"Captain, this is the first time I discovered it. You actually have the potential to be a tyrant."

"The way of guardianship originally includes the path of 'I think I am for your own good'. Of course, I can control my philosophy as much as possible and not deflect in that direction. But before everything comes to fruition, I will take care of myself." This concept tends to influence preparations." Su Qingyue snorted softly, she was quite self-aware of her mental strength.

Either way.

The reason why the strong are strong is because of the decisions made by the strong.The weak cannot and are powerless to change it.And the concept group of the strong themselves also likes to make decisions for themselves and others.And when the strong is strong to a certain extent, it does nothing.It also allows the nearby weaker ones to spontaneously make the kind of decisions that the stronger ones expect.As for this information, Su Qingyue already knew it.Even if it wasn't for Asakura Qingge's clear life trajectory, she would have suspected that the appearance of the death guard griffin was due to the erosion of her own theory that had overflowed from the incarnation.

So, a tyrant is a tyrant.I will do this sooner or later, either now or soon.

In the actual Samsara Square, Su Qingyue just watched Marian quietly, without saying a word, but she clearly expressed her firm position.

So someone who was destined to be sheltered could only sigh.

"It seems that I have no choice but to fight with all my strength to avoid the ending of my life dominated by you, a tyrant." Marianne sighed deeply and melancholy. "Just out of the tiger's den, and into the wolf's den again..."

"But even so. I... I'm somewhat sure of it anyway."

The beam of light hangs down.

On the long-lost land of Eberron, Marianne opened her eyes——what greeted her was an abandoned city stained red with blood.She still remembers what kind of battle situation she left in that time-the gods never watched this land, and the dragons and goblins regarded all living beings on the land as slaves and toys.And the slaves are always eager to break free from the shackles, so humans, humanoids, and many weak races gathered together and raised the banner of rebellion.

Makes sense, but has no value.Marianne, who was at that moment a Seventh Ring poet and Seventh Ring druid, joined the rebellion as a 'character'.The goblin who watched the drama had already set the content of the script as "dying struggle, and desperate sacrifice".

Failure is inevitable, the rebel army doesn't even have a legendary mage.How could it be better than the giant dragons and goblins who can change the sky at will, correct the timing, and twist the fate?In the end, Longhua's servant army easily crushed the defense line that the rebels painstakingly forged.Marianne dragged herself out for a while as the last spellcaster.However, the scope of what she can take into account is so narrow.Before she was exhausted, all the companions she wanted to protect were dead.And what awaited her was written for her by the goblin who watched the drama, and both magic power and physical strength were exhausted in despair.In the end, it became the topmost head in the tower formed by the heads of the rebels.

Of course, she won't die.How could the best buffoon in the hands of the goblins die?Sooner or later, more humans will appear on this land, and more civilizations will multiply.And at that time, there will naturally be a need for reusable actors on the stage.

Marianne turned her head—the city was broken, the army had withdrawn, the blood had dried up, and under the cracked city gate, rotting skulls piled up like a mountain.

Not like a mountain, but a mountain.All the heads of people Marianne knew or didn't know, humanoids, or familiar or unfamiliar guys of other races, all piled up here.Most of them have been rotted, dried up, and their flesh and blood have fallen off, and they have been eaten up by vultures and snakes.At the top, several heads with higher life levels and protected by magic still maintain expressions of unwillingness, despair, fear, and anger.

Marianne knew them. Some of them had conflicts with her, some were congenial to her, some had defended her on the battlefield, and some secretly admired her but dared not pursue her.

But they were all dead—their heads were all here, at the very top of the Mount of Skulls.There is one more void that needs to be filled.

"You know what? I like tragedies, but what I hate the most are incomplete endings. It's a very disappointing thing for me to have an actor leave halfway through."

A voice appeared behind Marianne, a voice she was extremely familiar with—it was her mother, her adopted daughter, her sister, her suitor, her admirer, what she believed and feared , everything that is close to, everything that is hated.And she also knew that as long as she turned her head, she would definitely see the face that made her feel the most uncomfortable.

