(This time you have to kill, yes, you have to kill, you didn't save anyone, you didn't save anyone who died, you came late, so you have to kill him, right ?)


Gotta kill him.


Tapping the ground with his toes, he flew into the air in an instant, rushed from the hole he smashed to the roof opposite the hotel, and looked at Nero Ka who stood on the edge of the roof and stared at him as if sizing up prey. Os, Xia Chuanhu once again glowed with gold.

go to hell.

The moment this idea was born, Xia Chuanhu had already come to Nero Kaos again.


The arms of the two men clasped together. It was obviously a physical collision, but the sound that came out was like swords and swords interlacing.

Staring at Xia Chuanhu's body with eagle-like eyes, Nero Kaos suddenly withdrew the strength on his arm, allowing Xia Chuanhu's arm to tear his body apart——


Passing through the crack in his body torn apart by himself, Xia Chuanhu quickly turned to look at Nero Kaos.

"So that's it, you and I are the same kind." Nero Kaos said coldly, "It's really unexpected. I didn't expect to meet such young people in this extreme east."


Responding to Nero Kaos was Xia Chuanhu's merciless blow to the chest!

You and I are not of the same kind—those burning sky-blue eyes seemed to convey that thought, and Nero Khaos could see it.



The darkness under him suddenly rolled up like a tidal wave!Three huge black wolves rushed out of the shadows without warning, and directly bit Xia Chuanhu's legs and arms at zero distance!Then the chest pierced by Xia Chuanhu turned into the head of a lion in an instant, biting the arm that had actively reached into his mouth!


24. Elemental Arming

The sound of breaking was accompanied by the bite of the lion's head, but it was not Xia Chuanhu's arm that was broken, but the lion's head growing from Nero Kaos' chest, and the black man biting Xia Chuanhu's hands and feet. Wolf.

what happened?

Nero Kaos immediately tried to understand all this, but before that, Xia Chuanhu had torn his body apart again!A large number of broken stones immediately flew out from the section of Nero Kaos' body!

(rock chips?)

Why is there such a thing?And why is it in your own body?

Just a moment of thinking, Nero Kaos understood everything.


Giving up his normal hands and feet, and letting his back grow wings, Nero Kaos instantly flew into the sky: "Did you summon the elemental spirit into your body?"

Elemental sprites - or elemental goblins.

This is the method Xia Chuanhu used to achieve the controllability of summoning magic. Instead of setting the summoning range to all fairies, he fixed the three major elements, limited the summoning range to elemental fairies, and replaced the first element. Specifically the goblin to be summoned.Although most of the variability has been lost, the stability of Summoning Magic has been successfully achieved.

This is the result Xia Chuanhu used to become a sacrifice.

In addition, considering that summoning magic needs to draw a magic circle every time it is used, Xia Chuanhu has already done something that only magicians in their later years would do—making magic engravings.

The summoning magic circle is engraved inside the magic engraving, and the complete magic formula of the summoning magic is also added to it, so that the tedious preparation conditions can be omitted, and the summoning magic and fairy possession can be performed at any time.

The original golden radiance was a variant of the Fire Fairy, while the broken stone just now was a variant of the Earth Fairy. The ability to break the lion's head was due to the petrification magic it used.


The rock armor covering his whole body dissipated and was replaced by light blue armor. Riding a gust of wind, Xia Chuanhu directly came to the same height as Nero Kaos.

"Second round, is it?"

Reading Xia Chuanhu's eyes containing murderous intent, the coat on Nero Kaos' body moved automatically without wind, and countless black beasts vented out from under the coat like a flood that burst a bank!The pitch-black tsunami of beasts seemed to completely wash away Xia Chuanhu, a stubborn rock in the Tao!


"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

It's like saving headlong into a cutting machine running at full speed!The moment the black herd approached Xia Chuan's tiger body, it directly turned into countless fragments!The invisible storm blade surrounded Xia Chuanhu like a satellite, and it expanded suddenly after chopping up all the oncoming beasts!


Nero Kaos was directly cut in half!The falling half of the body immediately turned into a huge vulture, and the flapping of its wings directly whipped up a raging hurricane!


The ear-piercing sound of rubbing suddenly rang out in the sky, and the two gusts of wind rubbed and collided fiercely. It is conceivable that if there is a foreign object that dares to be in it, it will be directly smashed to pieces, and it will be torn to pieces!

