The gunners of the city defense army quickly adjusted the muzzle and hung the sight on the turret of the tank.

Judging from the subconscious judgment of these gunners, the connection between the turret and the chassis must be very fragile.

However, those who adjusted faster than them still seized the opportunity and used the water tank tank tank with an automatic fire control system.

When the gunners just lowered the muzzles of the field guns, the two 100mm main guns of the chariot had already fired at the same time. In the blink of an eye, another fireball rose from the opponent's position.

However, those city defense troops also completed the counterattack. For these battle-tested veterans, with such a large size there, they didn't even need a round of test firing to directly hit them.

Under the guidance of skills, the origin stone can quickly complete a cycle on the gun mount, and turned into a repulsive force to quickly push the shells out of the muzzle.

Afterwards, these shells flew over the sky above the bridge deck at a speed barely visible to the naked eye, and precisely hit the turret of the tank.


Silber moved the seat under him calmly, and dictated on the terminal: "The captain's seat needs to be improved, and it will be crooked after a slight shock. Ark, report the situation."

"Creator, the enemy fired a total of five artillery pieces, one of which missed the hull, two ricocheted, two hit directly but failed to penetrate the armor layer, and the armor deformation was 13mm."

"As expected." Silber nodded. After seeing the field cannons, he knew that the opponent's firepower could not penetrate the tank's armor.

He had seen these artillery pieces before when he was in the Ministry of Military Industry in Victoria, and he had also participated in the shooting of this type of artillery. He had also seen the fierce men of the Royal Victoria Army, who could directly smash the shells that hit the front with a single knife.

If tanks are barely able to deal with this kind of attack, how can tanks change the situation of the war?

And compared to this level of firepower, he valued the other side of the attack - the warlock array of the city defense army.

According to normal war command, the first enemy he needs to deal with should be the warlock array not far in front of him, not the artillery team behind.

But he needed to test whether one of his ideas would work, so he didn't deal with those warlocks immediately.

Finally, after a quick recovery, these warlocks opened a certain distance, kept at a place where the power of the spell could be maximized, and launched an attack on the chariot.

"First the most regular fireball?"

Silber looked at the warlock array through the optical sensor of the chariot.

The soaring blue fireball came towards him.

He didn't control the chariot to make any evasive actions, nor did he use the so-called precise operation of the main gun to shoot the ball. He just watched the fireball flying towards him without moving.

Then, when the fireball was less than two meters away from the chariot, a metal box attached to the exterior of the chariot suddenly exploded automatically.

The reactive armor using the directional explosion technology detected the approach of the Originium technology, and after the judgment of the fire control host, it detonated the piece of reactive armor with the most suitable angle and distance.

In addition to its own metal fragments, there are also a large number of fingernail-sized red source crystal fragments in the splashed heat flow. These fragments hit the core of the origin stone technology under the impact force, and after being continuously weakened and pierced After that, cut the fireball into pieces directly.

And when the remaining fireballs fell on the armor layer, they couldn't even continue to burn.

"There are still too many charges of Chiyuan Crystal." Silber looked at the wreckage of the fireball calmly, and recorded again: "The cost in this area can continue to be reduced, and there is no need to completely weaken the power of the origin stone technique." , as long as the armor can continue to maintain its original effectiveness after being attacked.

"The next step is to test the ultimate aiming accuracy when contacting the enemy and counterattacking."

The attacks from field artillery and warlocks still haven't stopped. Anyway, if it's just a chariot, it's still at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

At least it seemed so to them, even if the first strike either failed or failed completely after a cloud of explosions.

But they still believed that as long as the firepower continued, the opponent's armor would eventually be penetrated.

And amidst the constant blows and the shock of reactive armor explosions, the turret of the water tank tank moved again. Even if the body of the tank trembled, its muzzle remained stable as if the entire space had frozen.

"Pure kinetic test ammo, load one—launch."

The lever was pulled down, and this time, only one of the two main guns launched shelling, and when the piercing whistling sound crossed the entire battlefield, people did not hear another explosion as expected.

Having sprinted to the rear of the water tank tank, the members of the French team who came to meet the commander shouted suspiciously: "Empty?"

Originally, a rapid shooter was feeling the unparalleled sense of security that the water tank tank brought to his teammates on the battlefield. After hearing what his companion said, he straightened up again, and cautiously poked his head out to look ahead. :

"Hey, this thing actually has a rear viewing port, the designer is quite thoughtful... Uh, I can't tell if it's empty..."

