
Crow Reed, who communicated in the wind, retorted:

"That was the cause and effect of Crow Reed. And Crow Reed is dead, and now only Hiirazawa Irio and Kinomoto Fujitaka exist in this world."

"But neither of us is very suitable. In comparison, it's best for Sakura to replace me."

Having said that, Hiirazawa Elio's deep sigh rang in Kazama's ear:

"After all, death is the salvation of all."

In fact, Hiirazawa Elio is also right.

In that coastal land, Crow Reid's previous travels to the east caused love debts. Even if the body of the infatuated woman is dead, she will forcefully use the forbidden technique to keep her sanity from falling, and wait for someone to return.

In a way, it was this obsession to wait for Crow back that shaped the poor woman.

And after hearing the news of Kuro's death, the woman can truly be liberated and return to the common sense of reincarnation.

Therefore, Hiiragisawa Elliot must not show his face.In this case, Kinomoto Sakura is the best candidate.

"Don't complain, I know, you are very interested in the Eastern Taoism system."

"Speaking of it, it is clear that he is a pure oriental, but he is following the Western magic system."

"Of course, this kind of statement is not very accurate. At least your divination methods and spiritual cultivation methods are pure oriental secret arts."

"The combination of east and west can accommodate hundreds of schools, and it doesn't stop there. The different systems of several worlds are also under your exploration."

"If you look at it this way, wouldn't it be a good time to go to Hong Kong?"

"Li Ji's water divination technique is truly unique, but she did not pass on this tradition before she died."

"After dispelling Li Ji's obsession, this top-notch Taoist inheritance belonging to the physiognomist can just be obtained."

"Li Ji... So that woman's name is Li Ji?"

Kazama learned the woman's name from Kuro's mouth.

I don't know what Crow Reed did to Kerberos' memory before, and even Kerberos didn't know the woman's name.

Chapter 250: The Second Dream

There are four round-trip air tickets to Hong Kong.

It was the summer vacation, and Tomoyo and Sakura naturally wanted to go out to have fun, occupying two places, and the remaining two tickets were reserved for guardians.

But it just so happens that Kinomoto Tenglong and Tomoyo's parents don't have free time, and Kinomoto Sakura's elder brother finally became the guardian of the trip.

Momoya Kinomoto, Yukito Tsukishiro, Sakura and Tomoyo formed a team to visit Hong Kong.

After applying for passports and preparing for a few days, the four of them set off.This was Sakura's first time traveling abroad, even taking a plane. When she arrived at the Pearl of the Orient, she was naturally extremely excited.

The market scene is completely different from that in China, and many roadside delicacies attract curious minds.

However, when Kinomoto Sakura really stepped into this land, a certain existence that had been sleeping for a long time slowly woke up.

At the bottom of some ancient well, the magic surged upwards, and the last white lark took to the sky.

Fly towards the breath that has left this land for more than a hundred years.

On the night of the trip, Sakura Kinomoto, who stepped into a dream in the hotel room, had a dream.

Led by a lark, she came to a strange land.

In front of her, a graceful figure floated in mid-air.

Like the fairies recorded in the ancient books of the Celestial Dynasty, the slender cloak flutters in the air, wearing palace attire and head decorations.

Her face seemed to be covered by a layer of hazy water mist, making it impossible to see her true face clearly.However, Sakura had a feeling that this must be a very beautiful woman.

Not only that, but this woman who doesn't know her face also exudes a lonely and sad atmosphere, which makes people feel pity.

Who is she?

Why do I dream of her?

Two big questions appeared in Kinomoto Sakura's mind.

"Her name is Lizzie."

A clear voice sounded in the ear, making Kinomoto Sakura startled, the trance that had fallen into a dream, and the confusion like drunkenness suddenly faded away, Kinomoto Sakura seemed to surface from underwater.The whole dream became solid and clear under the intervention of external forces.

