
"Hmm... let's get close. It's just the kind in classical literature, where pranks kill people, and they don't feel guilty, and they don't weigh priorities in their actions, and they don't care about the human moral system."

"...Classic Rocky?"

"Well, it is such an existence. And such an individual can design everything about a little girl before she is born. Her life, her ideals, her friends, her beliefs. And so far Set up one stage after another, one play after another to plan her. Unfortunately, this theater viewer is not the type who likes a happy reunion."


"So, everything is given, and then everything is taken away. Everything that the girl cherishes, values, is willing to fight for, and even sacrifices her life. All are mercilessly and even cruelly taken away in front of the audience. Let’s go. And the viewers will even take the initiative to participate in the drama, and play one or several roles that are crucial to girls at the same time.”

"That's a bit..."

"Unfortunately, the audience wants to taste the tragicomedy scene after scene. But there are not so many actors in its hands who can fully play the roles it needs. In its long life, it has written by itself. There are thousands of plays. And because of this objective reason, a certain shapeshifter who can change his appearance freely and is very talented in the field of artistic perception... has won many, many participations."

Dorothy shrugged.

"I don't know if I'm dead, and I don't know if I'm alive. I don't know how much of what I see in my eyes is true, and how much of what I think in my mind is false. If you want to die, you can't die, but if you want to live I can't live. Even if I freeze my heart, I will regain myself under the best psychiatrist in the whole plane with various methods that can break the ice in my heart. Then, the thing that moves me and rekindles my fighting spirit and courage Everything was taken away in the cruelest way before my eyes. And I can't do anything, and everything I do can only make the 'lose' more rapid."

"Such a person, you can't save her. She is even afraid of being saved by you. She completely wiped out the audience, even the land, country, continent, plane... even The pan-crystal wall system was destroyed by her until there was nothing left. The closer you get to her, or anyone gets closer to her, it will only scare her."

A terrible scene was thus described by Dorothy.Such a life is really scary just thinking about it.Su Qingyue substituted a little bit, and she felt like she wanted to destroy the world.And Marianne can still laugh out loud, and can make all kinds of jokes with other people that can grasp the thread.This really made her feel a little in awe.

"It's... a bit scary." Su Qingyue bit her finger. "So...before she can ensure the complete destruction of the audience. Will she treat everything that happened in the reincarnation world as an unreal evolution? Then how can she be sure that she really kills The goblin who watched the drama died?"

"That's her business." Dorothy spread her hands. "I know so much because part of my design was part of her legendary ceremony. And what she can be sure of is the fact that there is absolutely no information magic in her source world, and there is no such thing as information magic. This is Maybe she found it with great difficulty to stabilize the anchor point. There should be several such anchor points, but I didn't explore the specific details."

"She will succeed." Dorothy added after finishing speaking, as if to comfort Su Qingyue. "The goblin may be some kind of weird and incomprehensible creature in her world. But to the main god, it is really not a high-end product. That goblin will definitely die, and her source world... something will definitely happen. It's a huge change. But... I suspect she might not be able to get out."

"... an immortal old nightmare?"

"Well, she can erase all traces of the fairy watching the show. But in the end, she herself is the last trace. Unless she also washes out all her memories, completely replaces her body and soul, and recasts her, Otherwise, one day, the fairy watching the show in her heart will come back to life, and then lead her into even deeper despair."

"But at that time, it's time for you to show your talents, Sue. When she comes back, she will become willing to accept help from others. And when her destined day comes, it will be up to you to reach out and pull She got it."

"...Mmm." Su Qingyue nodded.

The conversation ends here.

After that, not much happened, too much complication

And when the last damn math problem was solved, the unnamed new battleship was finally completed.

Q skirt one 68 two clothes 7 seven one ⑥

Intermission·A short break: Chapter 506, Section 470·How to...become a Muse

The giant ship was completed.

