"At this time, he found that there were several mud marks on the corpse's clothes for no reason!"

"Looking at the ground along the mud marks, you can see several small and exquisite things that resemble footprints..." Yi.

165 Chen Wenjin Appears?The missing person brother, represents a dangerous signal (please order and customize)


Under the stage, the guests were talking about it, and they were really curious.

Who opened the sleeping bag that wrapped Aning's body?

What happened to the series of small footprints left nearby?

But it is obvious that this kind of imprint will never be the size of a human foot...

At this time, just listen to Henry Zhang’s words:

"Wu Xie was surprised when he saw the dense footprints."

"It was too late to say it, but it was so fast, he caught a glimpse of Fatty Wang from the corner of his eye, and a few slender shadows flashed past and jumped into the swamp."

"When Wu Xie came back to his senses, he heard the same thing happened near Aning's body."

"My little brother reacted very quickly, and immediately remembered something, and said in surprise: It's a cockscomb snake!"

"Cockscomb snake? Pheasant neck?"

"Wu Xie suddenly realized that they must have killed one by the waterfall before, so the "[-]" attracted revenge from the snake companions!"

"But how are they going to retaliate?"

"Wu Xie checked Fatty Wang's body and found no signs of bites."

"Just when he didn't know why, he suddenly found a shadow of a person emerging from the swamp!"

"The man was covered in mud, and he couldn't see his face clearly, but his eyes were staring straight, like a legendary water ghost."

"'It's Chen Wenjin!!' The little brother glanced at it, then rushed into the swamp and swam towards that person."

"The man seemed to be afraid of something, turned around and shrank into the water, and soon sank into the depths of the swamp."

"As for the little brother, naturally they chased after him together. The two of them disappeared from Wu Xie's sight..."

hear here,

Chen Yulou couldn't help feeling strange,

"Is she Chen Wenjin? If so, there is no reason to run away?"

"Because Chen Wenjin left a message to Wu Xie, and it was agreed long ago that we would meet in Tamutuo..."

The red girl guessed, "Could it be that some danger has been discovered? Like a pheasant neck, or something else?"

"It should be impossible," Partridge Whistle refuted this point of view,

"Supposing Chen Wenjin saw the neck of the pheasant, he would call Wu Xie, Fatty Wang and the others to run together."

In the private room, a group of people who moved mountains and unloaded mountains and touched gold, etc., brainstormed and discussed a lot, but they still couldn't understand the mystery.

No way, they had to focus on Henry Zhang, trying to hear what the answer was.

on stage,

Henry Zhang said,

"My little brother is a well-known missing person, because he often disappears in the tomb."

"It's the same as the previous few times, my little brother didn't come back after going like this..."

"Wu Xie was worried about his safety, and was planning to chase him into the water. But in the blink of an eye, an unexpected thing happened—"

"A-Ning's body is gone, only an empty sleeping bag is left!!"

"Pan Zi inspected the inside of the bag and saw many muddy footprints where cockscomb snakes crawled, and immediately got a shocking guess——"

"It's the cockscomb snake that stole Ah Ning's body!!"


"This is unbelievable, but the facts are in front of us, what else can we do but believe?"

"Wu Xie knew that this must be the cockscomb snake's revenge! They not only killed Aning, but also stole the body. The purpose may be to use it as food or other..."

Henry Zhang shook the folding fan and said in a long way,

"Things have come to this, it doesn't make any sense to think about these and those."

"Pan Zi said that the cockscomb snake was able to remove Ah Ning's corpse, which means that the number of them is not small, maybe there are dozens or even hundreds of them!!"

"Anyway, we can't stay in this place any longer. Everyone must move their positions and ensure their own safety first."

"Thus, the original team of five lost one at this moment, and one died, leaving only three people walking together and rushing to the mouth of the canyon."

"After walking a long way, Pan Zi said that the third master's team should be in place soon, and now we need to make a signal smoke."

"Signal smoke has two functions:"

"First, mark the location of the three of them, so that the third master can know the corresponding route and location."

"Secondly, you can warn of dangers in the jungle, so that the third master and others are best prepared."

"Pan Zi took out the yellow coal balls and burned them to produce puffs of yellow smoke."

"He said different colors of smoke meant different things—"

"For example, yellow means that the road ahead is dangerous, so proceed carefully."

"Orange means stop action pending confirmation of the situation."

"Red means extreme danger, you must not get close!!"

On the second floor of the inner hall, in a certain box,

Hu Guohua smiled and said to his daughter-in-law Xiaocui and his mentor Sun Guofu,

"I also served as a soldier before, and traveled north and south with warlords for a short period of time."

"The indication effect of this kind of signal smoke is really good. It can play the role of transmitting information at a long distance, but at the first time..."

As Hu Guohua said, he reached out and rubbed Xiaocui's stomach.

"Hey, it's a pity that the world is in chaos now, the people are in dire straits, people are like nothing, and soldiers are like soldiers~"

"These warlords are soldiers who only care about food and drink every day. Who cares about the life and death of ordinary people?"

"Damn it, Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui,"

Hu Guohua said to his daughter-in-law,

"Our son will not be able to join forces with these bastards in the future!"

"If he dares to become a warlord, I will break his legs 0..."

Xiaocui is a girl bought from a poor mountain valley, a standard country girl.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and if you marry a dog, follow the dog.

Xiaocui has never read a book, she only knows that if she is with Hu Guohua, she will live a happy life honestly and dutifully,

So what he said was what he said, and then he gave a soft "um" and continued to listen to Mr. Zhang's storytelling.

on stage,

Henry Zhang recalled the plot of the novel "Stealing the Pen" and preached later,

"Pan Zi added yellow briquettes every two hours."

"Until the afternoon of that day, Fatty Wang suddenly discovered something and shouted: Yes!! Yes!!!"


"Wu Xie looked around as he pointed, and soon saw a puff of red smoke."

"This smoke did not rise from the periphery of the canyon, but from the center of the basin, the depths of this swamp!!"

"Wu Xie, Pan Zi, and the others were terrified. They said that the third master left late, and logically it should be about a day away. How could he run ahead of them for no reason?"

"Besides, according to what Pan Zi said earlier - this bloody red smoke signal...represents the third master's 4.5 team, the situation is not good!!"

"What danger did they encounter??"

Henry Zhang said,

"Pan Zi is a loyal fellow, known as a mad dog raised by Wu Sansheng."

"Seeing the red smoke now, the situation is dangerous. I immediately packed up my bags and prepared to rush over to help."

"Wu Xie and Fatty Wang followed up together. Now that there are 'sparse population', it is impossible to make scattered appointments."

"The three of them ran in the direction of the smoke, and soon they were exhausted, so they hurriedly found a place to rest."

"When Wu Xie woke up, he found that there was only Fatty Wang beside him, but Pan Zi was nowhere to be seen."

"Fatty Wang made a silent gesture, and then pointed to a thick branch of a tree."

"It turned out that Pan Zi was lying there, looking in one direction, as if he was looking at something."

"Wu Xie followed, and at this moment I heard Pan Zi say:"

"There seems to be a person on the tree over there.".

166 Lonely, Empty and Cold Aning's Ghost?Brother is back? (Seek full order for customization)


The Crescent Hotel is crowded with people.

The guests sat in rows, listening to Henry Zhang’s storytelling with relish.

Just listen to Henry Zhang,

"Pan Zi looked in one direction and said that there seemed to be a person on the tree over there."

"Wu Xie was stunned for a moment, thinking that this place is so inaccessible and the birds don't shit, how could there be people?"

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