Finally found the car at the pier, and then caught the foreman who was leading the way for Lin Xiaoying.

"What did you say was the situation?"

Dozens of people surrounded him, and he was so frightened that he softened.

"At that time, a woman drove here. She said she was going to Shanghai, and then called a worker to help him put a man on the boat,"

"Magic City." Our people over there can't get through.

"I know a ship will come here from Modu in a month's time."

The foreman replied immediately.

He was afraid that if he was not careful, these people would sink him.

"Boss, what should I do, or..."

"Forget it, don't make extra troubles, go back first and talk about it later."

Heichai soon got the news that Jiang Hua was actually brought to Shanghai by a woman.

Gentle Township, Hero Tomb!

"Master Hei, Mrs. Jiang just said that Mr. Jiang was taken away by a coma."

"Then what to do, we have lost contact now, we can't go there."

Recently, their convenience store has opened, and the daily turnover is quite a lot.

There are only a few stores, and they can make so much profit.

It is no more profitable than those who fight and kill. They admit that what Mr. Jiang said is true.

If they spread Xiangjiang all over the place, it will be more profitable than their side-by-side fishing.

And it can also solve the employment problem of the younger brothers, so they don't need to spend money to support them.

Now that Mr. Jiang has been kidnapped, they are also anxious.

Time is money.

"Or, let's send someone to meet him. With Mr. Jiang's skills, he will definitely find a way to come back."

"Alright, let's do it like this. Send people to the port of Modu to find some reliable people. We are here to support, not fight."

"Okay, I'll do it myself."

Shen Ziqing and the others got the news that Shenghe's people had already gone to meet them.

I feel a little relieved.

On the other side, Lin Xiaoying was taken home.


"Xiaoying, what's the matter with you, mother is so anxious to death."

After finishing speaking, he scolded Lin Weidong again: "It's all your fault, what kind of policeman did you call her, if something happens to her, I will never end with you."

Lin Xiaoying would occasionally take out a wallet and stare blankly at it.

After a week, she improved a little and went to work immediately.

Only work can make her let go of some things.

Occasionally, she would drive around the wharf of Shanghai, hoping to see Jiang Hua.

She didn't tell about Jiang Hua.

Jiang Hua has always been safe, because everyone thought he was still in Xiangjiang.

On this day, it was still a rest day, and a few tables suddenly appeared on the pier.

The signboard of Shendong Logistics is quite big, and many people are hanging out by the pier.

It seems that they came here, and she has to keep an eye on them, these people will connect with Jiang Hua.

Jiang Hua was sleeping in a fellow villager's house at this time.

"Xiao Jiang, get up and eat."

"Uncle Zhang, what's the matter? Is there any movement at the pier?"

"If there is any movement, you have to eat."

Jianghua is so smart, he found a family not far from the pier.

Then he made up a miserable story about a bad woman named Lin Xiaoying.

After taking away his family property and killing them all, he wanted to flee to Xiangjiang.

After giving the family some living expenses, Zhang Bo became his eyeliner.

Hey!Jiang Hua transformed into a poor man who was driven to death by bad women.

"Today, there is a company on the pier looking for people. It's called Shendong Logistics."

At the dinner table, Zhang Bo talked about what happened today.

Jiang Hua almost spit out the rice.

Are the people in this society brainless? They dare to come to you openly.

Don't be afraid of being wiped out, this is their territory.

He has to observe for two days, and dare not connect until he is safe.

"Brother Jiangshan, do you have to go to Xiangjiang?"

Uncle Zhang's granddaughter asked.

He even changed his name and dared not tell them.

Now Jiang Hua is afraid, there are too many love debts

It's definitely not because of his looks, but because he really doesn't want to provoke him anymore.

"Yes, I'm going to Xiangjiang, I want to break out of the world."

"After that, don't you want a wife?"

Girl, don't be obsessed with brother, you will get hurt.

"Women will only affect the speed at which I make money. I will never find a woman again in my life."

There was enough, he thought, at home.

"Oh! Xiao Zhang lowered his head and ate silently."

Zhang Bo sighed, he was very optimistic about Jiang Hua, and his conversation was extraordinary.

He is also calm, if he can take his granddaughter away, he will have no regrets.

Jiang Hua doesn't think so, everyone has their own way of life.

Besides, the land around the wharf is very valuable. Zhang Bo's family has several big houses.

Two or three rooms are still rented out, and the monthly payment is quite a lot.

It would be nice to find a good man and live an ordinary life.

Why suffer with Jiang Hua, I am a precarious person now.

He knew someone must be watching him nearby.

Lin Xiaoying asked for leave, and stared at Shen Dong's people near the pier every day.

Finally she caught him, a very suspicious old man who had been wandering around the pier for several days.

He suddenly walked up to the people from Shendong Logistics today, said a few words, and left.

The faces of the people who received him changed, and they immediately turned around and ran to their boss to report the situation.

Finally showing the tail.

She followed the old man and arrived at a row of houses by the pier in a while.

The old man went in naturally,

Jiang Hua also didn't expect that Uncle Zhang would go to the pier every day, which is normal.

In Lin Xiaoying's place, why is it suspicious? He lives here.

And it wasn't Jiang Hua who asked him to join the interview today, it was he who wanted to ask Shen Dong if he was still hiring.

He has a nephew and wants to go to work.

As for that little brother, he just has diarrhea and wants to go to the toilet.

Jiang Hua was sitting at the table, reading the books he carried with him.

Xiao Zhang was doing housework nearby, and occasionally looked back at him.

Zhang Bo opened the door and came in.

Jiang Hua raised his head, and a familiar figure broke in.


Chapter 94 Qin Huairu Becomes Famous Overnight

Jiang Hua almost ran away when he saw the person coming in from behind.

Fortunately, she did not bring anyone.

He entered the house alone and without uniform.

Lin Xiaoying came into the room, and when she saw Jiang Hua, she showed some complicated expressions.

"Brother Jiang Shan, who is he?" Zhang Bo's granddaughter stood beside him and asked.

I thought to myself, could this be that bad woman.

Jiang Hua is indeed a scum, attracting bees and butterflies wherever he goes,

Where did this little girl come from?

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