
Chapter 140 Six Knowledge Is Power!

When he was forging the Longhang bullet, Silber was already thinking about how to deal with enemies like Kasichet.

There is no doubt that this ability to control others thousands of miles away, no matter what form it takes, is always an extremely difficult problem.

Because from a certain point of view, all his exposed body can be regarded as the other party's port, just like the shortcut formula on the computer, even if you delete the shortcut a thousand times, it is impossible to affect The opponent's core.

And this is the fundamental reason why Kasichet can be so arrogant. When a person does not have to bear the responsibility and price for what they do, they will not hesitate to act according to their own interests.

Often these interests lead to greater confusion.

After all, even if the body is dead, the big deal is to open another port and continue.

Yes, and if the main body behind it is still an existence that can ignore the life limit, then this kind of general behavior of reopening the account does not need to pay any cost.

That's why Silber said that he wanted to tear and devour the other party's soul right here and now.

Because he wanted to make Kasichche truly feel the pain of loss, let him recall, or realize for the first time what death tastes like.

And the black key is the equipment he chose, even in the original world of the black key, this weapon was not designed to kill on the physical level from the beginning.

This is the weapon used by the church representative in the original world. It is a weapon with extremely high symbolic significance. It was born to target spiritual phenomena from the beginning of its birth.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are some strong men who can use the black keys to directly dry and crush concrete.

However, for Silber, the appearance of the black key is also a compromise for his current situation. After all, this weapon still has too many uncertain factors. In his own words, it lacks the effect that can make a final decision.

If the time is not so tight, then Silber will definitely not choose to use the black key as a weapon against Kasichche, but will use another more effective weapon, and this weapon also happens to be in the Appeared in the remarks of the black key.

- Zanpakutō.

As an advanced equipment on the mysterious side, Zanpakuto has even reached the level of sixth-level craftsmanship technically, approaching the highest level of seven-level craftsmanship.

There is no other reason, Zanpakuto is essentially a weapon forged based on the strength of the creator's own soul, that is to say, its upper limit is extremely high. a further improvement.

But this is also the product of the artisan who has integrated the skills of multiple worlds and made considerable modifications to the principle and basic structure of Zanpakuto.

And this also made Silber unable to start looking at the design drawing. On the one hand, there was not enough time for him to understand the design drawing, and on the other hand, it was difficult to meet his needs in terms of materials.

Otherwise, Silber still wants to see what kind of Zanpakutama his soul will become after being forged.

After Silber pulled out the black key, Kelsey also took a few steps back, turned to the officers who fell on the ground, and began to pull them out of the danger zone——due to the ability Kasich showed earlier, Even the security team did not dare to rashly enter the opponent's attack range.

It was also at this time that Kasichche took the lead in attacking.

The black silk thread that was originally entwined between her fingers was like a poisonous snake swimming in the air, and it shot out quickly, and at the same time disappeared her figure in mid-air.

The naked eye visibility it showed before is the ability that Cassich used to confuse opponents. In fact, these silk threads can be completely concealed.

And losing the ability to capture the silk threads, Silber's situation seemed to be in danger in an instant. It is not difficult to see from the previous officers' tricks that the movement trajectories of these silk threads are changeable, and the whip itself cannot Simply rely on the user's wrist to judge the direction, not to mention that Cassich's hands are motionless.

But Silber didn't seem to be worried about these silk threads hidden in the air at all. He neither retreated nor made any exploration behaviors, but just strode forward, gradually approaching Kasichche's body. forward.

"Heh, under such circumstances, instead of choosing to stay away from me, do you want to stay close to me?"

Cassich covered his face with one hand and looked at Silber with a smirk.

Her Originium skills are not good at distance. In fact, these silk threads will become difficult to control and fragile after they are far away from her body. The limit distance that can guarantee controllability is only in the range of four to five meters. .

But the closer she gets to her body, the stronger her Originium skills will be. Whether it's density or strength, these threads will increase exponentially.

She was even confident that when facing Silber's powerful sniper attack again, she would be able to deflect the direction of the bullet to ensure that she would not die from the same move a second time.

"Because if I don't get close to you, I won't be able to beat you up."

Silber strode forward, the individual energy barrier belt around his waist began to function, and a light blue transparent grid barrier flashed in front of him.

