"Why are you here?"

"Is that witch's subordinate?"


Listening to the questions posed one after another by the soldiers in front of him, Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help but feel that he was listening to the scriptures.Beside her, mustard child is also full of embarrassment. Even if she is the real ancestor who has survived for thousands of years, her place of residence has always been China. She can speak three languages, Chinese, Japanese and English. She can also speak French, which is really difficult, after all, she has never been to France!

As the only one of the three who has learned a little French, Matthew organized the language in his mind and replied: "Hello, wearelosttravelers. We want to ask about the current situation. (Hello, we are lost travelers and would like to ask Take a look at the current situation.)”


Hearing what Matthew said, the nervous expressions of those French soldiers suddenly became aggressive!

"Ilssontanglais! (They're British!)"

"Attrapez-les! (Take them!)"

"Why do you speak English, Mash!"

Seeing the soldiers who suddenly raised their weapons and surrounded them, Fujimaru Tateka quickly hid behind Matthew, and Matthew realized his mistake too late: "I'm sorry senior, because I was taught to speak English It is an international lingua franca, so I answered in English subconsciously, without paying attention to the current situation..."

Now is the era of the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France. In other words, when Britain and France are fighting fiercely, the hatred between the soldiers of the two countries is absolutely full. If you want to speak English in England, it's okay, but in France This place speaks English...what's the difference between speaking French in England?

Properly sneered at the face.

Therefore, although it is invisible, the attitude of these French soldiers towards the three of Fujimaru Tachika has undoubtedly changed from neutrality to hostility.

Seeing this situation, Mustard Seed, who was still in distress, immediately cheered up: "That is to say, now we have to beat them all to the ground first?"

"Miss Kua? Uh...I think so. If possible, I would like to ask them to calm down first, and then I can communicate with them in French."

"Okay, you two get out of the way, I'll come."

Seeing Akashi who had started to move her hands and feet, Mash and Tachika Fujimaru moved back obediently, and Tatsuka Fujimaru even reminded: "Senior Akuta, please don't use too much force, be merciful. They should just be normal people."

"You still need to tell me this kind of thing?"


After a few minutes.

【—Even if you have shown mercy, you still beat them all to the point of being unable to move. Considering Kaka-senpai's strength, it is indeed true that you are showing mercy】

The voice of Xia Chuanhu, who reconnected with Fujimaru Tachika through the communication device, sounded a little helpless.

【Well, but this is also an oversight on our side, ignoring language issues. Afterwards, Da Vinci, Cheng Zi, and I will find a way to make a magic costume for translation for you. 】

"Eh? Don't you need to learn?" Fujimaru Tatsuka was a little surprised. She thought she would go back to the books and learn from scratch.

【If you are so eager to learn, Fujimaru, I can also teach you from scratch, but considering the stress of the schedule, you can only sleep for an hour a day, is it okay? 】

"I think the magic dress is also pretty good!"

Fujimaru Tatsuka was persuaded immediately, and chose a simpler and more convenient path.

【Is it?That's really a pity, I still want to recommend my previous model to you.I remember that when I first went to school in the Clock Tower, my English level was very poor. It was all thanks to Meili who gave me intensive supplementary lessons to force me to go up. At that time, I didn’t even have a second of sleep. 】

Can't sleep for a second? !

The too cruel description made Fujimaru Tachika tremble several times: "Minister... just please use the magic dress, really please."

[All right, all right, I'll do it for you, and what about Senior Jie and Mash? 】

"Thank you, but I don't need it, brother." Matthew shook his head, "I think the language I have now is enough to deal with the situation."

"Then give me one too. Although I don't want to communicate with human beings, it's really bad if I can't understand other people's words."

Mustard seeds seem to be needed.

[Then, the two of Fujimaru and Akuta-senpai, okay, I will tell Da Vinci and Chengzi later, I think three days should be enough——then, let’s get down to business, the specific situation of the singularity now how is itThose soldiers have already told you, right? 】

Matthew nodded: "Well, let me explain. According to the information I got from those soldiers, this singularity..."

39. Heizhen's world's cutest fan group was blasted by our agency

——Almost all of France has now fallen.

