Zhang Tianxiao was stunned, and then he realized that it must be something from the school that had spread back.

There's nothing bad about that either.

"Sister Dong, I'm still single!"

"I will tell you when I fall in love."

Dong Wenjie looked hopeful, "Then do you have a girl you like in your class?"

Zhang Tianxiao replied without thinking, "Yes!"

I am very sure that I like Lin Miaomiao.

PS: (Does anyone still watch it? I feel that the data is not rising, and there is no motivation to update. If there are fewer people watching, I will reduce it from the fifth watch every day).

287 Sisters' Great Battle (4/5 More Tickets Required)

Although she likes to pit herself.

But that might just be like it!

A sweet smile appeared on the corners of Zhang Tianxiao's mouth as he spoke.

Dong Wenjie and Fangyuan were stunned.

As someone who has experienced it, he can tell at a glance which girl Zhang Tianxiao really likes.

"Xiao Zhang, quickly tell my sister, who is that girl?"

Dong Wenjie asked before she could swallow the food in her mouth.

Zhang Tianxiao didn't want to say any more, as long as he knew that he had a girl he liked.As for who it is, hey!He wants to keep it a secret.

After all, I still don't know Lin Miaomiao's intentions.

It would be embarrassing if she didn't like herself in the end.

"Sister Dong, let's talk about it when I catch up!"

Fang Yuan glanced at her daughter Fang Duoduo, she didn't want to say it and didn't force her, as long as she didn't seem to like her daughter.

"Okay, Xiao Zhang doesn't want to say it, so don't say it!"

"We are waiting for you to catch up with the girl you like!"

Fang Yuan even excused Zhang Tianxiao.

Seeing this, Fang Yifan immediately said, "Dad, Mom, you support Brother Xiao in dating, so can you also support me in dating?"

Fangyuan and Dong Wenjie immediately became serious.

Just because Zhang Tianxiao can talk doesn't mean his son can talk.


"You teach me to be honest, dare to fall in love early, and see how I deal with you. 27"

Dong Wenjie threatened.

Fang Yifan's face was painless, why?

It's not fair!

"Mom, I don't agree."

"If you don't accept it, you can learn from your brother Xiao. If you can also learn to his level, let alone your father and I support you in dating, even if we help you chase Taozi, it will not be a problem."

Fang Yifan remained silent and buried himself in his meal.

This is not to kill him!

Talk about a fart.

After eating a good meal, Zhang Tianxiao told Fang Duoduo the outline of the novel for a while and then went home.

But Dong Wenjie was not calm anymore.

After tidying up, I didn't want to go to bed, so I sat on the sofa and formed a group.

The key question was to discuss Zhang Tianxiao's liking for girls.

As a sister, there is nothing wrong with worrying about her brother's life, right?

The group name is sisters.

Pulled Song Qian, Xiaomeng, Wang Qing, Tao Yue.

After everyone joined the group, Dong Wenjie couldn't help but speak first.

"Everyone, everyone, I am announcing a big event now."

"Our little brother Xiao Zhang is in love, no, no, no, I was wrong, to be precise, I have a girl I like, but I haven't caught up yet!"

The crowd immediately erupted.

This is a good thing for them big sisters!

Especially since Wang Qing treated Zhang Tianxiao as his own younger brother, there was a girl he liked, and she had to be given to Zhang Luocheng.

Wang Qing: Fanfan's mother, please explain clearly what's going on?Why haven't I heard of it?

Song Qian: Yes!Yingzi didn't tell me either.

Xiaomeng: Is it a female student in their class?

Tao Yue: (?`?Д?′)!! Whoops!Xiao Zhang actually has a girl he likes. At the beginning, I asked him to be my little boy, but it made me sad. Now he actually has a girl he likes. I haven't caught up with him yet. It seems that the other girl is not easy!

Wang Qing: Tao Yue, you bastard, how old are you? Do you miss my brother?If you are in a hurry, go to Taobao to buy toys.

Tao Yue: Mommy Wang Yidi, you speak so badly, do you want me to buy some and give you one?

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel shamelessly.

Dong Wenjie, as the group leader, immediately stood up to stop the two people from making noise.

The purpose of organizing this group is to discuss the fact that Zhang Tianxiao likes girls.

After all, they were the elder sisters that Zhang Tianxiao recognized, and he had no family members, so the elder sisters had to take care of such a good thing.

"Okay, okay, if you two quarrel, just meet up and quarrel, let's focus on Xiao Zhang's matter today in our group, don't talk about anything else! Otherwise, don't blame me for kicking people."

Dong Wenjie expressed his position.

Wang Qing and Tao Yue immediately quieted down.

Song Qian: Wen Jie, tell me what's going on, we don't know about it.

Dong Wenjie: It’s not that Xiao Zhang was having dinner at my house today, and then Fang Yifan said that Xiao Zhang was writing love letters in class at school, and he was reported by his deskmate. I also asked Xiao Zhang just now, and he admitted that he liked it. girl, but did not catch up.

Wang Qing: What's the girl's name?Our brother is so good and can't catch up?I would like to see where the sacred.

Tao Yue: I also want to see who can resist Xiao Zhang's face.

Xiaomeng: It seems that the other girl is also very good!

Song Qian: So you don't know who it is?

Dong Wenjie: If I knew, I would have told you all. This is not for everyone to think of a way. Our brother is so good, we must be won by the other party!

For a moment, the five middle-aged young women were all gearing up with their mobile phones, vowing to do a brilliant trick for Zhang Tianxiao and take down the other girl.

Their brother finally found someone he likes, how could he fail?

Song Qian: How about I ask their homeroom teacher Li Meng, as long as I find out who it is, we will go together, lovers must eventually get married.

Dong Wenjie: This trick won't work, you should ask the children first to see if they know?After all, it is a girl.

Song Qian immediately called Qiao Yingzi to her side, "Yingzi, tell mom, who is Xiao Zhang chasing?"

Qiao Yingzi shook his head, "I don't know either! I asked him after school, but I just didn't say anything."

"You can't grow snacks. There are only a few girls in your class. Can't you tell?"

"Mom, there are half of the girls in our class! Besides, who knows if they are from our class."

Song Qian impatiently asked her daughter to do her homework quickly.

"You don't know about this, so pay attention in the future, and find me a girl Xiao Zhang likes earlier."

Qiao Yingzi was extremely depressed.

Is puppy love still so supportive?

Song Qian: Yingzi doesn't know.

Then no one replied to Tao Yue and Wang Qing's message 127.

At this time at Wang Qing's house.

Kicked open Wang Yidi's door, startling her.

"Mom, what are you doing? Don't knock on the door to scare people to death?"

"Knock on what door? You can still practice your craft and don't want mom to see it?"

Wang Yidi is speechless, she is only so old, what kind of words are she talking about?

"Mom, be serious."

"Let me ask you, who is the female classmate Xiao Zhang likes?"

"Mom, I really don't know about it. I chased him after school and asked him nothing."

Wang Qing walked out of her daughter's room depressed.

"My daughter doesn't know either."

Tao Yue's feedback was also quickly sent to the group.

"Tao Zi doesn't know either."

This is too mysterious!

They are all in the same class, and no one knows.

Dong Wenjie: "What do you think should be done?"

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