
The information sent back from the encore device made Xia Chuanhu's thinking suddenly stop.

Actually... nothing?

Looking at the results, the stone platform under him turned out to be just an ordinary stone platform?Although there is indeed some residual reaction of magic power, it does not constitute any complete scale of the operation, let alone the operation of the Holy Grail, at most it is equivalent to the level of bread crumbs.

But how is this possible?

Isn't the magic formula of the Holy Grail just in the big void?Xia Chuanhu can be sure that his memory is not wrong, and the results scanned by the reenactment device are also impossible to be wrong.

"In other words, the Holy Grail...disappeared?"

(Could it be that because of the arrival of Meiyou, the large underground void space in the two worlds has been replaced, resulting in the current... no, this is impossible, and the large underground void space on the Eindsworth side is also The one with the magic formula of the Holy Grail, the two worlds are the same.)

But why?Why did the Holy Grail spell itself, which was supposed to be here, disappear?

"Ruby, I have a question for you."

[What's the matter? 】

"Ten years ago, was there a Holy Grail War in this city?"

[Holy Grail War?Doesn't this happen every now and then? 】

Ruby said with some doubts.

[It started almost ten years ago. Suddenly there was news about the Holy Grail War in the magic world. Because it is the most likely way to reach the root cause, most magicians started holding it like crazy. The subspecies of the Holy Grail War, although not as large as Fuyuki, are mostly battles between two to five servants]

Subspecies Holy Grail War?

"you sure?"

[Yes, yes, in fact, this is the reason why we came to Fuyuki City this time.On the surface it is to recover the class cards, but in fact it is to investigate whether the class cards are related to the subspecies of the Holy Grail War, and to confirm whether there is a possibility of reopening the regular Holy Grail War that originated in Fuyuki City - but now it has been confirmed that it does not matter at all What about~~~]

Ruby's answer made Xia Chuanhu fall into deep thought.

The disappearing Holy Grail, the subspecies Holy Grail War that has occurred frequently for more than ten years......

"Ruby, how many years ago was the last official Holy Grail War recorded in Japan?"

【Counting it now, it has been almost 70 years. It is said that even the German army was involved at that time】

70 years ago, the German army intervened.

(So ​​this is ah.)

This world is not simply the world line of the magical girl Illya. The magical girl Illya is just a large branch of this parallel world. The main body is actually——


22. Einzworth: Dangerous!


Also known as the Holy Grail War.

The unprecedented seven-on-seven Holy Grail War took place in Tulifas, Romania.

Although it is still not completely certain, but based on the current situation and various clues provided by Ruby, within the scope of Xia Chuanhu's knowledge, he can only be so sure.

Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain why the Great Holy Grail, which was supposed to be in the Great Void, disappeared.

(However, if only the subspecies Holy Grail War has been held so far...Has the FA drama not started yet? I remember that it should be in the 90s of the twentieth century. In a different world line, the Holy Grail War Does it start at a different time too?)

There is only one reason that can be thought of, and that is that the Thousand Boundary Tree family is not yet ready for a full-scale war with the Magic Association.

Originally, the reason why the Holy Grail War was held was because Danic, the patriarch of the Thousand Boundary Tree Clan, had obtained the Great Holy Grail and wanted to establish a new Magic Association to achieve his own ambitions. He has spent decades building up his strength.

Taking over the families of down-and-out magicians, developing his power silently, and reaching the top position through rhetoric and tactics... It was not until the time was right that he officially raised the flag of rebellion.The reason why I haven't started yet is probably because I haven't accumulated enough strength yet, right?is an acceptable change.

Putting away the encore device and getting up, Xia Chuanhu sighed slightly: "Oh, accidents happen frequently, it seems that I have to find time to go to Romania in the future."

[Romania?Why? 】


Although the demand for the Great Holy Grail is not particularly strong, even if there is no Great Holy Grail, Xia Chuanhu will still make dolls.

He is even more interested in the servants he will meet in the Holy Grail War than the Great Holy Grail.

Let’s not talk about the village girl who has been running the map. The first five-star he got in FGO, the servant who has been with him the longest besides the school girl, now has the opportunity to actually meet him. Why don’t you take advantage of it? Row?

And then there's Mordred.

Xia Chuanhu is now considered half King Arthur, if he meets Mo Zaizi...

Come on, Mordred, call me daddy - I'm sure you'll be slapped with a slap in the face if you say hello like that directly!

(Let Tohsaka Rin and Luvia help me pay attention to Romania, or should I move to Romania directly? No... not very good, Fuyuki can use a house for nothing, go You have to figure out your own way over there, it’s not worth it.)

Shaking his head, Xia Chuanhu said, "Well, let's put other things aside first, let's finish the main purpose of coming here first, let me think about how many traps I want to put here?"


By the time Xia Chuanhu finished setting up the trap, it was already sunset.

Considering that Eindsworth has almost invincible displacement magic, ordinary magic may be effective, so Xia Chuanhu also specially used the power of Alquitt to semi-permanently change the entire large underground cavity into a complete spatial coordinate system. A messy different space.

If Eindsworth dared to use space replacement in it, they would only be taken to nowhere by the disordered space—simply put, all the keys on the keyboard were disrupted.

Of course, Xia Chuanhu didn't decide that he could get rid of Eindsworth in this way. After all, Darius Eindsworth was still there. Xia Chuanhu would not be very surprised if he broke free in the space.

