However, at this moment, she suddenly cast her eyes on the mountains and cliffs, at the many fortresses that had been rearmed!

She knew one thing, and this thing is that the reincarnated people have been operating and transforming this land and this kingdom for several days.

And she immediately realized that the descent point she had chosen had become a trap.Although I was not the target that the other party planned to entrap from the beginning, but at this moment, I undoubtedly stepped on the crisis!

Because this area is basically where the opponent's position is!Although one does not have a professional background and is not very good, but the content of the meeting is not lacking, and the king-level information spellcaster who has patiently prepared for several days has carefully arranged the position!

And the next moment, all the citadels in the annular basin burst into light at the same instant!

The leylines are working.Between each glowing fortress, bands of light that gathered energy suddenly formed.Their main body is the energy of the leylines and the beliefs of all beings in Narnia, and after the death of Aslan, the holder of the first ownership, all these are in the hands of the reincarnators, to be precise, Dorothy!

Jantis lost his position, and this is Dorothy's position.

Jantis lost the lead, Dorothy got the lead.

Jantis' car, treasures, and resident enchantment effects were all destroyed.Besides the temporary loss of Tartarus, Dorothy's biggest loss was nothing more than a hole in Gransefar that was repairing itself at high speed!

Three defeats, three wins.

Gran Sefa Zero descended from the sky, crossed the plane wall that was no longer fortified, and pressed down rapidly towards the surface.

And Dorothy's orders to her position were only the simplest, rude and difficult to interfere.

"Bondage," said Dorothy.

And the weight of the position placed by the whole world gathered on Jantis, preventing her from taking any action.

This won't last long, and it's not even time to charge the supergravity cannon again.The role of the position will be consumed.Regardless of using spells, psionic energy, aura fields, or technological means, it is impossible to complete the second kill in such a short period of time.

It can't be killed, and it can't be done.

Therefore, when Granzafer descended from the sky aggressively, attracting Jantis' attention the most.On the edge of the mountains and cliffs, the tops of seven interconnected hills.Yun Sushang set up the incense table early, tied up a grass figurine, and poured a cup of newly synthesized blood on the grass figurine.

Ah, yes, synthetic blood.

Mr. Chu analyzed the bloodlines of the three legionnaires and deduced thirteen origins.Twelve of them were killed and verified, and No. 13, which was deliberately left behind, was synthesized into an entity in Yun Sushang's hands and turned into raw materials.

In the war between different civilizations, intelligence is crucial.

And in this "The Chronicles of Narnia" world view, it will definitely not contain the derivatives from the prehistoric world, the technical data of another distant ancient cultivation civilization!

Yun Sushang then took a light breath and raised a wooden bow.Towards the straw man, shoot every arrow and bow every time.

Seven arrows were shot, and seven were bowed down.

Nailhead, Book of Seven Arrows!

World V The Chronicles of Narnia: Chapter 351 Chapter 320 Section [-] Do you like to think in space?

The Nailhead Book of Seven Arrows.

The book is the world view of Fengshenyanyi.Taoist Lu Ya used the secret technique to kill and teach Daluo Jinxian Zhao Gongming.If she followed the usage in the original scriptures, not to mention that Yun Sushang would not be able to clothe it at all, even if she did, she would still have to find a person with great luck, worship three times a day, and even worship the grass man for 21 days, and then Only then can he do it himself, shoot seven arrows in a row with the method of replacing the form, so as to curse to death the person he is hostile to.

Yet she doesn't have 21 days -- she doesn't even have 21 seconds.

She also didn't lay out the way of the complete curse-killing ceremony, she didn't even have the key to the ceremony, the 'Book of Seven Arrows on Nailheads', the entity of the secret art book, but used ritual objects to temporarily replace it.

Insufficient materials, rushed time, incomplete structure.The final killing effect is naturally not one in a hundred... No, this statement is too arrogant and incomplete to this extent.It may be more appropriate to say that there is no one in a million.

If she really uses this kind of spell to deal with a... immortal, then her fate may become a well-known joke in this plane that has been passed down for thousands of years.But fortunately, what she needs to deal with is an opponent who is far from that level.

White Witch Jantis?No, not even this one.Yun Sushang's curse kill target, from the beginning to the end, no matter whether Jantis will come to this area or not, there is only one fixed target.