"I'm here to resist you." Marianne didn't turn her head, but looked up at the mountain of skulls in front of her.Her voice was unexpectedly calm.

"Resistance? Ah... my little doll has grown up too. The nine-ring spell may have given you a lot of confidence, but your ridiculous mastery makes you not worthy of your spellcasting level. Is it some kind of strange thing? Some kind of blessing? Or has some nuisance crossed the line? Ahh...it doesn't matter, just defy your master, maybe, this will be a more interesting drama."

The voice behind her was full of anticipation, jokes, sarcasm, and contempt—she was never regarded by the goblin as qualified to resist, and in fact she was.For goblins whose power is comparable to that of gods, a nine-ring spellcaster who doesn't even master legendary spells is indeed nothing more than a bigger ant.

"Well, you just look forward to it."

So, you can't do it on your own.

Marianne held out her hand, and it was in the palm of her cupped one.A small dim yellow flame that was previously covered by the essence of the magic mirror appeared in the palm of her hand.And the moment it appeared, endless distortion, violence, madness, and despair spread out in all directions, filling everything around this world!

"What is this! What did you do!?" The calm voice turned into anger in an instant.As the realization of the rules, the distorted order will undoubtedly move the goblin!

"This is the spark, the spark of the ancient planeswalker. The foundation of my promotion is also the price I can pay to avenge you and you."

The ancient planeswalker, the top enhancement of S-level.For Marianne, she didn't have enough resources to buy it.

Therefore, what appeared in her hands was the AA grade wonder she had purchased—the tainted ancient planeswalker spark.Sparks are the main ingredient for her Legendary Ritual.And the pollution customized to the main god is the weapon she uses to defeat the invincible enemy.

"I call for your coming." So Marianne read out the prayer that only reincarnated people are qualified to say.And the moment she opened her mouth, a tremor from beyond the sky swept across the world.

Something is coming, something powerful, terrible, terrifying is coming!It was an alien abomination that was comparable to, or even surpassed, the ancient evils.And they are coming here!

The lazy dragons stood up in horror, and the goblins overlooking the land all cast their eyes on the area where Marianne was.Countless spells, illusions, and even psionic energy rushed towards her, but it was too late!

Dorothy was right, she had to destroy everything.To be at ease for a while.

and so……

"At the cost of this prosperous world, I call on you to come and enjoy this boundless feast."


"Show yourself! The ancestors of the Eldrazi!"

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Intermission·A short break: Chapter 515, Section 480·Things beyond all knowledge

Eldrazi, an ancient god system derived from the worldview of "Magic: The Gathering".Their shaping obviously refers to the three original pillar gods in the outer god system in the Cthulhu mythology.They have the nature of corruption, distortion, and erosion, and they have also engulfed countless planes and civilizations in the background setting, using them as nourishment for their own bodies.

How many Eldrazis are there?Unknown, they inhabit the dark void between the planes, expanding endlessly, multiplying endlessly.Among the more famous ones are the three full body Eldrazi called the ancestors who entered the Magic storyline.Without exception, they all have a huge body like a mountain, the ability to stir up endless energy tides, and make the earth, water, fire, and wind burn and destroy, and they are like the gods of the restraint system. They will be corrupted as long as they are seen, and they will be distorted as long as they are touched. chaotic nature.

They are destruction and chaos.And for a place without gods to pay attention to, maybe Oberon, maybe Oberon's derivative parallel world.They are undoubtedly deadly.

Deadly, yet distant—because Magic and Dungeons and Dragons are two entirely different universes.Under normal circumstances, no matter how large-scale the sacrifice is carried out, no matter how sweet and rich the bait or sacrifice is prepared.It is also impossible for these void monsters called Eldrazi to reach the world view of the Dungeons and Dragons series.Because these are two completely different things, and they cannot and cannot correspond to each other.