This is an energy barrier developed based on the defense system of Hex Technology and Protoss Probe. As an initial model, it cannot protect against attacks with a muzzle velocity lower than a certain level, such as a normal person's sword slash, but for The high-speed attack does have a pretty good effect.

However, if the logic core for processing these data is alternately given to Ark, using Ark's own super computing power, it can easily resist all attacks that may cause harm to Silber.

And it's quite a coincidence, one of the characteristics of this energy barrier is that Silber has the means to observe the skill of Cassie's origin stone.

Although Cassich made his silk thread invisible, and used his ability to control the thread as much as possible, he disturbed the air flow in the air, making it impossible to judge the direction by simple air flow.

However, the energy barrier can ignore these tricks, because the energy barrier itself can be regarded as an energy field generated around the user, and all objects that can flow in the energy field will be fed back to Fang

In Zhou's mental Rubik's Cube.

Ark then sent these data back to Silber through mental projection, and finally in the picture presented in Silber's eyes, those silk threads were particularly conspicuous.

"So who is the spider now?"

Silber no longer paced forward, he began to sprint forward, the black key in his hand turned into a sharp knife, and began to cut the silk thread around Kasichche.

Originally, Kasichche wanted to sneer, it was a bit taken for granted to want to cut off her silk thread with such a weapon.

But before she could laugh out loud, she discovered that her silk threads, which could cut through steel and easily cut through flesh and blood, were not much tougher than a hair in front of Silber.

She stared at the black key's blade, and paused every word: "Chiyuan crystal?"

"Wrong." Silber turned his wrist, a powerful force burst out from the muscle contraction, and shot out the black key in his hand: "I suggest reading more about the principle of energy materialization and the formation of origin stone skills theory.

"I don't know how long you've lived, and I don't know how much experience you've accumulated during your wanton behavior, but I think you should learn one more word."

Silber's wrist strength increased extremely quickly. When he first met Gloria, his strength was only close to the limit of ordinary people, and he couldn't even catch up with the average level of Vaifan.

However, as the artisan's points continued to rise, the intermediate workshop was finalized and perfected, and a large number of creations were put into use, his physical fitness was also improving rapidly.

So much so that now, without using any auxiliary tools, Silber could even hold an arm wrestling stalemate with Skadi for half a minute.

Under such terrifying power, the black key projected by him is almost equivalent to the arrow of a small ballista, and even if one is distracted and not paying attention, one can only capture the flash of black in the air. film.

Cassich immediately summoned all his Originium skills, and created countless silk threads in the air to wrap the black key layer by layer. It was cut off, and only those silk threads sticking to the hilt of the sword could be regarded as effectively blocking the forward momentum of the black key.

However, what Kasichche had to face was not just this black key.

Silber has already bullied himself at this moment, and the light blue energy barrier bursts out a lot of sparks due to the constant friction with the silk thread, and he strikes amidst these sparks:

"Experience just keeps you from repeating the road, but when facing the unknown, knowledge is the only power!"


Chapter 140 The temperature is too low!

Silber's pace was like a bulldozer at full power, even if Kasichche had used his Originium skills to the extreme, he couldn't stop his pace.

But under the entanglement of those silk threads, the black key thrown by Silber was still unbearable, and it was directly broken into several crystals under the folding of the front and rear forces.

Black Key's blade is a product of energy materialization, which means that its physical strength cannot be compared with that of a normal steel sword. If it weren't for the concept of disrupting Originium skills on the blade, even at the very beginning, Those silk threads are already able to crush the blade.

And because of the energy consumption problem, in fact, each black key that Silber has created can only be activated once, that is, after calling out the blade, whether it is crushed or dissipated due to insufficient energy supply, In the end, the hilt could no longer summon the second black key.

But this is also the reason why Silber has five black keys on him. You must know that in the original world of the black keys, those representatives of the church have to carry eleven black keys every time they go out. , this is not only a symbol in numbers, but also because the black key is indeed a consumable in battle.Huan_;: Welcome to "Enter! Enter【,! Xi; Er_"; of: Picture: Book.' library;:】:.7;4.6_:0.,9:"4!0:7";6 .

