(If it goes on like this... I won't be able to hold on for a while——)


Suddenly, the most powerful slash so far landed on the shield, and the sudden force of the impact caused Matthew to be sent flying upside down, spinning twice in the air before falling to the ground again.

However, when Mash quickly got up to prepare for the next attack, Melxin shook her hands: "I can't do it... I'm so tired, my wrists are so sore from hitting wooden stakes thousands of times in a row!" , I have to let Tiger give me a good rub after that."

(Are your wrist sore? That means you can’t attack temporarily?!)



Realizing that this is a rare opportunity, Fujimaru Tachika immediately used strengthening magic on Mash, and Mash, whose physical ability was instantly strengthened by a level, immediately rushed towards Meluxin, jumped high and used all his strength to Shield down!


Using the scabbard of the fairy sword to block the round shield in midair, Melxin sighed helplessly: "Let me take a rest."

"I'm sorry, I can't—Miss Ayaka!"


In a place farther than Fujimaru Tachika.She had been waiting for a long time, and Sajo Ayaka, who was covered in flame feathers and her hair turned fiery red, raised her high-heeled shoes that she didn't know when to put on, and quickly trampled on the ground!

The ground under Mei Luxin's feet suddenly became fiery red, and then it was like a volcanic eruption——


A fiery pillar of flame burst out from the ground!It directly engulfed Mei Luxin in it!Immediately after that, Sajo Ayaka's image changed suddenly, from a flame witch to a frost witch, and she grasped the fire pillar with five fingers!


The flaming pillar of fire instantly turned into an extremely solid icicle, freezing Mei Luxin firmly in it!

(Very well, this is temporarily trapped, and then there is the goblin knight Gawain.)

Sajo Ayaka just had this idea——


The icicle that froze Melxin suddenly broke from the middle.

Accompanied by a burst of dazzling sword light, the whole icicle was chopped into countless ice cubes at once, and the next moment, Mei Luxin's figure broke free in an instant and came out in front of Sajo Ayaka!


The punch landed directly on Sajo Ayaka's abdomen, and directly smashed it into the next house, smashing through several walls in a row.

Mei Luxin, who still had a lot of icy scum on her body, quickly shook her head and hair, then rubbed her hands together: "It's so cold...so sleepy...was already very painful to wake up in the morning, In the end, I used ice to deal with it, I really want to go back to sleep in Tiger's quilt now."


At this moment, a magic bullet suddenly flew straight towards Mei Luxin's head from not far away!In fright, Mei Luxin quickly turned her head to avoid this!At the same time, he looked at the direction where the magic bullet was flying: "Your Majesty, please pay attention to the stray bullet, it almost hit me."

"Really? Then I apologize to you, Lancelot, because I felt the unclean breath from you just now, I thought it was Morse, and subconsciously launched an attack."

(Uh... You must have heard me talking to myself just now, right?)

"Compared to this, be more serious, Lancelot. Depending on your performance this time, it is not impossible for the long-lost three to sleep together."


For a moment, Mash and Fujimaru Tachika felt the magical power released from Melxin's body like a fountain, and the sound of a giant dragon roaring faintly echoed in their ears!



Changing from the listless look she hadn't woken up before, Meluxin showed an extremely serious expression, and the goblin sword Arondette on both arms was unsheathed again, accompanied by a deafening roar of dragons, Matthew and The moment Fujimaru Tachika was surrounded by a blue light band!

It was as if a giant dragon surrounded the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, within that band of light, countless meteor showers poured inward!

"Clang, clang, clang, clang -----!"

Mei Luxin launched a storm-like attack on the two of them directly from all directions!

(I don't know why, although I don't know why...it's still morning, but I'm full of energy now!)

24. Declare the defeat of panhuman history here


Glancing at Meluxen who was getting serious over there, Morgan also put away his distracted attention.

(In this way, Meluxin doesn't have to worry. Although she is the most reliable knight, she still avoids worrying people in the morning. It is good that she is motivated now.)

(Gao Wen was not worried at the beginning. She has always been a very reliable and serious person, and she should be able to solve it in a few minutes, right?)

Just as Morgan thought, compared to the minor troubles on Meluxin's side, Bagster's side is carrying out unilateral suppression.

Or devastated.

Even if one person faces five people, including Angelica who used the Gilgamesh class card, she will not see any signs of decline at all, and the Noble Phantasm shot by Angelica is fine, Atalan No matter the arrows shot by Intuit, the two servants couldn't hurt Bagster at all, and Joan of Arc and Gray, who were fighting her in close combat, also retreated steadily after being beaten.

And Xier and Aozaki Chengzi couldn't even help at all.

After all, Bagster's body is a black dog that can devour magic power, and both of them are magicians who rely on magic power to fight. The fact that the opponent can devour magic power has already pronounced the powerlessness of the two.