This is what those soldiers said.

According to the original history, at this time in 1431, Charles VII of France should have signed a truce with Philip III who defected to England. Although all frictions cannot be eliminated, large-scale battles will definitely not happen for the time being.

But actually...

"Charles VII is now dead."

Matthew's tone was a little heavy.

Charles VII, who should have signed an armistice treaty with the British, died not long ago at the time of the singularity. An unexpected person.

"The Witch Joan of Arc."

Joan of Arc, who had already been burned at the stake and died completely in front of everyone, reappeared in the world as a witch, and burned Charles VII alive in the flames with the same glance as when she was executed.

Moreover, after that, Joan of Arc used Paris as her base to launch a war against the whole of France. It took only a few days for the war to cease, and France, which had entered a short period of peace, was once again dragged into a raging war.

And the result of the war was quite one-sided. Since the war started, the whole of France has almost fallen in just a few days. Except for a few big cities that are still resisting, there is no one in this country that is safe. In the land of England, the army of England fled back to the country early.

To be honest, this is pretty shocking news, at least for Fujimaru Tatsuka and others.Even Fujimaru Tateka, who doesn't know much about French history, has heard of the name of Joan of Arc.

Originally just a village girl, she received the apocalypse at the age of 17 and left her hometown to join the army. Until she was captured in a skirmish in Compiègne at the age of 19, she led the French army and won the The glorious victory that had never been seen in the past finally led to the coronation of Charles VII, who had the right to succeed to the throne, and laid the foundation for the victory of France.

In the history of later generations, Joan of Arc is recorded as a hero of the people of France, a saint of Catholicism, the most famous saint in the world, and a well-known historical figure all over the world.

But such a person is slandered as a witch in this era.

【This is not an incomprehensible situation, Fujimaru】

Roman's voice sounded from the communication device.

[In ancient times, in order to boost the morale of one's own soldiers or to damage the morale of the enemy, it was a common method to stigmatize the leader of the opponent. In modern society, it is to fabricate some false charges to deliberately discredit a person.Moreover, the main source of slandering Joan of Arc is the United Kingdom. As a hostile country, it is really normal to slander Joan of Arc, who has continuously defeated her own tactical goals]

[However, compared to this kind of thing recorded in history, what makes me more concerned is the resurrection of the witch Joan of Arc-compared to this is the root cause of the formation of this singularity]

It has been a known fact since the end of the Age of Gods that people cannot be resurrected after death.If it was in the Age of Gods, after death, there is still a little bit of possibility that the soul that went to the underworld could be recovered. After all, the underworld in the Age of Gods actually existed underground.

But in the era of 1431, the age of the gods has been gone for thousands of years. Even through magic or spells, the dead can never be resurrected, and the same is true for Joan of Arc. Thinking about it this way, the resurrected Joan of Arc is undoubtedly the most singular is abnormal.

"In other words, it would be good to send that witch Joan of Arc back into the coffin?"

Mustard, who has never liked to beat around the bush, said bluntly: "Then don't dawdle here, and go to Paris, the base camp across the way, and take them all at once."

"One pot...does it mean to go directly to destroy the opponent's base?"

"Well, to be specific, I went to that Paris alone and blew myself up a few times. I thought that this singularity would be over by then."

Fujimaru Tachika: "..."

Matthew: "..."

Chaldea: […]

It can only be said that what Kua Hinako can say and the tactics she came up with are quite straightforward, and it is impossible to refute. After all, her self-explosion really has that power. .

In Chaldea, Roman, who didn't know how to refute, looked at Xia Chuanhu who was sitting on the side fishing with pleading eyes: "Xia Chuan, Akuta wants to go directly to Paris as a self-destruct infantry, what do you think?"

"Let her go." Xia Chuanhu took a leisurely sip of Coke while talking, "Anyway, Senior Mustard can do it, right?"

[Did you hear that?Xia Chuan has said so, so I'm leaving now! 】

"No, no, no, no! Wait a minute! You are so brave and foolhardy! How can you go straight to Huanglong like this! And Xia Chuan, you should be more serious, even if you have the bottom line. You can't relax like this!"

