"Jiang Hua has already asked for leave. He is the former leader of the technical department."

Zhao Tianyi didn't say a word, he was a little flustered, he just graduated from a technical school.

Even the graduation certificate was obtained only after finding some connections. Now as a leader, I can't deal with the problem.

And looking for the former leader, does it seem that he is incompetent?

At this time, Deputy Director Li came. He has been very active recently.

Director Yang, like Jiang Hua, was very low-key, and it seemed that he had received some news.

"What's going on, can you fix it today, the leader will come to inspect this afternoon."

The people at the scene looked at each other, Zhao Tian was sweating all over his head,

Ask him to engage in office politics, he is very good at repairing imported machines, he is also blind to that thing.

The deputy factory manager also knew the details of Zhao Tianyi, after all, he belonged to one faction, so he didn't ask him.

We all know the answer anyway.

"I haven't sent someone to find Jiang Hua, it's all for the people. If he doesn't come, I will report to the higher authorities, saying that he has no regard for the overall situation and has a problem with his personal style."

Li Weimin knew that Jiang Hua would not give him face, so he used his superiors to suppress him, and he dared not not come.

After a while, the person who went to call Jiang Hua was not at home when he came back.

"I won't look for it if I'm not at home. The leader will come this afternoon."

Director Li finally became anxious. Last time Jiang Hua asked for leave, he personally approved it. At that time, he was very happy for a long time.

When Jiang Hua was walking, Factory Director Yang didn't care too much, and he had the final say in the factory.

Only when Jianghua is needed now does he know that Jianghua is good.

"What are you doing in a daze? You haven't sent someone to look for it yet."

People around went out to look for Jiang Hua.

Zhao Tianyi quietly said to Li Weimin: "If we assign all the workers to other positions and pretend to be busy, it is best not to bring the leader to this workshop."

Li Weimin looked him up and down, and only you could come up with this idea.

Rolling mill, rolling mill, can it be called a rolling mill without a rolling mill?

The deputy factory manager turned his head and went back, not to show Zhao Tianyi's face, but because they are all one-sided.

This is really urgent, it is related to whether he can be a full-time job.

If the leader has a bad impression of him, everything will be in vain. How much work he has done and how many gifts he has given to be honest.

As soon as Zhao Tian was in the same place, his face turned blue and white, a little embarrassed.

All his previous efforts were in vain, and the technical department still needed technology.

Anyway, the sky was falling and there was a tall man supporting him, so he didn't panic.


On the other side, Jiang Hua is shopping on the street, and is going to eat Peking duck today.

It was just a joke to say that Shen Ziqing raised him, he didn't even count his savings, there are still a lot in the space.

There are money and bills, anyway, they are all piled up in a pile, and I am too lazy to divide them, so I just need to grab them.

It's done after working hard every day. Don't forget to pack one for your wife after eating.

People from the rolling mill were looking for him everywhere, even the places where he often went fishing.

It was almost afternoon, and finally he wobbled back with a roast duck in his hand.

The time was just right, I could sleep when I went home, get up and cook, and Shen Ziqing came back from get off work.

As soon as he walked to the courtyard, he was seen by the guards.

Hastily stepped forward and said: "Master Jiang, where have you been? There is an urgent matter in the factory."

"What's the matter? Didn't I take a long vacation? I've handed over the work. What's the matter? If I don't go, I'm going home to cook."

Jiang Hua didn't want to go to the factory, he came out with great difficulty, what was he going to do.

"Director Li said that if you don't go, he will report to his superiors, saying that you are disregarding the overall situation and that there is something wrong with your personal style."

Well, it's still online, it's really a fucking talent.

Jiang Hua would be marked if he didn't go, so he dawdled into the house to put down his things.

Another dawdling trip to the rolling mill.

The two also knew each other, chatting along the way, and the sky couldn't fall down.

When Jiang Hua arrived at the factory, the inspection leader also came.

The deputy factory director looked at Jiang Hua with a livid face, and asked, "What's going on, you're here now."

"Deputy Director Li, I'm taking a long vacation now. You approved it yourself, and many leaders in the factory signed it. It's good to be able to come. What are you doing?"

