I loaded the Two-dimensional mod by One Thirteen

Tag: campus, harem


Traveling through the Zongman daily world, Mo Ren thought that he could only enter Zuo Mei's house as a copycat of Beng Sanyuan Shenwen, but he didn't expect that this world actually hides supernatural powers such as magicians, vampires and elves, and supernatural disasters that erupt from time to time.

Fortunately, he loaded the Two-dimensional mod system at this time, which can load the abilities from the previous Two-dimensional game fan drama novels to himself or others.

Bronya: "Load the secondary silver wing mod! Now Bronya is no longer a child!"

Xiaogong: "Load the empty dream engraving mod! Sister Xiaogong in Yingjie form is here! The cat is here!"

Fu Hua: "Load the Herrscher of Consciousness mod, and I will turn everything around... Uh, is that what the lines say?"

Ke Qing: "Load the Herrscher of Thunder mod! Is this the power of the Houkai Neng? Sure enough, it is not so powerful..."

Mo Ren: "Dilu Beast! Load the evolution key, sacred badge mod! Evolve the sacred goddess beast! Load the biological mod! Summon Esther! Summon Icarus! Summon the Holy Grail of Heaven!"

Currently involved works: Beng San, Blood Devouring Strike, Yuan Shen, Three Questions of Doom, Visible Jianzi, Tomorrow's Ark, Zhan Shuang Pamish,

Main text: Chapter 1 1. Kiyana, a fat house girl!

"The Silver Princess of the Kingdom of Ardikia, La Folia Lihavain, will soon go to the famous tourist city Fuyuki City for a visit and exchange."

"Gas explosions have occurred in Fuyuki City recently. The general public is requested to pay attention to safety while welcoming Princess Shirogane to show the historical and cultural characteristics of Fuyuki City. During the holidays, it is waterproof, fireproof and anti-theft."

"It is reported that the infrastructure capacity of Tiangong City has reached a new high and has reached the world's top level. The Sigong Consortium will increase investment in the new pilot city of Tiangong City."

Mo Ren, who lives in Minato-ku, Tokyo, watched the news on TV numbly, mechanically pressing the remote control.

In every sense of the word, he's pretty nasty.

Ever since he traveled to Japan in this world, he was unfamiliar with the place and did not understand the language, but he struggled as a black household in this world for two or three years before he could live a good life.

But not long after he became a best-selling author, he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life, but before he had time to be happy, he discovered that this world was different from what he thought was just an everyday world, and it turned out to be an extraordinary world? !

And it's still a world view like Blood Devouring Strike, X-Moon, and Date A Live!

Thinking that this world might hide supernatural creatures such as true vampire ancestors, magicians, heroic spirits, elves, etc., Mo Ren couldn't help cursing this XX life secretly.

There are many beautiful girls in these worlds. He used to be very envious of the male protagonists and wanted those beautiful girls to be his wives, but in reality he is not the protagonist, how can he be an ordinary person!

"I'm back!"

When Mo Ren was depressed, a beautiful white-haired girl with black-rimmed glasses, a high ponytail and a student uniform opened the door from outside the room and shouted into the room.

She walked to the porch and kicked off the little leather shoes on her feet. She stepped on the wooden floor with her little feet wrapped in black silk knee socks, trotted all the way to the sofa where Mo Ren was sitting, and flew towards him. .

The moment she flung herself on the soft sofa, the dignified and quiet white-haired beautiful girl suddenly showed a comfortable expression, then reached out to grab the opened Fat House Happy Water and potato chips on the table, and took a bite of potato chips and a drink in her arms The icy and exciting fat house happy water, took a deep breath of the air-conditioning blown out, and sighed incomparably:

"Sure enough, it's still comfortable at home. Studying at school is like going to jail~"

"Qiana, why do you only know how to eat? What about Mei and the others, why didn't you come back with you?"

Seeing the white-haired beautiful girl who didn't care about showing her slovenly side in front of him, Mo Ren looked at the entrance and said with some doubts.

"Didn't Bronya use your novel to make a script design game? Mei and the others all ran to cheer, have you forgotten?"

