The force field generated during the core work can block the influence of almost all origin stone spells, and at the same time, these repulsive force fields can also make all physical attacks return without success, and can even hurt the attacker himself.

Its strength is so high that even if the guards have dismantled the large ballista and transported it into the facility for reassembly, the bolts from the bombardment still can't damage the core in the slightest, and they can't even change its operating state. .

It is roughly estimated that the strength of the core external force field is equivalent to the outer defense of the weather controller itself, that is, the armor belt layer designed for the imaginary target of high-intensity warfare. open.

However, the soldiers of the Guards will still look for possible breaking points, even if it is just to consume the durability of the core operation, they will repeat these useless efforts.

On the other side, Silber went to the highest level of the weather control instrument alone, which is the main control room of the entire control instrument.

Before Silber's arrival, Oliver Cromwell commanded a team of steam armored soldiers to attack the main control room, but the final result ended in failure. Even the steam armored soldiers were unable to break through. With Sher's defense, they couldn't even get close to the main control room where Fisher was.

No one could have imagined that this film researcher who always gave people a thin and thin appearance could possess such a powerful Originium skill.

Feeling the increasing gravity around him, Silber understood why the steam armored soldiers would fall in front of the main control room. No matter how hard the external armor was, it could not defend against the attack from the inside.

Even though most of the soldiers in steam armor are the Vaifan people with excellent physical fitness, their internal organs will rupture and shrink in the face of several times or even ten times the increase in gravity, which cannot be defended by muscles and bones strength.

Soon, Silber, who came to the fourth floor, saw the guards soldiers lying around. Their mouths and noses were filled with sticky blood, and their faces were so pale that they looked like Sarkaz blood demons.

The cause of their death was either severe internal organ damage or brain death caused by cerebral ischemia.

Going up another floor, Silber saw the steam armor soldier kneeling down on the floor. At this time, the steam armor was still under high pressure to maintain its output, but the driver's life and death were uncertain.

Silber didn't feel the horror of this gravity, which meant that Fisher Williams had discovered his existence and was inviting him to the main control room.

For a researcher, heavy blast-proof walls and multi-layer composite pressurized glass are their reliance, because they are only scientists and do not have the powerful strength of soldiers.

But for Fisher Williams, his Originium skills are his most powerful means of protection.

Almost like a through train, Silber came to the gate of the main control room without hindrance, and Fisher directly lifted the heavy alloy gate, allowing Silber to enter the heart of the weather control device.

Afterwards, he saw Fisher Williams standing in front of the main console, and at the same time, Silber sighed inwardly.

Because he saw Fisher's eyes, saw the bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and the pupils that were changing from green to yellow.

This is a sign that changes are taking place. Although Fisher still maintains himself now, it is absolutely impossible for him to listen to other people's words from this state.

Regardless of the original content of the psychological hints Kasich set up, but now, she has indeed succeeded.

"Long time no see, Hilbert Lawrence." Fisher grabbed the railing in front of the main console with both hands, his body trembling uncontrollably: "Two days ago, I was still regretting that you were not able to come here and see it with your own eyes.

The operation of the weather control instrument, I saw that your hard work has finally formed a plump and ripe fruit.

"But thankfully, you're here anyway, and it's never too late - those nasty bugs are poised to destroy this great thing, and we're still on the first bastion of science .”

Silber raised his head and looked at Fisher, his voice was slightly low: "Professor Williams, I really want to know the answer to a question."

"Please say."

"Do you know the consequences of what you are doing now?"

There was an extremely contradictory expression on Fisher's face, his face was extremely tired, but his expression was full of energy: "Of course! Of course I know what I'm doing. We are slashing through thorns and thorns at the frontier of unknown science, towards that flower. Flickering bright sparks go on."

"You are causing a natural disaster in Londinium." Silber took over his topic flatly: "And this natural disaster will directly cover at least seven urban areas, and indirectly affect the seventeenth city of Londinium." It is roughly estimated that 300 million people will suffer losses due to this natural disaster.”

Fisher Williams froze for a moment, he looked at Silber, his head tilted slightly to the side: "This is the dedication and cold-bloodedness necessary for science, Mr. Lawrence, you seem to be distressed and distressed by these figures." sad.

