So she had to close her eyes.While studying the development of the next battle situation, check whether there are any omissions in the previous plan.The huge zodiac behemoth thus continues to fly in the direction of the moon in space.Even if it reaches the high speed of Mach [-] or [-] soon after leaving the atmosphere, there is still a long and steep dark road to the moon.


Meanwhile, inside Gran Sefa.Dorothy glanced at the shockingly slow speed of the sandbar and the seashore after losing the heavy vehicles, or deliberately showed the shockingly slow speed, and then turned her attention back to the small meeting in the decision-making hall .She and Chu appeared here at the same time, while Su Qingyue was explaining the reasons for her actions.

"...In short, it's probably like this." The retelling of the long speech has ended, and Su Qingyue just said the conclusion that pushed her heart. "The Grudge entity has mutated and is waiting for an opportunity. My prophecy and intuition tell me that it is a wise man who can match the joint layout of the two of you. You can understand it as Chu who wears glasses and doesn't need to take them off. So I decided to skip all the trial links and use the method of moonfall to force the two other teams to leave the earth, so as not to become food for the expansion of the opponent’s power—that’s it.”

Su Qingyue spoke vividly for so long, and Dorothy listened quietly for so long.Chu put on his glasses consciously after listening to the summary.Then immediately frowned.

The situation seems very bad.And the most ominous thing is that he seems to be at a disadvantage in intelligence.

"The other party should already know some of our information, at least the structure and main combat power in the team, I think it should already know. Although we also have some information on hand, there is a key point that has not been known yet." Su Qing Yue paused, then looked at the two sincerely. "I don't know what role it plays in the Grudge. What kind of goal it has."

"There is not much time, and the battle is not far away. There is a high probability that our main quest has been leaked. The effect of watching the drama will not be effective for it. If we cannot confirm the opponent's target... the result of our next battle may not be very good."

Group 2 Liuba 771 Yi [-] ⑥

World VI: The Grudge: Chapter 448 Chapter 410 Eighth The Pre-war Meeting

The reason why Su Qingyue called this small meeting was to seek an answer.

An answer that she couldn't get anyway, but someone could get it—that is, what is the purpose of the curse entity's actions in this world.

Only after obtaining this answer and confirming its correctness, can she say that her inner chance of winning is not a daydream. Only when she knows the other party's motives, can she really have a chance to win.

And she knew that she would definitely be able to obtain such an answer here.

Dorothy remained silent, and Chu, who frowned, was silent for a few breaths—he seemed to want to take off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, but every time he stopped abruptly before taking concrete actions .

One second, two seconds.

There are many pairs of ears outside the conference hall, and they are all pricking up to listen to the movement inside.

Three seconds, four seconds.

People outside the hall can't actually hear anything, and they also know the need for confidentiality in confidential meetings, and they just use this way to express their importance and concern.

Chu opened his eyes.

"I've always had a feeling," he said, taking off his glasses as he spoke. "I can wear glasses every day, and the time to switch thinking modes is actually unlimited. It's just that I actively limit myself on another level, which prevents me from doing such things."

He put the glasses back on again.

"This is a correct inference. I judge that in this state, the part of me that belongs to human beings will be lost sharply with the arrival of a critical point. Joy, anger, sadness, pain-all the emotions that a human being should have. Family affection, Friendship, responsibilities, ideals, all things that should be carried by a human being will be lost rapidly as the maintenance time of this model prolongs."

"Well, that's right, as you can imagine. Even if I wear glasses, I am far from being able to reach the area where my upper limit should be placed on the intellectual level. At this stage, I may be called I am the pinnacle of mortal wisdom, but I am still just a mortal, not what will become... or can become..."

Su Qingyue lowered her eyes, she knew that what Chu said was correct.The reincarnation of Hongjun, the number one wise man of the human race——the subsequent rebellion against Hongjun's path, an outrageous existence of its own.If his wisdom must be expressed in numerical values, then it should be infinite as it should be.But Chu, who was wearing glasses, obviously hadn't reached that level.

