Su Qingyue thought that when she was thinking, her spells answered all her prayers.Many pre-set plans collected in Jenny's world were activated at this time, and the strategy for combat began to be implemented.And those people who were not very good at fighting in the secondary safety zone suddenly gained a lot of power one by one, as well as a calm heart to manipulate this power.

The strengthening of the subspace was imposed on them based on the prayer mechanism of the 'Guardian of the Blue Moon'.They immediately broke away from the original formation, effectively replacing the ordinary strong combat forces that stood in the front, but basically could only be easily wiped out by the spawned evil beasts, and then used practical means to attack the evil beasts. Repression.

They are great.It is easy to master this power endowed by the technique, not by Su Qingyue herself.

And it didn't take long for them, and the victory fell into their hands.

One battle is over, but another will soon follow.

There are more and more aliens worshiping the 'Blue Moon', and they soon discovered it under the protection of the 'Blue Moon', and used the secrets of the subspace to build a settlement for the total population of tens of thousands. advance base.

They, the subjective initiative of this group of aliens is really strong-they regard the 'Guardian of the Blue Moon' as an ultra life form with an unknown attitude, rather than a god in the traditional sense to worship-worship is more important to them Like some kind of transaction.After gaining the initial tranquility, they immediately carried out a lot of aggressive or conservative activities, but unexpectedly, none of them crossed Su Qingyue's moral bottom line to test the efficacy of 'Qingyue'.

For the first time, Su Qingyue knew that the 'guardian' mechanism she had set had so many loopholes.When dealing with various situations, there are so many contradictions, and even out of control.Whether it's the conflict between the guardian objects or the adjustment of the guardianship method, thousands of ways to exploit loopholes have been discovered casually.

If Subspace can provide after-sales reviews, then Su Qingyue will send a five-star review here.As professional technical testers, this group of aliens racked their brains and tried their best to determine the purpose of the 'Guardian of the Blue Moon'.Even she, who is the only one who can modify the mode of operation of the "Guardian of the Blue Moon", is also very busy in this bilateral competition.

At this moment, she clearly understood what it meant to be self-sufficient.And when she had a hard time, she finally got a breather in the research and development competition of repairing bugs, patching bugs, and even updating the framework.She was shocked to find that she had been entangled with this group of aliens living in the subspace for nearly a hundred years——

A small base with less than [-] people has now become a huge city that can secure a foothold in this floating continent.Millions of people are struggling under Qingyue's protection, but they are living stably in the subspace.Compared with those first, second, and even third generation alien exiles who focused on questioning and research.The new generation controlling the city is already used to following every rule and conduct specified by Su Qingyue.

The free employees who picked the wrong ones stopped working, so Su Qingyue finally filled in all the loopholes in this competition - the passage of a hundred years had no real sense in her cognition.Perhaps it was because she was so focused on her work that she had no intention of establishing any new connections or cooperation with this group of aliens.

— maybe I should try to touch them...

Su Qingyue thought about it, but she immediately recalled her responsibilities as the captain of the Beibingzhou team.The enhancement of the longevity species allows her to focus on the matter at hand for a long time and ignore those unimportant experiences.Even after a hundred years, she didn't feel that she was much different from when she first prayed to the warp.

She glanced at the watch on her hand - the watch showed that 23 seconds had passed since the time of the first prayer.She figured she might be able to spare a little time for something else.However, at the next moment, another subspace wave swept away her will again.

The "Guardian of the Blue Moon" is still in operation, and there are no users who find fault, and programmers naturally don't need to continue to stare at the operation.And when Su Qingyue's vision became clear again, another subspace deep floating continent with completely different appearance but no difference in essence appeared again in her cognition.

This is also a continent where unlucky eggs have fallen here, but it is different from the last time.This time, the visitors not only lost the sharp ears of the Eldar, but the average population quality also dropped a lot. When going up, more than 80.00% of the people would just go berserk hysterically, go crazy, and summon more and stronger subspace-derived evil beasts.And the rest of the calm ones could barely form a team under the shouts of a few elites, trying to defend against the attacks of the evil beasts.

Very good, it has 70.00% similarity with Earth humans.

The reason why it is only 70.00% is because the current performance is still much better than the war refugees that are common on Earth.

—Run the program in different environments to verify its reliability... right?

— Tsk, I'm obviously a painter...

When Su Qingyue thought of it, she sighed silently and invisibly without a body.And what follows is a new round of 'Guardian of the Blue Moon' operation.

She spent many years on this continent.Collecting more new data, perfecting, and even rewriting the effects of guardian spells—she feels that she is not creating a unique magic at all, but is based on subspace, fabricating a priesthood as a guardian deity out of thin air.The more time she spends, the stronger this feeling becomes.Even so, she did not stop her research even for a moment.

After one continent, there is another continent.

After one group of believers comes another group of believers.

In the depths of the Warp, the workings of time and space become ambiguous.And with the continuation of Su Qingyue's process, the waves from the deep layer are gradually revealed on the surface layer, and even in the physical universe beyond the surface layer.

