"I would like to know."

For the third time, Chu pushed the glasses frame.

And the next moment, a group of pitch-black shadows were forcibly manifested in front of him.The pale young man who should not even exist in the last incarnation was forcibly molded into the real world by the rules of the curse!

It watched Chu, and Chu watched it.Chu saw the shock in its eyes, and suddenly realized.

"So that's how it is." Curse Grudge's tone was still flat.

What's plain is just the tone of voice. If it had a heart, it would have been a turbulent sea.

And the next moment, it slowly, slowly, at a speed that even a dolphin could avoid, stretched out its hand towards Chu.

Chu just watched it, neither advancing nor retreating.Until that hand finally pressed onto his body.

Chain accident, trigger.

Spell, Time Stop, Dispel.

Time flow variances that affect planning operations are removed.At the same time, the cognitive filter on Chu was cancelled.The darkness then eroded his body.But he was not in a hurry, because the chained accident technique triggered another effect.

Legendary spells, legendary human domination.

Chu, who reached level 18 as a spellcasting level and was able to use level 9 spells.The rules allow him to make up legendary spells for himself.And his choice is to transform and amplify the low-level spell of human domination.And the final effect is to create a legend that ranks in the bottom three even if it is not the bottom one in the list of legendary spells. There is no creativity at all, and it is simply a legend that super super super boosts low-level spells. technique.

Because of this spell, the only human being it can control is the caster himself.

But now, Curse Grudge no longer has any incarnation. He is both a human being and Curse Grudge.

As he is it, it cannot resist.

"I have always speculated that you still hold the last hole card in your hand. A hole card that can turn defeat into victory, even Su Qingyue can beat. I don't know what that card is, but I judge that it must exist. After all, Su Qingyue Said you're far better than me, so maybe there's even more than one card."

Chu raised his hand, as if shooting himself in the head.And directly opposite him, the gun in Curse's hand was aimed at its mimic brain.

"So, for her victory, but also for my wish. Right here, I must consume all the cards you used to turn the tables—the hole card that you can use as the final weight. To be able to connect with something that I care about most. What is it? I really want to experience it.”

He didn't hesitate.

He pulled the imaginary trigger.

And the next moment, a bullet in the curse gun that should not be loaded at this time suddenly exploded.And hit it and the center of Chu's brain!

"Ka—" Chu's glasses and Curse's glasses were shattered together!

And the next moment, even if it was just a memory phantom, the truth of the multiverse that could easily kill Parasitic Aozi appeared in Chu's field of vision!

At this moment, Chu knew everything he wanted to know.And what followed was death.

Group 6 2 bars 7 Yi [-] Qi Yi Liu

World VI: The Grudge: Chapter 492, Section 460 Awakening

Death is not the end.

In the nothingness where wills collide, Chu knows everything about himself.

He knows exactly why he was born, and he also knows the origin of his destiny.He knew why he was able to change into the appearance of that transcendent sentient being after wearing glasses, and he also knew what price he had to pay for it.

because he saw it.

He sees it.

That snake of wisdom that spans the multiverse from beginning to end, is cold, cruel, and overlooks everything.In the giant silver vortex, all the truths and orders that have been established and have not yet been established in the multiverse are calculated.And even the most superficial of them is enough to make a real god die forever the moment he sees it.

God is mortal, and man is also mortal.

A half-hearted person between man and god will naturally die.

Because the true truth will assimilate everything, and will make everything eager to assimilate with the truth.

Chu died, but did not perish.Because for him, or it as the grudge, the so-called assimilation, or eclipse phenomenon.It had already happened at the moment when he and it put on the glasses.

"The multiverse has its own order, and I am a derivative projection of one of those orders. Without my glasses, I am me. With my glasses on, I will be it."

"So that's how it is... This is my origin, my destiny, and my price."

"I am the only one who pays the price, and my world will not suffer for it."

Chu gently pressed his chest, even if his body was dead and his soul was gone, he was in the nothingness between consciousness.He also felt at ease and at ease like never before.What he was most worried about was that it didn't happen after all, and all the secrets and truths he wanted to know had already been presented to his cognition.

He's not dead -- not quite dead.Because he is qualified, just like a grievance, which can continue after witnessing the truth of the multiverse.And gain extraordinary knowledge and power.

He hadn't gone away—and the Grudge, of course, wouldn't have.Bullets are just a form of expression of power, since the first time he failed to bury himself, then the second time is naturally the same.