Roman hurriedly called out Mustard Seed, who was about to go single-handedly to get the head of the witch Joan of Arc.

"What's more, didn't the soldiers just say that? Now the enemy in the singularity is not only the resurrected witch Joan of Arc, but also [Dragon]!"


This is indeed what the soldiers just said.

The main reason why the witch Joan of Arc was able to capture almost all of France in a short period of time was her invincible army - the dragon army composed of countless flying dragons.

"Even if you can blew yourself up, you will be dragged by the delay in the face of countless fantasy species, right? That's not an enemy that can be solved by your blew up alone."

"Then blow yourself up a few more times." Kakako said quite firmly, "What's more, judging from the description, the ones who attacked the town were only wyvern-level wyverns, and the accumulated lives were only a few hundred years at best. It can't be my opponent."

If the power of magic comes from the accumulation of knowledge, then the power of phantoms comes from the accumulation of a long life.Because the history of saving is extremely long, fantasy species generally possess powerful magic power, and their existence is mysterious.

Phantasmal species with a life span of more than a hundred years are beyond the reach of human beings, and fantasy species with a life span of more than a thousand years cannot be dealt with by magicians. Their own mystery can already be called magic. The most specific example is the end of the orange. The golden wolf makes the demon Beo.

And the dragon species itself is the apex existence among the fantasy species. Even the low-level wyverns have a cumulative history of at least a hundred years. If it is put into modern times, it is safe to make the clock tower wiped out except for the jeweler. The presence.

However, it is a pity that Kua Hinako is an elf that has existed in the world from a long time ago. The accumulated history can be calculated from the age of Chinese gods.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Mustard, and Xia Chuanhu next to him looked like he was watching a show, Roman gritted his teeth and took out his phone directly.

"Magical Meili! Urgent help! There is a self-explosive madman here who can't help but want to go to the headquarters to explode. How can I stop her!"

[Just leave it alone, it can be revived anyway, right?In addition, this is quite decompressing, I recommend Roman you to try it~~~]

40. Aoko Aozaki, Doomed to Frustration

In the end, Mustard Seed was persuaded by Roman with all his might.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Mustard Seed's ability, but that he has just reached the singularity point, and he has almost no knowledge of the enemy's situation. It is really not wise to carry out such a reckless suicide attack, at least until he has collected a certain amount of information before making a decision.

Although Akabako was a little dissatisfied with Roman, who was thinking so cautiously, she reluctantly accepted it. Mash and Tachika Fujimaru were also relieved. Having such a senior who likes to blow himself up really made them a little confused. how to get along.

"So, if we don't go directly to Huanglong, where should we go now?" Mustard Chiko asked, "If we want to collect information, we must first find the town? Why don't we follow the direction that the group of soldiers left just now? ?”

"You can think of it this way. Didn't those soldiers say that there are still a few sporadic cities in France that are resisting the attack of the witch Joan of Arc? You should go there now."

The basic situation of the singularity has already been learned from the mouths of those soldiers, so the rest is the information from the side of the witch Joan of Arc.In order to restore the singularity, the three of Fujimaru Tachika will definitely confront the Witch Joan of Arc. Before that, in order to avoid a gap in intelligence and lead to a disadvantage for one's own side, it is necessary to collect various intelligence about the enemy.

Although according to Xia Chuanhu and Akuba Hinako's ideas, it would be almost done if Akua Ottobomb Hinako went to Paris to blow up a circle.

"The cities that are still resisting the attack of the witch Joan of Arc... I remember Lyon and Paris?" Fujimaru Tachika thought for a while and said, "But in which direction are Lyon and Paris exactly? We also have There is no map."

[Don’t worry about this, we can guide you here]

The communication device sounded Roman's voice.

[That's what I said, but it's just a comparison between the coordinates of your location and the modern map, so as to start giving directions. Let me take a look... Now your location is near Dom Remy, a distance from Paris and Lyon is not a short distance away, at least it cannot be reached within today]

"Then let's go to a town that is relatively close first. After resting there, we will officially start moving forward tomorrow. Maybe we can get a map of this era there, senior."

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