Noon Zero: "Here we come."

Mei: "You shouldn't have come."

I searched the whole city, and you couldn't take me away even if you came. I knew that you must be messing up, but I didn't expect you to come in person.

"But I'm here."

Wu Ling came out of the shadows, holding a rose in his hand, "On the way I came to find you, I picked one of the roses that Kevin gave you. I think it suits you very well."

"This is the rose."

Mei corrected it.

Wu Ling: "...Oh, then I brought a rose on the way to find you."

At noon, he put the Chinese rose on Mei's report.

Mei took a closer look, "It's still plastic."

Wu Ling: "...then you have to ask the person who gave you this bouquet of flowers."

It was Kevin who sent you flowers, I just picked one from the bouquet.

"Purity, hope, eternity, these are the flower language of Chinese roses, don't they look very similar to plastics?"

Mei put the flowers into the test cup, and the rose flowers melted slowly in the test cup until they disappeared.

Noon Zero: "I'll take you away."

Mei: "You can't take me away, there are all policemen outside, stop at midnight."

Stop it at noon, the outside is full of policemen and your subordinates, do you really want to fight a world war, if not, it will be a nuclear bombardment, after all, the slogan of Mu Dalu is that the dignity of the king cannot be trampled on.

Wu Ling: "When the limelight passes, I will be the first to take you away."

"Kevin will"

At noon: "Kevin agreed."

Midday interrupted mei's words.

mei: "huh?"

Noon Zero: "Kevin asked me to take care of you."

Mei: "Huh??"

Noon Zero: "Kevin said he hoped you would listen to me obediently."

Mei: "Hmmmm???"

Are you sure that's what Kevin can say?No way Σ(っ°Д°;)っ, this is too strange, it is impossible for Kevin to say such a thing, you are lying to me.

"You are lying to me."

At noon, he took out his mobile phone and played Kevin's recording.

"Mei, the recent form is not very good, Mu Dalu can't stay still anymore, Weng and Carrie Freddy both called me to persuade you, I hope you can listen to Wu Ling, he won't harm you, It won’t harm us either, Wu Ling will take good care of you, don’t worry, everything will be over when the limelight passes.”

The recording stopped, Wu Ling stood next to Mei, and patted her on the shoulder, "I know you don't like me very much, in fact there are many people who don't like me very much, but they can't kill me, you can choose to ask me Mu Dalu reported me."

Mei: "What would you do if I did that?"

Noon Ling: "Well.....carry you and leave, go back to Shenzhou directly, let Weng talk to the king of Mu Continent, and she will take care of everything."

I will take care of everything, this sentence has become the motto of the weng family, as for how it came to be, hehe (?﹃?), weng proposed it, and then it was passed.

The motto of the weng family doesn't change often, but they are all very casual.

Mei: "It seems that I can't hide? If I don't call the police, where will you take me, Shenzhou?"

Noon Zero: "No, in the Far East, I bought a house in the Far East, and there may be your residence there."

mei: "....... May I know why?"

Noon Zero: "No, of course you don't have to trust me, and Carrie Freddy who agreed with me may not trust me either, but he agreed with me to do so." should be a favor, the favor of helping him block and kill the hundreds of thousands of Honkai Beasts.

Mei: "Looks like I'm doomed, okay, since that's the case, why are you looking for me?"

Now that I'm doomed, what are you doing here?

Wu Ling took out another rose from behind, no, Rose, "I'll send you flowers, and I'll let you know in advance, so you don't have to call the police."

Mei took the flowers and put them on the table, "Did you and Mebius say the same?"

Wu Ling shook his head, and said obediently: "I forgot to remind her... But I have a good understanding with her, and she knew what happened before I mentioned it, and she voluntarily went into the sack."

Mei: "I didn't enter the sack voluntarily."

Wu Ling: "I know (>ω<>Mei was moved, but she was really moved.

Chapter 219 I'm Just Stealing People

"You use this thing to test the cadres? You are full of jingle, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

The corners of Mei's mouth twitched, trying not to look at Wu Ling's eyes, but to look at the flowers on the document with his mouth.