Even, in the gap between the collision of the two——


A few strands of electric light slightly tore through the night!

(This is going on endlessly! Substitution!)

The Wind Fairy dissipated from the body, and the magic seal engraved on the chest quietly lit up, and the Fire Fairy mutant took possession again, kicking hard with the help of the strong wind under his feet, before the vulture's wind tore himself apart. On the day of his birth, Xia Chuanhu, who came to a higher place, directly smashed down the Yan Fist full of anger with all his strength!

Stupid - that's all Nero Kaos wanted to say about Xia Chuanhu.


Hundreds of spikes burst out from under Nero Kaos' coat under the cover of night!It directly stabbed the falling Xia Chuanhu's body into a hornet's nest——

(No! This is...)


The explosive flames rising from below suddenly sent Nero Kaos to a higher altitude, and then it was like fireworks blooming——

boom------! !

Dazzling flames bloomed under the night in Misaki City!

(Phantom of Yang Yan...)

An illusion created by temperature changes.Because Mei Li happened to be by his side when testing the power of the Fire Fairy mutant, Xia Chuanhu was half forced to learn this trick.

The moment he moved upwards, Xia Chuanhu had actually become a phantom, and the main body fell down to prepare for the final blow.

"Ha-ah! Ha-ah-!"

As if holding his breath for several minutes and finally couldn't help rushing out of the water, Xia Chuanhu suddenly knelt down and gasped for air uncontrollably!

The magic circuit is twitching.

(It turns out...it's not that my body and magic power are not good, but that the magic circuit won't let me do this nonsense?)

Although it was only less than 1 minute, Xia Chuanhu didn't think about the feelings of his magic circuit at all during this 1 minute. He only focused on outputting the magic power to death. It is normal for the magic circuit to be unbearable.

"But... it's not over yet, it shouldn't be dead yet."

Nero Kaos is a dead disciple who added [Inherent Enchantment Beast King's Nest] into his body, which has 660 six beast factors. If he doesn't kill all of them at the same time, he will be resurrected countless times !

Just like now.

"I probably understand your situation. Although the usage is different, you remind me of a friend."

Flapping his wings and falling from the sky, Nero Kaos, who was covered with red scales, looked down at Xia Chuanhu: "Summoning magic - Aleister Crowley's masterpiece, I also participated in the research for a while , logically speaking, he is the only one who would."

"Is it you who killed him in Paris three years ago?"


It's really a disgusting name.

Xia Chuanhu stood up.

"So what? Do you want to avenge your friend?"

"No, his skills are inferior to others, and he deserves to die. I'm just a little surprised that his magic can be studied to such a level by you." Nero Kaos was expressionless, and at the same time, the shadows under his feet surged, "It's almost the same , I still have the task of killing Her Royal Highness, so I don't have time to waste playing."

The dark ferocious beast appeared again, but this time it was not a pack of wolves, but a monster with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a python.

- Chimera.

Not a beast, but a monster!A combination of multiple beast factors!

"Farewell, heir to Crowley's mantle."

"[Cast (projection)——!]"

Nero's voice hadn't finished yet, but a soft shout suddenly came from one side, and then several cyan light cannons came rushing forward, directly knocking back the Chimera several meters away!

It's Aoko Aozaki!

Coming to Xia Chuanhu from the roof on the other side, Cang Qi Qingzi hugged him up: "Thank you, Hu. We are going to withdraw!"

"Eh? Retreat? For—"

Haven't killed him yet!The bastard in front of him who cares nothing about human life hasn't killed him yet!How can it be here——


The pain from the back of the neck made Xia Chuanhu's thoughts suddenly stop.

Glancing at Nero Kaos, Aoko Aozaki waved his arm, and a dozen magic bullets shot out like machine guns!The dense barrage immediately blocked Nero Kaos' sight.

And when the barrage dissipated, Nero Kaos looked at the empty front——

"The fifth magician, Aozaki Aoko, has he returned to his hometown at this time? There are so many unexpected things tonight."

"Because continuing to fight would expose the mysterious existence, I retreated. The rules of magicians are still as restrictive as ever."

Nero Kaos looked at the opposite hotel.

"I can't feel the aura of the princess anymore, did you leave with me? Well, tonight's hunting will end here, as long as the princess is still in this city—"

She must die.

25. The idea of ​​Sha Tiao's love song

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