There is a high probability that you will die.

If it was put before, Mebius would not ask the subject such a question, but this time it is different, because the subject is Kevin, a friend of Wu Ling.

Kevin was lying on the hospital bed, "Wu Ling said I would succeed, and I believe him far more than trusting those cold numbers of you and mei."

Mebius: "........I'll find it funny if you say that."

You would rather believe in Wu Ling's creation out of nothing than the professional data of Mei you are chasing.

I don't understand what your boys' friendship is like.

Kevin: "Australia should be Eden's last concert today. He should be back tomorrow. I want to make the experiment successful before he comes back. Please, Mebius."

Mebius injected Kevin with an anesthetic, "Leave it to me and Mei. If you die, I will tell him that you went on a business trip to Africa, and then tell him that you died in Africa in a few months."

Kevin slowly lost consciousness under the influence of the anesthetic, but finally managed to say: "Thank you......."


It was sold and counted the money for me.

Mebius took the scalpel and handed it to Mei, and Mei started the experiment.

Mebius shrugged and prepared to go out, "You're welcome, this is my job."

Mei: "This experiment will definitely be successful, I have calculated it."

Mebius: "That depends on your ability, I hope what you said is true, Klein, assist Dr. Mei in the experiment."

Mebius said to Mei: "I'm going to hold an emergency meeting at the high-level council, and I can't help you for the time being."

Mei: "You are busy with your work."

Meibius believed that Mebius was going to have a meeting, after all, Mebius had regular meetings these days.

The criticisms and struggles in the high-level councils are likely to be no exception today.

Take an electric car to the Great Hall, find your own seat, sit down, and look at the five... no, six?

Weng is back.

Mebius frowned, the fact that Weng is back means that Wu Ling is also back, or does Weng come back first to test the waters?

African congressman Cocaine raised his hand a little nervously, "I think the large-scale outbreak of collapse in Australia should be the topic of this time."

American Congressman Carrie Freddy has a serious expression: "I have sent the nearest peacekeeping force there, and I have also notified the war department to support it as quickly as possible."

Cocaine: "Well... can we call Uncle Mia Arthur to see what's going on?"

Weng looked at Cocaine, who was only 17 years old. The 17-year-old councilor was not because of how awesome she was, but because her father was an African chief, the kind of African chief who draws cards to guarantee the bottom line and drops the dungeon collar.

"There is a war over there, you told us to call the supreme commander over there, are you joking, Miss Cocaine?"

If you have no brains, you have to settle down??? Well, we can only wait for him to contact us now. They are all high-level people. Do we still need to ask him what he needs and help him?

Carrie Freddy: "The satellites in the Americas have received the video of Herrscher's area, and some drones are still working, but all the receiving devices there are too big, and the delay is a bit serious, but it doesn't affect our observation. "

Carrie Freddy opened the virtual screen and zoomed in on the video. At the meeting, "Christoft has dispatched transport ships and large manned transport airships to major cities in Australia to rescue refugees, cocaine, and about I think you should communicate with your father about setting up a defensive network in the surrounding area. It will be implemented at noon tomorrow at the latest. Escaping a Honkai beast is not a problem, and escaping a companion beast will harm humans. It’s not even a star.”

Mebius yawned as he listened. There was no fierce quarrel in this meeting, and Mebius couldn't fall asleep. He lay on the table and didn't listen to what was being said. Abstaining from voting, whatever you like, no team.

"From the moment I came into this world! I never thought about going back alive—!"

Zero's roar at noon in the video directly woke up Mebius, who was about to fall asleep.

Chapter 170 Stupid Humans

What happened.

Mebius sat up in confusion and looked at the big screen in front of him.

The picture of Wu Ling laying on the ground, life and death uncertain, and the ice crystal spear on his body slowly disappearing......

weng: "I want to reiterate that this is no small matter. It is expected that within five days the whole of Australia will be integrated into the scope of the Herrscher. In five days, we must rescue all the Australian people, at least Save most of them, otherwise I can't guarantee whether Mia Arthur will threaten the world with nuclear weapons."

If Australia is gone, the world would be meaningless.

In fact, every continent has this idea more or less, but it is difficult to implement it.

Everyone knows that it is impossible to save most of them, and they can save one fifth because they acted quickly. After all, the orders from the upper level are conveyed to the lower levels to let a large number of transportation facilities return to Australia. Five days can only Go back and forth, maybe only a small part can go back and forth.

There is no way to compare the speed of transport equipment with the speed of fighter jets.

Weng was not looking at the screen, and turned off the picture on the virtual screen without authorization. She didn't dare to think, didn't dare to look at it, she was afraid that she would see the picture of Wu Ling not moving and dying.

Cocaine: "But Africa can't cover all defense lines in Australia within five days."

"Do as much as you can, do your best and obey the destiny. Now all the large-scale plans are giving way to the rescue of Australia. What about Kevin, let Kevin stop the Herrscher of Flame to buy us time."

Weng originally wanted Alicia to go, but Wu Ling and Weng said to be careful of Alicia, Weng also wanted to let Qianjie go, but Qianjie is not human, and his strength is also flames, and now I don't know what the ability of the Herrscher of Flame is, what if the Thousand Calamities go to increase the strength of the Herrscher of Flame.