So when the first black key was shattered, Silber had already lit up the third black key, without giving Casich the slightest time to breathe.

This is Silber's fighting style. He may not attack until the observation is complete, but once he completes the data collection and formulates a complete attack plan, his attack will not stop , like a continuous storm.

Kasich's teeth were clenched tightly, and the entire gums began to bleed due to her too much contraction. This bloody smell stimulated Kasich's spirit and made her send out a fierce force.

She quickly backed away, trying to keep a certain distance from Silber, and at the same time, the silk threads around her began to penetrate into her limbs, attached to the muscle fibers, and wrapped around every bone.

This is Kasichet using her origin stone skills to enhance her physical strength. She has also realized that relying solely on origin stone skills may be caught by Silber and fall directly into an absolute disadvantage. among.

And after the silk thread was fixed, Silber's second black key also came in front of her. At this distance, Kasich had nowhere to hide, so he stretched out his palm and patted the black key from the side. key.

The sudden horizontal force broke the black key, but Cassichet's actions also made her suffer. The blade of the energy materialized is extremely sharp, which is equivalent to a high-frequency cut

Like a cutting knife, although the black key is very fragile, it still left a hideous wound on Kasichche before it shattered.

From the palm of Kasichche's palm to the tip of the middle finger, the blade of the black key cut through the skin and bones here, almost cutting her palm in half.

But for Kasichche, what is really fatal is not this kind of physical injury. She has long been used to this kind of pain for a long time, and even said that she can completely ignore it.

After all, physical injury is equivalent to seeing a person’s little toe hit the corner of the table fiercely in the video. Although you will feel a chilling feeling because of empathy, you will not actually feel it. of pain.

But now, on the wound caused by the black key, there was a sharp pain that hit the soul directly, giving Kasich the most real pain.

She almost screamed out, not only because of the pain, but also because of the unconcealable panic in her heart.

This is equivalent to watching a fan drama, and the paper man on the screen suddenly slaps across the screen.

Not only the surprise caused by the unreality of breaking through the dimensional wall, but also the fear caused by the pain.

When a long-lived species suddenly discovers that someone can hurt it, or even kill it, then this fear can fill its soul in an instant.

The power of habit is extremely powerful, and when a habit that has lasted for countless years suddenly collapses, one can imagine how soul-piercing the impact will be.

"You seem to have forgotten what the real meaning of fighting is."

Silber opened his fingers slightly, and dropped the broken black key, and the posture of holding the black key in the other hand also changed accordingly, into a posture like holding a fist and sword:

"Fighting is the ultimate means of taking other people's lives. It is a formula that can make people feel the heaviness and irreproducibility of life. Only in fighting can people realize the strength and fragility of life.

"Because no matter who lives to the end, they will deeply understand the fact that there is only one life."

Kasich let out a suppressed roar from her throat. She swung her intact right fist and hammered it to Silber's forehead.

The compressed thread on the bone was completely released at this moment, rebounding rapidly like a spring. Even if Cassich enhanced his body through cannibal witchcraft, it would be difficult to bear this overpowering force lightly.

Even at the moment when the fist was thrown out, the muscles on Cassich's arm were already torn, and the bones and muscles of the entire arm seemed to be separated.

Then, Kasich saw that Silber didn't dodge or dodge, and even seemed to be facing the fist, and directly hit her fist with a head hammer.

Amidst the piercing sound of bone shattering, Kasich watched helplessly as his hand clenched into a fist was twisted and deformed ridiculously under this head hammer. It was torn off from the fingers, and the entire palm collapsed inward.

And Silber's forehead was intact, at most there was only a little redness.

"You seem to be challenging the hardest part of a craftsman."

Silber sneered.

Kasich hasn't said anything yet, while Kelsey on the side is holding his forehead and covering his eyes that he can't bear to look directly at.

Although she could understand the meaning of Silber's words, just saying it like this would give people a feeling - did this guy just put his head on the iron felt and beat it if he had nothing to do?

Under such circumstances, Kasich suddenly opened his mouth and screamed, the sound wave was so loud that ordinary people could even fall into temporary tinnitus.

Afterwards, she flicked her severed palm, splashing the continuously flowing blood onto Silber's face, directly covering his eyes.

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