Many wonderful visions are thus presented on the physical universe in the form of physical phenomena.

Perhaps very soon, this vast galaxy will usher in the first god who will be born in this era.

Perhaps, this god who is about to be born can catch up with the war of the reincarnated people.

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World VI: The Grudge: Chapter 451 Section 420 Information Beating

— Subspace... so irritable...

When Abdullah successfully transferred the sub-divine domain to the surface of the moon, around a tower to be built.The war between the sandbar and the Arctic is inevitable.

Because this is something that the Shazhou team cannot control.

Because this is something that the Arctic Island team cannot tolerate.

Abdullah will only move Shi Mei's palace to the highest point on the battlefield as a matter of course, and he will not listen to the opinions of anyone other than Shi Mei - in fact, as long as he decides to be close to the earth, it is considered In response to the invitation of the Arctic Island team, no matter where the sandbar is selected, the Arctic Island team's attack will come soon.

soon. long?

The cat girl, or the cat ninja 99, squatted quietly and obediently in a narrow place of the gathering point like many times in the past.While listening to the various arguments of the companions, prepare for the upcoming battle.

She has prepared for similar battles many times.

But this time, she vaguely sensed something different from the past—the keen intuition unique to small animals made her feel very uneasy at this moment, and when she put her perception into the always quiet subspace 'At the time, she clearly sensed the fiery agitation inside the subspace.

She is a ninja, a ninja in the Ninja Slayer universe.The free energy in the Warp is named Karate Energy in her source world.And the profession she has been majoring in allows her, or people like her, to freely absorb and deploy the subspace energy that can manipulate the limit without the need for physical or mental access to the subspace.

The premise is that there are not too many waves in the subspace.

——It seems that only one-third of the usual free energy can be transferred.

99 thought, she felt that this should be a major event.She decided to tell the rest of the team immediately.However, before she spoke, someone's reaction was more violent than hers.

"The subspace suddenly became active...Did the Arctic Continent team do it?" Xia Xun frowned. As the dragon girl of Cathay, she had dealt with many subspace creatures before entering the main god's space.She even successfully killed the 'Exile' Scarbrand once. Of course, the consequences of that kill allowed her to contact the main god space.

She stretched out her hand and touched the space outside the lesser god's domain.The waves from the warp had eaten away the skin of her tentative hand in an instant, and this made her feel even more stunned.

As an area effect, it is very weak - although this level of frenzy is very unfriendly to psionic users, it is undoubtedly difficult to affect the living units with certain combat power.

As an ambient effect, it's strong - it's almost like the subtle breaking waves on the sea before a huge storm!

And she only had a rough perception, and she knew that the scope of this broken wave had already exceeded her cognitive limit.Perhaps the entire Earth-Moon system has already been surrounded and covered by this boiling wave!

How could this be an artificial phenomenon! ?

"The scope is too large... This doesn't seem like something that mortal things can tinker with. Even those ancient great demons should not have a prelude of this scale when they are about to appear. Could this be some kind of natural evolution of the environment? "

She was a little uncertain - she looked outside, and then looked inside God's Domain.When Shi Mei hadn't woken up, this God's Domain showed them a gorgeous but simple appearance.The appearance is quite spectacular, but the protection ability and war potential are completely inferior to ordinary A-class spaceships.

If such a large-scale subspace transfer was solely driven by the Arctic Continental Team, then this second-tier God's Domain, which has not been able to enter the state of war, will definitely not be able to support it.So, assuming that there is indeed interference from the Arctic Continental team, what are the conditions for the opponent to achieve this effect?

She subconsciously looked at the towers built under the operation of unmanned machines on the surface of the moon - the towers closest to the lesser gods were tens of kilometers away.She couldn't sense any unusual energy from those towers.There was no meddling from the Warp, much less the contamination of Chaos that she was familiar with.

——That's right, what just emerged in the subspace was waves without chaos pollution...pure energy, operating on the basis of certain special properties.In this universe, there are no Chaos Gods!

——This is a pure subspace storm...Damn it, could it be that the main god is not satisfied with the progress of the team battle, so he issued a urge?But we obviously lost so many newcomers——

"Xia Xun." She suddenly heard the voice of the cat girl 99. "The subspace... has become manic. My next effort will drop significantly."

She glanced at 99 subconsciously—when she looked at 99, her peripheral vision flicked across Malik's face.She observed the deep horror and surprise hidden between the demon's brows—no, this is not the expression on Malick's face, but the thoughts in his heart. Just now, the third-order genetic lock that she subconsciously opened It just captured his mental activity!

What does he know?what did he find

Why did he keep silent?

Xia Xun opened her mouth, she was just about to say something - about her discovery, about her doubts.She just wanted to do something - to strengthen the defense line, to do tactical nodes, such as testing those towers.However, before she opened her mouth, or took any action, she felt that everything around her was rapidly becoming chaotic and blurred!

The transfer of time and distance from the second-level God's Domain has been completed.Less than two seconds.

