And unlike other deep-sea hunters, this hunter who is about to become Silber's adjutant seems to have some...wrong state?


Chapter 76 Agor's Undercurrent

Countless thin threads float in front of my eyes like flies and mosquitoes, and the sound of deep water ripples echoes in my ears. Even if I am walking on the hard ground, I feel as if I am stepping on some kind of soft cotton candy. The sense of touch without reality makes people feel as if they are in an ethereal dream.

Today's sunshine seems to be extraordinarily bright, so bright that it is a bit dazzling. Is it because the consul decided to float the city a certain distance?

I don't want to float up, and I don't want to be close to the sun, because in this way I leave the seabed and everything that is wet and deep.


As if waking up from a big dream, the young deep-sea hunter subconsciously stood upright, and responded loudly, trying to cover up: "Yes! Captain, Skadi is waiting for your orders!"

Gloria was sitting on the armchair in her office, looking at Skadi with a little scrutiny in her eyes, but more worried and heavy.

"Are you okay? I feel that your spirit has been a little unfocused these days."

Facing the cold and warm questions from his superiors, Skadi naturally said bluntly: "There is no problem. I have already gone to the medical officer for a physical examination, and all the indicators have reached the level of going to war at any time!"

Gloria didn't feel relieved. On the contrary, the expression in her eyes became more serious. She even put down the report in her hand and looked at the face of her deep sea hunter seriously.

Skadi, as the hunter who personally killed the Haisi node in the previous battle, she was considered a celebrity in the Agor Legion during this period.

Although most people only know that it was a deep-sea hunter named Skadi who killed the leader of Haisi, other than that, they don't even know what Skadi looks like.

Just like the content of Gloria's letter to Silber, the Agors and the deep-sea hunters are completely separated. Although they live in the same city, they also flow the blood of the same ancestors. , but the deep-sea hunters seem to be no longer blood relatives of the Agors.

However, as a member of the deep sea hunters, Gloria remembers the appearance of each companion and knows the experiences of all of them.

She herself joined the battlefield as a second-generation deep-sea hunter, and she is also a mature work of the second-generation deep-sea hunter. Those who became a deep-sea hunter after Gloria are more reliable than in the past in terms of stability.

And Skadi is not a hunter made with the second-generation deep-sea hunter technology, she is the first third-generation deep-sea hunter.

In other words, she is the youngest hunter.

Therefore, she became stronger and more tenacious, and not long after she stepped onto the battlefield, she achieved more dazzling results than most old hunters.

But what worried Gloria was that she wasn't there when Skadi transformed into a deep sea hunter.

By picking out the follow-up logs, Gloria was able to discover that Skadi performed some surgical procedures that were not originally planned during the Hunterization surgery.

But even if Gloria used the authority of the consul to obtain information, she couldn't find out the content of these additional surgical procedures.

And this point, after Skadi killed the Haisi node, gradually showed its clues.

During this time, Skadi began to be in a daze frequently, and her eyes would always drift to the porthole of the city, staring at the deep sea outside under the dim sunlight. She was closer to places with water than before. When I take a shower, I spend a lot of time in the bathtub.

These changes in daily details did not attract any attention at first. It was not until one time when Skadi and Gloria went out to sea together for a mission that Gloria realized that something was wrong with her.

Because, after they killed the target Haisi, Gloria saw Skadi walking a lot deeper into the seabed as if unconscious

He didn't come back to his senses until he grabbed her arm.

After that, Gloria forced Skadi to undergo a medical examination, but the result was no problem.

Even her mental state was very stable - she didn't show any abnormal emotions towards Hai Si and Mooyu, even though they were stained with blood when killing them, she didn't appear hysterical.

As Agor's weapon, this state couldn't be healthier.

Moreover, this does not match the experience gained by the first generation of deep-sea hunters, so the medical officers felt that Skadi's symptoms were just a flash in the eye when he killed the Haisi node, and it was good to rest for a while.