Noon Ling: "Which cadre can stand this test."

Noon stand, isn't it, Mei you are so stubborn?Wu Ling has used this method to let the poisonous chrysalis steal many scientific researchers.

People follow voluntarily, of course, there are also those who are not voluntary, but those who are not voluntary can also be "voluntary".

"what do you want."

There was a showdown at noon, "I have very few things, but if you want, I can give you everything."

"Why do I have to leave, if I want Kevin to leave with me."

Noon Zero: "Yes."

Noon nod, let Kevin leave with you, anyway, early or late.

Mei: "Eh? Don't you like me?"

Mei was shocked, if you didn't like me, why did you give me so many benefits and let me separate from Kevin, you must know these benefits, if you ask any scientific researcher who is more interested in scientific research than work to propose marriage, she will immediately agree Yes, and never regret it.

Wu Ling: ".......I like it a little bit."

A question mark popped up at the end of the afternoon, but after thinking about it, in order not to hurt Mei's heart, he made a gesture of "one inside", but after thinking about it, he felt that it was inappropriate, so he clenched his fist.

"Probably as big as my right fist."

mei: "...the size of your right fist?"

Mei was puzzled for a moment, her mind was running fast, as if she had been thinking since the Big Bang, until now...  

Kevin: "Mei, how big is a human heart."

Mei: "Probably, the size of a fist."

Kevin: "Then my liking for you is about as big as my right fist."

mei: "..."


mei: "..."

Wu Ling: "It's not too small."

In fact, Wu Ling's favorability towards Mei is still moderate. It's too good to be true. After all, Mei was often sprayed on the Internet before Wu Ling crossed. He even joined a novel reader group and asked about Mei's group friends. They all answered very poorly.

After the time travel, Wu Ling and Mei didn't have much communication, so Wu Ling was deliberate in answering that the fist is so big.

Talking about the size of an ant is always a bit embarrassing, but for Kevin's sake, he should have a fist.

mei: "I like Kevin."

Wu Ling: "I know, I also like Kevin, Kevin is my good brother."

Noon Zero said seriously.

"So, promise, so that you and Kevin can walk normally in a world without Honkai beasts in the future."

"So, promise, so that your future life will not be full of Honkai beast tissues and human experimental subjects."

"So, promise, the wonderful world is beckoning to you, and you shouldn't be stuck here."

Mei made a stop motion, "Well, has anyone ever told you that your speaking skills are bad?"

Wu Ling was embarrassed and shrugged, "My friends don't need to use words, my enemies can't hear my words, and you are special. This is the first time I persuade someone."

Mei's character and ability are absolutely special in Wu Ling's eyes, the ability is too powerful.

mei: "..."

Noon Ling: "I'm still waiting to attend your wedding with Kevin, well, the premise is that you can touch his body normally."

Mei breathed a sigh of relief, the misunderstanding was resolved.

The lights outside turned on instantly, and a group of heavily armed soldiers rushed in, aiming their guns at Wu Ling and Mei, who was thinking whether to agree or not, with flowers in his hand.

Mei froze for a moment, with a bewildered look on her face.

Wu Ling's expression became tense, I'll go, right, have I been here for so long?

I asked Sakura before coming here at midnight, and Sakura said that she would raid Mei's research institute at about 12:30.

At midnight, I set off from home at 11:30.

Then I went to find Kevin and chatted about Mei, and came after taking two fake flowers from Kevin.

Mei froze in place, not even knowing where to put her hands.

The captain of Mu Dalu's Royal Guard walked in step by step, staring at Wu Ling's eyes with a serious expression, and did not move away for a long time.

The captain of the Guards, a 24-year-old guy, is the most talented combatant in Mu Continent.

The captain of the Guards is very handsome, a bit neutral, but from the Adam's apple, there is no doubt that he is male....

"Hello, Volker Allen."

Volker Allen stretched out his hand, but because the distance was too close, he touched Wu Ling's stomach. Volker Allen had no intention of retreating. This tough posture made Wu Ling feel very stressed.

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