Xiao Wuling picked up the remaining half bottle of water from the ground and drank it up, then continued to lie on the railing and look into the distance, knowing that the law restrainer didn't want to kill him, so Xiao Wuling was relieved.

"According to my view of human beings, you should hate me very much now, because I killed more than 90.00 million people, and killed 90.00% of the remaining [-] human beings in this world. As far as I know, you are the sky of human beings ? Or a dictator? But whatever the answer, I've ruined [-]% of your [-] setups."

Herrscher of Restraint: "But I don't detect any hatred from you."

Xiao Wuling: "Because I knew you would appear in America, so all of this is within my expectation, and everything develops according to the development in my heart. I don't need to be surprised, and there is no need to hate you. I think To kill you is not because you have killed so many people, but because I want to kill you for nothing more."

Herrscher of Restraint: "...."

Xiao Wuling: "I only have the power of an ordinary person now."

"Well, I did it, but before I targeted you, you survived in my domain, but you also lost your power, so, god wants you to live, but doesn't want you to kill me .”

Xiao Wuling raised his middle finger at the Herrscher of Constraint, "Madman."

Herrscher of Constraint: "You are very interesting. As the last journey of my life, I want to walk with you."

Xiao Wuling: "Then, you go to die, and I go to live?"

The Herrscher of Restraint: "I am mortal, I am just one step ahead, I am waiting for you by God's side."

One person, one Herrscher, chatted peacefully on the rooftop.

This was the first time that Xiao Wuling stood so calmly with Herrscher for so long.

"Do you know, I am very afraid of death. Although I have expected it, I am still very scared when I see so many corpses. I want to escape, but there is nowhere to escape. There are corpses everywhere in your field."

"So I came to the rooftop, because it's quiet enough to see far enough, and there are no dead bodies. I'm waiting for my companion to enter this enchantment to kill you, and then take me back."

"If you really want to die, just remove the targeting of me a little bit, I think I have the ability to kill you."

Restrainer: ".......I targeted you to give you some tests. I didn't target anyone on purpose. I couldn't even close the domain, and I didn't target any area on purpose."

Xiao Wuling: "..."

Xiao Wuling slapped her head, ah, I almost forgot that the domain of the Lawrence Man is not under her own control.

The only thing I can do is to wait in this field for Kevin and the fusion fighters to kill the Lawrender.

Xiao Wuling asked curiously: "Have fusion fighters entered your domain? There are probably more than 1000 people."

The Restrainer nodded, then shook his head again, "Originally they came in, but because I came to look for you, they are no longer in the domain."

Well, it seems that I am now at the center of the field.

"Where's your companion Honkai beast?"

Xiao Wuling didn't know why, but suddenly wanted to smoke.

"Dead, I was dead the second I was born."

The Companion Houkai Beast that died at birth, I have to say that the Herrscher is the only one, the first Herrscher to instantly kill his Companion Houkai Beast.

"These little Honkai beasts were only barely born after the fusion fighters entered the domain."

The Law Restrainer stretched out his hand, and an advanced Honkai Beast, which was not the size of a palm, flew into the Law Restrainer's palm, then lay down and died.

"They can't live for long, probably, they will die in a few minutes. This is because they are of the same origin as me."

Xiao Wuling stretched out his hand, "Nice to meet you."

The Herrscher of Restraint hesitated for a moment, but still did not shake hands, "I am also very happy."

"Then before you die, there are probably only the two of us. Don't worry, I will let you die very quickly."

Xiao Wuling stretched, "It would be great if all the fusion fighters came in and you could stay away from me."

Herrscher of Restraint: "Well, will you witness my death?"

Xiao Wuling: "It's okay."

Do the math, even if I stay by the Herrscher's side, when Kevin's sword is swung down and the Herrscher's enchantment is broken, my abilities will automatically return to my body, passive and have the opportunity to resurrect six times a day and the constraints It is not difficult for the Herrscher to be buried with him once.

"I'll be buried with you once, how about it? As a Law Restrainer, it would be a bit embarrassing if I didn't even consume my life."

A question mark appeared on the Herrscher of Constraint's head, and he was a little puzzled.

Xiao Wuling: "The last Thousand Heralds almost killed me, just a little bit, if they were stronger, I wouldn't be able to come to your domain now."

"It's really not a coincidence. I just came here to do an urgent mission, but I was involved in your Houkai outbreak. If I were outside, it would be much easier for you to want to die. As long as the fusion warrior fills up the barrier, then I will Cut it down with one sword."

Herrscher of Restraint: "Then the fusion fighters are all dead?"

Xiao Wuling nodded, "But you're dead too, but it's not a bad thing for me to come here. If I don't come, it's the members of my fifth team, and if they explode, they will all die."

