"Thundering gossip!"

Another stick was directly smashed down, and the strength of Kaido's blow was equally terrifying, and Jabba also blocked Kaido's attack very seriously, he was definitely stronger than Kaido, there is no doubt about it.

As one of the gold, silver and copper, one of the three pillars of the Roger Pirates, Jabba's strength is beyond doubt!However, although Kaido is weaker than himself, but at the same time his age is weak, his strength also lies here. He can defeat Kaido, but what is weak is some time. This time may not be too long, but it is definitely not that simple. up!


Slightly exhaling, Kaido said with sharp eyes: "If you have relatives to help, then it's okay to say it! However, our battle will continue!"

"Jiang Sanshi · Yinnaluo!"

Kaido jumped up, spun the iron rod from top to bottom, and smashed it down with astonishing force, though!It is true that Kaido has not comprehended the skill of overlord color winding, but simply relying on his own strength is completely enough!


The terrifying and astonishing attack directly smashed down, and facing this blow, Jabba also raised his double axes to meet it directly.

boom! ! !

The roar resounded, and the battle here had already begun, which also meant that the battle had completely begun.



"Whitebeard: Edward Newgate!"

"It's really a terrifying monster!"

Lei Li pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, and said helplessly, "I haven't entered the new world yet, but it turns out! The first thing I have to face is a terrifying monster like you. It really makes people feel helpless!"

"Goo la la la~"

Newgate laughed and said: "It's really a terrifying pirate group! It's obviously a rookie pirate group, but they have such strength, everyone's strength is terrifying enough!"

Lei Li shook his head without saying a word, but his eyes were serious enough. He knew that the man in front of him was really terrifying. Compared with his own strength, he was definitely on a higher level. This is absolutely beyond doubt. matter!

next moment!


An astonishing wave of air burst out in an instant, and the two burst out an astonishing overlord-like arrogance at the same time, and vented towards each other at the same time, and at the same time, all of this came to an end.



Newgate jumped up, a sharp ray of light flashed across Cong Yunqie in his hand, and he fell down as if he was smashing Huashan Mountain. Naturally, Lei Li was not afraid at all, holding a long knife, and directly met him from bottom to top. A blow from Newgate.

The dark purple armed domineering color is attached, and the domineering armed color of the two has reached an extreme, the next moment!

boom! ! !

Stray streams of terrifying air crazily spread out towards the surroundings. In a short time, it seemed as if they were going to swallow everything up. All these burst out really fast, in a short time!Under this astonishing offensive, all people can feel is endless fear.


Immediately afterwards, the two separated at the same time, took a step back, but looked at each other sharply.

"Goo la la la~"

"It's really scary!"

Newgate laughed boldly and said: "Whether it's domineering! Taijutsu! Kendo! Every aspect is terrifying, just like monsters, Roger Pirates! No wonder! Big brother said that your strength is terrifying, so it is so strength!"


When Allen praised the terrifying strength of the Roger Pirates, Newgate was still a little confused!Isn't it just a rookie pirate group?No matter how terrifying the strength is!I guess that's all there is to it!And because of this, Newgate simply didn't care.


After the real confrontation at this moment, Newgate is very clear that the strength of the Roger Pirates is very terrifying, whether it is Rayleigh, Jabba who has already made a move, or the rest of the people who have not made a move, everyone Their strength is extremely strong, such strength!But it doesn't look like an ordinary pirate group that has just entered the new world at all, but a pirate group that looks like a terrifying monster.

Such a monster!It is absolutely impossible to be careless!Even if it's just the slightest bit of carelessness, the price paid may be life, Newgate Cong Yun cut across a ray of light, his eyes were sharp, and he shot suddenly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"Cong Yunqie Air Shock Slash!"

The sharp cold light swept across everything in an instant, falling from top to bottom like this, in an instant!As if the sky was falling apart, Newgate, who didn't hold back any hands, perfectly displayed the power of Zhenzhen Fruit and Cong Yunche.

"Shake fruit!"

"Known as a devil fruit that can destroy the world!"