Chu turned his head and looked at the cursed parallel himself.In the collision of consciousness, he and it have already shared all the secrets in each other's memory.He already knew why it acted, and he also knew how many bargaining chips it had in its hands that could be put into use, dying.

The answer is no, this card is the last one.The grievance originally prepared many means, but they were all drawn prematurely or wasted in vain due to the unreasonable opening of the reincarnated people.

The Grudge is out of cards.

Curse Grudge's final plan is to use this memory bomb to kill Su Qingyue in reverse when he kills him.The gesture of running away is just to force the other party to make a hasty shot.And once the opponent dies from "seeing the Tao", then he can replace the opponent's power and body that lost his autonomy, and then clean up the entire battlefield.

The most powerful thing is to rely on the power to suddenly become an enemy. Belief in this fact is enough to make those third-order reincarnations who are on guard even if they are on guard are caught off guard and despair.And in this way, the transformation of hope and despair can be achieved.Even if Su Qingyue was able to fight back at this time, the new avatars captured by Curse Grudge would be enough to defeat her.

Unfortunately, it was a step short.

For the current Grudge, it is no longer able to do this kind of thing.

"Is this what you want?" Chu asked to his 'self' who was sympathetic in a certain sense: "Overthrow all obstacles in the way. Cover the whole universe with the rules of grievances until the universe is no longer New variables can appear again. And in the final stage, maybe you can get a chance to fight against it?"

He doesn't wear glasses.

As for the curse, it also doesn't exist at this moment.

"In my deduction, even the real gods will eventually be trapped in this infinite universe that may be huge or small. No matter how much you accumulate, no matter how you calculate, it is impossible to continue upward. If you want to cross the River, witness my source. I can only reach infinity, and then go beyond infinity. And I speculate, if I can lead the death of a universe. Then I may have a chance to reach beyond the universe, where our source is .”

It replied with a grudge, its tone was not as cold as usual, but with a little emotion.Had its former neighbors been alive and able to see it at this moment, it must have been assumed to be exactly the same as when the young man lost his only dear blood relative.

"I'm going there, I'm going to fight it. It has such a cruel fate on me, and even if I fail. I won't stop."

"It doesn't impose any fate on us, we are just its shadow, the wind it brings when it walks, the heat it emits when it sits—everything we encounter comes from our own choices and decisions. And I don't intend to shirk everything I have carried in my destiny on a metaphysical concept." Chu frowned and gave an answer.No matter at any time, he cannot accept the behavior of making thousands of innocent people pay for his own decisions.

"You're shirking responsibility, you're pushing your own failures onto a concept that doesn't even look at you."

Cursed, however, just shook his head.

"You're wrong, me in another universe. When we wear the glasses that symbolize wisdom—when we have the qualifications to wear them. Our destiny has already gained extra weight. We are destined to exceed Ordinary, we are destined to bring new creations to the world we live in. Unlike those ordinary chosen children, we have the heels of its shadow."

"If fate is cloth, the weight we hold can press out the potholes. This pothole is a catastrophe, and it is a stage where fate respects our weight and allows us to achieve something-the weight given to us by the source makes us inevitable. Obtain high-speed and efficient growth in the vortex. However, this vortex is enough to involve everything we value and become our food for progress."

For talented and capable people.The bad luck encountered by relatives and friends is indeed the force that promotes their rapid growth.Because they are too powerful, they don't always care about themselves very much.However, also because it is too powerful, it will subconsciously bear more responsibilities to the people around it, so that it becomes like a reverse scale.

The protagonists of the talent stream are like this, it doesn't matter if you mess with yourself, you are very strong, and you will become stronger soon.It's no big deal to show a little measure once in a while.However, if the people around you are injured, then no one can escape.

"You thought that your world didn't pay the price because of your existence—yes, it didn't. How could it be called a price if you died a few people? Not only will your world not be damaged because of your existence, but it will be because of you You are active and get new progress and pioneering. After all, you are born to achieve great things, your world will only set up the stage for you to the best. And when you have any delay, behind you, Push it up hard."

"Do you still remember your blood relatives? Do you really think that she has served as the earth mother in one world, so she can obtain the same honor in your original world without any hindrance? She has not made any achievements, made any great achievements .Do you really think that if she gets to that position like breathing and drinking water, she won’t need it, you won’t need it, and pay any price?”


A magic staff suddenly appeared in Chu's hand.Curse Grudge's hands also grabbed the double guns.

Combat is imminent.

The battle did not break out after all.

