Xiao Wuling: "I have a lot of abilities, but most of them are useless. Fortunately, I still have some useful abilities, such as resurrection six times a day, such as refreshing the state every morning, although I don't refresh it very much now. For example, I have the ability of Mebius and can use Gracie's ability at any time."

"After dying six times, I can continue to die and resurrect. The main thing is to consume energy. I can become smaller at any time. Even if the fusion warrior and Chimera experiments fail, I can still survive."

"Although there is a disease in my body, it will not end my life. I can't live past 20 years old, but I can always maintain my peak strength."

Mei was silent, "You will kill Ling and resurrect her, what about Herrscher."

"The Herrscher will die, but the prerequisite is that you can create an object that can seal or kill."

"The Herrscher and Ling should be bound, right? Killing the Herrscher, can Ling still survive?"

"So then seal it, the seal should be fine." Xiao Wuling said.

Mei felt that all of this had been calculated by Wu Ling, "You have already thought that this day would come."

Xiao Wuling: "I thought of this day before I saw you."

"I will help you do a good job. Whether you can revive Ling or not, she will die. If you are lying to me, I will find someone to kill her. Can I trust you?"

Mei opened the physical examination report.

"Of course, you can trust me more than you trust yourself, and I will do what I promise."

Xiao Wuling raised her chest and raised her head, "Just wait for the moment when I succeed."

"How many people did the Herrscher threaten this time?"

Mei asked calmly.

Xiao Wuling: "More than 1000 million people, all the rest of the world, next is the No. 12 Herrscher, I will do my best to protect these people, and protect Ling. Negative Qing."

Mei: "What is your backup plan, just like you would make a barely satisfactory backup plan during the Herrscher of Rock period, what is your backup plan for No. 12 Herrscher."

Xiao Wuling: "There is no backup plan, I am everything."

"What if you fail?"

"If I fail, I'll put you all in the training room and wait to die. I guarantee that none of you will get out."

Xiao Wuling made a grimace, "Okay, no kidding, but seriously, I don't have a backup plan this time, if it fails, I'll die."

mei: "... Humans can be extinct, and Ling can die, but I hope you survive. We put many people into the training barn before. If you survive, you can form a new team with those people in the barn." era."

"I don't want to think about things like the new era."

Xiao Wuling waved his hand and said casually: "It doesn't matter whether there is a new era or not. If I can't even change this era, how can I change the next era."

"I'm just working hard on the surface and actually leaving all the difficulties to you. No.12 Herrscher is a bit special. She is Sakura's younger sister. What makes her powerful is not her combat power, but her control and massacre of the covered area, the number of people It means nothing to her."

"If I succeed, I can kill her and let everyone survive even if I am the only one. If I fail, I can't keep everyone alive even if there are 1 of them."

"Just like the last Herrscher of Restraint, it can't be done with strength. The current Herrscher is getting faster and faster, and he's getting more and more hentai. It's really troublesome."

Xiao Wuling sighed and said.

Mei: "Do you regret it?"

"Regret what?"

"Regret living in this city, regret meeting me."

Xiao Wuling: "Why do you ask like that all of a sudden?"

Mei drinking tea: "Because I caused you a lot of trouble, even just now."

"Oh, indeed, you have caused me too much trouble, and it makes me want to die, and I want to replace the Herrscher to destroy the world."

Xiao Wuling looked up, "But, mei."

Mei: "Well, I'm here."

Xiao Wuling looked into Mei's eyes, "Do you still remember the look in my eyes when we first met?"

mei: "...I will never forget it."

That kind of surprise, happiness, and instant closeness, as if seeing a family member.

Mei will never forget it in her life, because she only saw that emotion in Wu Ling's eyes.

Xiao Wuling: "As long as you don't make trouble, I don't have any idea about killing you. Well, if you make trouble, I will think why I don't kill you."

mei: "The thing you're talking about is..."

Xiao Wuling: "For example, you use the Houkai to erode to commit suicide."

Mei was amused, covered her mouth and looked to one side and chuckled, not knowing if she was laughing or what.

If I commit suicide you will think of killing me before I kill myself, if I am afraid that there is no danger if I don't commit suicide you will not think of killing me, no matter what I do.

"I don't understand, but I'm shocked, well, I promise you I won't kill myself."

Xiao Wuling curled her lips, "You committed suicide, what does your suicide have to do with me, I don't care about your life or death."

Mei stood up and tilted her head and said, "Then I'm going to die?"