"I can understand this human nature, but without these sacrifices, then this research will never be successful, and you and I should know that if the research is successful, then we will save more and more people, far Many times larger than these numbers—this is the pain of scientific research, and we should ignore it.”

Silber took a deep breath, shook his head, and said sincerely: "Professor Williams, from the very beginning when I embarked on this path, I have a firm belief that no matter what storms I have gone through in the past few years And the quagmire, it has not wavered a bit.

"There is no life that should be sacrificed."

He took a few steps forward, his eyes were always on Fisher Williams' eyes, and Silber stared at the other's pupils, as if he wanted to include his belief in his sight and pierce the other's soul: " Stop these experiments, the road of science is full of thorns, and the sacrifices for cutting the thorns should be praised, but no matter what the reason is, we should not arbitrarily let others pay for it. "

"Even for the future?" Fisher Williams said slowly with his lips moving.

"Even if it's for the future."

Silber's tone was firm, like a heavy hammer falling on an iron felt, without any deviation:

"All this should stop, we have left behind the past for so long that even the present cannot catch up with a future that brings destruction, not hope and new life.

"They don't have the spare power yet, so they can easily pick up this power."

Fisher's face trembled, and his facial features put together a distorted crying face. Big tears flowed from the corners of his eyes and dripped onto the stage:

"Why! Why do you, an outstanding scholar like you, want to betray science and all this beauty?!

"Just for those numbers, for those chips that can't be weighed down on the balance?!"

Hilber suddenly felt the gravity around him changed, Fisher's origin stone skills had already taken effect!

Fisher-Williams lamented that those who traveled with him fell from this road, and that the future of mankind lost another possibility:

"Hilbert Lawrence, have you chosen to stay in this dreary present, between a hopeful future and a decaying present?!

"You betrayed science! Silber!"

Silber tore off his suit and said softly:

"I just chose the bottom line of being a human being, that's all."


Chapter 150 IX I Come To Take Back My Technology

Science and technology are innocent and without borders, but those who create and use them will not be saints.

Defects are an inherent coexistence of people, and no one can make themselves truly flawless, and Casich also used this to impose psychological hints on Fisher Williams.

Before that, Fisher might just be a researcher obsessed with scientific research and ignorant of worldly affairs. Although he was out of touch with mainstream society to a certain extent in terms of common sense and opinions, it was precisely because of these characteristics that he was able to learn from Lundini. Survive in the murky waters of Mu.

If he is a scientific researcher with excessive self-desires, then he needs to make more efforts to face the undercurrent in Londinium, and when politics enters science, it is difficult to say what the results will be is pure.

But now, Fisher Williams has completely lost his common sense as a human being. He has set his sights on the distant future and put everything on the quantitative scale.

This also announced that this scientist, who can be called a great scientist decades later, has completely embarked on the opposite path to Silber.

What is even more unfortunate is that under Fisher's current radical ideas, the debate can no longer solve the immediate problem.

Before the most advanced instrument core of this generation, they will use violence and blood to decide all these things like barbarians.

"I've come to take back my technology, Professor Williams."

Silber held his head high, and the doubled gravity couldn't make his back bend, couldn't make his blood deposit under his body, and couldn't shake the weak organs in his body.

Even though the suit on his body had disintegrated from the weak point, his figure remained unchanged. It was not only Silber's soul and spirit, but also his body that had been beaten thousands of times.

Standing in front of Fisher Williams now is a man of steel who has been tempered and shaped.

"Why did you give up the future, Lawrence." Fisher Williams had a painful expression on his face, "There is a place for you there."

"It's a pity, professor. As you said, I'm just an ordinary craftsman stuck in the present."

Silber's figure exploded, and he kicked the sliding chair in front of him. The strong force caused the ordinary chair to fly out of place, and began to disintegrate in the air.

But these powerful fragments couldn't come to Williams' body. The invisible force field was like the self-defense on the outer layer of the controller's core, intercepting these fragments with ease.

During this short window period, Silber also made his own offensive preparations.

Before entering the main control room, in order to show that he is harmless to humans and animals, Silber didn't even put on the protective clothing that soldiers often wear, nor did he take any weapons, and even gave him his pants because of the belt. Kelsey looked slouched.