Above the no longer noisy 'Olympus', the floating city covering hundreds of square kilometers floats quietly.There are never-ending drama performances within the city, and above the city are magnificent and solemn temple complexes.There are a total of six quadruple supergravity cannons, flashing thunder under the support of the weapon engine.A total of nine hundred and ninety-nine flying dragon garrisons paraded around the giant ship at a constant speed.

Majestic, sacred, and full of fantasy.When the shield system is activated, the heart of the dragon's furnace triggers the energy tide in the moment of breathing.A subtle sense of satisfaction welled up in Su Qingyue's heart.She felt very satisfied and had a sense of accomplishment.

"A great achievement." Su Qingyue put her hands on her hips, and the exhaustion from doing the math problems before was completely wiped away from her body and mind. "I think for a long time to come, this ship will become our second home, an important stronghold outside the space of the Lord God—is it still called Gran Sefa? Or is it a new name?"

"The style and components are completely different from Gransefer. In this ship, the part that once belonged to Gransefer is probably only the weapon core that supports the operation of the secondary battery system. It has no reason to inherit The name Gransefer. Besides, Gransefer is not actually our ship, because we don’t have Jita and Gulan among us, let alone Luvia who can summon Bahamut.”

Dorothy shook her head, she could tell that Su Qingyue didn't miss the old spaceship name much.

And the reasons she said are indeed worthy of consideration-after all, Granzafa is also the protagonist ship in the world view of the game "Grand Blue Fantasy".There are originals and popularity.In addition to the environment where multiple information spellcasters have appeared in the third generation, with such a loophole, you may have to suffer a lot in any team battle.

"It seems that a name is indeed needed." Su Qingyue nodded. "How about calling it the Utopia?"

In the next second, she got a standard blank stare in response.

"Do you still think that my information is not exposed enough? You can name it the Guardian of the Moon God."

"Uh... Is this not the same as revealing information? And Luna or something... I feel very embarrassed."

"You know how embarrassing it is." Dorothy raised her foot, as if she wanted to give this guy a kick.However, considering that the skin of the pointy ear thing is not rough but the flesh is indeed thick, she finally decided that it would be better not to hurt her feet. "In short, the name of the new ship cannot reveal information, cannot have original scriptures or is so well-known that it can anchor other individuals. Of course, it is best not to have any clear-cut concepts, such as 'pure', 'sacred', 'Damn' and the like...it's better to use some phrases with unclear meanings."

"So what you want is a set of gibberish characters, or binary data strips? That's too bad for a ship's name."

"That's why you need to use your brains, Sue." Dorothy sighed, a large part of which was affectation. "If you can't think of a name all the time, then I can only combine a string with random numbers. As for what it will look like in the end. It's hard to say."

"...Do you have to come and pick it up?" Su Qingyue twitched the corner of her mouth.She's actually quite self-aware about her talent for naming. "I think I'll rack my brains to come up with one. I'm afraid the final result will be...and this is your ship?"

"So you don't admit that this is the team's ship, but treat it as my private property?"

"In terms of facts, it seems to be true..." Su Qingyue looked at the materials of the hull, as well as the core components of the hull, plus the effects of spells and rituals on the hull.It was very difficult for her to say that this thing was not Dorothy's private property.

"Wrong cognition. Placing ownership on top of all team members will help the gains of the hull to be realized on them-even if it only occupies a very small part of the property rights. This will cause a considerable improvement in the effect of spells .And as the leader of the team, naming the ship is also a part of this ritual effect."

"Uh..." Su Qingyue was dumbfounded.

He was dumbfounded for a while.

"But wouldn't this become a new loophole? The multiple overlapping of ownership makes it easier for other information spellcasters to affect the ship or something..."

"You've become smarter, Sue." Dorothy snorted coldly, curling her lips. "Then guess, will this kind of loophole that you can clearly see be designed as a deadly trap by me?"

"Gu..." Someone made a pitiful voice.Then, a brainstorm struck.