Neither Chu from the Arctic Continental Team nor the unlucky guy from the third generation of Zhengzheng arrived.

"I'm afraid of doing that. I still have someone I want to protect, and I still have a destiny I want to fight against. I don't want to be a monster that is not a god or a demon, but it is not myself. So I told myself early on. A restriction has been placed—this restriction is irreversible, maybe the main god can remove it, but at least at this moment, at this moment, no one can do it."

"I don't want to, and I can't take that step." Chu explained, he didn't seem to say anything, but he actually said everything he wanted to express.

"But you in this world did it." Dorothy said coldly: "It broke through that limit, or you in this world never set limits on yourself from the beginning. And no matter what the truth is, this world You have become a cursed entity that is no longer bound by any oath or idea, and become, or are close to becoming, the area you are afraid to reach."

"Exactly." Chu, who was wearing glasses, propped up the frame of his glasses. "It is stronger than me, there is no doubt about it. If you fight on a fair game field, you and I are not enough to fight against it."

"But this is not a fair battlefield." Su Qingyue continued Chu's words, avoiding possible conflicts between the two wise men. "So, we still have a chance of winning?"

"Well, there is still a chance of winning. But not much." Chu nodded, and he waved his hand, and the simulated projection of the entire Earth-Moon system appeared in the center of the conference hall.The moon fall has already begun, but it is still more than [-] kilometers away from the earth.The speed of the fall will not increase as the objects approach each other.And when the distance is shortened to the Roche limit of [-] kilometers, the moon will not be broken into rings in the future, but will directly fall on the surface of the earth.

That's a few days later—the human world will be destroyed in a few days, and there will be no dregs left.

Before that, however, the long summer torrential rain caused by the elemental shock bombs would cover the entire surface of the planet in a few hours.The greenhouse effect will make the surface temperature quickly exceed [-] degrees Celsius.All survivors who were lucky enough not to die in the global tsunami will be roasted alive within minutes, and those who hide in the cool underground base will also be quickly submerged in the tsunami and heavy rain.

The number of human beings who can survive after the end of today will not exceed one ten thousandth of the current total.And when the moon really hits the surface, the number of human beings who will die because of it may not be more than one hand.

The world will be destroyed before it is destroyed, and this kind of destruction is precisely facilitated by the former in the air-to-air game between Curse Grudge and Su Qingyue.

After all, what Su Qingyue saw through watching the drama was only motivation, not subtle changes in psychology.Before Rennes released the elemental shock bomb, she didn't know that Rennes was holding such an outrageous hole card in his hand.But the grudge entity that had been lurking inside the Haizhou team for a long time obviously knew a lot of secrets.

and so……

"It doesn't care about its identity as a human being, country, nation, family, doesn't treat itself as a human being. Instead, it will redefine itself according to its current situation after the 'new life' A role to play." Chu's eyes were blank, his thoughts were resonating with the entity of the curse, and his thinking was the thinking of the other party.The opponent's decision was reproduced in him at this moment.

"It is the has become the Grudge, it...I am the Grudge itself, and the Grudge is a part of me. I have to fulfill the duties that have been entrusted to me since the birth of the Grudge. I am the destiny of all things. "Chu's tone is changing, Chu's tone is changing, and Chu's person name is changing.Everything is changing and he is turning into it!

A hazy voice quietly appeared behind Chu, Fantasy Killer was ready to go, ready to interrupt this dangerous attempt in the simplest and most direct way at any time.

"What duty?" Su Qingyue hastily stepped forward before that——

"The Grudge originates from the civilization of the world, from the hatred of intellectual life. It originates from the stupidity of the living and the bewilderment of the dead—destruction. The destiny of the Grudge is to destroy everything. Destroy human civilization, and destroy the world of intellectual beings Destroy all living and dead things on this planet, let this planet return to the Hadean Era, and then go deep into the void, find and destroy every planet that can give birth to life, and destroy all in this universe that can Become the source of civilization!"