This made Silber look unarmed, without any ability to protect himself.

But in fact, Silber never let himself fall into the dilemma of not having any weapons and equipment available.

Although it is said that there are many restrictions in away games, when Silber makes plans, he always considers how to play his own advantages.

Just now, for example, when Fisher Williams blocked these fragments and raised his eyes to look at Silber again, he felt a kind of shock wave that was difficult to resolve directly from behind the opponent.

Then, before the dazzling blue-white energy release effect, a stable rift in different-dimensional space appeared in the physical world, and Silber was standing in front of this rift.

A whole body is silvery white, with a black bayonet equipped under the barrel, and flower-like runes patterned on the magazine, a very futuristic firearm was taken out by Silber.

【Name: Monte Carlo】

【Uploader: Gadion】

[Content Core: A special method is used to supply bombs. The built-in energy furnace is loaded with Monte Carlo rules and a blasting expert module is added. The damage feedback caused can be converted into energy and output to the interface. At the same time, the energy in the energy furnace can also be Amplifies the damage caused by bullets and bayonets. When hitting or killing an enemy, there is a certain chance to generate energy bullets directly in the magazine. 】

[Remarks: This weapon is suitable for use with energy-consuming props. It has adopted the XL3 standard energy protocol, and the energy generated is compatible with any props that comply with this protocol. 】

[Remarks: Today, I invite everyone to eat hand-held supernova. 】

In fact, after the success of the M1017, Silber has never stopped his research on firearms, and the sentinel sniper rifle is only a part of it.

If the sentry sniper rifle is a weapon made with pure technology, then Monte Carlo seems a little metaphysical.

Just like the origin stone energy in the world of Terra, the original world of Monte Carlo has a supernatural energy called light energy, and many technologies there are also developed on this basis, and in the middle and late stages It has also reached the category of transcending light energy.

However, the automatic rifle of Monte Carlo still serves light energy. It can use the [damage] concept caused by the fired bullets to feed back the increase itself, and in the ingenious design, these excessive increases can also be converted into additional energy to provide additional functions for the user's own equipment.

This is why Silber finally chose to carry Monte Carlo with him, because it can not only supplement the long-range firepower, but also perfectly fit his own equipment system, so it is naturally very efficient in combat.

Compared with the fragments kicked out before, Monte Carlo's bullets broke through more positions. Although they still stopped in front of Fisher in the end, the force fields that were broken one after another made Fisher start to move.

He no longer completely relied on his own origin stone skills to deal with Silber's attack, but began to adopt methods such as dodge and displacement. At the same time, the force field exerted on Silber became larger and larger, so that Silber was After two quick steps, the leather shoes under his feet were directly torn and destroyed.

Soon, Fisher felt the special energy on the Monte Carlo bullet, this conceptual force named Monte Carlo law was beyond Fisher's understanding, because it even surpassed the law of energy conservation, it was a complete A new type of energy is completely generated out of thin air.

"This unscientific!"

He couldn't help shouting, because neither mechanical construction nor Originium skills could explain the Monte Carlo rule, a technology that directly affects concepts.

Although this power beyond the existing theory cannot harm Fisher himself, it is enough to blow his already crazy and fragile nerves again:

"What did you sell your soul to in exchange for this heretical power?!"

"No, Professor Williams,

This is also science. "Hilber's voice became a little more forceful, "This is just a previously undiscovered method of understanding and exploring the world. Just like burning, drilling wood to make fire is a way, and lightning strikes trees The flames above are also burning.

"Professor Williams, science is not static. When facing the unknown, science should not show rejection. Tolerance, observation, cognition, and understanding are the essence of science."

He looked at the bloodshot eyes of Fisher Williams, and said in a trembling voice: "And now you, can you still be called a person who embraces science?!"

Fisher Williams gritted his teeth, his increasingly chaotic brain has become unable to think about Silber's words, or he is unwilling to think about the meaning in the words, even if the meaning is so shallow .

He began to feel a little irritated, as if he was being restrained, and wanted to replace his thinking with instinctive animal desire.

And as the battle gradually heated up, the gap in combat between Silber and Fisher was also reflected.

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