"That is to say... will the minister succeed? Then the pan-human history..."

【It is impossible for us to accept such conditions】

Mei Li's voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

Fujimaru Tachika quickly raised her hand and put the communication device on the table, and adjusted to the video call mode, so that Mei Li's image appeared in front of everyone.

[Yahoo~~~ Good morning everyone, I haven't seen you for a week after that, how is everyone's mental state? 】

"Tsk, are you blind?" Mordred glared at her angrily, "By the way, why did you contact me all of a sudden? Is there something urgent?"

【Well, it's about the purpose of Tiger that you mentioned just now. It seems that Tiger has already told you about it】

Matthew asked, "Did Miss Meili know about it a long time ago?"

[Well, shortly after you were imprisoned, I negotiated with him, and then he told him his purpose.This week, let’s go around and ask about the relevant situation, such as immigration wishes, the situation of the Magic Association and the church, the response of the United Nations...]

Hearing what Meili said, Aoko Aozaki crossed his arms and asked, "Then, what's the result?"

[Reject all of them, you can use Qingzi's breasts to figure it out, right?How could anyone accept Tiger's unreasonable request? Some leaders even aggressively said that those who made such jokes would be sentenced to death. I laughed so hard]

Mellie's answer was the same as everyone thought.

Even if Xia Chuanhu would give enough time for Panhuman History to react and emigrate, it is absolutely impossible for Panhuman History to accept this situation. After all, this is a huge event that can definitely directly rewrite the world pattern!

"That is to say, Pan-Human History has decided to go to war, right?"

[Who knows?But if Tiger really moves that island here, the countries of the world will not sit idly by, and maybe the Fourth World War will be directly triggered by then, which seems quite interesting]

"Mei Li, which side are you on?" Aoko Aozaki glared at Mei Li forcefully, "This is not a joke, be serious!"

[He has been very serious, if he is not serious, he will not take the initiative to contact you - during the week when you were sealed, I figured out a solution, you still don't thank me? 】

Solution? !

Hearing what Mei Li said, everyone's eyes trembled.

Sajo Lingi couldn't help laughing: "Ah, as expected of Meili, she is always positive about things that interest her."

【Well, although it's interesting to appreciate the king fighting against the whole world with his own power, but after that, the whole world might be destroyed, so the gain outweighs the loss】

"Stop wasting time, tell me your solution." Artoria urged.

【Tiger's Throne】

Mellie said.

[He revealed to me on his own initiative that all the magic power he has accumulated over the past 2000 years is stored in that throne. As long as that throne is destroyed, the large-scale transfer of spirit particles will not be able to proceed smoothly]

[However, since it is such an important thing, everyone knows that Tiger will focus on protection, so the question still has to go back to the question of 'how to defeat Tiger, Morgan and Fairy Knight'. If you don't knock them down, everything will be no way to say]

Defeat Natsukawa Tiger, Morgan and Fairy Knight.

This is the original purpose of the group.

"But we can't be defeated now, haven't you seen that we are all wiped out?" Mordred was a little annoyed, "Whether it's the father, the mother of the Lost Belt, and those two who are fighting against Gawain. The goblins with the name of Lancelot are all too strong to die, how can we fight them!"

[About this, in fact, Morgan, the elf knight Gawain and the elf knight Lancelot are easy to solve. The most troublesome thing is Tiger. As long as he is still there, we can't even touch the throne.]

"Then how do we defeat the father?!"

[Of course it is to find the person who claims to be able to weaken the tiger, haven't you noticed it yet?Someone who was supposed to enter Camelot King City with you, but disappeared unknowingly after arriving...]

"With us...."

"Someone... ah——————!"

Fujimaru Tachika immediately remembered.

"Could it be—"

【Yes, it is Tiger No. [-]】

[After we find him, we will have a chance of winning against the tiger]

34. Paths and differences of opinion

No. [-] Xia Chuanhu.

The memory split by Xia Chuanhu.

After Mei Li and Fujimaru Tachika mentioned this, everyone realized that he had disappeared at some point, and even thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he had disappeared during the previous battle.

"Did no one notice that he was missing?"

[You will definitely not be able to find out. After all, you were all fighting at the time. In fact, they didn’t notice it at the time. They only realized it when they were sorting out the information. You can escape from so many people’s noses, and you can even Without being discovered by the tiger, the second tiger seems to be hiding a lot of things and hasn't said anything]

Xia Chuanhu possesses surveillance magic that can monitor every inch of land in Britain. Except for the island of the End, he knows everything that happens on this British island.

But he didn't have any doubts about the disappearance of No. [-] Xia Chuanhu...

"Does Tiger No. [-] have a way to hide itself?"

[Who knows?But at least ordinary stealth magic is useless, I don’t believe that Tiger’s surveillance magic will be fooled by mere stealth magic—well, let’s not talk about this kind of thing for now, just catch him and interrogate him later]

[The point is what he mentioned before - about the contract between Tiger and the world]

No. [-] Xia Chuanhu said that the reason why Xia Chuanhu has almost unlimited magic power is because he signed a contract with the world, and by giving up the holy sword forever and abandoning his past self, he got almost unlimited magic power.

