356 Zhang Haiqi is over 100 years old?Every patriarch is called Zhang Qiling (please order for completeness)


Faced with the doubts of Hu Bayi and Yang Xueli,

Zhang Haiyan explained,

"That kind of poisonous gas can destroy the blood texture of the Zhang family. I don't know exactly what happened."

"Anyway, since the poisoning, the godmother's condition has been visibly getting older day by day..."

Zhang Haiyan said, "I never imagined that she would grow old one day."

"Sorrow..." Wu Xie originally wanted to comfort him like this, but thinking about his mother's death, what kind of mourning is that?

At this time of 04, Yang Xueli let Zhang Haiyan relax.

Henry Zhang’s ability is superb, and he can solve things that ordinary people can solve.

He can solve things that ordinary people cannot solve.

Early tomorrow morning, they will take Zhang Haiyan to the Crescent Hotel to find Henry Zhang for help, and the stubborn illness will be cured in the end.

"Then I thank you in advance." Zhang Haiyan said gratefully.

"You don't need to thank me." Fatty Wang laughed and said, "We are brothers all over the world, and I happen to have a question for you, Fatty."

"Yes." Hu Bayi and Wu Xie nodded,

We have already talked about the scenes, and we really want to talk about serious things next.

Since Zhang Haiyan is the younger brother's kin, he might be able to pry out one or two clues about the younger brother from his mouth.

"Brother," Fatty Wang asked now,

"This question may be a little impolite, but Fat Lord, I am too curious, so don't blame me for my incompetence."

"That... what, how old is your godmother Zhang Haiqi who has lived to this day?"

Hearing this, the bodies of Lao Hu, Wu Xie, and Yang Xueli froze, revealing the expression of a subway grandfather looking at his mobile phone.

Did you make a mistake?

You don't fucking ask about my brother's news and whereabouts, but you actually ask such a question?

How old the old lady is has a half-money relationship with you...

Why, it's a person who can't stand the loneliness in the dark, are you going to introduce him to a blind date?

And here, Zhang Haiyan did not expect that Fatty Wang would ask such a question,

He said awkwardly,

"I don't know how old it is, but it should be over a hundred years old, enough to be your grandma..."

"I'm going, the Zhang family is so fierce?" Fatty Wang was taken aback. He wanted to say something, but after seeing the contemptuous eyes of Hu Bayi and the others, he couldn't say a word.

Lao Hu took advantage of the situation and seized the right to speak, and said to Zhang Haiyan,

"Brother Zhang, just ignore him. What we really want to ask is actually about your patriarch."

"Your patriarch is called Zhang Qiling, right?"

Hu Bayi suddenly thought of something, secretly said something bad.

It seems that Zhang Qiling is not a person's name, but a title.

It represents the identity of the patriarch of the Zhang family,

Every Zhang family head is called Zhang Qiling...

So who knows if the little brother will become the patriarch at this juncture?

If they are not yet competent, then they will find a wrong target after following the clues given by Zhang Haiyan! !


"Big trouble,"

Hu Bayi thought to himself, "It's a pity that we don't know the real name of my brother, 240. Even if he is called Zhang Goudan or Zhang Tiezhu, it is a definite name, and there will never be a situation where he finds the wrong person."

"Oh, there's no way."

"We can only find Zhang Qiling, the patriarch of the Zhang family first."

"If that person is my little brother, it would be the best thing."

"If it's not my little brother, then think of another way."

Old Hu was thinking like this,

But he obviously worried too much.

Don't say they don't know the whereabouts of the little brother,

Even Zhang Haiyan, who is a member of the Zhang family, doesn't know anything about it.

"terribly sorry,"

Zhang Haiyan shook his head, "To be honest, the Zhang family has had civil strife, and it has reached the point of falling apart or even disintegrating."

"As early as about two years ago, we couldn't get in touch with Zhang's family in the Northeast.".

357 The God of Plague Who Shoots Blades in His Mouth Must Have a Good Oral Job


For the four of them, Hu Bayi and Wu Xie,

This news is definitely a complete bad news!

They originally thought:

Zhang Haiyan is from the Zhang family, a member of my younger brother's clan.

Informed among fellow-clans,

At the very least, they will be more or less well-informed than "outsiders" like them.

But it never occurred to Zhang Haiyan that he didn't know the whereabouts of the little brother.

As a result,

The flame of hope that had just risen was extinguished again,

where is the road?

What should they do next?

"terribly sorry."

Zhang Haiyan made a sincere statement again, and at the same time was curious,

"I can see from your expressions that the reason you are looking for the patriarch is for a very important matter."

"The patriarch is elusive, trying to find him is tantamount to reaching the sky in one step..."

"If you can trust me, you can also talk to me about what's going on ~ˇ."

"After all, I am of the same clan as the patriarch, and I am confident that I have good skills, so maybe I can help."

For Zhang Haiyan's kindness, Hu Bayi and Yang Xueli are still very grateful.

But the matter of "traveling" involves a lot of stakes,

The more people who know, the more unpredictable the consequences will be.

After comprehensive consideration, Lao Hu declined his kindness politely.

"In that case, then I won't force others to be difficult~" Zhang Haiyan laughed.

As the saying goes, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite,

He believes that Lao Hu chose not to mention it because he had his own concerns and considerations.


Five people gather together to eat, drink,

The topic became more and more open, and soon we talked about the "misunderstanding and friction" of that day.


Fatty Wang admired Zhang Haiyan's combat effectiveness very much, and said,

"Brother, Fat Lord, I don't recognize many people in my life, and you can be counted as one of them."

"You know, right? When you turned around and shot me with a blade, it was the first time Fatty felt terror and fear."

Zhang Haiyan smiled politely and said, "It's just a means to scare people."

"Where is it, you're being modest." Hu Bayi set off on the sidelines.

He has seen Zhang Haiyan's power with his own eyes, and he knows that most people can't avoid that kind of situation!

And the unavoidable fate is basically the word "death"...

Hu Bayi especially admired capable people and strangers, so he asked for advice.

"`~Brother Haiyan, how dare you ask how this blade came out of your mouth?"

"How many blades can you stuff in your mouth at one time?"

"Won't it cut the tongue or the flesh of the mouth?"

During the years of Nanyang detectives, many people knew that Zhang Haiyan had a blade in his mouth.

Because there is a rumor of a "God of Plague" circulating in Nanyang,

This plague god is so powerful that he can shoot blades out of his mouth to kill people.

As for the mechanism (what's the reason) of it, no one knows.

Now that Zhang Haiyan heard Hu Bayi's question, he didn't intend to make a fool of himself.

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