The quick shooter blinked and swallowed hard.

He didn't quite know what the charge of this shell was, and he didn't know whether the scene in front of him was caused by a crooked shot.

But he could clearly see that in the opposite field artillery position, the defensive baffle of a field artillery was penetrated, and behind the baffle, the headless corpse belonging to the gunner of the field artillery was moving in an extremely distorted form. Pose down on the ground.

The headshot of the 100mm main gun can still leave a "whole body". If this result is deliberately aimed, it is too exaggerated...


Chapter 49 The Ammo Conundrum

Yes, no one wants to believe that the scene they saw was premeditated by the driver of that chariot, and it was a coincidence that the driver of the chariot thought at the first time that the other party made a mistake in aiming.

Even on the battlefield, if such a thing happened deliberately, it would be too terrifying.

However, for Silber, such a result made him quite satisfied, because it meant that the stability of the fire control system met his expectations.

Of course, these data still need to be collected for further analysis and verification. After all, the chariot he is riding now will not be a model that will be mass-produced.

Which places need to be shrunk, and which places need to be reinforced, these are the tests that need to be completed in this actual combat.

Moreover, it must be known that the so-called fire control system this time is the Ark based on the Rubik's Cube of the Mind. The strong artificial intelligence with such powerful computing power is enough to easily meet all the needs of this tank, but in the mass-produced model, it is not necessary. There will be such a mental Rubik's Cube as the core computing power.

Therefore, the current fire control system must perform extremely well, at least to satisfy the hit rate of the crew after leaving the blessing of the Ark.

"Test the newly developed HE ammunition."

Silber turned his head and looked at the main gun body on the side. At this time, the shell casing of the previous shell had been ejected, and the automatic loader quickly took out a shell marked with a blue warhead from the ammunition depot and sent it into the shell. Filling was completed in the main gun.

This is a new type of ammunition developed by Silber after in-depth research on Originium technology and energy circulation system. Before the technology is fully mature, this type of ammunition will not become the mainstream ammunition used by subsequent tanks.

There is no other reason. Before the cheap water tank tanks, the cost of these new ammunition is too high. It is so high that it is equivalent to building a tank tank without any pendants.

These ammunition is definitely not something that is very sophisticated, but I have to admit that this is the only forging that Silber came to the world of Terra, which made him want to give up.


Because in the world of Terra, there is no nitrate in the conventional cognition that can be used as a charge. Currently, the explosions that can occur in the world of Terra are either based on Originium technology or high-energy stones. produced by this extremely unstable polymer.

The former places great restrictions on personal needs, while the safety of the latter is very worrying. Not to mention transporting it in an ammunition box, even manual handling must be careful because it will detonate directly.

And Silber is also stuck here. Even with the craftsman system, he has to admit that he can't create something that doesn't exist out of nothing.

He was no Marcus, and the skill of the craft was not yet capable of such an operation.

He had already carried out this research as early as the Victorian period, but it was not until recently that he made a breakthrough, and the reason for the breakthrough still came from Gloria's shield axe.

Whenever he thinks of these things, Silber will always sigh. Gloria is like a cog that he happened to be missing. When she arrived, everything started to turn.

After the shield and ax matured, the technology of inlaying orbs finally made a breakthrough. After completing the design and production of the inlaid orbs, Silber immediately thought about the production of cannonballs.

Since he has no way to put the high-energy stone into a dormant state and then activate it, there is no way to solidify it into an origin stone skill like making reactive armor.

Then, can he add a source stone skill that can change the crystal properties of the source stone of the cannonball warhead into the inlaid gem, so that it can be empowered into a high-energy stone when it hits the target?

The experiments in the workshop proved that at least his thinking was correct, but new problems also emerged one after another.

Miniaturization, miniaturization or miniaturization.

For the energy circulation system technology he has mastered now, the most difficult thing for all things is miniaturization and clustering.

As a reactive armor, he can use the entire area of ​​the water tank tank as the circuit of the energy circulation system to simulate the Originium technology; as a shell launcher, he can also use the entire space of the turret to place the circuit of the energy circulation system and directly activate it. The origin stone compound in the launch part is used to convert the thermal energy, chemical energy and potential energy of the explosion into kinetic energy to push the cannon out of the chamber.