Xiao Wuling hurriedly stopped him: "Forget it, you're still alive."

Mei: "That's why you are still so gentle, Wu Ling, you will meet good people with your personality. If you meet bad people like me, you will be used to death."

Mei sighed, why am I not using you now, even though you are voluntary.

Xiao Wuling: "Is there anyone who can use me besides my willingness? I am an existence that can overturn the table and destroy the world at any time. If you pretend to be aggressive, you must also pay attention to the basic law."

mei: "I'm using you to save all mankind."

Xiao Wuling shook his head, "Wrong, I am using you to help me save all mankind. Human beings are yours and mine, but in the end they will all be their own. I have different genes from yours, but other Pretty much the same."

"I'm leaving. Hurry up and build it. After building the thing that can seal the Herrscher, send it over. Then it's my home field."

"How are you going to explain to Sakura?"

Mei asked.

Xiao Wuling shrugged, "To be honest, I think Sakura will understand, her sister will still be alive anyway."

mei: "What if she doesn't understand? After all, you don't have much interaction with her, it can only be called a daily friendship."

Xiao Wuling: "I don't know, so the relationship goes a step further? You are a matchmaker. I heard that girls in the Far East are very well-behaved. It shouldn't be difficult to listen to my husband."

"emmmmmm, sure enough, you always want to get your wife +1."

"Don't get me wrong, I haven't touched a girl other than Aponia Mebius and Phyllis."

Mei: "Well, so you still think you're innocent?"

Xiao Wuling scratched her head in embarrassment, "It's not that innocent, at most."

"Let's go tomorrow. Let Ying and Ling get together for the last time today. By the way, you and Ying are explaining. It's really impossible to let Weng work overtime tonight to get a marriage certificate. You can go straight to the bridal chamber tonight."

"I knock, don't you have the same idea?"

mei: "Can we be the same? I am for this world."

Xiao Wuling: "Am I just to open the harem? Do you believe me when I said that I saved the world just to open the harem... emmmmmmmmm, I seem to be saving the world just to open the harem."

Xiao Wuling came to his senses, he seemed to save the world for this reason.

Mei spread her hands, "Look, you have admitted it yourself."

"But let's forget it, it's like I take Sakura's sister to threaten Sakura to marry me, well, in the future, if I really like it, I will be together slowly in the future, and now I don't have that kind of thinking. "

Xiao Wuling went out, and woke up Ling who was dozing off on the wall. Ling rubbed her head, "Have you guys finished talking? So are you really going to send me to a lonely place like a lonely island in the Pacific Ocean?"

"What do you mean by being lonely? It's all considered traveling. I'll be with you, and your sister will visit you occasionally, and many of your friends can visit you."

"Am I considered a criminal, or a very horrific criminal?"

Ling took Xiao Wuling's clothes and curiously followed Xiao Wuling away.

Xiao Wuling: "This is called a vacation, Ann, there is no danger with me."

Ling: "What if there is danger?"

Xiao Wuling: "It's dangerous and I'll be buried with you."

Ling: "This one isn't very good. Change it to another one. If there is any danger, you can marry me. Hmph, I won't die anyway with you around..."

Ling and Xiao Wuling's voices gradually drifted away, Su leaned against the wall holding a teacup and blowing water mist, watching them leave quietly.

"Alas, another innocent lamb was eaten by wolves."

Mei opened the door and came out from Su's office just in time to hear this sentence, "What wolf."

Su turned his head and replied: "Wolf Warrior, but I think it's more appropriate to use a silly dog."

Mei's expression suddenly became serious, "I warn you, don't speak ill of my friend like that."

su: "Huh? Are you kidding me? Wu Ling and I are also friends."

mei: "You can't even joke around."

Mei pointed at Su's face with a serious expression.

su: "...Then Kevin is a silly dog."

Mei withdrew her hand, put her hands in her pockets and turned to leave, "I still have work to do and I have to leave first."

"Kevin and Wu Ling are both in danger, you can only save one, whoever you choose."

Su asked loudly from behind.

Ghost, is mei really mei?Could it be possessed?

mei: "From a rational point of view or an emotional point of view."

su: "Rationality."

Mei: "At midnight."

Because Wu Ling is strong enough, it is more important than Kevin.

su: "What about sensibility?"

Mei turned her head: "It's still midnight."

Because I am sorry for Kevin, but I am sorry for Wu Ling. I gave Kevin too many things, but asked Wu Ling for too many things.

su: "What about under normal circumstances?"

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