One hit kill.

Chu didn't even have time to look at the guy's specific posture.He just raised the magic staff that couldn't keep up with his progress but could barely use it, and built protection on his body surface.

——Seven-ring spell, immune to energy damage.

——Eight-ring spells, reinforced iron bones.

—— Four-ring spell, dimensional anchor.

The body becomes solid and protected by a powerful energy field.And the space in the entire 'territory' was also locked.There will be no variables in a short period of time.

He walked out of the hall—although the head maid has been wiped out, there are other flesh and blood maids who need to be suppressed.Moreover, even if it is chained to petrification and disintegrated, the weird headmaid may not really die just then.

——Six-ring spell, chain lightning.

A powerful thunder light the size of a water pipe popped out from the end of the staff.And jumping back and forth on the flesh and blood maids in the corridor outside the hall.Those sad flesh and blood bodies were ultimately subject to the laws of physics—they were carbonized and cracked under the hot electric current, turning into pieces of pitch-black matter and scattered all over the ground.

He moved on, exploring areas that he hadn't had time to examine before leaving.He didn't perceive that there were any living creatures other than himself in this manor territory.The frequency-specialized soul container that he held in his hand since he came, has never captured the soul he expected.

He pushed open a heavy door.

—Seven-ring spell, one finger of death.

The headmaid's form was reforged in the room, then immediately lost life in his death spell.Insufficient firepower is indeed the only reason for fear.And Chu now feels that he is playing in his back garden to pass the time.

——Seven-ring spell, rainbow jet.

Chu has a lot of spell slots. After all, in the main god space, spell slots can be expanded in many ways, and even increase their intelligence and spiritual power automatically.When he opened another door, he encountered the head maid again, and this time the body of the head maid and everything behind him melted and disintegrated in the rainbow light.

——Eight Ring Spell, Burning Cloud

It is too much to use this kind of spell in a room with an area of ​​no more than [-] square meters.But Chu thinks it's necessary, there are a lot of things to do, and he doesn't intend to solve them all in one day.Then, try more spell lists, at least it will help his mood recover.

Unfortunately, his spell list doesn't have the chance to be fully displayed here.Because the door has only the last one left unopened.And when his cane knocked on the doorknob to open the last door, the entire manor fell into silence at this moment.

The manor territory ushered in a new owner, and all the old guardians disappeared.

He still hasn't found another part of his sister's soul, but at least part of his purpose has been completed.

Section 250 IX o Really isn't it?

"The territory of this manor is enough to accommodate all the people in the stronghold. Now, I will hand over its control to you."

Two days later, in the settled manor territory.Chu fulfilled his promise, buried all the dead who came with him but were buried here in a cool place, and returned to the stronghold, escorting the remaining survivors to this huge manor.

The estate is large enough to accommodate everyone.

And he assembled an authoritative management amid the cheers and celebrations of the survivors.And in front of everyone, hand over the core secret key of this territory to them, and let them manage this land together.

"Aren't you going to stay, Chu."

"I have more important things to do... I want to find the spaceship that landed in Europe five years ago. Then close it, or destroy it permanently. I suspect that spaceship is the source of the end of the world today, and the current I may have the ability to completely end all of this."

Chu did not hide his spellcasting ability during the escorting journey.Because sunlight is a curse, there are countless terrifying and weird killers in the darkness.In the end, he supported the flying spell and guided the magic cloud to cover the sky, thus leading the people in the stronghold to complete the transfer in just two days, allowing everyone to have a safe place to stay.

He didn't hide it, and the others didn't ask—this kind of power could have been obtained through "wonderful items" in this era.And the stronger the power, the greater the price to pay.

Moral kidnappers do not exist, for they are dead long ago—death ruthlessly hunts down all those who stand in the way of unity in this land.Those who do it may be weird, or they may be people who want to survive this era of disaster more smoothly.


People stared at Chu with reluctance in their eyes—of course they knew that if Chu stayed, the people in this territory would live a more stable life.But they are more aware of their habits and methods. Since he has made a decision on this matter, there is no possibility of changing it.

"You will always be the leader here. No matter when, no matter what, as long as you come and speak, everyone will help you do it no matter what." The new management bowed deeply to him and took the lead in shouting loudly.

"Salute to Chu! Salute to the hero!"