In fact, every time the water tank tank is launched, it detonates a high-energy stone charge in the turret, which means that Silber has thoroughly understood Agor's high-strength alloy, otherwise he would have to hit it several times. Changed together with the barrel.

However, the above-mentioned methods are still somewhat difficult to use for the existence of a cannonball whose size is no larger than an adult's thigh.

The inlaid gem itself is derived as a shield axe, so it does not need to have a complete set of energy circulation system circuits, but the cannonball cannot, it is a complete and independent structure.

In the end, Silber also thought of another way to solve the problem—he did not require the energy circulation system to absorb and discharge the surrounding energy, nor did he require the strength and capacity of its own circuit to accommodate the energy load.

He reduced a lot of functions and stability, and finally reduced this energy circulation system to the size of half a human palm.

Its finished product can no longer be called an energy circulation system, but should be called a complete fuze, because it has only one function: to absorb energy, and then discharge it to do work, so that the surrounding part of the source stone can be transformed into a high-energy source Stone state, and then rely on the chain reaction of the high-energy stone itself to complete the detonation of the overall warhead.

It has to be said that many parts of the knowledge from the previous world are not applicable or compatible in the world of Terra, but the idea is to save Silber a lot of detours.

However, based on the current performance, this shell is still too expensive, so expensive that it is a little unreasonable.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Silber used the electromagnetic gun as the main gun in the first version of the water tank design, but now that there is no Party A, he can also let himself fly first, and then improve the process a little bit to reduce the cost up.

The aristocrats in Victoria didn’t want to see a semi-finished product. They wanted Silber to give them a complete mature product without any experimental conditions. After all, in their opinion, the semi-finished product was comparable to a mature design. And there is a potential steam armor.

The fire control system recalibrated the target and locked onto one of the field guns. Then, after Silber pulled the pull bolt, the shell that drained Silber's budget for a month was fired like lightning, and flew into the air. towards the destination.

For the fire control of the water tank chariot at a distance of several hundred meters, it can be said that there is only a red heart on the target. After it hits the target impartially, the kinetic energy transmitted from the top immediately pours into the fuze in the warhead.

The kinetic overload of the moment can deform the entire warhead, and the same is true for the fuze, but the energy in it also makes the deformed fuze start to overload, and a large amount of energy is discharged by it to the surrounding origin stone crystals, instantly making it Transformed into a high energy stone.

Then, a chain reaction begins to take place.

An explosion with the same power as the origin stone technique performed by the senior warlock appeared on the other side of the bridge. Amidst the intense flames, the gunpowder smoke formed a mushroom cloud under the compression of the air waves, rising from the target location.

But in all of this, no warlocks were involved.

"The power exceeds expectations, and the result of the calculation: the chain reaction drives the origin stone energy of the field gun itself to be martyred."

ark fast pair

The results were calculated, and finally came to a conclusion: "The source stone dust in the air also participated in the reaction, and the air environment inside the workshop is somewhat different from the outside world, so the final result is not in line with expectations."

"I'd have forgotten this even if you didn't tell me." Silber's eyes were still leaning on the optical sensor. At this time, he looked at his masterpiece and felt a little lingering fear for a while: "The air in this world is full of The source stone dust, the difference is only a matter of concentration, and the source stone dust can also drive the source stone skill bonus. As a result, the high-explosive bomb just pulled in the surrounding source stone dust and exploded it. The medicine has to be cut further.”

The Ark recorded Silber's request, and while she was waiting for the Creator's next order, the detection radar of the water tank tank directly squeezed into the channel, and immediately occupied the top of the channel.

[The high-speed projectile is detected, the high-speed projectile is detected, the trajectory calculation is completed, and the coordinates of the strike location are confirmed to be our coordinates. 】

Compared with Silber, whose vision is limited by optical sensors, the French troops behind his car can more intuitively see what is rising into the sky.

"City defense main gun! Those guys unlocked the main gun's lock on the city! Are they crazy?!"

On the sky not far away, there were two bullets that were so red that they were a little whitish, and they hit here like meteors.


Chapter 50 The Ideal Man

The core city, the Governor's Mansion.

Simond stood in front of the map in the office, looking at the Burgundy city that took five (harmonious) generations of his family to build.

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