"The demon god named Jie faction just experienced a big defeat, and their grand plan to destroy human beings went bankrupt. The demon god Jie faction survived the war and fell here."

"It's just a coincidence that He has followed you and stayed in your body to heal your injuries."

"Of course, the Demon God still hasn't given up on his goal. He thought of a new plan and conducted experiments here. This is why Serafix became like this."

"Material virtualization, or spiritualization, he imitated the spiritual world inside the Mooncell on the moon, and wanted to transform the earth into that."

"It's just that he overturned, because of the connection with Mooncell, the existence in another world of Mooncell's spirit in the parallel world found here."

"As for the name of that existence..."

"Sasshoin Kiara."

Seeing the astonished expression of the woman in front of him, Kazama nodded slightly.

"That's right, another you came here."

PS: Regarding yesterday's question about the villainization of the protagonist.

Well, yesterday's chapter didn't make things too clear. Here is a little explanation.

First of all, I misused the term, and should not use the term 'guinea pig'.But for the harsh environment Marble was in, even a flawed ability was acceptable as long as it wasn't at the cost of death.

And then there's the idea of ​​implantation... because Mabel is going to survive 50 years in this harsh environment, to avoid her desperate suicide, to give her spiritual hints. (In the original work, many staff members committed suicide without waiting for Chaldea's rescue) It's like a hint that Lelouch planted for Suzaku.

I hate the character design of the Virgin Mary, but I don't like the dark flow character design with no bottom line. The protagonist's positioning is limited kindness.

There is nothing wrong with insisting that chaos is good.

Then there is the "wisdom battle", the plot involving extraordinary power can no longer be described in too detailed a wits battle.The current bonus of the Book of Wisdom mainly lies in the ability to learn spells.

If you want to blame it, you have to blame the author for not having enough IQ to complete such a job.

Finally, about the power system... In order to balance the combat power, I have always used different systems in different worlds to distinguish, such as the abyss sacrifice system, the power protection system, and the magic system.I don't dare to study this thing in detail, because if it is really divided into strengths and weaknesses in detail, the combat power system in this book will collapse directly.

Chapter 290: You Are Too Old To Be A Witch

"another me...."

Kiara Saseiin was a little startled.

This means that the strange self I saw at the last moment was not an illusion.

Wind nodded.

"Parallel time and space, you should understand this commonplace concept. Even the parallel world is a proven miracle."

"The current owner of the Clock Tower, the Marshal of the Demon Dao, Gem Weng, is the magic and miracle he has accomplished."

"People's subjective initiative makes different choices at the same node, just like choosing different roads at a fork in the road. From that moment on, the scenery encountered along the way is completely different."

"The difference between the other you and the current you is in the childhood."

"Because of the family sect, I have lived in the deep mountains for a long time, and I have been tortured by illness."

During Kazama's narration, Seshoin Kiara gradually lost his mind.

That experience was indeed very profound and unforgettable in my more than 20 years of life.

The disease made her curl up on the bed and groan in pain. At that time, she thought her life would come to an end...

Kiara woke up from the memories of the past, and found that at some point, the narration of the young man opposite him stopped at some point.

She raised her head to look at Kazama, but found that the other party was signaling to herself to say something.

As for what to say?Of course, it was something after the experience of Kiara in the past.

"There was such a thing, but then a believer and my father suggested that I was taken outside for surgery."

Mysterious methods and traditional ancient medical techniques could not cure her, but the outside world relied on the modern medical technology developed by the scientific and technological revolution to cure her.

"I am very grateful to that believer. If it weren't for him, my rigid and old-fashioned ascetic monk father would definitely not let me get outside assistance."

"At the same time, I also thank those doctors, modern medical technology, they let me get rid of the troubles of the disease."

It was also after this that Kiara strengthened his belief and established his goal.

To become a healer, a healer who saves all living beings from suffering.And it is not only the physical level that needs to be saved, but also the spiritual and spiritual aspects.

Since officially becoming a doctor five years ago, she has cured many people.But even so, she was still not satisfied.

Recognizing that a person's power is limited, perhaps because of her origins, she began to build a medical organization.It's just that this medical organization was rejected by the medical profession because it was too pure and ideal.Even she herself was no longer accepted by her colleagues.

And now, she brought the few remaining comrades who still haven't forgotten their ideals to the Serafix facility, wanting to start over here.

The applause came, interrupting Seshoin Kiara's inner activities.

"As expected of someone with an exaggerated evaluation of 'rare savior talent'. Saint, the current you... Even if you are not now, as long as you don't lose your heart and always carry out your ideals, sooner or later you will be able to become a saint .”

"A saint?" Kiara shook his head with a wry smile.

"I'm not such a great person. For now, I'm just a loser who was exiled here. Even in the future, I don't dare to think about it at all."

"No, you're too modest. But it's pretty good this way, and you won't be affected by the fame and fortune of the outside world at all."

Kazama reached out and knocked on the table:

"Then let's go back to the topic we talked about at the beginning."