(It's only a matter of time before the battle between the two sides ends, and then it's my side——)


During Morgan's thinking, the radiant holy sword slashed down together with the king sword wrapped in red thunder, but when it was about to touch Morgan, it was forcibly blocked in midair by an invisible barrier, and then Alto Both Lia and Mordred felt a strong counterattack, which shocked them back to their original positions on the spot.

Morgan glanced at the two of them coldly: "Is this the level? Artoria of Pan-Human History, and my daughter Mordred, if they only have this level, let alone bring the tiger back. will die here today."

Using the flying treasure borrowed from Angelica to let herself fly in the air, Arturia stared at Morgan: "Don't talk too much, Morgan. We will take it away, Master. If you want to stop me I'll knock you down."

"You who can't even break through my automatic defense magic?"

Morgan sneered.

Automatic defense magic - this is the magic that Morgan prepared because of Xia Chuanhu's proposal shortly after the founding of Fairy Kingdom. The effective range is a spherical field with a radius of 85 cm centered on her. is absorbed and then converted back to the attacker as pure impact force.

The reason for developing this magic is very simple, just in case, even though there has been no one who can hurt Morgan since the founding of the Fairy Kingdom, Xia Chuanhu knows what kind of ending Morgan will be in the first place, in order to prevent that The circumstances made Morgan prepare this kind of magic.

Of course, Morgan also understood Xia Chuanhu's intentions, and had no dissatisfaction in this regard.

"Liberate your holy sword, Artoria, and Mordred." Morgan said, "I will let you clearly understand the gap between us. The history of pan-humanity is just a bunch of rabble."

"It means that I don't even pay attention to my holy sword."

Artoria sighed slightly: "You are really arrogant, Morgan. Do you have the confidence that you can face my Mordred's real name liberation at the same time and be unscathed?"

"Of course. The Holy Sword, I've seen that brilliance countless times before, so I'm not afraid." Morgan lowered his flying altitude while speaking, "Come on, I'll give you time, and I will take your treasure head-on. tools, and then ravage you head-on, in order to declare your defeat in pan-human history."

"Stop talking big!!"

Even if the enemy was his mother, Mordred didn't let go at all, using the bursting red thunder as a propeller, he sprinted in front of Morgan in an instant, and the brilliant king sword slashed down with all his strength!


Same as before, there was no difference. The moment the blade touched the automatic defense magic all over Morgan's body, Mordred felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and his whole body was bounced back to the original place. .

Morgan looked at Mordred with some disappointment: "Don't waste my time, Mordred. Liberate your treasures, this is the only way you can defeat me."

"Tsk—that's what you said! Mom!"

The horned helmet was removed, and Mordred raised the king sword in his hand, and the berserk red thunder began to run on the sword, and a beam of red thunder suddenly rushed into the sky!

"I am not a king, but someone who follows in the footsteps of a king. For the sake of the king's peace, I will drive out all the enemies—【Rebellion against my gorgeous father (Clarent Blood Arthur)]!!"

Roaring out the real name of the treasure, Mordred waved the king sword and the red lightning cannon at Morgan!


The blow of the Noble Phantasm released by the real name collided with the automatic defense magic around Morgan.

(This is an A+ rank anti-army Noble Phantasm... I see, even if it is average in power, it surpasses my magic in a mysterious degree, so it can only be resisted for a while?)

No matter how powerful Morgan's magic is, it is just magic after all. It is not as good as a treasure that is a crystallization of fantasy in terms of mystery. It can even be said that being able to resist the treasure for a while is already a manifestation of the horror of Morgan's magic level. .

Three more seconds and the magic will be broken.

(But, that's all.)

Morgan put his hand on the scepter, and after holding a protruding handle——


The torrent of dark light burst out suddenly!

The thunder slashed by the king sword in Mordred's hand was completely engulfed by the light after only a short stalemate in the dark light!Then the tide of light directly hit Mordred!


The armor was completely shattered, and with a strong burning sensation, Mordred was shot down from the air to the ground in an instant, his body was covered with injuries like severe burns.


"It's your turn, Arturia."

Without giving Artoria time to worry about her daughter, Morgan seemed to be urging and said: "Let me see it, your holy sword should be more worthwhile than that disappointing daughter, right?"

"Hmm... wait, that's in your hand—"

The moment she saw the thing in Morgan's hand, Artoria's eyes immediately trembled.

Although the details are different, and the overall color is completely black, it is clearly...

"Sword of Promised Victory...Why do you have the holy sword in your hand, Morgan? And that way—"

"It's nothing, it's just a fake."

Morgan held the black holy sword in his hand without interest.

"I should have forged it in the past, but I haven't been able to forge it. Among the countless failures, it's a relatively good one."

"It's just a fake in good condition."

25. Unilateral crushing

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