Qiyana clapped her hands after eating several mouthfuls of potato chips, sat up cross-legged, and stared at Mo Ren.


Mo Ren nodded suddenly. He remembered that such a thing happened today.

Bronya is a gray-haired spiral loli who knows how to hack and stock stocks, and also likes to play game making games.

No, recently he designed a game to participate in the competition by using his fan novel "Huberian with Red Sunset" as a game script.

Of course, although he thinks it is a fan fiction, in this world he is the original, and the copyright is in his hands.

At that time, he had just received the manuscript fee through this fan novel, and he was still waiting for the takeaway when Bronya found the address with hacking techniques, and directly brought Leiden Mei, Qiyana Fu Hua and others to the door, and asked him what happened to the novel thing.

Faced with this situation, Mo Ren naturally can't say that he is time-traveled. You are all characters in the game, and you are not familiar with them, so you only believe your nonsense when you are caught by evil.

He could only say that he wrote this novel because he admired them in his heart, and hoped that they would not mind. If he really minded, he could only pay them the manuscript fee, and then ask them to sue the publishing house and ask the publishing house to remove the novel.

However, the gentle and kind Mei didn’t really make Mo Ren lose money. When she knew that Mo Ren couldn’t afford to pay next month’s rent, she discussed it with Bronya Kiana and the others, thinking that Mo Ren didn’t give them money. If there is any loss, Mo Ren decides not to lose money.

However, in the future, if I use their names to create works, I need to consult their opinions, and I have to give them a review before submitting the manuscript before giving it to the publisher.

There is no problem at all, and Mo Ren agreed without hesitation.

It would be fine if this world didn't exist without them, but now that they all really exist here, he is infringing on their right of reputation, and it is very kind of them to be considerate of a stranger like him to such an extent.

Since then, because he knew of their existence, he often came to Mei and the others for the reason of discussing the plot, and he got to know them well after going back and forth, and he would even cook with Mei if he could cook. Mei helped feed Kiana when she was busy, and even played with Bronya.

The reason why he felt so complicated when he discovered the supernatural power hidden in this world was because he felt that he should be able to live a happy and happy life as a winner.

According to his observations when getting along, Kiana, Mea, Bronya, and the others have the same personalities as he remembered, and there is almost no deviation. If he works hard, he should be able to marry the gentle and considerate Mea, who doesn’t know the opposite sex, and even embrace her. Kiana, Bronya, Seele...

Well, he was quite satisfied with them, even if he knew that there were daily show hostesses like Shinomiya Kaguya Hayasaka Aika no Oka in this world, he didn't try to bother them.

He's not the Herrscher of the Kidneys, a Mei, plus Qiyana and the others, he probably will have a hard time.

To be honest, he was really confused when he was approached by Bronya and the others. He originally wrote it because he thought the world would not collapse, but the reality immediately taught him how to be a human being. Bronya and others are actually in this world .

If he hadn't lived a miserable life at the time, he would have been living off the manuscript fee, maybe he wouldn't have received Mei's sympathy, and now he is still working hard alone.

Now, though, his blissful everyday life seems to be gone forever...

Mo Ren watched another piece of news on the TV. In order to treat the outbreak of an infectious disease in a certain place, Rhodes Island Pharmaceutical Company and Rhine Life jointly launched a new type of medical research, and his mood was even more complicated.

Could it be that he was only obsessed with code words and beautiful girls before?He didn't notice that there were so many dangerous things here.

"Ding! The Two-dimensional mod system is loading, please check the host in time!"


A cold voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and Mo Ren was taken aback for a moment, his cheating cheats just arrived?It's too late, can you delay it any longer.

"Oh, you're big! Bronya said that you didn't answer her call even if you let her go. I came back to ask you to help."

After resting for a while, Qiyana rolled her eyes at Mo Ren, who had enough rest, jumped up from the sofa, walked out of the door with long straight black silk legs, dragging Mo Ren.

"Wait, wait! My plug-in just arrived, wait for me to check!"

"What cheating, are you stupid in writing novels? Hurry up, hurry up, wait for Mei and the others to wait impatiently!"

