"The reason why Wu Sansheng wants to talk about this past event 50 years ago,"

"Because it did set off a series of subsequent chain reactions."

"After Wu Sansheng read the contents of Wu Laogou's notebook, he came up with the idea of ​​going to Baoziling to find out."

"But Dart Ridge is just a local name. It can refer to a small bag of soil, or it can refer to an entire mountain and dense forest..."

"If you want to find the ancient tomb by relying on the words "Diaoziling", it is almost unrealistic."

"Wu Sansheng spent a lot of energy to inquire, investigate, analyze and integrate all the clues."

"Finally, he found it!"

"However, it is worth mentioning that Wu Sansheng found a group of foreigners in Darziling."

"The leader of this group of speakers,"

"It's Jude Kao."

149 Old Wu's family of three neat and tidy, black pebbles (please order for completeness)


Jude test!

After hearing the name, the guests at the scene were all excited.

They quickly thought of a certain storytelling that Henry Zhang said~

Jude Kao created the sensational [Warring States Silk Script Case], which caused the officials to take a ruthless hand and wiped out the influence of the Tufuzi in Changsha City!

The impact of that case was very tragic,

Many people were dragged out and shot.

Those who survived were also sentenced to life imprisonment and so on...

And Wu Laogou had heard the wind and ran away, so he was able to escape.

The guests recalled this incident, and guessed in their hearts the intention of Jude Kao leading the team to appear in Changsha Baoziling——

He came here for the Blood Corpse Tomb! !

At this moment, Henry Zhang went on to say,

"Wu Sansheng discovered Jude Kao's team, and immediately understood that this group of people was also eyeing the ancient tomb of blood corpses underground."

"Wu Sansheng is a native of the Southern School. According to the rules, if someone gets there first, he can't force his way."

"But Wu Sansheng is willing to be cut off, and the cut off is actually a group of foreign ghosts!!"

"Wu Sansheng understands that foreigners don't have the experience of Tu Fuzi's inversion. They use the method of digging cemeteries abroad to dig domestic ancient tombs. This method is designated not to dig into catacombs."

"A bunch of stupid foreign dogs! Wu Sansheng thought to himself again, this is definitely not a great opportunity."

"As long as you find the right place and rob a hole, you can definitely catch up with them without anyone noticing and turn this tomb upside down."

Henry Zhang continued slowly,

"Thus, Wu Sansheng figured out the location of the robbery hole, and while Jude Kao's team fell asleep at night, he quickly picked up the shovel to dig the soil."

"After two or three hours like this, Wu Sansheng finally dug up the soil layer of the blood corpse tomb."

"However, the point where the shovel fell is a hole that has been dug long ago and buried with soil."

"By the time Wu Sansheng came to his senses, he had already collapsed into the catacomb because of the pressure of his weight..."

Hearing this, Father Thomas couldn't help feeling strange,

"Why is there a hole here? Who dug it out..."

Hua Ling put her fingertips against her lips, guessing,

"Could it be that the four members of the Wu family dug it up? But this...is a bit of a coincidence..."

Jin Suan is the same as Elder Liaochen, both of them have received the true biography of Zhang Sanlian and Zhang Sanye.

Jin Abacus's ability to steal holes is considered a masterpiece. He analyzed that,

"But it's not a coincidence, it should be a kind of necessity."

"Because Wu Sansheng's skills were taught by Wu Laogou, and Wu Laogou's skills were passed down from the previous generation~"

"Essentially speaking, they are all living on their laurels, without much development and promotion,"

"So where and how to drill the robbery hole are actually iron rules, which makes Wu Sansheng almost [-]% sure to drill the robbery hole in the same position."

"Yes," Elder Liaochen greeted, and continued to listen to Henry Zhang's story with his ears upright.


on stage,

Henry Zhang talked a lot,

"Now that he is in the tomb, the place is full of dangers, and Wu Sansheng doesn't have the heart to think about empty questions."

