"Anyway, Wu Xie doesn't believe in the idea of ​​a brown bear, but Lama Tashi insists that it is a big brown bear."

"Because he knew that before Tibet, there were brown bears kept in captivity to guard the temple."

"In Zhaxi's cognition, the brown bear is a very intelligent animal. It can recognize who is protecting it and who is a stranger."

"And in the subsequent information obtained by Wu Xie, he found that the possibility of the answer being a brown bear is indeed very high,"

"But the specifics, let me explain what happened, and let the big guys figure it out for themselves~"

Henry Zhang took a sip of Biluochun and said,

"After Laba was attacked by something in the snow, he became mentally disturbed, and he didn't recover a little until two months later."

"So during this period of time, he withdrew from the stage of the story, and another porter took on the big responsibility."

"The porter's name is Luodan Drolma."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

Even Yang Xueli, who has always been calm, was taken aback and muttered in disbelief,

"What's the matter, I misunderstood..."

"Dolma, this name seems to be a woman's name..."

"It's really weird," Wu Xie replied, "It belongs to a woman, no man would name it like that."

"Could it be that the porter is a woman?" Fatty Wang arched his mouth into a letter O, as if he had heard a man's wife, who was actually a man, and other such heavy news.

In the end, after pondering by several people, they all came to a unified truth——

"A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and sea water cannot be measured."

Who says women can't be porters?

Who said that women can't enter the snow mountain?

What about equality between men and women?

A woman can hold up half the sky, isn't it like entering a snow mountain, what can it do!



on stage,

Henry Zhang continued to talk about the following text,

"Loden Drolma is indeed a woman, a girl from a family of Tibetan medicine 0...."

"Her experience is quite rough, and poverty is the biggest difficulty. Otherwise, a woman will not be reduced to the point of being a porter."

"But in such a harsh environment, there is actually no big difference between men and women."

""The cruel natural environment has made people unable to tell whether a person is a man or a woman. "

"This Luo 4.6 Dan Zhuoma is probably in his early thirties, but he is much older by visual inspection, like a middle-aged man in his 50s."

"Women's physique is somewhat weaker than men's,"

"So when Laba was in danger, Dolma was still five or six meters away and did not keep up."

"When she came over, she found that the matter had come to an end, and the Laba people had gone crazy.".

401 A lamasery in the sky above the lake (please order and customize)


The follow-up story happened more than half a day later.

Henry Zhang said,

"Although Raba is crazy, the operation must continue,"

"The three young men walked towards the direction where the Tibetans boarded the boat,"

"That's where the lake is."

"This lake is very huge. If you don't overlook it from a high altitude, it's hard to understand what it is."

"The entire lake is like a huge cattail fan. One part is fan-shaped, and the other part has a very deep valley, forming a long and narrow fan handle."

"Young people walked straight along the long 04 fan handle, walked for at least four or five hours, and finally went around."

"Because of this, young people finally understand that Tibetans will use boats."

"Because if there is a boat, this distance is only ten minutes away, which saves a lot of time."

"Of course, they've all gone now, and there's nowhere to find a boat, so they can only keep walking."

Henry Zhang said in a long way,

"In this way until it was dark, they found that at the end of the valley, a temple was actually built in the air."

"This temple uses a lot of large beams grafted on the cliffs on both sides, and the pillars are used in the middle to extend into the lake and drive into the bottom of the lake, and then build on these beams."

"The young man looked carefully and found that it was a very typical lama temple, about seven or eight floors high,"

"The surface of the lake is just below the Lama Temple. It is about the height of a three-story building. There are many beams underneath, and quite a few small wooden boats are driven on the beams."

"The young man asked Lordan Dolma and Rabbah to wait there, and went over to see the situation by himself."

"The young man boarded the beam and climbed up little by little. He soon found an entrance at the bottom of the temple,"

"But the opening was blocked by a wooden board, and it seemed that something heavy was pressed on it."

"The young man supported the wooden door with all his strength and pushed it upwards. In the face of tremendous strength, the wooden door was finally subdued and opened."

"So the young man went in, and he saw a stone pressing on the door, which weighed more than 200 kilograms."

All the guests were dumbfounded, thinking that Zhang Qiling is really fierce,

A huge boulder weighing more than 200 kilograms, he lifted it up when he said it?

What does this guy usually eat?

The power is too fucking great! !


While discussing, I heard Henry Zhang talking about the following,

"After the young man entered, he observed the whole space again,"

"He found out it was a utility room."

"A room for crafting, repairing 320, and storing food and ingredients."

"In the room, there are a lot of charcoal, wood, food, and meat hanging on the beams."

"The young man was not very interested in these, so he immediately looked around, and he quickly found the stairs leading to the upper floor."

"As soon as he climbed up, he smelled a strong Tibetan fragrance."

"This floor used to be hung with all kinds of felts, and there were many charcoal stoves between the felts, which made the whole room very warm."

"And in one of the felts, he heard a person panting, the voice was very soft, it seemed to be a woman.".

402 The Blind Woman With Broken Limbs (please order in full)


"The young man heard a woman's voice in the felt, which made him feel very strange."

"Most people will definitely be scared to death, but who is he?"

"Only people are afraid of him giving away the share. There has never been a situation where he is afraid of anything else."

As Henry Zhang said this part, the guests voiced their approval and echoed,

"That's right, Master Zhang is right, brother is an invincible existence~"

"666, this sentence describes Zhang Qiling very vividly. Only others are afraid of him, not him."

"Hehe, my little brother is domineering ~ you are indeed the male god I like ~"

"Although, but...what the hell is that voice in the felt?"

"Shouldn't it be haunted? My God, I'm timid, so please don't..."

"What are you afraid of? So what about being haunted? To my little brother, people are more terrifying than ghosts~ˇ."

"That's right, at least those who have hurt my brother Zhang are all real people!!"

"Oh shit, when this matter is mentioned, I feel the atmosphere. It's hard not to think of Zhang Qishan."

"Yeah, yeah, I can't wait to give him two slaps, to vent my anger for my little brother!!"

The guests' ability to associate was very rich, and somehow they thought of Zhang Qishan and Zhang Dafoye.

If Henry Zhang hadn’t been telling a story, he might have laughed.

He stabilized himself, and then talked about the follow-up storyline,

"The young man walked over looking for the sound, and soon saw a woman wriggling slightly."

"More precisely, the young man saw a section of a woman."

"Because the woman's limbs were all broken, and only the skin was attached to her body."

"Her eyes are blind, and her eyes are cloudy,"

"The young man looked at her and found that the woman's face was very delicate and quite beautiful. It's a pity...beautiful things always fade easily,"

"I don't know what happened, but this girl turned into such a pitiful appearance~"

The guests were fascinated by what they heard.

And Henry Zhang strikes while the iron is hot, and continues to say,

"When a young man observes a woman carefully, he sees that her hands and feet are not born like this, but have been interrupted,"

"As for the eyes, they are artificially blinded by smoke."

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