"At least they're alive now."

But what Xiao Wuling didn't know was that the fifth detachment was already marching towards the new enchantment border together with the fusion fighters.

After the fusion fighters entered the barrier, some Honkai beasts were born around them in an instant, and most of the power of the fusion fighters was suppressed, so... all they needed was support.

The best support is the support of the heavy armor detachment. After all, the firepower of other detachments is not enough. Even if they are being suppressed, all they need to do is pull the trigger. Advance level Honkai beasts are also harmful.

This was Yun's initiative.

Wu Ling's blow to the fifth team in the enchantment was huge, and at the same time, it added a huge fighting spirit to the fifth team.

Entering the inside of the enchantment and pulling Wu Ling out of it, this is Yun's idea.

Kevin: "What if you die."

Yun: "Then die."

Kevin: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Yun: "I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid of living a meaningless life."

Kevin was silent.

Yun wiped the heavy armor maintained in the instrument, "I think the luckiest thing in my life is to meet Wu Ling and become his pilot before. I watched him grow up little by little, just like raising him. It's like a game."

"Alponia said she belongs to everyone, but I don't have the courage of Alponia. In my eyes, he only belongs to me, even if he doesn't realize it at all."

Yun: "I will kill through the restraint barrier and bring Wu Ling out from it."

Kevin: "What if you never come back?"

Yun: "Then go and never come back."

Kevin: "What if you die and survive at noon?"

Yun: "Then I will be satisfied."

Yun's hands were shaking, not from fear, but from... pain.

Heavy armor only needs to pull the trigger, but even pulling the trigger is a bit laborious at this moment.

"Does everyone in the Fifth Detachment think so?"

Yun: "I don't know, but at least they want to go in with me, I feel very relieved."

Kevin: "You do this...do this, what about the future, the world...the rest of humanity...."

Yun: "It's gone at noon, what else do you want the world to do?"

"Don't talk about big things with me. I haven't graduated from high school, and don't talk about the future with me. I am a fighter, and I will be a fighter from the beginning to the end. As we all know, fighters don't need to think about it. These questions are yours. What Kevin should consider, you are the head of the war department."

Yun clutched his wrist and stopped wiping. He paused for a while before pretending to drink tea to cover up the pain.

Kevin said with some confusion: "Leave it to me, you just need to stay here."

Yun: "Kevin, you are not qualified to say this at the moment. When you can really do it, talk to me...or talk to someone else."

Kevin: "..."

Chapter 338 I'm Listening Anytime

After chatting with the Law Restrainer for a long time, Xiao Wuling found that the Law Restrainer was really similar to her own personality, and she was actually a nun.

The kind with the certificates.

Xiao Wuling went numb when she saw the certificate of the law-binding officer, but she still returned the certificate to her.

"The city that issued your certificate is gone. Well, human society is about to collapse."

Restrainer: "You smell like me."

Xiao Wuling: "..."

Restrainer: "That is, the smell of the messenger of the gods. It is very strong, but now it is a bit weak."

"Let me just say, I haven't touched you since we met, how could I smell you."

Xiao Wuling walked downstairs, and the Honkai Beast died slowly, so Xiao Wuling could go down to get something.

I took some food, a pack of cigarettes, and two bottles of white wine. I don’t know if it’s real or fake because of the expensive packaging, but I can drink both real and fake.

Then after climbing the stairs and losing my strength, I felt tired after climbing the 33-story stairs from the middle of the afternoon to midnight. The [-]-meter-high building should be called a building.

Although there are higher ones in the distance, they are too far away, and climbing 33 floors has already made Xiao Wu's legs tremble.

"Sigh, as expected, my physical fitness is really bad. If I didn't have special abilities, I might not even be able to compare with 80.00% of the people in this world."

The Herrscher of Restraint: "But now you are the only one who has survived in my domain. Isn't this a proof of your strong physique?"

In the afternoon, I opened a bottle of wine, smoked a cigarette, ate vacuum-packed peanuts and broad beans, and continued to watch the silent scenery in the city.

"It's beautiful. It's been a long time since I watched the whole city so peacefully from a tall building. The administrative building only has seven floors."

Herrscher of Restraint: "Really."

Xiao Wuling: "You're going to die anyway, it should be fine to listen to my complaints."

Xiao Wuling smiled, blew out a smoke ring, picked up the wine glass and leaned against the fence and said.

The Herrscher of Restraint nodded.

"If you want to say something, I'm always listening."

"Honestly I think I'm pretty lucky."

The Herrscher of Restraint: "Luck is also a part of strength. Your ability to survive in my enchantment itself proves your physique."

The Herrscher of Restraint said it repeatedly.

Xiao Wuling waved her fingers, "I mean, my life is quite lucky."

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