"Buddhas always say that cause and effect... all dharmas are empty, and cause and effect are not empty. This is indeed very reasonable."

"Being saved by others when you were young is the cause. Now you have good intentions and aim to save others. This is the result."

"Good causes sow good fruits."

"Others give you salvation so that you can save others after you grow up."

"As for the other you, it happens to be on the back."

"That is the evil result of evil causes."

Kazama said in a slightly emotional tone:

"It's unbelievable that the same seed has produced two completely different flowers."

"In another parallel universe, Kiara, named Seshoin, was not saved by others. Even though she was calling and longing for this salvation to come, the believers were all merciful, and no one extended a helping hand."

"Perhaps in another parallel world, the believer who saved you is also in it, just because of a mistake..."

"All in all, the other you have formed different values ​​​​because of different experiences. Then, by coincidence, in that parallel world, humans have the opportunity to contact Mooncells on a large scale."

"You, who have a very high aptitude in mind magic, are at home in that information-built world, and even abandoned your physical body, wandering in it as an electronic ghost."

"Afterwards, because of various opportunities, he completed his sublimation and obtained the same rank as a god."

"That's right, you in another world have achieved the status of Bodhisattva after giving up a lot of things."

"Your family, the so-called Buddha Bodhisattva Arhats worshiped by Tianyong Sect, if these existences have not been involved in induction, they are just simple clay sculptures and wood carvings. But the other you are a real existence that has achieved the Bodhisattva status."

Kiara's mood at this moment cannot be described in terms of shock. Although she is a devout Buddhist, she has never thought of becoming like the legendary monks... Well, even if she is a bodhisattva To some extent, it is actually a 'magic'.

"So don't underestimate the human possibility. In a way, the human possibility is the real hidden miracle."

The enlightened one from personal practice to detachment, the omnipotent Yahweh.

The descendants of Gaia, the gods of the Age of Gods have all declined one after another, and only human beings are still multiplying on the earth.

Even after the death of the planet, the possibility of human beings leads the group to another survival ending 'Coral of the Moon'.

Even supercomputers can't count the end points of human beings.

Although Xingyue world has many extraterrestrial civilizations such as Youxing, it is undeniable that human beings are the real protagonists in Xingyue.

Based on the previous basic information, although for Kiara Sesseiin, this is still a huge amount of information that is difficult to digest for a while, but Kazama finally talked about the situation facing Serafix.

"The soul-formed Seraphix was regarded by another you as the material for the incarnation of a goddess...You understand this process as the process of incarnation that descended into the material world."

Ordinary servants of heroic spirits want to incarnate, all they need is a small part of the magic power from the holy grail, but the transformation of a god, the demand is definitely more terrifying.

"Of course, it's fine if it's just that. The key is the Noble Phantasm of Evil Killing."

Considering that Kiara, who doesn't know the information about the Holy Grail War, doesn't know what the Noble Phantasm is, Kazama explained:

"His way, his principles, and the manifestation of the unique skills he has mastered."

"The Noble Phantasm named [Angra Mainyu/CCC] is one of the few terrifying skills that has reached the star-level level."

"Dedicate yourself to the planet's spiritual veins, and fully liberate the ability of "all-color sluggishness". Summon the souls of all people into your own body, creating a vortex containing billions of happiness. This vortex of happiness will bring things with wisdom Melting, let its "life" be sublimated instantly."

"Of course, at that point, your other wish will be fulfilled. Be the only human being in this world."

Hearing Kazama's words, Seshoin Kiara's face turned pale.

"No, that kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!"

Dissolving wisdom is equivalent to destroying the intellectuality cultivated by civilization for a long time, and sinking into desire, that is to completely move closer to animal nature.

Such behavior is undoubtedly destroying mankind.

Moreover, if such a terrible thing really happened, and the culprit was another self, Seshoin Kiara felt extremely confused.

"It must be stopped..."

Saiseiin Kiara said, but his expression froze again.

How to stop it?

Even the procedural monsters born in the spiritual subspace of Seraphix cannot be defeated, so let alone the Bodhisattva who occupies the entire spiritual subspace of Serafix as its own incubation container.

Is it really something you can do to save 74 billion people around the world?

With the ideal of saving others, have you worked hard to save more than a thousand, ten thousand people over the years?These people have devoted themselves to the huge human group, and I'm afraid they can't even inspire a splash.

I can't do this by myself...

Seshoin Kiara couldn't help but look at the young man behind the seat.

Extraordinary individuals do exist in the world of magic. The rumored marshal of magic, as well as the magician with the same name, are unmatched by manpower in mastering miracles.

Sesseiin Kiara didn't know what level the youth really belonged in the field of magic.

But if the other party can deal with the terrifying demon god before, and if he is not harmed by himself in another world, his strength must not be bad.

Compared with the weak self, the other party is more capable of carrying out the task of saving mankind.

"You and that...I from another world are enemies, right?"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Saseiin Kiara asked.

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