"Tiger, you...how old are you?"

"I'm almost 49 years old." Xia Chuanhu replied, "If you are curious about my young appearance, it is because of my physique. Something happened 20 years ago, which caused my appearance to be fixed at a young age. when."

49 years old! ?

Isn't that exactly an old man! ?

Miyamoto Musashi couldn't help showing a sad expression of being deceived by the world. For a month, she had always regarded Xia Chuanhu as a younger brother who needed to be taken care of by herself, but it turned out to be the other way around. The other party's age can be her father! ?

"That, that... I'm sorry, Tiger, I've been a little offended to you all this time, I will use honorifics when I speak from now on..."

"What convulsion are you having?"

Xia Chuanhu shrugged: "Although I am almost 50 years old, my mentality is the same as my appearance. I am still a teenager and will always be a teenager. What's more, in terms of my race, I am not even 50 years old. Children are no different.

"You're still a kid at 50? Tiger, what race are you? Ghost? Or dragon?"

After drifting so many worlds, Miyamoto Musashi has also seen many long-lived races, and has also come into contact with the deeds of ghost species and dragon species. If you are still a child at the age of 50, is it possible that the tiger is not a human?

Seeing that Miyamoto Musashi was suddenly so curious about his situation, Xia Chuanhu thought for a while, and was going to tell her some things about himself first.

But just as he was about to speak—


The sound of something being knocked down suddenly sounded from a piece of scorched field, and following it, gusts of cool wind suddenly blew.

Xia Chuanhu frowned: "Is there something? Be careful, Musashi."


"Maybe, or maybe—"

Xia Chuanhu's voice did not fully reach Miyamoto Musashi's ears, because before that, a huge figure with the height of three people appeared behind him without warning!

It can be seen clearly by the moonlight that it is a strange existence that is shrouded in shadow and looks like it is pieced together with something.

(Somewhat similar to ghosts!)

Miyamoto Musashi immediately put his hands on the double knives at his waist, but before she could draw the knives, the huge figure had already swung a heavy punch at Xia Chuanhu who was close at hand!



The loud noise overwhelmed Miyamoto Musashi's shouts.

But that was not the sound made by the giant's fist hitting the ground, but the sound made by Xia Chuanhu's backhand punch that sent it flying or even exploded.


Miyamoto Musashi froze in place.

As a swordsman, she can tell the strength of the enemy to a certain extent. In her opinion, that huge figure is obviously an object that needs to be seriously fought by herself. Even considering that it appeared suddenly, it might be The weirdness that her sword couldn't kill.

In the end, he was punched by Xia Chuanhu?

"Well, it's an evil spirit formed by the resentment of the villagers who were burned to death in this land."

Looking at the evil spirit that was only half of its body left by him, Xia Chuanhu saw its real body at a glance: "This is also a disaster for you, since generations have lived peacefully in this village. In the end, they all lost their lives because of a sudden accident.... Go and become a Buddha with peace of mind, and don't continue to wander in the world."

Like a well-educated monk, Xia Chuanhu spoke compassionate words, but the movements of his hands were not compassionate at all, and he punched the remaining evil spirit's lower body again.


Like its upper body, the evil spirit's lower body was completely blown apart by a single punch, and disappeared under the moonlight without even the slightest delay.

Xia Chuanhu turned around: "Okay, it's settled—why did you draw your sword? Musashi."

"It's nothing."

Putting the knife away in embarrassment, Miyamoto Musashi sighed helplessly: "With Tiger, there is always a feeling that I have nowhere to use my strength."

"Why, do you want to do it because your hands are itchy? Then let me practice with you?"

"No, no, no, no, no!"

Miyamoto Musashi quickly refused - what a joke, if she and Xia Chuanhu were allowed to fight, she would be beaten to the ground in minutes, and it was up to her to find the beating!She doesn't have that bad habit!

"Compared to this, that monster just now..."

"It's just the resentment of the villagers who were burned to death. I have already made them Buddhas - go back, there is nothing more here."

"Eh?" Miyamoto Musashi asked, "Stop looking? Didn't you say you came here to investigate?"

"I said that there is nothing more. I am not sure who did it, nor where the other party went after burning this place. Why are you still here? Go back to sleep, and I have to go tomorrow Going to work."

