If the opponent is really Arthur's Shadow Heroic Spirit, then its strength cannot be compared with Altria's, not to mention that the Shadow Heroic Spirit can use Noble Phantasms.

Xia Chuanhu already has a deep understanding of the power of Arthur's Holy Sword of the Stars. As his trump card, it is simply the strongest, but if he wants to face it...


The last footsteps fell, and a dark figure came out of the mist.

The jet-black armor similar to Arthur's style is somewhat dull compared to the gold, and it can even be said to be close to off-white. The broken hair is like the cold-blooded and ruthless expression and look of a man who has just survived the battlefield—and is held in his hand, the whole body is pitch-black. The Holy Sword of the Star.

Arthur Pendragon.

No, it should be Arthur Pendragon [Alter].

Looking at this familiar stranger who appeared in front of him, Xia Chuanhu couldn't help but feel a little complicated. To be honest, he never thought that he would stand on the opposite side of Arthur like this one day.

"Phew~~~ Having said that, I still have to fight—"

[This seems to be a good idea? 】

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Sha Tiao Aige's sudden words made Xia Chuanhu choke several times in a row.

"You, you suddenly said something magical?"

[Although the prince has always been a perfect existence like the sun, he occasionally shows such a cold attitude like the moonlight... This kind of contrast makes me unable to refuse, as expected of my favorite prince ! 】

Ah, this girl is hopeless, she is completely infected with the Arthur virus.


Sha Tiao Aige changed the topic.

[Although I think it's pretty good, the one in front of me is undoubtedly a fake of the Prince, a counterfeit that stole the power of the Prince, just like you, a vixen, just because it can exist in the world makes me feel disgusted and angry]

【This false existence is a blasphemy to the prince】

There was clearly some anger in the voice.

Shatiao Aige knew about the rank card, although she was crying all the time, and was always feeling uncomfortable because she recognized the wrong person, but even so, whatever Xia Chuanhu was thinking would be entered into her side regardless of her wishes.

So she knew everything about the class card and Ainsworth.

(You actually dare to use the power of the prince, and use the power of the prince as you like for your own selfish desires... unforgivable!)

The Einsworth family, no matter what method is used, Shatiao Aige must make it completely disappear from this world!

And now, destroying the fake in front of him is the first step.

Feeling the emotions conveyed by Sha Tiao's love song in his body, Xia Chuanhu sighed slightly: "That is to say, you don't like this heroic spirit of shadows, right? Then you were so happy before, and if you round it up, you are admitting your mistake again Is there anyone?"

[No, the power that belongs to the prince in it is genuine, and because of this, I can't bear it, can you bear it? 】

"What do you think?"

The magic circuit is fully open.

Summoning magic - fairy possession, start.

Holding the flaming imaginary holy sword, Xia Chuanhu looked at the fake Arthur in front of him.

"It's rare, this time I can understand your thoughts."

【Then solve it neatly, vixen】

11. Tacit understanding? Impossible!

How would Arthur's enemies feel when they fought him?

Because Xia Chuanhu had never imagined a confrontation with him before, Xia Chuanhu never cared about this.But now, after actually holding the sword and facing Arthur's sword, Xia Chuanhu deeply felt the pressure even if it was a fake born from the power of the rank card.

Purely in terms of physical ability, Xia Chuanhu is superior to the fake Arthur, the ability value of the shadow hero is lower than the original version, and Xia Chuanhu's ability value is the same as the real Arthur, plus enhanced magic, simple In terms of ability, Xia Chuanhu has already moved two steps ahead of him.

But that's all.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

The black holy sword and the flame sword collided in mid-air, and they clashed dozens of times within a few breaths. The black magic mist and scorching sparks scattered in all directions, gradually turning the surroundings of the two into chaos. Chaotic sea of ​​flames.

(In terms of swordsmanship... don't I have an advantage here?)

Xia Chuanhu had never systematically learned swordsmanship. In fact, it was the first time he held a sword when he fought Flov. The sword skills all come from the muscle memory of the body that has assimilated with Arthur's Lingji.

Under normal circumstances, this is of course enough to use, but if you are against a fake Arthur who has the same swordsmanship as your own, it will be a bit stretched. The most obvious shortcoming is the proficiency in swordsmanship, and in various situations. solution.

To put it bluntly, it is the experience gap as a swordsman.

Xia Chuanhu mostly reproduced known sword skills and situations, but the fake Arthur was able to temporarily use usages that Xia Chuanhu had never thought of according to the situation on the spot.

Several times, Xia Chuanhu had used his strength and speed to suppress the false Arthur and seized the victory, but every time he tried to break free, opened the distance and brought the battle situation back to the original point.The battle that Xia Chuanhu imagined could end in a few minutes had already exceeded 10 minutes.

"Is there a swordsman who has the same swordsmanship as me and is more proficient than me?"