Strictly speaking, Jianghua is no longer under his control. He used to be under his control in the factory, but now as long as he does not break the law,

What's the matter with you, you still use the leader to suppress me, if he doesn't have something to do with the leader above,

I don't bother to talk to you, Jiang Hua is ready to leave.

At this time, the city leader came over, "You are Comrade Jianghua, I like the article you wrote last time."

Hey! This leadership pattern is very big, there is no airs, Jiang Hua likes it very much.

The leader continued to ask, "What's the matter? Why don't you start work? Li Weimin, I want to criticize you. You are doing everything you can to flatter your superiors. You shut down the factory to make the workers welcome me?"

Li Weimin glared at Jiang Hua, and quickly explained: "The rolling mill is broken, repair it immediately."

Jiang Hua reported to the leader: "Leader, I have already asked for a long vacation. This was approved by Li Weimin himself. Now he wants me to drop everything and come to the rolling mill to help. I also have old and young people who want to eat. I was helping people move bricks outside, and they dragged me here without saying a word, and they didn’t even pay the wages.”

Those who heard it were sad, and those who heard it were in tears. Jianghua's ability to make up random things has not diminished in the past.

"Comrade Jiang Hua, from what you said, it means that you are no longer the director of the technical department?"

The leader's eyes lit up, he is no longer in the rolling mill, so can he come to work here?


Chapter 62 The leader is a fan of novels, so he directly tied Jiang Hua to the office

Jianghua is selling miserably, who knows that the leadership thinking and Jianghua's are not on the same line.

"That's right, I'm taking a long vacation, the leader is now...not the time to talk about this issue."

The leader said: "This machine, quickly find someone to fix it, Li Weimin, you are the leader like this."

Then I went back and chatted with Jiang Hua again. Li Weimin stayed where he was and didn't move.

"Why don't you move, what do you want to do?"

Li Weimin showed embarrassment and said to the leader, "Only Jiang Hua can repair this machine."

Jiang Hua stood by the side indifferently, it's none of my business, I'm on vacation now.

"Okay, Comrade Jiang Hua, fix it soon, and I'll treat you to dinner." The leader took the opportunity to invite Jiang Hua to dinner.

He wanted to pry Jiang Hua away a long time ago, isn't this a good time?

The leaders have said so, Jianghua Pidianpidian took the tools, three times five divisions two.

Disassemble a few pieces of the machine, then fix the wiring and everything, and then put it back together.

Pull the switch, it's done, when the machine is running, Jiang Hua has already washed his hands.

"Leader, my mission is complete."

The leader watched him operate the machine for a while, and the machine started to rotate, and asked Li Weimin next to him.

Since no one can do it, he also gave up his position,

"Such a simple thing, no one in the whole factory can do it?"

Li Weimin hesitated next to him, the leader has something to do today.

Pointing at him, "Li Weimin, I remember you."

Then he talked with Jiang Hua who was next to him. It seemed that the leader valued him very much.

"Comrade Jiang Hua, today I invite you to eat Dong Lai Shun."

As he said that, he didn't care about the things in the factory, anyway, he saw everything he should and shouldn't see.

Isn't Jiang Hua not working in the factory? It just so happens that dinner is about to be ordered.

Deputy Factory Manager Li said: "Leader, how about making arrangements in the factory."

"What are you talking about, what does it have to do with the factory if I invite Xiaojiang to dinner privately?"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the secretary and was about to leave. Anyway, he was not directly under the leadership of the rolling mill.

The inspection was just a routine matter. He still knew Li Weimin, he was very good at his job.

What I do is the wages of the leaders, and the work in the factory is done in a fragmented manner.

Jiang Hua was a little embarrassed: "If you want to lead me, I invite you."

The leader was not happy, "What's going on, what's wrong with me paying for a meal privately, it's time to get off work now."

In this way, Jiang Hua was forced to eat a big meal again, eating roast duck at noon and boiled mutton in the afternoon.

He was a little tired, so he wanted to eat something light.


In the rolling mill, the leader invited Jiang Hua to dinner, and many people heard it.

Jianghua is going to take off, it doesn't matter where the capable people are.

Director Li left straight away with a livid face.Being remembered by city leaders is not good news.

Damn it, Jiang Hua pretended to be here again today, and asked the leader to invite him to dinner.

How does this guy really suppress, he can always jump up and down, the leader invites you to dinner,

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