After hearing the silent answer, the eyes of the girls became even hotter.

After all, in the entertainment industry, long legs are still very popular.

Especially when wearing a dress, maybe three or four centimeters can be worn out. It has a different style, and it is easier to be photogenic!

Especially Zhang Zifeng...

She was the shortest among several girls, and it was also a problem that troubled her all the time.

After learning that silence actually has this function.

Younger sister Zhang Zifeng's heartbeat accelerated...

And Liu Yifei.

She came to Mushroom House today because of her silent medical skills.

The current situation is even more unexpected for her.

If you can adjust your body well, you can grow one or two centimeters, or even three or four centimeters taller.

This trip is so worth it! ! !

"My God, Brother Teng, your massage techniques actually have this function?"

"Brother Teng, if you have time, give me some pressure on the acupuncture points on the joints. I don't have high requirements, as long as I can grow one or two centimeters taller..."

"Brother Teng, I want to... ask for support! No, I want to grow taller!"

"Why don't you do it now, Brother Teng...I'm too short, Brother Teng."

The girls seemed to be crazy.

You said one sentence to another, surrounded by silence.

"Wait a minute, don't get excited!"

"Who will press whom!"

"Why are there still people taking the opportunity to pinch my abdominal muscles?"

"You've developed a bad habit, haven't you!"

"Going down! Pay attention to the impact..."

Silence feels like going crazy!

And the audience in the live broadcast room have already gone crazy! ! !


[Ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, ask for comments, ask for rewards, ask for customization, ask for full order, ask for reading, ask for sharing, ask for all data and support, are extremely important to this book, thank you everyone! 】


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ahh! Here it comes again, here it comes again."

"Can people still watch the live broadcast properly?"

"Why am I not the one surrounded by the goddesses!"

"Watching a show is too difficult! Envy, jealousy and hatred have already made me want to die, and I want to go crazy several times."

"The most irritating thing is that this evildoer is surrounded by goddesses every day, and he is still not happy about it. A full man really doesn't know, we hungry men are hungry!"

"I just want to know, can this guy really let people who have passed the growth cycle continue to grow taller? This horse riding is too outrageous..."

"All kinds of outrageous incidents happened to this monster. I'm used to it..."

"I'm used to it too! I just don't know why, but Teacher He suddenly came to my mind! I don't know how Teacher He will react when he finds out about this."

"Uh... you were taken upstairs too, haha, what a loss!"

The audience in the live broadcast room watched Shen Mo being surrounded by Di Lieba and others.

All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, all kinds of ridicule, even Teacher He was affected by bad words.

And coincidentally...

Huang Lei and He Jiong just walked in when he heard the voice from here.

"What's the matter?"

"I heard you screaming from a distance, and thought something happened."

He Jiong asked.

Di Lieba, Guan Xiaotong and others, you told Huang Lei and He Jiong what happened just now.

"Jiongjiong, this is your chance..."

"Maybe brother Teng can make you grow taller."

Huang Lei was as hurt as some people, turned his head to look at He Jiong, and said with a smile.

"Go aside for me..."

"I'm so old, do I still care about this?"

He Jiong said angrily.

The audience in the live broadcast room, as well as Di Lieba and others, couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Sure enough, Teacher Huang was the same old fox as always.


"You're all making so much noise."

"Mimi and Bailu haven't woken up yet."

"They also slept soundly!"

He Jiong suddenly found out that something was wrong between Yang Mi and Bai Lu, and asked in confusion.

"They were all put to sleep by Brother Teng pressing the acupuncture points. Only Brother Teng can wake them up again."

Liu Yifei explained.

A playful smile flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Obviously, she watched the live broadcast last night.

"That's kind of interesting."

"We really drank too much last night."

"I missed such a wonderful thing."

"Yeah, Brother Teng, wake them up too! Let's see your magical acupressure technique."

He Jiong and Huang Lei spoke with great interest.

Shen Mo nodded and came to Bailu's bed.

He stretched out his hand, and after pressing the acupuncture points all over Bailu's body.


Like Song Yi just now, Bailu stretched very comfortably.

It can be seen that she also slept during this sleep, very comfortable and transparent!

Stretching, Egret opened his big eyes.


"what happened!"

"Why are you all watching me?"

"I'm not a monkey!"

The egret who opened his eyes was taken aback by the battle around him, couldn't help but looked at the crowd and laughed at himself.

" are not a monkey, you are a deer!"

"It's all from the zoo, there's nothing wrong with it!"

"I slept soundly this time..."

Everyone asked jokingly.

"Yeah, I haven't slept in a long time, and it's such a comfortable sleep."

"It seems that the whole person has been replaced with a new one."

"Huh, Sister Yifei? Sister Li Wei?"

"You guys are coming to the Mushroom House too."

Bailu was talking, and when he saw Liu Yifei and Li Wei, he also greeted him somewhat unexpectedly.

However, before Liu Yifei and Li Wei could respond to her.

The egret's gaze suddenly changed from joyful indifference to horror.

Because her gaze, beyond Di Lieba and the others, saw the silence...

Memories of last night flooded my mind instantly!

"Ah... a monster"! "

Bailu was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he jumped up from the bed.

"What's the matter, Bai Lu?"

"That's right, it's broad daylight, where are there any monsters..."

Di Lieba and Guan Xiaotong walked over and spoke soothingly.

"That Brother Teng is a fake, he is a monster!"

"Wait a minute, the two of you were both bewitched or lowered by monsters, and controlled by sorcery."

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