Main text: Chapter 2 2. Secondary silver-winged duck mod!

In fact, Mo Ren thinks that he likes Qiyana very much, even more than the gentle, kind, considerate and virtuous rice cooker Mei.

I don't know exactly what I like about him so much, his lively personality?cute look?Great energy?Or Kiyana's two white braids?

It feels like this characteristic can be found in other people, but only Kiyana can give him this feeling.

However, what he can be sure of is that he is very happy when staying with Kiyana, even if Kiyana does something stupid, when he is speechless and wants to talk about her, when he sees Kiyana rubbing the back of her head and giggling at him , I can't help but smile.

A girl like Kiyana should be called an optimist, her lively and cheerful mood can infect the people around her and make them happy together.

Mo Ren was led by Qiyana and ran all the way to the tram station, rushed into the tram that was about to be closed and sat down, took a breath and turned to look at Qiyana who was sitting next to him.

Qiyana opened her small mouth slightly and slowly breathed calmly. The moment she didn't speak, a quiet and elegant temperament appeared on this white-haired beautiful girl again.

This guy......

Mo Ren looked at Qiyana sitting upright like a noble and elegant young lady, silent.

Sometimes he suspects that Qiyana's stupidity and recklessness are just pretending. She is an elegant lady when she is silent, and a foolish and simple man when she speaks. She can be perfect between these two completely different temperaments switch.

"What? Why are you staring at me like this?"

Kiyana was keenly aware of Mo Ren's gaze staring at her, and turned her head to look at him strangely, and the moment she spoke, her elegant and quiet temperament disappeared.

Although the figure and face have not changed, they are still very beautiful, but the feeling is completely different.

"No, I just think that today's Kiyana is as stupid and cute as ever."

Mo Ren reached out and touched Qiyana's high white ponytail hanging down her back, shaking her head and laughing.

In fact, Kiyana was originally wearing braids, but after his suggestion and Mei's consent, Kiyana's hairstyle was changed to a white high ponytail that is more manageable but more temperamental. Glasses with plain light frames, the wise young lady Qiyana appeared!

Well, the reason why Hanhan Qiyana and Missy Qiyana can switch so quickly now is the high ponytail and lower frame glasses.

"Are you hurting me or praising me?"

Qiyana rolled her eyes at Mo Ren angrily, and reached out to pat Mo Ren's hand playing with her single ponytail.

This guy is quite nasty, while advising Mei that she should be a lady in school, he often messes with her hair.

Although it's not obvious that the single ponytail hairstyle is messed up, she just doesn't want Mo Ren to play with her hair so easily.

You know, since she changed into this dress, there have been a lot more people confessing to her in the school, they will receive confession letters every day, and they have to take out a pile of garbage every day, it's so annoying!

It's all the fault of Mo Ren!

When Qiyana thought that usually this guy would deliberately bully her and rob her for food, she felt even worse, so she wanted to bite Mo Ren hard.

But now that she is outside, she decided to bear it and wait until she gets home to bite.

Anyway, she is very strong, as long as Mei doesn't find out, Mo Ren can't resist her no matter what.

"You send a message to Mei and the others, saying that we will be there later, lest they worry about us."

Mo Ren didn't reply to Qiyana's words, but reminded her.

Kiyana is not only an optimist, but also a living treasure who can shine brightly with a little sunshine.

He can't let Qiyana know that she is the ultimate invincible giant tm cute existence in his heart no matter what she does.

"Oh yes! I'll send Mei and the others a message first!"

When Qiyana heard this, she immediately put aside what Mo Ren said about her being stupid just now, took out her mobile phone from her pocket and bowed her head to send a message to Mei.

Taking advantage of the fact that Qiyana has no time to torment him on the tram, Mo Rendang is about to focus on the system that just appeared.

At home, the voice in his head said he loaded the Two-dimensional mod system.

Mod is a game term, meaning a game module.It is a modification or enhancement program of a game, which enhances game playability by modifying props, weapons, characters, enemies, things, modes, storylines, etc. in computer games, or adding new props and things the goal of.

To put it simply, it is a third-party modifier that can add various things to the game body.

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