To feed such a big eater like Miyamoto Musashi, Xia Chuanhu had to work hard to earn rice during the day, otherwise the two would drink the northwest wind every minute.

6. Cowherd at the Round Table in a Foreign Country

A world in flames.

A world where everything is consumed by flames.

"Hell, it should refer to such a world."

In a world of flames that stretch as far as the eye can see, and corpses are everywhere, a woman said so to herself.

In her eyes, the world is a piece of hell, and the intense hatred in her heart makes her regard everything she sees as hell.

She was not supposed to be such a woman.

Even though her past experience gave her a reason to hate the world like this, she didn't hate it.

Why does she hate this world like this now?

Hate, loathe.

Women hate Genji, the people, Japan, and the world.

She hated everything that took [that adult] away from this world, from the bottom of her heart, she hated it extremely strongly.


"It has to be all burned up."

The woman thought so.

Hot and scorching flames burned around her body.

Because she hated this world, she must burn this world clean, and burn everything, even if she paid for it herself.

Use all of the soul, spirit base, and body as fuel to increase the growth of anger and hatred in your body, and turn it into an endless flame!

"I can't stop."

She will never stop, the woman's determination is like this, until her body is completely turned into coke, she will never stop, the revenge of this world, the slaughter of this world will never stop.


The woman clenched the hard bow in her hand, and shouted out the existence she hated most at the top of her voice.

"—My taboo name, Archer Inferno. It is the Princess of Flame, which turns into flames and burns you up."

Genji and 【Genji (World)】, everything will be burnt up with the bow and arrow in the hand and the flame in the heart in the end!

For [that adult] who passed away tragically.

That's right, that...that...that...who?


The bow fell to the ground, and the woman in the flames covered her head with her hands.

who is it?

Who is it?

The [sir] whom I was supposed to fight for... Who is it?

"You have to... find it."

"Find that lord, find that lord, find that lord, find that lord, find that lord—"



Suddenly opened his eyes from sleep.

Holding his head, Xia Chuanhu shook it quickly: "Are you asleep... just now..."

Ba Yuqian.

Because of Mei Li's interference in the seventh singularity, she temporarily regarded him as the female general of the lord. Although the two of them didn't have much intersection in the end, they only had a partner in the beginning, but it can be said that they are Good friends.

In the original singularity of the subspecies, she is also scheduled to appear, but in this country that is not exactly the same as Xia Chuanhu knows, Xia Chuanhu is not sure whether she will appear or not—— until just now.

What appeared in Xia Chuanhu's dream was undoubtedly Ba Yuqian, who had become a heroic swordsman. His mental state had completely collapsed, and a foreign object was stuffed into his spiritual core, becoming an evil way full of hatred.

"That is to say, it was indeed Ba Yuqian who turned that village into ashes. Even in this abandoned belt of rumors, is she still summoned?"

If you think about it this way, the enemies that Xia Chuanhu needs to face in Xiazong should not change from before.

Qiqi heroic swordsman.

A powerful enemy who would have fought bloody battles with Miyamoto Musashi one by one, and was beheaded by him at the end.

(However, because of my relationship, Musashi never met Senko Muramasa at all, and lost the means to kill the heroic swordsman, Myojin Kiri Muramasa... the two swords given to her after today's class Enchant it.)

Xia Chuanhu is not a swordsmith and knows nothing about forging knives, but if it is strengthening, he is quite good at it. He has strengthened Okita Souji's sword before, turning it into a god who can swing a light cannon. Knife.

It should be the same this time, even if it is just to kill the heroic swordsman, Xia Chuantora can give Miyamoto Musashi's double swords his own protection.

【Protection of elves】——As a real elf, he can do this kind of thing easily.

Miyamoto Musashi was the one who killed the seven-riding heroic swordsman, while Natsukawa Tiger mainly dealt with the sorcerer Ashiya Doman and Amakusa Tokishiro who summoned the heroic swordsman. Since the heroic swordsman did exist, then the two Bits must also exist.

As long as he handles the troublesome guy.

"In addition... Ba is the same."

If possible, Xia Chuanhu would like to get rid of Ba Yuqian herself. After all, she was also a former master and servant. It must be her inner wish to help him escape from the painful world.

And at this moment-

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