His tone became more and more urgent, his expression became more and more fanatical, but his eyes became deeper and deeper, like deep springs, like dead bones.Something that has nothing to do with 'Chu', or something that is above it, is conceived and descended on him, and it may only take another short moment——

"Gala——" Before Lu could make a move, Chu Xian, who was about to change completely, tore off his glasses from the bridge of his nose in one step—the tripod of the glasses pulled two bloodstains on the side of his ears and quickly Healed, and the twisted mirror body fell to the ground, shattered into a piece of debris.

A series of healing, restoration, and anti-meme spells and items were cast on him.He did everything on duty, his face was pale, and a huge amount of sweat gushed out from his whole body like a fountain. He seemed to be trembling slightly like an ordinary person unlocking the gene lock for the first time.

He refused Su Qingyue's support, and after a few seconds, he finally returned to his normal appearance.

He took another pair of glasses from his pocket and put them on.

"...Now we understand that its goal is to destroy the world. To destroy the human world on Earth, and to destroy all civilized worlds outside of Earth. This is the new role it has chosen for itself as the bearer of the curse...Captain , The confrontation between you and it is not mutually exclusive. You just let him go from a big win to a small win."

Su Qingyue opened her mouth, but failed to answer.

Instead it was Dorothy who helped her.

"It was a strategic victory, not a tactical one. We adopted a strategy that was not completely correct because we were not able to obtain its intelligence in advance. But at the tactical level, I think it will be six or four at most, It accounts for [-]%, but it has not reached a decisive result."

"Moreover, Su's strategy is still correct. Although the previous confrontation made it push forward the act of destroying the world, I believe that it absolutely does not want to execute the act of destroying the world at this point in time-after all, the curse needs civilization as a carrier to be able to do so." Propagation. If I were it, before destroying the human race on Earth, at least it would force human civilization to create multiple sources of information transmission, broadcasting towards places where civilizations may exist in the depths of the universe..."

"The premise is that we didn't come." Chu pressed the glasses frame. "If it is simply the ability to cross the starry sky, all three of our teams have it. And even now, the starship under our feet can leave this space at any time and go directly to the outside of the solar system."

"Then how about we transfer the battlefield again now?" Su Qingyue asked: "Transfer to Pluto, or Mercury. Let's solve the problems between the reincarnation team outside, and then spend time, directly imitating Jantis to repeat the battle." Perform a Tiansi Jiuyao ceremony... directly move the earth into the sun, I don't believe it can't be defeated."

Su Qingyue became ruthless, she really wanted to destroy the world with all her heart—anyway, the world has already been destroyed once, or it is about to be destroyed once, so why not do it again in the wasteland...?

However, her wish to destroy the world did not have a chance to work.

"Sorry, Su, my research on Tiansi Jiuyao has not yet reached the level where I can fully reproduce it." Dorothy held back in front of Miss Su for the first time.

"Moreover, even if Tiansi Jiuyao is fully operational. Jiuyao is also a fixed ritual anchor point, even Jantis himself can't move the earth." Well, it is actually difficult for others.


"And I don't think that's a good idea." Chu replied solemnly, his eyes seemed to be a little off. "Since the opponent's motives have been exposed, we should take advantage of it. Although we don't know how the opponent wants to win us, we can still win by fighting fast and taking the initiative in our hands. The only way."

"No delay." Dorothy nodded. "But we were able to delay each other's time."

"You mean..." Su Qingyue felt a little bit.

"Go and save the world, Captain/Su." Chu and Dorothy reached a consensus at this moment. "Do what only you can do, what you can't do now, but you will be able to do in the future. Give us the war, and no matter what happened before, don't look back."

"You..." An ominous omen appeared in Su Qingyue's heart.She looked to Dorothy for help, and Dorothy just shook her head at her.

"I trust your judgment, Su. It's the first time I've seen you so panic-stricken. And it means that you don't believe that we can win from the bottom of your heart, or even that we can live. Combined with Chu's information, I can judge that A person's ability can indeed exceed the combined strength of me and him...Although I have never lost to anyone intellectually since I was born. But since it is your judgment, I think I should obey."