"Then... since the loophole of ownership can become a trap. What about the name? The name should be fine too...Dorothy, why did you name those puppet maids Muse and Pandora?"

"Tch." Dorothy turned her head, giving the creature three seconds of triumphant time.

"Well, the name does not need to be very complicated. There are not many taboos. But the person who named it must be you. And until you think of a suitable name, let's set this ship as 'unnamed' for the time being .as well as……"

"Muses and Pandoras are traps, too. But if you have a bunch of traps crammed together, then it's not a trap, but a major flaw that pretends to be a trap—as I mentioned before, they want to be the real Muse. Si, there is another crucial step. And this step requires your cooperation."

"Huh?" Su Qingyue blinked.

"We have to find a world to go back to - originally my plan was World [-], the follow-up to the Zombie World War. You need to use your God Creation in the process of cooperation, so we have to find a world with relatively low subspace influence, That’s how you get started.”

She sized up Su Qingyue from head to toe.That gaze made people shudder, because it felt like they were looking at some strange and strange-shaped creature.

"However, the situation has changed - you have solved a lot of problems by yourself. So there is no need to adopt such a conservative approach. And considering the consumption of reward points, World Six is ​​a more suitable option. You can go there Tame your 'incarnation' completely. I can also fill most of what the ship lacks there."

"Uh... want to return the curse?" Su Qingyue looked a little reluctant.She's... a bit shady about that place.


"Then... how long will it take to go back?"

"A week? A month? A quarter? Uh... Could it be a year..."

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." Dorothy looked at Su Qingyue's wrinkled pretty face with satisfaction, and nodded with a smile.


one year.Three thousand and 650 reward points, a moment in the main god's space.

Su Qingyue, who has acquired the longevity sense of time, of course doesn't feel it for a long time, she just feels an instinctive rejection of the places where this mutant grudge has touched.And this rejection can be overcome, and the easiest and most efficient way is to face it.

Hazy followed her quietly, more like her shadow than before.But after seeking other people's opinions, it was found that there were no more companions—Tavier seemed a little moved, but after looking at Dorothy for a few seconds, he finally calmed down.As for Asakura Haruka... Although it is an effective way to use time when she brings a wind lamp to hang out with her for a long time.But after thinking about it for a while, she also chose the coping strategy of politely declining.

Very well, there are only three tourists going to the Grudge World.Su Qingyue, Dorothy, and Oboro.

And when the teleportation started and ended, a completely unfamiliar scene appeared in Su Qingyue's eyes for the first time.

The earth is no longer that earth, and it is probably close to 100 years from the day when the war between the reincarnators ends.The changes in the continental shelf guided by elemental impact bombs and lunar tides have come to an end, and the geographical knowledge of the past may not be applicable to the current earth.

There are no more four oceans, nor seven continents.The continental shelves that collided and then merged did not destroy the old civilizations, but they destroyed all the old countries that were established due to geographical relations.

If the destruction is more thorough, it may be a post-apocalyptic era in which all heroes rise together.However, before the reincarnators left, Su Qingyue, who was still in the incarnate state, once bestowed a blessing on this troubled land - people helped each other, guarded each other, for survival and reconstruction under the guidance of the blue moonlight And fight.The final result is that the old world ceases to exist, and the new world is ruled by the United World Organization mixed with theocracy.

There is no way for the divine right, after all, the moon god has descended to appear holy.Talking about physics no matter how hard it is, it would be a bit disrespectful to the subspace.In fact, under the short-term erosion of the subspace, this planet has indeed ushered in a wave of psionic energy-many ordinary people have obtained stronger or weaker supernatural abilities because of this.If you leave it alone, then even in the prosperous age, the heroes will be forced to join forces.

But the Holy See runs—well, the Holy See.It has nothing to do with the one who stayed on the cross before, it's just that the first batch of wild psykers and a group of senior gods who were inspired decided to continue to use this name.The religious world, which was originally declining in the west, ushered in a second spring.And considering that the moon god manifested less than a hundred years ago, and that the "incarnation" in the depths of the subspace has a very mature prayer response mechanism, the current new Holy See is at the peak of integrity and purity, which can be called The stage of the lighthouse.