But Gloria didn't agree with this view. She valued all her companions, and it was absolutely impossible to ignore Skadi's increasingly trance state.

So today, she called Skadi over and gave her a new task.

— stay away from this deep sea.

"Remember what I told you about these shield axes?"

Skadi nodded earnestly. The forging of the shield and ax is already well known among the deep sea hunters: "Mr. Hilbert Lawrence, the head of the Glory Legion of the Deep Sea Hunter Legion, personally forged these for us. The weapons that can effectively kill Hai Si, if not for his creations, perhaps we would not be able to repel those Hai Si at such a price."

As for Silber Lawrence, the deep-sea hunters had never seen him, but they were surprisingly able to make up the appearance of each other in their minds when they used the shield and ax to fight.

Because this weapon fits everything the hunters have so well that it makes them feel that this craftsman is always by their side.

"Okay, then I have a new task for you."

"Please instruct! Captain Gloria."

Gloria raised her head to look at Skadi, and said softly: "Take the packed supplies and go to Burgundy, the Gaul city on land, and follow the instructions of Lawrence craftsmen.

"Agor needs to establish a fixed communication window by his side, and you will serve as a transit point for this window to become the adjutant of the Lawrence craftsman. At that time, all diplomatic activities between the two places will be carried out through your hands. .”

Skadi's eyes widened slightly. If he accepted this task, it would mean that he had to leave the deep sea and his companions.

And...leave those...blood relatives?

The young hunter's first reaction was hesitation, but soon she wondered why she had these emotions?

Follow the order, go to the side of the leader of the Legion of Glory, and then assist him in completing various transactions with Agor. If a new type of weapon is forged and sent to Agor, then its contribution must be greater than directly Fighting on the battlefield is even bigger.

Therefore, in terms of emotion and reason, I should not hesitate.


Gloria watched Skadi fall silent again, and called her softly again.

"Ah...ah! Yes! Captain, I'm going to prepare for the procedures to leave the sea!"

Scarti reacted, she immediately saluted Gloria, then turned and walked out of the office to prepare for leaving Agor.

As deep-sea hunters, they are more relaxed than normal Agors in terms of leaving the customs.

Gloria watched the other person's figure disappear into her eyes, and there was no relaxation on her stern face.

Li Nengsha's fingers kept tapping on the table, such small movements rarely appeared on Gloria's body, which was obviously a proof of her irritability at the moment.

"I hope her condition will ease after staying away from here."

She muttered to herself, and then used a folder to organize all the documents on the desktop.

The recording time of these documents can be roughly divided into two eras, one is concentrated 20 years ago, and the other is two years ago.

[Destruction records of the first generation of deep-sea hunters], [Study on the proliferation of stem cells in vitro by Haisi] [The third-generation deep-sea hunter Skadi file processing plan] [The third-generation deep-sea hunter Laurentina full operation file]

Gloria sealed all these documents with lacquer seals, and then locked them in the alloy safe in her office.

These layers of encrypted safes, even she herself, have no way to destroy the protective layer and take out the items inside.

The Chief War Designer of the Deep Sea Hunter Legion sat calmly on her armchair. She didn't make any more movements, but looked at the safe with increasingly cold eyes.

"Blood relatives..."



Chapter 77 Surprise

Since entering July, the temperature in Paris has also risen, coupled with the city's frequent stops for maintenance during this period, people living here feel that this year seems to be hotter than previous years.

The compressor outside the wall made a steady roar, sending cold air into the room through the boiling and desublimation of the coolant.

Jean Na sat at the head of the oval desk, looking over the various proposals received after the meeting.

With the passage of time, the French government has gained a firm foothold in Paris, and has successfully accepted the political legacy left by the Simond family.

Those independent city-states are willing to fight with any power

For business, they don't care if the governor of your city has changed.

The rest of the large enterprises, or the family that supported Simond, also slowly left Paris in the midst of overt and covert purges.