Others immediately responded loudly.

"Salute to Chu! Salute to the hero!"

The sound was like a wave, and the sound of welcoming him away was not cut off by the rules until he walked out of the manor territory.He walked into the sunlight in broad daylight, and the moment he touched the sunlight, he felt that the permanent self-defense shield on his body surface was slightly weakening.

The rate of reduction per second is equivalent to the rate at which a general-purpose semi-automatic rifle can be fired at close range.If it were an ordinary person, his flesh and blood would turn into mud in just a few seconds.

Therefore, the earth is red.

Red, and blackened.When the feet step on it, there will be a subtle slimy touch.And as far as the eye could see, in this boundless scarlet wasteland, only the wreckage of buildings and abandoned steel remained.

The sun came alive, and it cursed and hated all living things.Apart from the land itself, the only thing that can protect the remaining human beings is the territory protected by the rules.

And the earth will wake up sooner or later.

——First, I need to understand two things.

Chu raised his hand and took out his vehicle.It was a flying wing machine that could only take one person.A high-speed fighter similar to Batman, but without so many bells and whistles.

He stepped into it, and the special shell that had been processed in advance isolated the cursed sunlight.And when the reduction of the shield no longer occurred continuously, he took out the sacrifice needed to release a specific spell from the dimensional ring.

——Seven ring spells, limited wish spells.

—Tell me, where is the Horizon, that ship that wrecked the world?

A burst of bizarre scenes emerged in his cognition.In the end, what appeared in his eyes was a secret military base somewhere in Central Europe.The spacecraft had a short breakout time after returning to Earth, and before that, it was transported to a heavily guarded military base for storage and research.

Human beings think that there are no more than some alien viruses in the spaceship, and they are also some alien creatures similar to aliens.As long as chemical defense measures are in place, even if something goes wrong, nuclear bombs can be used to mop it up.

People are wrong, and mistakes will pay for it.The price is all that a human being can pay.

——The second question, my sister, where is the remaining part of her soul in this world now?

The sacrificial offering vanished into nothingness at this moment.The spell slots were wasted in vain, and the magic power in the body also showed an abnormal loss.The prophecy of the limited wish technique failed, perhaps because it was disturbed, or because the price paid was not sufficient.

Chu closed his eyes, then opened them.He had a bad premonition, but this did not prevent him from suppressing the anxiety and doubt deep in his heart, and pushing the putter hard to the bottom.

The vector nozzle started to operate, and flew towards the other end of the world with the only rebel of the human race on this land.


Chu passed through the ruins.

He saw layers of bones piled up, forming a mountain.The skeletons gathered together to form white beasts, but they roamed the scarlet land docilely like herbivores.

It seemed to be some kind of elephant, perhaps with elements of a mammoth.When the flying wings passed by, the long nose made of white bones raised high, and the elephant cry sounded like the wailing of ghosts in hell.

He saw the ocean, the water was so clear that there were no fish or seaweed.Even the plankton died under the hatred of the sun-the water body became calm, there was no undercurrent, no dust raised up, the sun could easily shine from the water level to the seabed thousands of meters deep, except for the colorful corals, There is no life at all.

Several deep trenches are quietly distributed on the edge of the seabed, and light cannot enter, but there may not be life there.Because when the flying wing he was driving crossed the low altitude, the air current waves that were set off on the sea surface formed a clear, shapeless face that could be seen for several kilometers of a creature with five senses.

He saw the walking city—maybe it used to be a city, but now it is a brick giant made up of hundreds or thousands of high-rise buildings.Above the giant's head is a suspension ring made of concrete roads and overpasses.The continuous disintegration and continuous recasting may correspond to the halo of the angel.And there are residents among the giants that the city has turned into, and when the flying wings approach, they make noisy noises.

They are not living beings, not people, and not living things.They are Barbie dolls in a window, they are mannequins in a department store, they are sculptures in a museum, dolls in a theater troupe—they make noise like humans, form families or communities, drive cars, On the shift, they fought each other from building to building with guns and cannons.

From Alaska to England, from England to France.

Everything Chu saw was a manifestation of terror.The America where he was active before was actually the most peaceful area in this doomsday world.And the closer he was to his goal, the more bizarre and bizarre everything he saw.