So in addition to the disordered space, he also arranged a large number of magic bombs in the large underground cavity. There is only one condition for their detonation, that is, to perceive a change in the space, and it will definitely blow up Eindsworth!

In addition, Xia Chuanhu set up a large number of rune traps in the passage leading to the outside.

He is the disciple of Cangzaki Chengzi. Although he mainly studies dolls, he has also learned a lot of runes.When constructing the rune trap, Xia Chuanhu thoughtfully concealed both the physical level and the magic level.

"Brother, I think...the number of traps you set up may be a bit too much?"

On the way home, Gray couldn't help asking.

That was a trap that took a whole noon and afternoon to set up!It doesn’t matter if there are a lot of them, but the traps themselves are all Xia Chuanhu’s brainstorming. There are any traps in the underworld, and there are even follow-up traps set on the premise of "hitting the trap". Call it Infinity Trap Hell!

It was the first time Gray knew that her brother was so sunny.

Hearing Grey's question, Xia Chuanhu couldn't help laughing and said, "Grey, you need to know one thing. It's easy to defeat a person, and I won't lose if I fight head-on. Up, soldiers fight down. Hitting the opponent's spirit is more important than knocking down the opponent's body."

Xia Chuanhu himself is a living example.

In terms of actual combat effectiveness, if Arthur's strength is removed, he is not as good as Shajo Aiga, but every time she fights Shajo Aiga, she will fall into a state of dementia because of Arthur.

This is a typical mind attack.

The young Gray was completely unaware of the error of Xia Chuanhu's logical words.

"I see... that is to say, you must subdue the opponent before defeating the enemy?"

"No, to be precise, it is to blow the enemy's spirit to the point of collapse, make him doubt why he is alive, make his mentality completely collapse, and thus fall into a mental disorder, becoming a single person who is dominated by anger and can only repeat simple actions. Cell biology. Of course, this process can't be rushed, it has to be done bit by bit, and it's best to give the other party a little luck in the middle—"

[Brother, have you suffered any psychological trauma? 】

Yade couldn't help interrupting Xia Chuanhu.

【What kind of enmity does Einsworth have with you?Is it worth it for you to fix them like this? 】

"It's not that I have psychological trauma. I just directly applied what others used to me before. I am a very honest and good person."

【Go back and look at all the crazy traps you set up before saying this.Gray, you must never learn from him! 】

"You don't need to tell me, I won't let Grey learn it." Xia Chuanhu patted Grey's head: "Compared to this, I'm a little hungry. We don't even have lunch, right? What should we have for dinner? "

"It's not all brother, you are completely addicted to the trap..."

"Sorry sorry."

23. The second season begins!

Ilya feels that something is not right around her home recently.

First of all, more than a month ago, the two families across from me moved out one after another, and then they were replaced by two super luxurious villas in less than a day. Just happened to live in there.

In school, it is front and back desks, and outside school, it is face-to-face neighbors.

This is really an incredible coincidence.

But also because of the same way home, Illya and Miyu have also become good friends during this month. Although Miyu doesn't know why she always forgets Illya's name, but this little thing doesn't matter La.

Compared to Miyu, Illya is not very familiar with the [Xiachuan] house diagonally opposite. Although Grey, who lives in Xiachuan's house, is also from the same school as her, she is a grade older than her and usually does not know her. Nothing to do.She had never seen that Mr. Xia Chuan.

But Illya's brother and the housemaid seem to see him often at the supermarket.

According to what they said, Mr. Xia Chuan didn't seem to like going out very much. The reason he went to the supermarket was because his sister might not be able to carry things and asked him for help.

Although I don't know much about it, Illya occasionally heard from her classmates that this kind of person seems to be called a [house]?

After standing at the door of the house and glanced at Xia Chuan's house diagonally opposite, Yi Liya pushed open the door of her own house.

"I am back."

"Ah, Illya, welcome back."

On the sofa in the living room, Illya's elder brother——Emiya Shirou—is processing vegetables. This is a scene Illya often sees when she comes back. Unlike usual, this time Emiya Shiro is not a People, beside him sat a stranger with blond hair.

Are you a foreigner?

"Are you the Illya that Emiya always talks about? This should be the first meeting, right? I am Natsu Chuantora who lives diagonally opposite. Please give me your advice, Your Highness the Little Princess."

Looking at Xia Chuanhu who was politely saluting to him like His Royal Highness in the animation, Ilya, who was only a primary school student, could not withstand such a violent attack of appearance, her cheeks turned red immediately: "First, first time meeting, Xia Chuanhu gentlemen."

"Xia Chuan, don't tease my sister, and I don't talk about Illya all the time."

"I remember that every time we meet in the supermarket, you always think about what Illya wants to eat."

"Eh? Is there any?"

"Didn't you notice it yourself?" Xia Chuanhu smiled, and then put the processed vegetables in front of Wei Gong Shirou, "By the way, Wei Gong, do you think this is okay? Cut off the roots as you said. "

The reason why Xia Chuanhu came to Weigong's house was purely to learn cooking from Weigong Shirou. Although he can do it himself, his level is definitely not comparable to that of Weigong Shirou.And when it comes to why you want to learn cooking...

(I can't just ask Gray to make it for me every day, and I have to go back and make it for Mei Li, as well as oranges and Shiki. If the cooking is not delicious, Shiki will have to stab me again.)

This is not an exaggeration, the two ceremonies can really be done, although she is not his opponent at all, but Xia Chuanhu doesn't want to be attacked every day at dinner, it is really bad for the heart.

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