Zhang Tianxiao frowned.

This NPC is a bit annoying.

Are other girls afraid of being like this?Are you still leaving?

Zhang Tianxiao waved his hand again, signaling to leave quickly.

The other party remained indifferent.

Zhang Tianxiao was furious.

It's not that he can't afford it.

But Qiao Yingzi was really scared. After all, girls are easily scared.

A big bidou slapped it up.

Kick the NPC to the ground with one kick.

This is not over yet, it is punching and kicking again.

Qiao Yingzi was dumbfounded.

so brave?

Are you not afraid of ghosts?

The NPC is also confused.

Then met such a brave player.

"Brother, stop hitting!"

"Brother, I was wrong."

Only then did Zhang Tianxiao let the other party go, and the NPC quickly ran away.

Grandma didn't read the almanac when she went out today?

Just now my colleague said that all his equipment was fooled by the player and scared him.

This person was even beaten by the player...  

Can this job still be done well?

Why are there so many perverted players today?

After the NPC ran away.

Zhang Tianxiao clapped his hands and said, "How is it? It's all fake, don't be afraid."

Qiao Yingzi shook her head, she wasn't that brave.

He also moved towards Zhang Tianxiao in fear.

"You dare..."

Zhang Tianxiao shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Go on!"

In order to prevent the two from being washed away.

Zhang Tianxiao took her hand.

The strange thing is that they didn't meet a large team of players next.

It was just the two of them along the way.

It seems to choose a road with fewer people.

As I was walking, suddenly there was a place in front of me that felt like a virgin forest. It was full of skulls, and it said Skull Forest.

There is no one, let alone NPC.

It seems that where there are few people, NPCs do not come.

Zhang Tianxiao suddenly had a bold idea.

Pulling Qiao Yingzi into the skull forest.

"What are we doing here?"

Qiao Yingzi was a little scared looking around.

Although it is a fake forest, it is eerie and unusual, and there are white skeletons everywhere, which is too scary.

After going to the end.

Zhang Tianxiao suddenly said, "Yingzi, how about the two of us pretending to be NPCs here? To scare others."

Qiao Yingzi was dumbfounded.

Did something go wrong?

They are players.

"Brother, your idea is too weird."

"We came here to clear the customs and be scared by others, not to scare people."

Zhang Tianxiao didn't care.

It's been such a long time just now.

He had nothing to fear.

It doesn't make any sense at all.

Simply playing NPC to scare others is more interesting than playing by yourself 4.0 thinking.

"You don't understand, it's fun to scare people."

"Just listen to me and try."

Qiao Yingzi couldn't compete with him, so he could only agree.

"But the two of us don't have props, how can we scare you?"

Zhang Tianxiao thought about it.

As the saying goes, this person scares people to death.

No props are needed, the environment here is so dark.

Suddenly hide in the corner, when the player passes by, jump out suddenly, it can scare people.

But judging from what Qiao Yingzi meant, she would definitely not save people like that.

"Let's do this!" Zhang Tianxiao had an idea: "Let's hide here, and when others pass by, we'll pretend to be miserable. , 9 calls, this sound effect is so real, it is guaranteed to scare others to pee. "

Qiao Yingzi covered her mouth and chuckled, this is so wicked.

But it seems like fun.

"Brother, I listen to you."

"Okay, let's call out together later, it's scary."

While talking, someone passed by the skull forest.

Zhang Tianxiao quickly reminded.

"Someone is here, let's start!"

PS: The fifth update is sent today, and there are more updates today.

110 This ghost is out of position (please subscribe, spend tickets)

Soon, in the monitoring room of the Haunted Mansion Paradise, all the staff members were staring at the big screen in bewilderment.

what's the situation?

喇叭里忽然传出来了几秒好渗人好凄厉的惨首/发,于呆,呆群9;8"0?2ュ[email protected]ヘ8?5,6叫声。

They didn't set this sound effect.

The more you hear it, the worse it gets.

就像是有玩家现场惨首/发,于呆,呆群9;8"0?2ュ[email protected]ヘ8?5,6叫,搞事啊!

It made people's scalp tingle.

The sound effects in horror movies have never been so realistic.

"Go and call the manager over here."

A tall man called out to those around him.

"it is good!"

This must be a special situation in the haunted house. They do not have the authority to deal with this emergency and need to report it to the technical director.

It could also be a device failure issue.

Soon the technical director entered the monitoring room, "What happened."

"Boss, you listen."

The staff turned the audio up.

Soon the chief technical officer smiled wretchedly.

Damn, someone yelled this on purpose in the haunted house.

The reason why he can be so sure is that he selected all the special effects sounds in the haunted house and dubbed them according to the appropriate scene.

这种又骚又凄厉的惨首/发,于呆,呆群9;8"0?2ュ[email protected]ヘ8?5,6叫声,压根就没有设置过。

"Immediately check everyone's surveillance and find out whoever is there, there must be a fucking player messing around."

The technical manager laughed.

It's not that this kind of thing has never happened before, and they all filmed it live, and then reminded them, and the troublemaker left.

 27 I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen again today.

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