But reincarnations are different... Reincarnations have always been special, because the moment they are chosen by the main god, they have the essence that surpasses the conventional single universe.Traveling between multiverses, this ability makes countless powerful beings who are restricted by heaven and earth envious and jealous. For most of them, it is even a daily job that is too disgusting.And the Lord God can indeed create a universe and then destroy it or leave it idle, just to satisfy a reincarnator who spends reward points to exchange this tricky business.

Marianne is a reincarnator, and the "polluted ancient planeswalker spark" in her hand is from the exchange of the main god - in order to meet her requirements, the main god specially created a Magic world line, and let it be in the original plot In the story, the ancient planeswalkers who successfully imprisoned the three ancestors of the Eldrazi fell to dust in the battle of fate.And the final result is that the world called 'Zandion' was completely swallowed up, all the ancient planeswalkers died in battle, and one of the lost sparks was just as Marianne needed , infected with the pollution of the Eldrazis, lost in the endless void, and at this moment, appeared between her palms.

The identity of the reincarnation is so noble—it is a pity that most of the reincarnations do not have enough self-awareness.

And when Marianne uses it here, and calls out the source of pollution in the tinder.The gap between the universe and the universe is thus opened.It's not the Planeswalker's ability to travel between planes, let alone the void stealth ability of the Eldrazi - they are indeed very strong, but they are not qualified to cross the worldview and travel in the upper multiverse - the reason why the door can be opened is only It's just that the main god fulfilled the characteristics endowed by strange things, allowing the two universes to communicate with each other, allowing the Eldrazis, and only the Eldrazis, to come here for a short time.

Ah, that's right.exactly.The Lord God empowered the reincarnated people so that their power can operate in any world view without restriction without having to pay attention to the local physical laws and cosmic order.And now... it's just about making things work as usual.

Thus, the door of the dusk color opened.Dark tentacles stretched across the sky, then pierced into the depths of the plane.The goblin nobles who symbolized the rules of the plane itself screamed and twisted and went crazy in an instant.And when the huge, shapeless, whirlwind-like, tsunami-like mass of flesh and blood descended on this world, the eyes of countless once huge dragons exploded in sharp screams.Then the head was entangled and covered with flesh and roots.

The destruction has come, and all things will soon be destroyed - in the painful wailing of the world itself, the ancient dragon named 'Oberon' rose from the interior of the earth, and released its breath towards the door of the evening.However, only at the moment of the confrontation, countless thick tentacles that spanned the sky easily penetrated the ancient dragon scales that are equivalent to the plane wall itself, and the most powerful and oldest dragon in the world screamed in pain. Withered, decayed, reduced to sad bones.

The last and only ruler of the world, is dead.

Nothing can stop the fate of this world.

The goblin nobles who symbolized order were all wiped out due to the one-sided nature of the conflict without even the qualifications to make a decent resistance.And those distorted and corrupted giant dragons also degenerated into slave beasts of the Eldrazi.Besieging their untwisted and mighty brethren until they are devoured in flesh and soul.

The world is about to end—maybe in minutes, maybe in seconds.

Marianne held the dim yellow flame in her hand, and gently sent it between her eyebrows.She turned around slowly, watching the final outcome of the drama-watching goblin behind her who had brought her countless nightmares—and just as she expected, the burning body that finally appeared before her eyes The goblin skeleton has a face exactly like hers.

This is the goblin's last struggle, or revenge.And the most likely outcome in Marianne's predictions—the last deceit, the last joke.Even if she dies, she will leave a shadow and doubt in Marianne's heart, causing her to perish at some point in the future because of this psychological loophole.

But she guessed it.

"I thought...you would be more familiar with me." Marianne sighed softly.An expected change is a change that poses no threat.She knew very well that no matter what kind of posture the fairy watching the drama appeared in, before she died completely and then came back to life again, she would have such doubts deep in her heart.And the goblin could have used another way that she didn't expect to create greater pain for her.

She guessed it, but it was useless.And as for the rest...

