Tao Yue showed a smile and said, "Then if you don't like Zhang Tianxiao, mother will attack him. Such a handsome guy looks delicious."

Tao Zi was (⊙_⊙) stupid.

Make no mistake!

Mom wants to date Zhang Tianxiao.

Or did you say it to your face?

"Mom, you can't be so rambunctious!"

"You and my dad haven't divorced yet, are you worthy of my dad like this?"

"Don't be fooled by Zhang Tianxiao's sweet words."

At this moment, Tao Zi firmly believed that Fang Yifan was right.

Zhang Tianxiao definitely liked being mature.

But Tao Yue's next words made Monk Tao Zizhang puzzled again.

"Silly boy, Mommy is just kidding you."

"I have your father, how could I hook up with other men?"

"Zhang Tianxiao is very handsome, but my mother is not the kind of person you imagined."

"It's getting late, go to bed quickly! Let's go to Shuxiang Yayuan to look at the house tomorrow."

Tao Zi was dumbfounded.

I don't understand what mom means at all?

One moment like this, one moment like that?


"Huh? Go to bed! I'm going to bed too."

Tao Yue got up and went back to the bedroom.

What Tao Zi wanted to say reached his throat but he didn't know how to say it.

I can only go back to the bedroom to sleep dejectedly like a deflated ball.


The next afternoon.

According to the agreed time.

Zhang Tianxiao received Tao Zi and Tao Yue at the gate of Shuxiang Yayuan.

"Hello Auntie."


Zhang Tianxiao greeted the mother and daughter.

"Hmm! Xiao Zhang, let's go in!"

He brought the two of them into the community without delay, and started to look at the suites he had chosen.

Unexpectedly, Tao Yue was very satisfied with the first fourth room.

Standing on the large balcony, overlooking the distant scenery.

All kinds of furniture are also very new.

You can check in directly with your bags.

"That's all Xiao Zhang! Don't worry about the rest."

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"Sister, aren't you thinking about it?"

"Don't think about it. It's not so easy to meet something you like at first sight. Tell me how much it is!"

"I'll give you 26 a year."

Tao Yue took out her mobile phone, asked for the account number, and transferred it to Zhang Tianxiao through mobile banking.

The whole process was very enjoyable.

This is done?

Tao Zi didn't understand at all, his mother had a strange idea.

"Mom, don't you really want to see other houses? Maybe it's more suitable than this one?"

"It's not necessary."

Tao Zi had nothing to say.

When they went downstairs, Zhang Tianxiao thought that Tao Yue was going to go home directly.

Unexpectedly, the other party said: "Xiao Zhang, let's have a meal and drink together tonight? I just got home, and I haven't had a drink yet! I want to drink some today."

A woman offered to ask him out for dinner and drinks?

Zhang Tianxiao can't fix it directly.

This woman Tao Yue is too unpredictable.

Tao Zi also said at the side: "Mom, why don't you drink wine if you have nothing to do?"

"It's just boring! Do you want Mom to be a housewife and stay at home?"

Tao Zi was speechless.

My mother's behavior is really not like a good woman in the eyes of Chinese people.

It may be that I have stayed abroad for a long time, and my ideas have changed a lot.

Tao Zi could only comfort himself in this way.

"Can you do it?"

Zhang Tianxiao was in a daze.

Tao Yue asked again.

"Ah? Yes, it must be done!"

"I promise to eat and drink with my sister."

Zhang Tianxiao came back to his senses and said.

Tao Yue smiled in satisfaction and said, "Okay, I'll make sure where I'm going that night and let you know."

"Mom, I'm going too."

Tao Zi acted like a baby, holding his mother's arm.

"Of course I bring you! Do you think Xiao Zhang and I are drinking alone?"

The mother and daughter said goodbye to Zhang Tianxiao while talking and laughing, and then left Scholarly Garden.

"Damn, what's going on?"

"I don't understand this operation at all."

Zhang Tianxiao anxiously scratched his ears and cheeks.

In front of Tao Yue, he was really stretched everywhere and was completely led by the nose.

Tonight I must find out what kind of medicine is sold in this bitch's gourd.

Zhang Tianxiao always felt that Tao Yue had misunderstood him.

It's not that I have taken a fancy to her.

Just admiring her beauty.

It's quite like asking her to be her own sister.

When I got home, I waited until the evening.

Tao Yue just sent a message.

"Private room No. 69 of Tianfujing Restaurant, see you soon!"

PS: Today's sixth update, the first episode is full, I will create another one, everyone sees the comments on the top, connect the ones that need to be linked together and that's it.

138 Pretending to be Drunk on Purpose to See What She's Up to (Please Subscribe, Spend Tickets)

Finally a message came.

Room number is still 69?

Quite meaningful.

Good for this mouthful?

Want to drink with him.

Tonight, I must drink until she is unconscious, and see what kind of medicine is sold in her gourd.

If there is a misunderstanding, it is better to resolve it as soon as possible.

Zhang Tianxiao returned the message.

"Sister, yes, I'll bring wine over there."

"Yeah! (plus a smiley emoji)"

Zhang Tianxiao locked his phone and started to pack up and set off.

I washed my hair and blow-dried it casually.

Then go out immediately.

His face is handsome even with a bald head, so there is no need to work hard on dressing up.

It just needs to be clean and crisp.

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