"So after a while, Tian Zhen fell asleep and slept until five o'clock the next day."

"It was the alarm clock that woke him up."

Henry Zhang said,

"After becoming naive, I went to various places in the Lama Temple."

"The first place he went was where the lighter was hidden."

"The four lighters are exactly the same, they look so, but they are not."

"There is a very subtle mark on it naively. Most people don't study this carefully, so it's unlikely to find it."

"Soon, innocently found the hidden lighter, and then discovered a thing 0...."

"The arrangement order of these lighters has changed!!"


When Henry Zhang talked about this,

Under the stage, guests look at me, I look at you, my heart explodes, and I can't help talking——

"It means that someone is really watching Xiaotianzhen? Oh my god, it's frightening to think about it..."

"666, this guy is quite smart, not like when he went to places like the underwater tomb in the Lu Palace a few years ago, he was stupid and thoughtless."

"That's right, the innocent change is really big, and it's visible to the naked eye."

"Hey, people will always grow. 4.6 growth is a process of gaining and losing at the same time. In fact, despite his awesomeness now, he has endured a lot of pain secretly."

"Poor little naive..."

"So, who is watching him? Is it really those Xiangjiang people?"

"What kind of plane are they doing? Why do they want to monitor Naive? What is the purpose?".

421 Harvest again!Collect fingerprints (please order and customize)


While the guests were discussing,

On the stage, Henry Zhang then talked about the following text,

"The naive plan succeeded, and he found out that he was indeed being watched."

"But having said that, he also discovered one thing—"

"The person who monitors himself must be a master."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because the innocent didn't feel anything wrong, he didn't feel that anyone nearby was watching him in 04."

"A person who can disappear without a trace, as if he doesn't exist, is not a master, what else can he be?"

"Next, Tianzheng went to the second place, where the slingshot was placed."

"Just like the first time, he found that the placement of the slingshot had also changed."

"In addition, he also found handprints on the edge of a jug next to it, indicating that this thing had been touched before."

"After studying innocently for a while, I found a very vague footprint at the bottom of the jug."

"These footprints indicate someone turned the jug upside down and stepped on it," he said.

"I imagined that picture naively, and went up by myself."

"Very quickly, he came to a conclusion that the opponent should be taller than himself."

"Because the slingshot is hung on the top of the tree, even if Tianzhen steps on the water tank, he can't reach the slingshot."

"But those who watched him did it."

"The characteristics of height are very useful information."

Henry Zhang said,

"Naively began to recall, recalling those Xiangjiang people, is there anyone taller than him?"

"Soon, he understood that the answer was no."

"On the contrary, he contacted some foreigners, and those people's heights are outstanding."

"Could it be that they also have a share in the monitoring work?"

"Xiangjiang people, foreigners, are they all fucking designing themselves?"

"Thinking of this, this time, Naive finally felt a little scared."

"If this is the case, the situation becomes very complicated - he is the only audience in the audience, while everyone else is an actor on the stage!!"

"This is a good show, a big show!!"


Henry Zhang took a sip of the fragrant tea and continued,

"Next, Tianzhen didn't go anywhere else, because there was no need."

"He can already confirm that he is indeed being watched."

"However, he won't just compromise like this."

"Tianzhen returned to the room, took out the lighter and burned the instant noodles, then kneaded them into a very fine powder, and stirred them in water until they were even."

"Then, Tianzhen used the bristles of a toothbrush, dipped in the water, and applied it to the surface of the lighter 350 machine."

"Soon, there are fingerprints showing on the surface."

"Take out the tape innocently, remember the fingerprints, and collect them."

"He did the same thing, one by one, and collected all the fingerprints on all the lighters."

"It's Ye, innocently sent these things to my friends."

"This friend is surnamed Mao. I met him in the past few years. He mainly deals with Leizi."

"Naively sent the information to the other party, hoping that he can check whether the owner of these fingerprints has a criminal record."

"Because if you are a colleague who is engaged in tomb robbery, you will basically have a criminal record with Lei Zi.".

422 All of them are surnamed Zhang, from the brother tribe? (Seek full order for customization)


"Soon, there was a reply from my naive friend,"

"He told Naive that there were seven fingerprints provided in the past. Three of them were the same and four were different."

"This kind of different fingerprints may come from four different people, or it may come from four different fingers."

"And he checked the database and found that only one of these fingerprints was recorded."

"Naively looked at the fingerprint information carefully, and then saw a gloomy face."

"This face is very familiar. I was taken aback innocently, and soon thought of something—"

"This...isn't this the face of the woman who approached you before!!"

"Fuck, there really is a ghost,"

Henry Zhang continued slowly,

"After naively thinking about this, I immediately checked the woman's name, but there was only one surname on it: Zhang, other than that, there was no first name~ˇ."

"Naively, I quickly looked at other information and found that this person was about the same age as me. He had been in prison a few years ago and was charged with intentionally wounding and maiming."

"At the time of the offense, the woman was a trainer at a training institution."

"The following records are blank. It should mean that she was released from prison."

"However, naivety does not mean that there is no way to investigate."

"He found the phone number of the training institution in the information, and then found some information about the institution through the phone."

"This is an outdoor sports training institution in the Xiangjiang area, and there are many members in it."

"The photos of these members were found by Naive. What surprised him was that most of the members were very familiar, and they had seen them in lama temples before!!"

"A gang committed a crime?"

"Frowning naively, I thought to myself, what kind of plane are these people doing, why are they spying on themselves? And they are all the people in an organization..."

"Could it be that they are here to disgust themselves?"

"Naively cursed in my heart, but soon my attention was attracted by some information."

"He was shocked to find that the surnames of these people were all the same, all with the surname Zhang!!"

Hearing Henry Zhang say this, the guests in the audience couldn’t sit still at all, and they couldn’t calm down one by one, expressing their confusion and incomprehension in their hearts——

"What's the situation, they have the same surname? Could it be that these people are relatives and have cooperated with a training institution?"

"` ~Even if they are relatives, what reason do they have to monitor Naive....They are not familiar at all..."

"It's strange to say that no matter how I think about it, I feel that something is wrong."

"Have you noticed that their surnames are the same as my brother's, they are all Zhang surnames!!"

"Damn, after being told by you, I suddenly had a bold idea - could this group of people be my brother's clan?"

"No way, how could there be so many 'little brothers' (good Li's) all at once! And!"

"I'm numb, this matter is really getting more and more mysterious."


When the guests were shocked,

The second floor of the inner hall,

Fatty Wang and others were also deeply shocked.

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