Marianne turned her head and looked at the world.Everything she held dear was crumbling, and everything she hated was about to perish.And the moment she switched her gaze, the wreckage of the theater goblin was burned up, not even a single ashes remained.

The world is dying—and she is the one who summoned it.

She is a reincarnation and a component of the world.When the Eldrazi devoured the land, she wouldn't let her escape just because she was different.

The shapeless behemoth had already set its sights on her.And she didn't resist, but looked forward to her upcoming destiny.

——I killed a world.I always have to pay for it.

—Come on, then.

The next moment, from the depths of Marian's eyebrows, a twilight-colored flame burst out suddenly.And at the same moment, a tentacle that fell from the sky pressed straight down on her, crushing her into pieces from head to toe.

The Lord's watch fell from the severed limb, flickered, and disappeared.Soon, the whole world crumbled, cracked, and died completely while the Eldrazi were eating.

Everything is gone.

Satisfied, the Eldrazi leave contented—perhaps to explore other realms in the Dungeons & Dragons system, only to be beaten up by the gods and heroes of the mighty world.Maybe it's on the way home, returning to the hometown environment that is more suitable for my survival.In short, although this group of alien visitors is powerful, they are not so strong that they are invincible in this universe.And after a long time passed, all the traces they left in this universe were eventually eliminated.

A long time has passed.very long.

So long that the plane once called Oberon was forgotten by the world, and there is no record except in the secret vault of the ancient gods.

It has been so long that even the travelers between the planes have renamed this empty and silent place, and set up warnings to prevent future travelers from stepping into it easily.

Because there is nothing here.There is no land, no atmosphere, no living things, no relics—there is only nothingness here, and the energy vortex that is summoned by the nothingness and churning around.

Nobody comes here, and nobody cares here.

And such a time has passed for a long time.For a long time, as long as time itself, it will lose the meaning of recording.It has been so long that even the secret library of the gods no longer keeps the records here.

So, finally one day.From the vortex of energy, a cluster of twilight sparks flickered.

A living creature appeared.One looks like a dragon, but it has multiple arms and legs.One is like a worm with outstretched wings.A foreign body that looks like a swimming fish but has a ferocious face like a carnivore.

Like a dragon but not a dragon, like a goblin but not a goblin, like a different species but not a different kind, let alone be classified as a human or a god.

If there are senior academics here, then it's probably after racking its brains.Will draw a 'sincere' conclusion.Yet it is actually not even an abomination, since it has no divine element.Therefore, if you have to give it a name, then it should be——

- 'The Thing Beyond Knowing'

It was born from a spark, it opened its eyes at the same time.There are complicated things surging in my heart.

--who I am?

It asks itself.

--do not know.

So...need to figure out who 'I' is?

— seems unnecessary.

And since I don't need it, what does 'I' need?

—Need a place to stay.


A thought, a spark.The concept called Planeswalker flickered in the depths of his mind.Things beyond all knowledge, understand what you need at this moment.

—I need a card, a land card.

It stretches out one of its arms and legs, and the end of the leg has slender five fingers that look like humans.And the next moment, a card with a green border appeared in its palm.

"The people of Eberron live under the oppression of dragons and goblins. They must unite to protect their land. However, even so, the land they own is still the most desolate and remote."

The content appeared in the card. It was a barren, barren land with a small river running across it and sparse forests on both sides.There are rocks and hills everywhere, the sun is sometimes fierce and sometimes indifferent, and there is dry and cracked soil beyond the river.

——Tap the land card [Desolate Plain].

The card is exhausted, then disappears.And the next moment, a piece of land floating in the void appeared in the eyes of this thing beyond all knowledge.Vast, but barren.Threatening glances were thrown from afar from time to time.Around the limited water source, there are limited trees.

— Then, I need a creature card.

"Although the people of Eberron live in poverty, they still have an optimistic spirit and a firm will. They work hard, reclaim wasteland, and domesticate livestock. comfort zone."

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