[Is it not working?vixen]

Sha Tiao Aige's sneer echoed in his mind.

[Although the sword skills are the same, your sword skills are too honest]

"Using the formula according to the script, it seems that I don't know what cunning is..."

【This kind of swordsmanship of yours, but there is no way to -】

"—This fake Arthur in front of me was knocked down. Isn't it?"


Xia Chuanhu couldn't help but feel a little helpless after parrying the magical slashing attack from the false Arthur: "Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that there is a so-called [tacit understanding] between us? Just thought of it." ?”

【I just said something that you already knew but never planned to do. Don’t be arrogant, vixen. There is absolutely no tacit understanding between you and me. That is exclusive to me and the prince—” -above! 】

"Isn't it below?"

Looking at the opposite side to what Shatiao Aige reminded, facing the fake Arthur who was about to enter his attack range, Xia Chuanhu directly raised his sword with both hands, and a wave of flames burst out of the ground immediately!

【Cut, I'm not fooled...】

(I can hear you even if you lower your voice!)

Although (suspected) a consensus has been reached, for Shatiao Aige, as long as there is a chance to kill Xia Chuanhu, she will definitely do it. This kind of deliberate wrong reminder, in the just a few rounds of confrontation, she did not Been here several times.

Can't people get along with each other a little more sincerely?Anyway, now we have the same opinion.

[So, how long do you plan to play like this? 】



Just as Xia Chuanhu and Shatiao Aige were communicating in their minds, the pitch-black holy sword split the flame wave from the middle, and after taking a step forward without hesitation, they entered Xia Chuanhu's attack range. A deep black light suddenly lit up on the sword!

Arthur's holy sword is simply injected with magic power to sweep, and its power can rival that of the opponent's treasure. Even if it has been weakened, its power will not be weak.

Like magma erupting from the ground, the deep black slash erupted directly from under Xia Chuanhu's body!After grabbing him, the neutral gear hit him with almost zero distance!


A gully appeared on the ground as if it had been ravaged by an excavator, and the pitch-black sword light smashed everything in front of it without any suspense.However, at the moment when False Arthur's eyes saw clearly whether there was a figure in front of him or not—

"Puchi Puchi Puchi Puchi!"

Hundreds of rock spears rose from under him without warning, directly piercing his body into a hornet's nest!

"Elemental magic used in the fairy armed state, although it is considered magic in terms of process, it is not in terms of result."

In front of False Arthur, Xia Chuanhu, whose whole body was wrapped in high-strength rock armor, appeared.

"After all, goblins and elves are the touch of the stars. For them, it is a matter of course that they can influence the world."

The fire goblin can affect things related to fire, the wind goblin can freely control the wind element and even affect the weather...Now that it pierces the false Arthur's rock spear, it's just that the earth goblin has changed It's just the shape of a part of the earth.

"That's about it."

"Trouble you to demonstrate my swordsmanship for me. Compared with feeling, it is more efficient to feel with the body, thank you."

Lift your foot and kick it out.


The rock gun was kicked off directly!False Arthur was kicked nearly [-] meters away by Xia Chuanhu in an instant!


Piercing the ground with the holy sword to stabilize his body, False Arthur just wanted to regroup, but at the same time his eyes were looking forward, Xia Chuanhu had already entered his field of vision, and the heavy stone sword slammed down!


Even if the holy sword was used to block it at the critical moment, the heavy slash still caused the false Arthur to be smashed away again!

【Couldn't you be gentler? 】

Shatiao Aige's voice sounded dissatisfied.

Xia Chuanhu frowned: "Why do you have so many personnel affairs? You want me to get rid of that fake one, and you want me to be gentle. If you say that I put my nose on my face, then you don't put your nose on your face. You are not a Party A who can do whatever he wants."

【Well, but that is the prince, even if it is a fake, I will see the prince being beaten--】

"The next time I go to Arthur's tomb, I will tell him that you have empathized."

【you--!mean!Shameless!How can I empathize with others!My love for the prince will never change until the world is destroyed! 】

"If you want to confess, don't confess it in my head."

While talking, he turned sideways to dodge another magic attack coming from not far away. Seeing the fake Arthur whose body began to loom in the mist of magic all over his body, Xia Chuanhu knew that he was almost at the end of his battle.

Being pierced by the rock spear just now is definitely a fatal blow to the Heroic Spirit of Shadow. If it is a Heroic Spirit of Shadow other than Saber and Berserker, the winner will be decided just after taking it. The reason why the fake Arthur still exists is that Probably the scabbard is barely hanging.

But even so, he no longer has the strength to fight again.

Holding the imitation holy sword made of rocks, he sprinted in front of False Arthur in an instant, and Xia Chuanhu directly pierced his heart with his sword!


The body of the heroic sword spirit instantly dissipated into a large number of light particles, and the class card as its spiritual core immediately appeared in front of Xia Chuanhu.

The sixth class card, Saber.

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