Kinomoto Sakura stared blankly at the shadow that appeared beside her.It was a shadow in the literal sense, only an outline could be seen, and the appearance of clothing was covered in darkness.

But relying on the outline and the vague voice that couldn't tell the difference between male and female, Sakura still recognized this figure.

It was the person he had met and talked to in his dream that day.

Seeing this shadow, Kinomoto Sakura's first feeling was fear, and she still firmly remembered Li Xiaolang's threat last time.

However, as if a gentle hand calmed down the fear and uneasiness in her heart, Kinomoto Sakura calmed down again.

"I have no ill will towards you."

The stranger who intervened in the dream spoke softly.

Afterwards, the shadow made a movement of turning its head, and Kinomoto Sakura realized that the other party was looking at the woman floating in mid-air in front of her.

Although the dream has become very clear, the appearance of the woman is still unclear.

"Although it can help you see what this person looks like."

"But this person has a very high level of practice in the way of divination, so he will inevitably be noticed by this person."

"It's rude to snoop like that."

As the shadow said, Kinomoto Sakura couldn't help but think of the dream that day, she wanted to spy on the other party.

Sakura's face turned red, she quickly bent over ninety degrees, and said loudly:

"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

Looking at Sakura, the figure smiled slightly.

Although Sakura couldn't see the other person's expression, she could feel that the other person was smiling.

"Good boy, much better than that wicked guy."

"It's not your fault, after all, you haven't received professional and systematic training like the kid from the Li family."

The figure turned its head away again.

"Let me tell you a story."

"Tell a story between a powerful magician and a female divination."


One night passed, Kinomoto Sakura suddenly opened her eyes in her sleep.

She sat up on the bed, panting heavily.

The encounter in the dream is still vivid in my mind, I seem to have another dream about precognition, and then in the dream, the very powerful existence that Li Xiaolang said appeared in the dream.

And told her a story.

"Just a dream..."

"No, about that story..."

Although the existence did not tell the names of the two protagonists in the story, the heroine, through the words that the existence said before, can almost be sure to be the woman I saw in my dream.

It seems to be called "Li Ji"?

But, why would I have a dream about that?

"Sakura, are you alright?"

Tia got out, because she was out shopping yesterday, she had been hiding in Kinomoto Sakura's bag.

Sakura shook her head:

"It's not really a nightmare, it's just..."

After all, she still told the inexplicable thing she saw in the dream.

Tia's expression also became serious, but then became extremely depressed.

The questions that Sakura encountered, the common sense that naturally existed in her mind did not have the information that could answer them.

Kinomoto Sakura was also staring at Tia blankly.

The question Tia has been worrying about is where she came from.

Combined with the prophetic dream last time, I saw the girl who had nine images with Tia in the ward and seemed to be trading something with a white creature.Sakura can guarantee that the dream is definitely related to Tia's origin.Maybe even that mysterious existence is the main reason why Tia became like this.

It's just that for the sake of conservatism, she never mentioned this matter with Tia.Furthermore, the specific identity of that mysterious existence is still unknown.


Sakura suddenly became a little annoyed. In the dream last night, when she was able to communicate with that being, she actually forgot to ask him about Tia.

"Unfortunately, that guy is not here."

Tia's words interrupted Sakura's thinking, she knew who Tia was talking about.

Just as the person in the dream said, Li Xiaolang, who was born in an ancient Taoist family, knew more about this than her.

"But speaking of it, classmate Li's hometown is here." Sakura said:

"Maybe we can meet him when we play."

"It's not that simple."

Tia shook her head:

"This city is a super city in the whole of Asia, or in the world."

"In the vast sea of ​​people, how can it be so easy to see."

"Unless there is a real destiny."

Chapter 250 IX The Way of Nightmare Victory

In fact, fate is so wonderful that it cannot be touched or seen.But sometimes it does exist.

Especially in mysticism, there is a deep causal relationship between the two parties.

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