"It's really scary!"

Rayleigh whispered secretly in his heart, but facing Newgate's power, he didn't dare to be careless at all!In other words, it has become more dignified and heavy. If such an attack is careless, it will cost you your life!

"Thunder cut!"

Suddenly, Lei Li's figure flashed like a thunderbolt. Under that amazing speed, it was in an instant. I don't know how many times he shot. Disintegrated.


Letting out a breath of turbid air slightly, Lei Li's expression was calm and sharp enough, and the two broke up at the touch of each other, and then fought fiercely together again.

at the same time! ! !



Listening to the roar in their ears, Allen and Roger looked at each other, with smiles at the corners of their mouths.



The two looked at each other, and they both laughed at the same time, arrogant!confidence!crazy!heroic!Such loud laughter echoed, and after a while, the laughter stopped, and Allen said interestingly: "Interesting! Interesting!"

"It's really good strength, sure enough! As I guessed at first, the strength of the Roger Pirates is really strong, but ah! It will not be so easy to leave Murloc Island safely and soundly." Things! Roger, show me your strength, otherwise, you will not be able to leave safely."

...................... 0


Allen hooked his palm at Roger, and then clenched his fist with one hand, already covered with strong armed domineering.

"Of course!"

"God avoid!"

A cold light flashed across Roger's eyes, and the sharp light flashed across suddenly. The fierce and terrifying murderous intent came instantly like an afterimage. At this moment, he has come to Allen's side.

A knife fell!

boom! ! !

The strong impact burst instantly, and Allen directly met Roger's attack with a punch. The collision of the punch and the knife, the amazing destructive power produced by this blow seemed to tear everything around him apart .


"What a terrifying power!"

Allen grinned, his eyes filled with endless madness. Suddenly, three shock waves fell at the same time, and the three shock waves that fell at this instant made Roger retreat quickly.

"Dragon Explosion!"

"The electric eye exploded!"

Three shock waves burst, compared to before!Now the power of the dragon spell and the pig spell released by Allen has become more and more terrifying. This is an undeniable thing. With the development of spells and their own strength, it is natural!The power is getting more and more terrifying!


Wisps of thick smoke spewed out of his mouth, Allen's breath was terrifying, like a roaring dragon!


Roger said with emotion: "Sure enough! There is nothing wrong with your nickname at all! You really don't look like a human being, just like a terrible demon!"

Undeniably said!Although it is the first time to meet, but!Roger really has to admit that Allen is really terrifying. This kind of strength is not in the same dimension as any opponent he has ever encountered, but a terrifying strength in another dimension.

Of course!

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is a matter of course, if Allen is not so powerful, then!That's the strangest thing!Such a man resounds throughout the whole world. It would be the strangest thing if he didn't have such great strength.


Allen exhaled a puff of smoke, but said interestingly: "Roger! Don't be emotional! The battle has just begun, and what I look forward to most is to fight against an opponent like you! Come on! Let's continue to fight!"

A terrifying killing intent emerged, and Allen's eyes were filled with terrifying light, and under such a terrifying aura, the burst of power, abnormal terror, and the amazing domineering arrogance have been fully displayed .

boom! ! !

In an instant!

Roger's body also erupted with a domineering aura no less than Alan's. The aura of the two collided crazily. For a while, everything around them seemed to be shrouded in it. The battle was already in full swing. The curtain was lifted, and it was completely plunged into a white-hot stage.

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Chapter 91: Banquet!Newgate's new adopted son: Fisher Tiger!



There was a crazily explosive explosion, and with the deafening roar, the entire battlefield seemed to be churning.

Allen vs Roger.

Newgate vs Raleigh.

Kaido vs Jabba.


It's been going on for almost an hour, though!This fierce battle also came to an end. The six people looked at each other and stopped their movements.

"That's it!"

Allen opened his mouth suddenly, grinning at the corner of his mouth, and said interestingly: "Roger, you are really strong, but ah! This battle is just the beginning, this is not the end! Next, I am even more impressed. Interesting! The future you is what you will be!"


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