That was the wizard, he didn't know his name, his appearance, let alone his date of birth.It's just a high-ranking wizard in the legion who was simply analyzed by Chu to have a complete bloodline.

And when the ceremony came to an end, the seventh arrow precisely hit the blood-stained grass man's body.In the center of the circular battle zone, Jandis, who had stabilized his new form, was suddenly blasted into light red fine powder together with the ritual straw man on the Seven Mountains!

Humans have three souls, spirituality, perception, and life.The three souls belong to the spirit.

Humans have seven souls: joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hatred, and desire.The seven souls return to the body.

The Nailhead Seven Arrows book worships the three souls and nails the seven souls.The essence and key of secret art lies in the former.And the latter is simply a direct curse to the flesh!

Yun Sushang just bowed, and she skipped the steps of worshiping the soul as much as possible.And the timing she seized was exactly at the moment when the body of the high-ranking wizard had not yet fully belonged to Jandis's new body, and the ownership was ambiguous!

The target of the curse is the wizard, and the wizard just died.

It was Jantis who was affected, although Jantis was the real target in this curse-to-death operation.

But not pointing is not pointing.All poker players know the nobility of the term 'no need to specify'.And this caused Jandis's sense of crisis to fail to activate in time, and when her new body was destroyed, there were even obvious searches and surprises in her eyes!

'Bang——' The newly formed body collapsed into a diffuse blood mist.

And this fully meets the needs of reincarnators.


—an effective blow, but would it kill her?

—Hmph, it's obvious, if you can't kill, you can't do it.However, this is a sudden situation in which the rhythm is in our hands and guided by us.

——And this means, your conscious subject protected by the shell.There will be a moment, exposed to our vision.

In the ceremony hall, Dorothy stared at the ground beneath her bare feet.The self-repair has not been completed, but the Gransefa, which has not hindered the inner function, is in the process of descending, and the second time, the supergravity cannon that was fired not long ago is now in the stage of charging.

The second shot arrived in no time—and Dorothy was watching the ground eagerly.The calm and cold blood in her body boiled for a long time.Supply more energy to the brain and promote her high-speed thinking——she did feel the long-lost fear and panic.But this long-standing emotional tide did not make her weaker at this moment.

On the contrary, at this moment, she is becoming stronger than ever before—because of fear, she is angry and thinking.Because of the panic, be alert and focused.She has never been stronger than at this moment, and the genetic structure hidden in every cell in her body is also slightly shaken.Every second must surpass the previous second.

And at this moment, she is waiting for an answer—she needs to use this answer to verify a certain conjecture that she uses to decide the follow-up strategy.

She didn't wait more than half a second.

——"Dorothy, I have touched the surface of Jandis's thinking. Her protection is very strong, and her spiritual power parameters are probably far higher than mine. It is our luck that she does not have the characteristics of a spiritual power. Although I There is no way to break through the surface protection of her thinking and pry into the secrets of her heart. But I have not gained nothing."

In the sky, Su Qingyue descended one after another accompanied by Gran Sefa.Her position is slightly higher, and she is watching the current battlefield.

Peeping was not without cost, Su Qingyue's spirit was traumatized in that very short trial which was hard to ignore.The injury was reflected on her body, and half of her head exploded almost instantly.But she knew in advance that this trip was dangerous, so the medical preparations she made in advance have come in handy.

——"I saw her essence."

Su Qingyue's thoughts reverberated in the spiritual network - her real body was a little unnatural for a certain moment.The surrounding airspace became slightly blurred and changed.

She spied on Jantis, and she did see it.

Even if she couldn't break through Jantis' defensive barrier at all.She also slightly, briefly, detects, synchronizes, and simulates changes in the core of Jantis' thinking.

——"Desire to explore."

she thinks.

In her perception, time returned to the speed of milliseconds.And she worked hard to organize and summarize her thoughts.

Jandis's thinking is beyond expectation, simple and pure.Under that defensive barrier, the countless thoughts that are running can be summarized in one category.

'who are you? '

'Where are you from? '

'How long have you been here? '

'What is your purpose? '

'What power do you hold? '

Countless thoughts, entangled with each other.Countless thoughts point to doubts—yes, although Su Qingyue can't read the specific content, she can read the general direction.And she discovered that, apart from the basic emotions that are used to construct the persona of 'Jantis', all the rest are thoughts that tend to be 'doubtful'!