"Then, this is destined to be a bitter battle... It is already arrogant to expect that there will be no injuries and everyone will survive until the end of the battle. And whether you are here or not, Su, it won't change the fact that we can't quickly annihilate those The facts of the two reincarnation teams."

"The moon will still fall, and the Arctic team will still destroy the world in a few days. But before that, I need you to save the remnants on the ground-the greenhouse has not been fully opened, at least for now, there are still a few on the earth. A billion survivors... Since the opponent has wisdom beyond the ordinary, it can only be effective if it uses something it doesn't know. I think you should know what it is, Su."

"..." Su Qingyue didn't answer, she already understood what Dorothy wanted to express.She does have a secret power in her hands that the other party can't understand, and she is destined to be able to do it in the future, but what is it that she can't do now... She already knows it.

"...I understand." Su Qingyue nodded and returned to her seat. "Next, I will let my spiritual power cover the surrounding area of ​​Gransefa, and the spiritual communication will also be maintained. For now, the sea island and the sand bar cannot break through my protection, and the direction of the battle... I will leave it to you gone."

"Well, leave it to us." Dorothy nodded, and pushed open the door of the conference room - the members of the Arctic Island team were all standing outside the conference room.And Su Qingyue's gaze collided with each of them.

——Ah... It was only in the last match that I experienced such a hard fight.

——But why, this battle has to face an even more miserable future?

——When I opened my eyes, by my side... How many companions can I have left...

Su Qingyue sighed silently.She nodded slightly to everyone.

The door is closed.

Obscure guarded by his side.

Su Qingyue closed her eyes, then opened them.What caught his eyes was already the vast ocean of energy in the subspace.

"...I thought that I could deduce all the details to perfection little by little in my spare time."

She raised her hand, and a group of bright lights gathered on it.That was her unfinished self-made skill.Great blueprint with guardian mechanisms, and it's just a framework that needs to be filled in right now.

"Come on," she ordered, addressing the entire vastness of the Warp. "Tell me... give me enlightenment... the secret law I have created, and what it will eventually look like."

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World VI: The Grudge: Chapter 449 Chapter 410 Nine The Chick Spreads Its Wings

The ocean of the Warp is boiling.

In the boiling ocean, Su Qingyue was given the response she wanted.

【The desire you expect is a desire that has never existed in this world. 】

【The wish you have made is a wish that has never existed in this world. 】

【If you insist on doing this wish, you should do it yourself. 】

The Warp responded to her, telling her that the knowledge she expected did not exist in this world.Her wish can only be fulfilled with her own hands, and what the Warp can provide her is only one way to her wish.

It really is impossible to get something for nothing - even the responsive subspace cannot fulfill Su Qingyue's request.Because what Su Qingyue wants to do is something that only she can do.The power of self-creation may not be the only one in the multiverse at this moment, but at least in this universe, she has no room for reference answers.

If it cannot be found, it means that once it is born, it is unique in this universe.

No one knows its details, no one knows its solution.No matter how terrifyingly wise a peerless wise man is, when he first comes into contact with it, he will inevitably suffer from the disaster of lack of information.

- that's fine... that's exactly what I want.

——I am not the only life in this world who can touch the subspace.Even if their attainments are so shallow that they don't know how to step into the subspace.However, omissions may still occur.


Su Qingyue stretched out her hand, responding to the rising tide in the subspace.She has already made a decision, so the next thing she has to do is the path of self-employment provided by the subspace.When she made a decision, a different wave came to her immediately, but she didn't make any resistance and let the wave take her away.

Inside Gran Sefa, Su Qingyue's body and soul are still stagnant here.But her will went away from this area along with that wave, leaving only an empty shell that fulfilled the preset function, unfolding the shield of mental power, and applying the corresponding spiritual spell protection——

If there are any senior members of the Shazhou team standing here, they will find that the states of Su Qingyue and Shi Mei are so similar, but Shi Mei is immersed in herself, while Su Qingyue is immersed in the outside world.Even if the former returns to the main god, it will not be forcibly stripped and awakened by the teleportation mechanism.Even if the latter is faced with thousands of calls, he cannot hear any voices from his side until the goal is achieved.

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