretched out stopped in the air.

Because Dilumon only has claws now, chopsticks are not very convenient to use, and even spoons are not easy to hold.

"Uh...Till Beast, how about I feed you?"

Mo Ren also discovered the problem, looking at the bowls and chopsticks he habitually brought over, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Hey me? If you do this, won't it be too much trouble..."

Tilumon was a little taken aback. Although she was wandering and fighting alone in the digital world before, Mo Ren was her first partner, and she didn't know what a real partner was like.

But being fed by a partner, it doesn't feel right anyway.

"Didn't you say that we are partners, and we help each other when we need it, so there's no need to say anything."

Mo Ren shook his head, got up, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, sat next to Dilu Beast, and smiled at her.


Dilu Beast was silent for a while, looked at Mo Ren who was smiling all over his face, and nodded slowly.

Soon Dilu Beast was sitting on the edge of the table, and while Mo Ren picked up the food with chopsticks and fed it, he chatted with Mo Ren and exchanged some ideas with each other.

Mo Ren felt that it would be nice to have a Dilu beast to accompany him, even if the daily store did not refresh the divine plan, it would be fine if he couldn't keep it as a cat.

In his previous life, he thought about raising a cat, but because raising a cat would cause all kinds of troubles, and he couldn’t communicate with the cat, if the cat got sick, he would have to find a way to treat it, so he finally thought about it for a long time and still didn’t take action , at most raise cats online.

Now having a cat that can talk, cuddle, and be a friend feels amazing!

Of course, Dilumon is either a cute cat like it is now, or a perfect woman like Tiannumon, and he absolutely doesn't want to become a pink husky.

"I'm going to wash the dishes first, Di Lushou, watch TV. By the way, do you want to drink Coke?"

"Coke? I haven't tried it, but you can try it."


After the two had finished eating, Mo Ren got up and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of Coke, unscrewed the cap of the bottle, inserted a straw and stuffed it into Dilu Beast's arms, letting her hold it to drink, and happily went to wash the dishes.

I have to say that having an extra "person" in the family is different. In the past, he would take a long time to wash the dishes, so he put them in the water and soaked them for a few hours before talking.


In the living room, Dilu Beast was sitting on the sofa, and a popular animation was playing on the opposite TV.

However, Dilu Beast didn't watch TV, but murmured with a straw in his mouth, while watching Mo Ren washing the dishes, his eyes full of puzzlement.

Obviously she is being taken care of by Mo Ren, why does Mo Ren seem happier than her?

Dilu Beast couldn't figure it out after much deliberation. It can only be said that Mo Ren attaches great importance to her as a partner.

Thinking about it carefully, since meeting Mo Ren, Mo Ren has always been very kind to her.

When talking to her, I would try to talk to her at eye level instead of looking down at her height. After returning home, I specially made a meal to eat with her, and even saw that she couldn't use her claws to grab chopsticks and even fed her a meal.

Rather than saying that Mo Ren regards her as a partner, it's more like he regards her as his family.

Although Dilumon has always been alone in the digital world and has never had a real partner, it doesn't mean that she really doesn't understand anything, and Digimon will still fight.

Mo Ren...I will definitely be your best partner!

Looking at Mo Ren's back in the kitchen, Dilu Beast secretly made up his mind.

Main Text: Chapter 31 30. The Lazy Angel Who Can't Fall

After washing the dishes, Mo Ren went to the bathroom to take a shower again. This time he didn't call on Dilu Beast to enhance his relationship like he did during the meal.

Digimon say that they have no gender, but this Dilumon is obviously biased towards women, and it speaks with a gentle and mature royal sister voice. What if you touch something that shouldn't be touched on Dilumon while taking a bath.

In that case, it didn't seem right whether he reacted or not.


Mo Ren took a comfortable bath. He dried his body after a short soak today, wrapped his towels around and walked to the bathroom. He just touched the handle when he heard the sound of the TV from the living room. He suddenly realized that this house was no longer there. It was his alone.

After hesitating for a while, Mo Ren unscrewed the handle and walked out. He just put the bath towel around his waist over his body and crossed it into a bathrobe.

There is no way, there are only bath towels for him in the bathroom now.

At this time, I can only be thankful that he is not a person who likes to enjoy the full celestial state at home, otherwise at this time, he would have faced the embarrassing situation of Dilu Beast helping him to carry his clothes to the bathroom door.

This kind of plot is usually given by the heroine to give benefits, let's wait for the Dilu beast to evolve into a Tiannv beast before it happens.

Mo Ren walked into the living room, and Dilu Beast was still watching TV. It seemed that he was very interested in the live-action magical girl movie on TV, and it seemed that it was called Kyoko.

He might still watch it if it's a cartoon, but he's not interested in live-action ones.If he really wanted to see a real magical girl, it would be better for him to go directly to Theresa.

But Teresa is not in school now, it seems that some time ago something happened in Northern Europe, and she took Xier back.

"Mo Ren, are you going to sleep?"

As if feeling that Mo Ren was looking at her, Dilu Beast looked up at Mo Ren who was wearing a bathrobe and had wet hair.

"No, I'm going to play computer games for a while first,"

Mo Ren shook his head, and walked to the refrigerator to get himself a bottle of ranch fresh milk.

"Computer games? Are you going to enter the digital world?"

Dilu Beast got up a little suspiciously, and jumped from the sofa onto Mo Ren's shoulder.

"This world is different from your previous world. There should be no digital world. When I say playing computer games, I just sit in front of the computer and play video games."

Mo Ren took a sip of the fresh milk, and while stroking Dilu Beast's head and rubbing her ears, he took her back to the room and sat in front of the computer.

In the original book of Digimon, the Digimon world is actually the human computer network world, which is composed of hosts (gods), server continents, and a sea of ​​data. The Digimons inside are extremely powerful and can even interfere with the real world.

But in this world, naturally there is no such thing as a Digimon world.

"Let me watch you play the game."

Dilu Beast nodded thoughtfully, sat in Mo Ren's arms and watched Mo Ren turn on the computer and start the game platform.

She doesn't really care if there is a digital world or not. She was wandering when she was in the digital world, and her life is the same wherever she is. It is naturally better to have a stable home now.

Seeing that Dilu Beast didn't ask anything, Mo Ren didn't say anything more, and directly checked the friends who are online now.

In fact, he was playing the game because he was going to wait until twelve o'clock for the daily store refresh just like yesterday.

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