Chichihar, Shen Teng's hometown...

"Honey, don't get excited this time, recognize who is who."

"Yang Mi and Di Lieba are playing tricks on Uncle Mo...not me!!!"

learn from mistakes.

The rightful owner, Shen Teng, saw Yang Mi and Di Lieba discussing how to play a beauty trick.

He quickly reminded his wife, lord, so as not to be affected again.

"Oh, I know my husband, it was just a misunderstanding just now, plus a moment of hand slippage..."

"By the way, husband, you've been in the entertainment industry for so long."

"Have you ever encountered such a beauty trap!"

Shen Teng's wife asked with a smile.

It's just this smile, in Shen Teng's eyes, was icy cold, making his hairs stand on end.

"No...absolutely not!"

"Besides, I've grown up like this, so my wife has nothing to worry about."

"Those female stars are not blind..."

Shen Teng swore a promise.

I also secretly thought that I was really smart, and I escaped the torture of my soul once...

"They're not blind."

"You mean, I who married you...are blind?"

"My dear husband, it seems that you really need to practice the piano well."

Although I could tell that my wife was joking.

But Shen Teng also has the feeling of being split into eight petals by lightning...

Can't let her watch the show anymore.

Otherwise, I will become more and more unable to resist her routine! ! !


ps: Ask for favorites, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, ask for comments, ask for sharing, ask for rewards! ! !

Ask for all support and motivation!Thank you everyone……


Chapter 33 This life simulation is simply outrageous... [4/6 asking for flowers and tickets]

[Life Simulator, the number of simulation points has increased by [-], and the accumulated points have reached [-] points, and seven primary simulations can be performed. 】

[Life Simulator, the number of simulation points has increased by [-], and the accumulated points have reached [-] points, and eight primary simulations can be performed. 】


here we go again……

In the small courtyard of the mushroom house.

Shen Mo didn't know that Yang Mi and Di Lieba were planning to play a trick on him.

After he was free, he was once again surprised by the changes in the life simulator in the exclusive space for traversers.

And this time, the increase in life simulation points seems to be even more ferocious than before!


Seventy thousand, eighty thousand, ninety thousand, one hundred thousand!

Fortunately, after [-], the beating of life simulation points finally stopped.

But Silence's life simulation points are not just one hundred thousand!

Instead, there are a full 13!

It should be after one hundred thousand points.

The way the beating increases becomes, one beating for every [-] accumulated points.

This kind of humanized design makes Silence very gratified.

Otherwise, every time it beats, I would be terrified, bombarded endlessly every day, and Mo Mo was afraid of his little heart and couldn't bear it.

"How long has it been? It's only 13!"

"My God, I didn't expect to gain so much from participating in this program?"

"I knew it earlier, I participated in it last year!!!"

Silence is very satisfied with the harvest of life simulation points.

But how about a life simulation?

Or direct directional simulation to obtain a relatively useful skill?

If you directly direct the simulation to obtain skills similar to god-level directors, you need [-] life simulation points.

And if you run random simulations...

Only [-] life simulation points are needed.

But, it's all about luck.

If you're lucky, you can randomly simulate it at [-] points. It's a very good virtual life, and you can get basic skills similar to directional simulation.

If you are unlucky...

The simulated life may be very simple.

What you get in the end may be gold, silver and jewellery, luxury cars and mansions.

These vulgar things don't mean much to silence.

If he wants to make money, he can use his identity as a time traveler, life simulator, and the ability of exclusive space, which is actually very easy!


Of course, you can also choose to be silent, use the [-]-point technique, directly once, and the intermediate random simulation.

The highest reward that can be drawn in it far exceeds that of ordinary primary simulations.

For example, the treasures of heaven and earth that increase life span, and the panacea that can bring the dead back to life and cure all diseases.

However, this lottery also depends on luck...

If you don't do it well, you will lose everything!


"How should I choose?"

"Splash 10 life simulation points directly, and perform intermediate-level sims... It's a bit too big a gamble, so you can let it go later."

"I don't have any for directional primary simulation. I don't have the urgent need for skills."

"Then try playing a few random elementary simulations!"

"Give it a go, turn a bicycle into a motorcycle..."

After thinking about it, Shen Mo made his own decision.

First, use the extra 3 life simulation points to conduct a random primary simulation to see the situation.

[Do you want to consume [-] life simulation points to conduct a random primary simulation? 】


Make a choice simply and neatly.

A light curtain shining with spiritual light appeared in Shen Mo's mind...

[0 years old, you were born. 】

[1 year old, you learned to walk. 】

[2 years old, you can't speak yet, your parents suspect that you are dumb and throw you to the orphanage. 】

[At the age of 3, you finally learned to speak, but you have a personality communication disorder, and you are out of place with other children...]

[At the age of 8, you sneaked out of the orphanage and were adopted by an old woman. 】

[At the age of 10, the grandmother passed away and left you a legacy. 】

[In the same starved to death in the room because of personality communication disorder. 】

Finally, the light curtain freezes.

There is a row of big characters on it: Huaxia currency, 100 million!

[Congratulations to the traveler, through a random primary simulation, you have obtained an inheritance, 100 million Huaxia coins, which have been deposited into your account! 】

"What the hell!"

"I don't believe it..."

"Come again!"

Seeing this simulation, I was dumbfounded in silence, and chose to do it again.

Unbelievable silence, continue to draw!

[Do you want to spend [-] life simulation points to conduct a random preliminary simulation? 】


[0 years old, you were born. 】

[1 year old, you learned to speak and walk. 】

[4 years old, your parents are busy with work and sent you to kindergarten early, you are naughty, kissed all the little girls on the first day, even the teacher did not let go. 】

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