And as long as Xia Chuanhu regains possession of the holy sword, and lets him regain the pan-human history self that he separated from, then he will be weakened to a normal state all of a sudden.

In other words, the Xia Chuanhu they usually see the most.

Even then Xia Chuanhu's power is still equal to that of a god, but at least it is much weaker than it is now, weak enough to be defeated, and only a few people can join forces to defeat it.

【The Holy Sword is carried by the No. [-] Tiger. He himself is the individual separated from the Tiger. We just need to find him and make him reunite with the Tiger.】

After that, the act of destroying the throne can proceed smoothly.

"In other words, we need to find someone first...but where is he?"

【Is it okay to just ask? 】

"Ask...you mean to ask Tiger?" Aoko Aozaki frowned, "Will Tiger tell us?"

[Don't worry, he won't even say this, and I think he's curious about his other self's whereabouts]

The solution Mei Li gave made everyone laugh helplessly, but what she said was correct, at least from Xia Chuanhu's attitude, this level of help should be fine, as long as you hide yourself well The original idea is fine.

"No, no, it's useless to hide your thoughts, right?" Souji Okita raised his hand, "Master seems to be using mind-reading magic all the time, even if we don't tell the truth, he will see through right away, right? "

[Don't worry about this, in fact, all of you have the magic imprint left by me on your body, and they will use illusion to help you hide it when the time comes]

Meili smiled and said words that raised everyone's blood pressure a bit.

Magic mark?

Or does everyone have it?

Aoko Aozaki: "You really did a lot of things without knowing it, Meili!"

【Hey hey, you're used to it. They'll help you undo it later, so let's keep it for now, maybe it'll be useful? 】

"Tsk! I'll take care of you after I go back!"

"Then... I won't participate in this operation."

At this moment, Shatiao Lingyi suddenly raised his hand and said this.

Hearing this, everyone else was stunned.

"Sister, you...why did you say that all of a sudden?" Sajo Ayaka asked in confusion, "Tiger wants to—"

"So, that has nothing to do with me."

Sajo Lingi smiled and said: "I am the puppet of the master, the life given by the master. The purpose of coming to this strange belt is to bring the master back to the history of pan-humanity. But now, even if I do nothing, I can still be with you." If Master returns to Pan-Human History together, then I naturally don’t need to take any action.”

"Are you serious?" Aoko Aozaki frowned tightly, "Tora is planning to destroy the whole of Britain."

"Well, I know, but that has nothing to do with me, right?" Sajo Rei said with a face of course, "Qingzi, is it because we have been together for so long that you forgot? Originally, I was also for Ayaka, The woman who is going to murder all human beings in the world is just an island and has nothing to do with me."


"In addition, the memory deletion that the master said is also ineffective for me. After all, I am a puppet in essence, and it is not difficult to back up my memories. As for the matter of marrying the master, it seems to me that it is easier to achieve—to sum up, Both Ai Ge and I believe that there is no need to destroy the throne, and we will not participate in this operation."

After saying this, Sajo Rei stood up and walked towards the exit.

"Oh, yes, of course, I will not assist the master to deal with you. After all, we have been sisters for so many years. I will completely observe from the standpoint of a third party. Then, goodbye."

"Wait, sister, wait for me!"

Sajo Ayaka hurriedly got up and chased after her.

Seeing Sister Shatiao leaving, the air in the room was dead silent for a while, Angelica also stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute, Angelica, are you the same as Lingi?" Aoko Aozaki stopped her, "One by one... you are really wrong in our world—"

"I don't think it matters."

Angelica responded.

"I am a puppet who has lost more than [-]% of my emotions. The one who keeps me is Xia Chuan-sama, so following Xia Chuan-sama is the only meaning of my existence, even if he wants to delete my memory-I will not accompany you, Everyone."


Under everyone's gaze, Angelica also left the room.

In this way, the two of them will leave the table. Sajo Ayaka should come back later, but if she loses the two important combat powers of Sajo Rei and Angelika, she will probably...

"No one should be leaving, right?"

"I wanted to come." Alquite, who had been silent all this time, raised his hand, and all the people present saw a sudden cardiac arrest, but soon Airquite put down his hand with a smile, "But I I won’t really leave, although I’m not interested in your idea of ​​protecting the pan-human history society, but I want to give the current tiger a good beating, so I will help you.”

"If you leave, we will really surrender." Aoko Aozaki broke out in a cold sweat, "Then, let me confirm for the last time that everyone here except Alquite wants to stop Tiger ,Right?"

Stop the tiger, protect the pan-human history of Britain.

At the end of the day, that's what they want to do, even if it's their beloved, they can't really sit back and watch him destroy Britain and become an enemy of the world after that.

After seeing everyone nodded their heads slightly, Aozaki Aoko breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then, let's start preparing now."

"The sooner the better, lest you have long nights and dreams."

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