His heart was getting heavier, but his determination was stronger.He knows that there are not many people in this world who expect the world to be saved, because for those who are still alive, just surviving until the next day is already an extremely difficult challenge that requires all their energy and heart to advance.

So, finally, on No. 15 days after he returned to the source world, he arrived at his destination.

How many obstacles and challenges there are on the road are all details that don't need to be described too much.There are places where it's not possible to fly because the cloud giant will try to swat his 'little fly' to death.And once your feet touch the ground, you need to face various or difficult or weird tests.

Not all monsters can be killed by magic.Not all injuries can be protected by spells.There was never a day when his nine-ring magic slot could be idle, and injuries such as severed limbs, disembowelment and heart cutting were already familiar experiences for him.

He had to be thankful that he was a reincarnation, because he was a reincarnation, and the main god ensured that the DND spells he held could work no matter what worldview he was in.He also has to be thankful that as a reincarnation, he has enough medical resources, so that even if he acts alone, he can maintain his integrity and combat effectiveness for a long time.

Until this day, he reached his destination.

Until this day, the base finally appeared in front of him.

He didn't feel any crisis in the base in front of him—this made him even more vigilant.He used magic to summon the familiar to investigate, but found that his familiar hadn't been attacked at all.

There are no wraiths, no ghosts, and no killing rules.He even used Eight Ring's cloning technique to make a copy of himself for investigation without giving up, but he still didn't encounter any attacks.

The monsters are not here, and neither are the enemies.He walked through one quiet corridor after another, with dusty feet and flickering lights.

—Someone has been here.

- Someone got ahead of me and dealt with the problem here.

--but why……

At the very center of the base, he saw the spaceship named Horizon.All the dead in the base were neatly arranged around the spaceship, leaving only the wreckage of mummies surrounding the spaceship and solidifying into a gesture of worship.The door of the spaceship was open, but there was no light inside. The power furnace had obviously been shut down. Even if he went deep into it, there was no automatic sensor light on.

He heard singing.

It's not a melody, but it should be a girl's singing.The voice came from the deepest part, and the voice was a little familiar.

He didn't know where this sense of familiarity came from, because he couldn't find the corresponding voice in his memory.The singing became more indistinct than clear as he approached.And when he finally arrived at the area where the power furnace should be, he saw a girl whose face couldn't be seen clearly sitting on the console.

Not very old, perhaps only at the level of Lamia.All limbs and face were left with a hazy halo, and its body was dressed in bright white clothes.

"You broke into my house, robbed my house, killed my family, destroyed my painting, so now, are you here to kill me?"

The girl's voice seemed to be questioning, and the girl's identity was clearly revealed.

Chu didn't answer, but was ready to fight.

"Aren't you going to kill me? If you don't intend to kill me, then I will become the moon. I who turned off the power furnace have been recognized by the world. From now on, the moonlight will replace the sun..."

Chu moved his hand because he didn't believe what it said.

He did it very smoothly, and the death finger of the seven rings hit the girl's heart accurately.And the latter did not resist to any degree.Its structures are beginning to crumble, and it is heading irreversibly towards its demise.

"You really came to kill me, yes, people who want to be masters are like this. Obviously they already own the earth, but they still want to get their hands on the moon... But I won't die like this, one day , I will reach my ideal..."

It disappeared.

Chu has no interest in its past, its aspirations, the reason why it can move freely, or the means and motives to get here.But after Chu listened to its vague 'last words', the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

He used the limited wish again, and he asked again the location of the spirit he expected.

But this time, what appeared before his eyes was the entire earth.

He should have thought of it earlier.

This world is being eroded by subspace.Even if the power furnace that acts as the door is closed, nothing will change what has happened.

The warp animates everything, including the planet itself.After being activated, a sufficiently powerful individual will become a god.

The earth will gain a deity, which will be called the Earth Mother.But this matter is not known to anyone at all, so the warp space will naturally evolve the will of an earth mother... Maybe it is Gaia, maybe it is Nuwa, it is not impossible, and it may even be eve.

However, in this world, there is a person who should not have appeared.He may not say it directly, but in his subconscious mind, he will think that a certain soul should obtain the position of Mother Earth.

Of course he could think so, because he was the one who pushed the earth mother up.And he can indeed do it, because in today's world, no one knows the truth, and no one has a greater 'power of recognition' than him.

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