After all, Chu's staff failed to gather strength.During his short thoughts, he saw through the other party's thoughts.

"You tried to convince me." Chu said coldly. "There is too much confusion in your words."

"You have a reaction, which means it works." The Grudge replied, and the current situation did not seem to be beyond its expectations: "You and I are born in the same camp. If you and I cooperate, the probability of seeing the source will increase."

"Use the power given to us by the source to meet it?" Chu's gaze repeatedly sized Curse.The tone was flat, but full of unspeakable ridicule.

"I'm not you. I'm not like you. I have so many choices." Curse lowered his eyes and looked at the black reincarnation watch on Chu's wrist—the Haizhou team had prepared a watch for use Win it over, but it is not able to accept this gift.Mainline targets cannot be recruited.It only knew this from Mengyun's memory after it assimilated Mengyun.

"So, you also know that I have many choices." Chu tapped his temple lightly. "Why should I agree with you to choose the worst and slowest one?"


This time, the silence continued for a few seconds again.

Chu tilted his head, this action is a bit like Su Qingyue.

"Is the time delayed enough?" he asked.

"En." Curse nodded, and the next moment, dark tides came from all directions, rushing towards Chu's direction.

"What about you?"

"It's almost procrastinated." Chu also nodded, facing the endless darkness that was sweeping in front of him, trying to assimilate himself, neither hiding nor running away.

Because at the same time, it was no longer the center of the abandoned battlefield.Yun Sushang, who absolutely can't die early, has already done the things that Chu entrusted to her when he first applied the cognitive filter.

An incense table, a white candle, a spirit card, and a ceremony.

Yun Sushang took a deep breath, and pressed the sticker written by Chu himself, stamped, next chapter, entrusted to the soul, and belonged to Chu's birthday name and surname, on her body.

"Defeat luck with luck, and kill yourself with your own. The immortals of the heavens witnessed that this deity, Yun Sushang, killed Chu's fate with Chu's luck!"

She bowed heavily towards the spirit card that also originated from Chu.The moment she bent down, her beautiful long hair instantly turned into ashes, and the decayed spirit overflowed from her limbs.And her temporary golden elixir that escaped the catastrophe of self-explosion also burned up in an instant, leaving only her extremely weak Dao Ji, which was successfully preserved for the time being!


In the nothingness, there seemed to be huge wheels colliding with each other and strangling each other.

Chu judged that the curse was of the same origin as himself, and the probability of being devoured and assimilated was extremely high.So as long as he forcibly fuses with the curse, as long as no specific signal is triggered, then Yun Sushang will immediately trigger the agreed ceremony.

The Grudge knew this, but it could only gamble.Because Dorothy's torch of apocalypse is still in operation, unless there is another person like Chu who forcibly triggers the rules, it will not be able to reach any infected life at all.It can only gamble, bet that the technique of praying for luck is not triggered on time, and bet that it can assimilate Chu's will before everything is irreversible.

It lost the bet - when it and Chu's glasses shattered at the same time, it was no longer unparalleled in the world.And Dorothy's Apocalypse represents the suppression of luck.Even if it still had a chance to come back before Chu made a move, but now, Dorothy, an information spellcaster, possessed more luck than it!

Yun Sushang's blessing was successfully triggered at the most suitable time.When the poor child whose life essence, essence, and true essence had all bottomed out vomited blood and fell down.After assimilating Chu's curse, his own luck, which was already suppressed, collided suddenly.

Internal friction.

Numerous strange, obsessive phenomena that should not have existed, appeared in turn in the process of the final fusion of curses and grievances.And this caused it to take a long time, which was greatly extended.

In the present world, dark tides are constantly churning and fluctuating on the surface of the earth.Set off a huge wave thousands of meters high.

It was not 'lucky' to capture even one reincarnation.Nor was he able to bump into Dorothy hiding somewhere on Earth in a head-to-head frenzy.Its momentum is getting stronger and stronger, but the situation is getting more and more desperate.The reincarnated people who originally planned to take action to suppress them flew to the sky with great happiness and left the battlefield.Watching this final change of situation from a distance.

'Peng——' Like a candle being extinguished, the torch of the apocalypse finally went out completely after persisting for a while.Curse Grudge successfully merged with Chu, gained Chu's capacity, and the calculation of the same source.

The earth covered in darkness fell silent.A huge face that belonged to the Grudge, covering the entire Pacific Ocean, protruded from the darkness, and stared in the direction of the reincarnated people.

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