She wants to know, she wants to know more, she will be surprised by the unknown, she will be satisfied when the unknown becomes the known.In addition, any ordinary person will always have, have, but can suppress emotions such as 'hesitation', 'anger', 'vigilance', 'hostility' and so on.In the core of her thinking, she couldn't find it at all!

She was not a flesh and blood person at all.Rather, an inquiry machine that just wants to know more, learn more, and discover more!In her thinking community, there is not even the anger and contempt for the reincarnated people who once destroyed her body, similar to people being bitten by mosquitoes, but only curiosity about the reincarnated people, the means and knowledge they possess research ideas!

She's not human, she definitely isn't.

And when Su Qingyue shared such a conclusion in her mind network, she also obtained information from Yun Sushang.

——'The verification has been completed. When I cursed and killed the seven souls, I tried to touch the opponent's three souls with the smallest specification.But I neither had my head exploded nor my soul collapsed. Although the backlash existed, it was unexpectedly small. '

Yun Sushang gave the information.

No matter how streamlined the ceremony of the Book of Seven Arrows was, she always bowed seven times.The seven smallest soul worship actions were carried out in a side-to-side manner.But in terms of luck, there is probably no one in this universe... no living person is above Jantis.At the same time that Jantis merged with her new body, her soul should be affected to some extent no matter what.

To be affected is to be attacked, no matter how small.

And in the Eastern cultivation system—or the orthodox cultivation system.Using the method of praying for luck to attack and kill the people of Universiade will inevitably suffer corresponding backlash.

Yun Sushang didn't suffer much backlash, she might have a bit of a headache, but now she is alive and kicking.

And such a result can only explain one fact at this moment.

——Jantis' body is not here.Those who appeared here could only be regarded as her soul fragments at best.Along with her most daring mode of action, she also employed the most cautious means of travel.Part of the emotions, part of the soul.Even if it is wiped out, it is not an irreversible damage.

Dorothy was thinking, Yun Sushang dropped the line directly after sending that message.And in today's thinking network, perhaps only Su Qingyue and her at the moment can withstand such high-frequency thinking—Mr. Chu with glasses may be able to, but he remains silent at this moment.And the time moved forward one millisecond after another in her deep thought.

Granzafa unfolded little by little, and the charging of the supergravity cannon slowly pulled out bright light bands in the air.The blood mist that was blasted below showed an abnormal contraction before it expanded to the limit.

——This means that the Jandis in front of her is her first strategy of action.It's not really about solving Narnia's problems but figuring out what's wrong with Narnia.Her curiosity is the only thing we can use to influence her.At the same time, it also means that if she can't find a new container, she has to bear the result of 'disconnection'.

--"What do you need me to do?"

Su Qingyue asked, her traumatized spirit healed a little because of this short respite.

But Dorothy's response did not exceed her expectations.

—Do what you ought to do, Sue.I have already stated the result, so you don't need to worry about the consequences of all your actions.

Think about the exchange, and that's it.

The second gravitational beam fluctuated suddenly, and at the same moment, the blood mist that no longer collapsed on the surface flowed and surged like a living thing, turning into a deep red vortex!

Its speed is very fast, it is a little faster than the falling speed of the gravity beam.Its sides suddenly darkened as the gravitational waves fell.It's not that the nature of the blood mist has changed, but that it uses itself as a base to cast a special protection spell against gravity attacks!

A supergravity cannon that can easily tear apart mountains and flatten a large island.Its power was dispersed and lost prematurely before venting to the blood mist vortex. 90.00% of the power is guided to bombard the earth, while [-]% of the power is guided deep into the ground, bombarding the leyline network laid by the reincarnation.And even if Gransefer's fire control responds and adjusts in time, the ubiquitous suppressive power against Jantis that was originally flooded in the circular position has also been significantly weakened.And the flowing blood mist vortex immediately escaped the direct hit range of the gravity beam.

The shape is re-condensed, and the flesh and blood are reshaped.

Even though the gravitational beam's bombardment range is not far away, the dissipated gravitational field can no longer reach Jandis's new body.

The secret of the gravity weapon has been discovered by her.

The same moves were no longer able to attract her attention again.

"Interesting means, I have to find the corresponding descriptors from the ancient books of the East. 'Luck', 'disgust', do you have any more surprises for me?"

Her newly constructed fingers pointed skyward one step ahead before the gravitational beam caught up with her.

"Perhaps I should press a little?"

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