Alponia: "..."

Klein: "At noon, I'm going to wear a military uniform and take pictures inside the army, and I'm going to do something like a star troop."

Aponia nodded, served Klein tea, and then went to find clothes for lunch.

Wu Ling followed Aponia into the house and closed the door.

The way Aponia looks in cool casual clothes...beautiful, that goofy vibe.

She is very good at controlling everything at home. Chinese people generally like such a girl.

Aponia looked through Wu Ling's closet, Wu Ling had very few clothes, and soon found the unopened military uniform and a small box.

"Let me help you change your clothes. Your hands should not be able to change your clothes now."

Aponia unpacked the military uniform with her back turned to Wu Ling, and asked while holding the uniform.

"Ah, it's not good whether men and women can kiss each other."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's only natural to help each other."

Aponia looked into Wu Ling's eyes and said seriously.

Wu Ling: "It's just a little short of falling in love with you, just a little bit."

Alponia: "....if you're talking like this, maybe I'll get Klein to change your clothes for you."

"Is there such a good thing (?▽?)?"

Noon subconsciously blurted out.

Aponia's face darkened, and Wu Ling shut up.

Aponia gently took off her afternoon coat and trousers.

At noon, I was a little thankful that I took a shower yesterday and changed my body weight, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

No, it's embarrassing now.

Aponia squatted down and pulled Wu Ling's pants down, Wu Ling looked down, and immediately looked up at the sky.

Fortunately, the excessive blood loss has not been replenished, otherwise it will be embarrassing all of a sudden.

You must know that Aponia's strength is great, if you give yourself a hammer, you may have to wait for the next life.


Phyllis opened the door and strode in while eating snacks from the police station and humming an unknown song.

"Eh? Klein, did you come back at noon?"

Klein drank his tea, "Change in the room."

Phyllis put the snacks on the table and rushed towards the midnight room.

"Wait, Phyllis first." Klein hurriedly stopped her, but how could she stop the fast-running Phyllis, and Phyllis opened the door anyway.

"I'm back at midnight..."

Wu Ling stood beside the bed, with his back to the door, and Aponia squatted in front of Wu Ling.

Wu Ling's jacket has been taken off, and half of the trousers are taken off.

Phyllis: "...Maybe I came at the wrong time."

At noon: "..."

"You came at the right time, can you help me pin the military medal on the jacket of the military uniform?"

Aponia poked her head out from the side of Wu Ling's thigh and asked.

Phyllis: "Huh?"

Aponia patted Wu Ling's thigh, and Wu Ling raised his leg, "Phyllis, you go out first, and come in after I change my clothes."

It's too embarrassing, okay, two beautiful girls are helping me change my clothes in my room.

If this one accidentally stood up, his life would be ruined.

Aponiya wanted to help Wu Ling put on his shirt first, but Wu Ling refused.

"Pants pants, put on pants first."

After finally putting on the trousers, Phyllis hurriedly put on the midnight top.

"Wow, are you that old?"

Phyllis pointed to Wu Ling's rank, General.

"It's okay, hurry up, I have to go to the barracks in a while."

Phyllis pinned the military medal on Wu Ling's clothes, and accidentally pricked her hand, "It hurts."

"You slow down."

Hearing the yelling and collision in the room, as well as Phyllis' exclamation and screaming occasionally, Klein sipped his bitter tea elegantly and watched the latest news on the virtual screen.

A lot of consumables on the Internet are "discussing" the strength of Moth and the weakness of Houkai, and Mia Arthur, no, it should be called Arthur the Clown now.

Under the hints of the high-level officials, the clown Arthur has become a negative teaching material for fighting against Honkai, although...even the high-level leaders themselves don't know what the negative side of the clown Arthur is.

But there is always something to say, turn over the old scores, one side calls dictatorship, the other side calls high prices, the clown Arthur has changed from a great reputation to an anti-human leader in a short period of time.

Those ordinary people also thought that they thought of it themselves, and felt that the high-level executives in all continents were touting Mia Arthur, and only the sharp eyes of the people could see through everything.

Little did they know that their every move, and even every word they said on the Internet, was being influenced by the higher-ups.