Jean Na's attitude towards these people was very tolerant, and she did not impose any personal restrictions, because she knew that even if these people were forced to stay by her side, they would become new hidden dangers.

It's just that the departure of these people will inevitably bring about another result-Lingons will know what happened in Paris sooner.

If it is based on the normal situation in the past, it can be said that there is no news from a city within two to three months. Due to the existence of Originium dust, if a natural disaster cloud happened to pass between the two cities, it would be rare and common for them to be unable to communicate.

If two places that are far away from each other want to have a dialogue, apart from environmental factors, it also depends on whether the broadcasting bandwidth of the city that undertakes the transfer station in the middle is sufficient.

Just like when Silber and Kelsey were in contact before, Kelsey won a dedicated bandwidth for communication. In addition, the communication equipment used by both of them was an improved model of Hilber, so they were able to Make calls from a distance.

But even so, when two people are talking, they also need to endure a delay of about 1 minute, so in most cases, using text to communicate is the norm for long-distance transmission, but for those who can't buy bandwidth or weather When the environment does not support the transmission of information, people still have to rely on the ability of the messenger to complete the exchange of information.

And Paris happened to pass by a natural disaster cloud during this period. Although the distance between the two is considered safe, it also interfered with the communication situation in Paris. In addition, when France launched an attack, it was the first to capture The building of the city is the city communication and broadcasting station, which also allows them to master all information exchanges in Paris.

But now, the departure of those nobles also means that the Burgundy rule has been transferred to Jeanna, which will be known by Lingons.

Rianna didn't have any more demands on this. After all, such a big movement can be suppressed for two months, which is already a very good result.

With France's current capabilities, it is impossible to completely prevent those nobles or companies from spreading any news.

After all, all the outward passages of the city are open. Due to the special situation during the Great Tranquility, after the French government took over the city, it had to directly open the gates to allow free entry and exit.

In fact, this meeting itself was to discuss how to deal with the possible pressure from Lingons.

According to the previously collected information, the momentum of Gaul's triumphant advance on the Ursus battlefield was interrupted, and the pressure was not too great. Under such circumstances, the appearance of Paris can be regarded as provoking Louis XVI. bottom line.

Even if her elder brother is focused on the front line and the politics inside the royal city, Rang Na can be sure that there is one person who will definitely be restless after knowing that not only is he not dead, but he has also raised a force .

Carlo Lorraine Liang, Duke of Blood Rose, was the capable general of the former Emperor Louis XV, Field Marshal of Gaul, and also the duke conferred by Louis XIV himself.

You know, before the Blood Rose Grand Duke, all the dukes were members of the royal family, and it was only after him that there were no dukes who were not members of the royal family.

In Lingons, even a tramp on the side of the road can close his eyes and blow out two stories with the Duke of Blood Rose as the protagonist. The unparalleled general, is the legendary commander who buried tens of thousands of Ursus soldiers in the heavy snow.

Almost all the words that can be used to praise soldiers can be placed on him, and even under the countless times of the royal family, he is faintly known as the military god who inherited the Sun King on the battlefield.

But for Jeanna, her attitude towards the Duke can be said to be extremely bad.

Because she knew that this duke was by no means a perfect man in the eyes of the public. He was vindictive, had no bottom line in doing things, was full of ambitions, was selfish and snobbish, and had no manners at all.

In Jeanna's view, the reason why Duke Liang was able to reach this position was his hypocrisy, which was so hypocritical that everyone thought he was really the perfect man.


Therefore, with the temper of the Blood Rose Grand Duke, after learning of the existence of himself and Paris, even if he couldn't get away from the front line of Ursus, he would definitely order someone to target him.

She had already experienced this during her escape. If Liang hadn't pursued her so closely, Jeanna wouldn't have said that after arriving in Paris, Roland, a high-end fighter, was the only one by her side.

Because of this, Jeanna was extremely cautious about the upcoming attack, including that Hilber's disguised blacksmith shop was also one of her considerations.

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