Corruption is theoretically a matter of time... but it is a bit difficult at present.After all, psykers can really ascend in subspace.And after the two afterlife worlds, the "heaven" represented by the subspace and the "hell" revealed when the grudge broke out, were truly smashed in front of everyone, old religious tricks such as karma, reincarnation, etc. were also eliminated. Please respectfully take it out of the wastebasket, and then place it on top of the shrine.

A little speechless.

But it is also impossible.

The activation phenomenon brought about by the erosion of the warp did not kill a few people.But it destroyed almost all the precision machinery.And after the first wave of psionic tides baptized the planet after it stabilized in space.The modern physical system summed up by Newton, Maxwell and others also becomes ineffective because of the occasional activation phenomenon.

So, that's it.In less than a hundred years, the human painting style has fallen back from the information age to the Renaissance.Although it has become just a style of painting, productivity has not retreated but advanced due to the influence of psykers and the Holy See.But anyway...it just looks awkward.

Su Qingyue is the most embarrassing one.

The moment she arrived, she immediately felt her 'incarnation'.She found that she could easily integrate him again like the past, like a hundred years ago in this universe without any rejection.And because the curse has been erased, the destiny given to her by the universe has been eliminated. Even if she is fused on the spot, she will no longer be able to grasp the stars and the moon as before, move the planet at will like a potted plant, and modify it Or adjust.

The strength of Dao Bite has decreased, and the effect of Dao Bite itself has also been greatly weakened.Su Qingyue, who didn't dare to reintegrate at first, also gained the courage to challenge.And when she put on the mask, she only felt a small part of her mental abnormalities.

Kind of like... taking care of people.Which of Dorothy and Oboro is preferred... not sure.But as long as this strange impulse is prepared in advance, it can be easily suppressed with one's own will.And she can finally look at the current planet that is not so much the earth, but a fantasy world from a more comprehensive perspective.

The 'Unnamed' landed on the far side of the moon, the landing site chosen by tourists.

And after figuring out the current situation and sorting out your thoughts.Su Qingyue looked melancholy at the witches in the team.

"So..." she said, "what are we going to do?"

"I'll talk about the specific things to do later. First..." Dorothy tilted her head. "Su, do you have any special views on the current world?"

"What can I think?" Su Qingyue spread her hands helplessly. "Another world fantasy, classic gods, classic church, classic renaissance mixed with ancient heritage. If I didn't know what it was like 100 years ago, then I would like this worldview setting very much. But now... ...It can only be said that the mood is complicated."

"The grudge must be annihilated, and there is only one way to annihilate the grudge. As long as the subspace is connected to the real world once, then sooner or later there will be a second, third, and fourth time. As an objectively existing universe, it is better to say Studying the operation of the subspace is the correct and effective technology tree - I don't reject this world, and I don't want to forcibly "correct" it back to its original appearance 100 years ago. It's just that I still feel a little complicated when I look at it, maybe this The world...has a chance for a better destiny."

"So you don't reject its status quo, and don't reject its changes?"

"Well, that's probably what it is...?"

"Excellent." Dorothy nodded. "Then in this way, the biggest obstacle will no longer exist... Su, as the head of the troupe, let's lead the Muses and become a national idol in this fantasy world."





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Intermission·Take a short break: Chapter 507, Chapter 470·Starting from the abolition of the school.JPG

If Su Qingyue's emotion at this moment is surprise, it is to describe the volcano as a candle, and Tianhe as a stream.For a moment, she really wanted to give her witch a thorough psychoanalysis, so as to confirm whether there was any magical fallacy in this guy's thinking logic.

She really wants to do it.

She even reached out and touched Dorothy's forehead to see if the fellow had a headache.

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