Mebius: "I suggest that Alicia stop the Herrscher of Flame."

weng: "No, the headquarters needs to be protected. The status quo in Australia can no longer appear in the headquarters. If there are Herrschers or Honkai Beasts with high combat power appearing in the Mu Continent at the same time, then Alicia is our last shield, let Kevin go. "

Mebius: "Now you only think about the Mu Continent, which has no problems, but you don't think about Australia, which is already in flames of war, weng!"

Mebius pressed the table and stood up from the back seat with a gloomy face.

Weng glanced at Mebius and ignored her. It seems that Wu Ling didn't tell you to be careful with Alicia.

Weng looked at the head of the war department in the back seat, "Where is Kevin now?"

Mebius: "Now Kevin is doing experiments in my research institute, and he can't get out."

Weng: "Who allowed Kevin to do the experiment, haven't you seen what's going on now? The Herrscher at this moment is beyond our imagination compared to before."

Mebius: "Then you should let Alicia go to Australia!"

Cocaine weakly raised a hand, "Arnold...I also think Alicia should go."

Mebius and Weng looked at Cocaine together, and said in unison: ""You shut up. ""

The other members of the front seat and the back seat were all puzzled. The relationship between the two of them... Logically speaking, it should be pretty good. After all, the funds that weng recently approved for Mebius are all It's ten digits.

Mark: "I'll go."

Ken, who was sitting in the back seat instead of Kevin, sighed and stood up.

"Send me the information about the Herrscher of Flame, and I'll go."

"Don't worry about it, wait for Kevin to complete the experiment or the experiment fails, and then support after deciding whether to use human support or nuclear weapons to clean up the land."

Carrie Freddy coughed twice and set the benchmark for this meeting, "Now what we have to consider is how to rescue the Australian people, not eliminate Herrschers. We can kill the Herrscher under certain circumstances, but at least we can guarantee to rescue the people in the absence of high-end combat power."

Weng's heart was bleeding. She was thinking about what would happen at midnight. For the first time, she realized that the Fire Moth was so weak, and the Herrscher was so powerful. One, there are things that cannot be done.

Mebius left the meeting angrily, "A discussion with you is worse than a discussion with a dog."

Even though he said this, Mebius knew that from their point of view, they were right. Compared to Wu Ling alone, the vast majority of people in Australia were their first consideration.

Mebius went to help Mei to conduct experiments on Kevin, it must, must succeed as soon as possible, must succeed.


The soldiers on the high-altitude transport ship landed in Ta'ai Lai like dumplings.

The flames of the Herrscher of Flame are still spreading, and two cities have already been breached by the Houkai Beast, but before the breach, there are no survivors in the cities.

The anti-aircraft towers at Ta'ai Lai are activated, and the electromagnetic network covers the entire city.

Countless Honkai beasts attacked from all directions, probably because this is the closest city with a large number of people.

The horde of advanced Honkai beasts looked like dark clouds, bombarded by cannons and plasma cannons, dripping lavender liquid and minced meat, and a bloody rainstorm appeared in Ta'ai Lai.

heavy rain.

The soldiers protected the civilians on the transport planes. Even if the transport planes were destroyed in mid-air, they were still going on, because this was the only possibility to escape, even if the possibility was extremely small.

The administrator wanted Mia Arthur to leave, but Mia Arthur killed him directly.

"Is it time to run away? If even I run away! What will happen to Australia? This is my country. If I can't live with Australia, I will die with Australia."

"Notify all military districts that I am in Ta'ai Lai, I will always be in Ta'Ai Lai, we will win, and our families will leave safe and well protected."

"Any military that wants to leave before the people leave, I'm going to hit them with the first nuke."

"Living in the defined age, we must learn to flourish. When future generations think of us, what we think of is not embarrassment, but heroism!"

"I live and die with Australia. No Honkai Beast can cross the tower of Tailai. We can surrender when fighting people. We can fight Honkai. We have nowhere to go. We are the pioneers! Everything is for Australia——!"


Call together to get all military regions to respond.

The moment the Tailai air defense tower lights up, it means that Australia is at the point of life and death.

Mia Arthur left the administrative building and went to guard the interior of the air defense tower.

The sky is dripping with lavender blood.

The crowd began to be infected with the Honkai disease mutation, and the soldiers' guns were heating up.

At this moment, the rebels realized why Mia Arthur chose to be a dictatorship, and focused on the military without changing the national policy for 12 years.

It turns out that... are all the lifeforms that Mia Arthur faces?

Mia Arthur was smoking, cigarette butts piled up in the room, her brain was working fast, and the death toll of soldiers who parachuted in the area where Herrscher was located was changing every second.

They are the first line of defense in the face of collapse, the human wall, Mia Arthur's eyes are bloodshot, but he is still sitting in the command room inside the air defense tower calmly, if his trembling hands are aside... …

This is the lifeline of the whole of Australia.

The war is not what I want, but Australia will never admit defeat.

An air defense network covered the entire city as oxygen levels were rapidly reduced by the flames.

"Chairman, the oxygen content in the city has dropped by [-]%. If it continues to drop, there will be problems. The flames have already burned outside the defense network, and now the city is the only surviving point."

"Notify all hospitals and laboratories in the city to create oxygen to spread in the city, regardless of the area covered by the flames, the flames can be extinguished, and people will die if they don't breathe."

The physicist in Ta'ailai found Mia Arthur inside the anti-aircraft tower, and said anxiously.

Mia Arthur still gave orders calmly and methodically.

There was continuous artillery fire on the air defense tower, and gunshots continued in the city below the air defense tower.

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