It wasn't the world that was so blurry, but her perception, her vision—she thought that there would be at least some traces of the Arctic team's raid.She thought that the protection of the second-tier God's Domain could at least be somewhat effective.

She was wrong.

She heard an unknown person calling her name.

"Xia... Xun..." The voice came from far away, male and female, with a strange rhythm.

— Curse of the real name! ?Why is the strength so high...I obviously carry an anti-curse amulet on me...

It's a thought.

There was a sudden cracking sound from Xia Xun's body.It was an anti-curse device that was fortunately not consumed in the previous offense and defense with the Haizhou team.Along with the shattering of the talisman, 99's body, who had just opened his mouth to tell the information, exploded together.

If it was an ordinary team of reincarnators, then this wave would naturally be taken away on the spot.But the Shazhou team is not afraid, they have already acquired the ability to continue fighting in the face of death.

Longjiang, expand.

The realm of mental imagery has eroded reality, and the skills that shouldn't be used to support defense are under too much pressure at this moment.When the huge body of the soul dragon unfolded in this pale gold sub-divine domain, the water of the Longjiang River, which was already nearly dry, was replenished a little in the divine domain. Can't provide much defense!

Members below the third rank were all reimbursed in an instant.Malik's eyes exploded, and he screamed as he spewed a fountain of fire.

"Third-level conjurer—at least third-level high!"

'boom--! 'A blast was generated suddenly, ignoring...or not knowing what method was used to penetrate the double blockade of the second-level god domain and the Longjiang domain. Straightforwardly, it was a void blast generated between Malik's eyebrows!

--how is this possible! ?How could Arctic have cracked our power structure so quickly! ?Although a lot of information was indeed exposed, no matter what, it shouldn't have such an efficient transformation!

Teams that have never seen it, or have never been beaten by an information spellcaster, can't always adapt to this situation.They always think that even if they unfortunately divulge too much information, it will take a lot of time for the reincarnation of the enemy to convert this information into a real weakness killer-as it is often said in the story, the kind that only needs to hit , The sword that can kill a powerful demon king in an instant always needs various processes to complete, but spellcasters are never used to these unlucky ones.

——Is it because we happened to bump into each other...

Such a stupid idea just emerged from his mind, and Xia Xun immediately denied it.She worked hard to mobilize the body of the soul dragon she possessed, trying to delay a little time before Abdullah summoned Shi Mei's resurrection power to come——

She couldn't delay any longer.

She was shocked to find that even Abdullah, who had also opened the third-order gene lock and possessed the S-level enhancement, fell into a sluggishness under the effect of the real name curse—his thinking experienced a short-term fault, unless he immediately Being attacked, or sensing a fatal crisis, otherwise he would not wake up immediately!

——Obviously I can survive...why can't he do it! ?

—Damn it, Abdullah was the main target of the curse.And the Arctic continent team chose to launch an attack at this time for the sake of! ?

Even with a huge and strong dragon body, Xia Xun couldn't help but shiver in his heart.Because she immediately sensed Bei Bing's real tactical goal in the next moment, that is the comrade who will usher in death, no matter the wreckage or the soul fragments, they are all floating in the half-dried Longjiang field!

Shi Mei's resurrection was not completely flawless.

The defect is that within the range of the light of resurrection, at least there must be fragments of the soul or body of the deceased.And before the deceased is killed, the Bo Xun imprint engraved on the body and mind cannot be erased in advance.

The Haizhou team failed to find out the second intelligence, and it was extremely difficult to meet the first condition.Because the Great Temple had not been broken at that time, and the Haizhou team was always on guard against the arrival of the Arctic Island team. From the beginning to the end, they did not dare to use all their strength.

But at the moment, the Arctic continent team has absolutely no concerns in this regard to consider!

—I must, wake Abdullah at once...

The fiery breath gathered in the soul dragon's throat, and she didn't care about being revoked by the inflexible Abdullah afterwards, so she opened her mouth to use this most direct way to wake up this third-order puppet who was only dedicated to protecting the law.However, even if she has already made up her mind, the reaction she will make is under the calculation of the Arctic Island team!


The purple gravitational beam tore through the unactivated sub-divine domain.The selected attack point was a weakness of God's Domain that the Shazhou team didn't even know about, and this overloaded bombardment easily evaporated all the water in the Longjiang River, tearing apart the huge body of the Soul Dragon!

Abdullah's eyelids trembled, as if he was about to wake up.

Xia Xun endured the severe pain all over his body, and tried his best to stretch out the dragon's claws, at least to save the wreckage of the nearest companion.

It has to be said that she did a good job—however, no matter how good she did, it was not worth the fact that every step was counted out in advance by the hostile reincarnation due to the large amount of information leaked.Because at the next moment, the boundary of God's Domain that was broken suddenly showed a huge imprint of Taiji gossip, with an unknown breath of unknown information, and pressed down on Xia Xun and her companions——

It's a wonder.

Some kind of space attribute, the utility is unknown, but there is a high probability that it is a strange thing of teleportation or enchantment.

However, there are two more correct and straightforward ways to deal with it.

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