"He carefully observed the surroundings, and found that this is a formal tomb with a square shape and a vaulted roof."

"On the left wall of the tomb, there is a hidden door, which seems to be a corridor."

"Wu Sansheng got into the corridor, walked about 20 meters, and entered a larger tomb."

"This is the apse, and there are no other entrances and exits around. There is a coffin bed in the middle, and a sarcophagus is placed on it."

"Wu Sanxing took a closer look, and found that the lid of the coffin had been opened, and there were two rotten and shapeless bones leaning against the coffin wall..."

"Wu Sansheng was stunned for a moment, suddenly felt a chill down his back, and broke out in a cold sweat."


"Because Wu Sansheng has seen the contents recorded by Wu Laogou in his notebook, and now he guesses that the two bones are not other people, but relatives of his old Wu family, that is, the old man Wu who stole the tomb of blood corpses at the beginning. And Boss Wu!!"

"It's not the first time Wu Sansheng has entered the ancient tomb. The corpses I've seen don't have three digits, so I can count them with both hands."

"But at this moment, a different kind of touch suddenly appeared in his heart, his heart was beating so hard that he almost jumped out of his body!!"

"Soon, the conjecture was confirmed."

"Wu Sansheng walked up to the dead body, and saw one of them holding a cannon in his hand, with three words engraved on the surface - Wu Dagui."

"This... this is the name of his great-grandfather, old man Wu!!"


The guests let out a burst of sighs, thinking that tomb robbery is really not just a dinner party, but a simple chat about family affairs!

0····Ask for flowers·········

This fucking is an extremely dangerous industry, one mistake, one's life may be dragged into the ancient tomb! !

At the same time, the guests inevitably became curious,

What happened to old man Wu, Boss Wu, and Erkor Angkor in the tomb of blood corpses?

The three of them carried box cannons in their hands, and they also ended up in the miserable end of "the whole family is neat and tidy"? ?

When the guests had different opinions, I heard Henry Zhang talking about the book——

"Wu Sansheng kowtowed a few times to the corpse of his relative, and then went to touch the contents of the coffin."

"He found an iron ring at the bottom of the coffin under a mass of rotting silk and satin."

"Wu Sansheng knew there must be something tricky, so he pulled hard, and a secret door was opened!!"

"Wu Sansheng guessed that there were more than one floor in the underground tomb, so he lit a fire and prepared to sneak into the secret door."


"It was too late to say, but soon, he saw a strange face full of dead skin folds exposed through the door!!"

"Then, the owner of that face wanted to jump out and bite someone!"

"Wu Sansheng reacted quickly, and immediately used a spirit called 'burning knife' to ignite the monster with the fire."

"The monster couldn't stand the fire, and stopped moving after a few blows."

"Wu Sansheng breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed a shocking phenomenon——"

"This monster's body is missing an arm!!"


Having said that,

Some guests have already guessed the correct answer,

"Mr. Zhang, could it be that the identity of this strange corpse dumpling is Wu Laogou's brother... Angkor?"

"It can't be wrong! The characteristics of the severed hand are too obvious!!"

"The three corpses correspond to the three native masters of Old Wu's family."

On the stage, Henry Zhang nodded and agreed, "Yes, it is Angkor Er."

"At this point in the story, Wu Xie couldn't help but ask his third uncle:

'what's next?Did you go down to the secret door? '"

"Wu Sansheng nodded, and said that before continuing, he must show Wu Xie something."

"Wu Sansheng took out a superb little ivory box, and inside it was a black and ugly pebble."

"This stone was taken out by him from the secret room under the coffin~"

"Wu Sansheng said: 'Don't look at it as inconspicuous, I was trying to take away the pebble, and I almost...'

'I even lost my life! ! ! ! '"[-] million.

150 corpse pills?Collaboration between Xie Lianhuan and Jude Kao


In order to take away this black pebble, Wu Sansheng almost died?

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