To Honkai, the top management is undoubtedly a novice, even like a baby, but to the public, they are giants.

Wu Ling came out wearing a military uniform, Phyllis carefully helped Wu Ling put on his hat.

Aponia helped Wu Ling tidy up the hat and the collar.

"Klein, what are you looking at?"

Wu Ling asked curiously.

Klein turned off the virtual screen, "See what you don't want to see."

"You are engaging in pornography (?v?), I want to report you."

Klein put down his teacup and stood up, taking a deep breath, "I also want to report you for playing with two girls in your room, one of whom is still underage."

"Ah, you know they changed my clothes for me."

"Ah, it's big—it hurts—you slow down—although there is no video in the bedroom, there is in the living room. I think the video in your room is enough to prove what you did."

Klein smiled.

Aponia pretended not to hear and packed Klein's teacup, but if you look carefully, you will find that her soft ears are red.

Wu Ling was dragged away by Klein's arm, and Klein said to Aponia and Phyllis who was gnashing her teeth behind him: "I borrowed Wu Ling, and when will I return it...well, Not sure about the time."

After closing the door, Klein walked in front of Wu Ling humming a little tune, seemingly in a good mood.

"Ah—I still want to know what you were so fascinated by watching just now."

Wu Ling approached Klein and asked curiously.

Klein put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, "There is nothing. If I have to say something, it is probably because of the public opinion caused by the game between high-level officials."

"Shenzhou and America are quarreling again?"

"No, they are unanimous this time."

Wu Ling nodded in satisfaction, "I knew that under such circumstances, they would definitely attack the outside world unanimously."

Noon Zero: "Have they started conscription?"

Klein nodded, "Conscripted to Australia."

"Isn't Australia gone?"

Surprised, what the hell is conscription to Australia? I don’t recruit my own soldiers, but recruit soldiers from other continents?

Klein: "There are still some people left in Australia, aren't they? If they are forced to recruit soldiers, they can gather a million troops."

Are we determined not to surrender until the last Australian is dead? ? ?

China and the Americas are on the same page, right? Australia?

"So Mia Arthur...."

"It has become Arthur the Clown. He is now being sprayed everywhere on the Internet, which is in sharp contrast to the praise everywhere before yesterday. You didn't see the news about Mia Arthur's praise on the building. Yet?"

Klein: "So, living is the most important thing. If you want to protect everything you want to protect, don't participate in battles that may cause you to be injured or killed."

Klein patted Wu Ling on the shoulder, and said intriguingly, he didn't know whether it was a sigh of Mia Arthur's current situation or a joke about life.

"Alive is the most important thing. If you die, you have nothing."

The high-level will not talk about what you have done in the past, but only look at what you can do in the future.

"I will definitely not participate in the battle of the Eighth Herrscher, so don't worry."

Wu Ling wanted to pat Klein on the shoulder back, but Klein dodged deftly, "You still have medicine in your hands, and please don't rub your hands on the side of your military uniform to make it dirty." It was embarrassing when I took a photo, I wiped it for you, and I endured the itch."

Wu Ling raised her arms and waited for Klein to wipe her military uniform with the wipes in her white coat.

"I don't think Shenzhou should be so outstanding. Why is Shenzhou a country of etiquette, so I will be more or less reserved to save face."

Klein: "No opposition is the greatest support."

After all, China and Australia used to be all-weather strategic partners, and now no objection is the greatest support for this matter.

No one would understand the truth that a dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor daoist.

In the afternoon, he suddenly figured out why his fifth team became a star team.

Not only because my team is strong enough, but in terms of strength and seniority, the first team and the fifth team are about the same. The head of the war department, Big Brother Hen, couldn't be worse than the fifth detachment.

It was because when the Herrscher of Flame broke out, only the "Fifth Detachment" was in Australia and came out alive and intact.

Regardless of how it came out, Wuze wanted to take the credit for Mia Arthur and let the fifth team ride the wind.

Klein: "It's finished, huh? What's your expression?"

Seeing Wu Ling's sluggish look, Klein shook the wet wipe in front of Wu Ling.

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