"Restore your body to the level it should be at this age. But the past things still cannot be changed, because of the previous damage, your life span has been cut by about ten years."

"No, that's not the case..."

Vitality returned to her body, but Mengzi was even more terrified.

"Yu Bie-jun, please."

For girls, the real damage is not physical, but something that may not heal in a lifetime.

"Equivalent exchange is the truth in the world."

Kazama said indifferently, and then covered Mengzi's forehead with a hand.

Clear, modify memory.It is very convenient for witnesses to deal with hand tails.

It's a very simple little spell, which is not easy for Kazama who has mastered several levels of forbidden arts.

After a while, Kazama withdrew his hand, and Mengzi passed out quietly.It will wake up in about a few minutes.


"It should be because I was too tired to deal with things these days, and I missed it..."

Kazama frowned and muttered, expressing self-reflection.

"Accidentally deleted her memory for three years."

"However, there should be no problem."

As long as I don't meet any scumbags again.

Inspiration was touched inadvertently, the girl's future track is vague, luck seems to be quite good.

With the money, he left the city and started a new life.


The handling of the out-of-control incident this time does not need to span half of the earth like the last time the apostle was hunted.

It seems that in order to make it easier for the five ghosts to devour each other, the places of manifestation are closer together.Or in other words, the phenomenon that most objects are out of control has an impact on the scope of manifestation.

In short, this time, Kazama did not travel abroad in a conventional way, but adopted a method that was more in line with the extraordinary.

With the combination of the three cards of Xiang, Xiao and Shield, supplemented by the magic power provided by the Philosopher's Stone, it is quite convenient for short-distance journeys.

As for the faster method, the means of teleportation in space.

Well, although I have been studying "Opening the Gate to Another World", a phantom book that involves the mysteries of space, it is still very difficult to actually operate it, even across such a long distance.

After all, space is the same as time. If it is placed in the Xingyue world, it is a miraculous realm that cannot be touched by proper manpower.

However, now, purely physical movement, relying on Xiang cards is almost enough.

Return to Xinghai City.

During the few days of Kazama's business trip, Kerberos used the possession spell to disguise himself.

If you count the time in the foreign world, they have been together for nearly eight years. As long as they are not in close contact with close people, Ruberos can easily handle it.

Of course, such an opportunity will obviously not happen in just over a week.

Liu Kai, who is close to him in the same city, is very busy at work, and he doesn't know when he will be scheduled for vacation.The old lady Yunshan Wu is currently on a business trip in the next city and she is too busy.

"I'm home."

At home, another Kazama melted in front of the deity, and the black liquid on the body surface flowed into the shadow of Kazama.

Kerberos floated in the air and gave his most sincere greetings.If his eyes hadn't been fixed on the special snacks of Strawberry Daifuku that Kazama conveniently packed, Kazama would probably be very moved.

"Have you encountered any trouble going out this time?"

On the sofa, Kerberos asked while munching on the snack in his hand.

The power of the light card was mobilized, and the output rate was still very high. Although it was far away, as the sealed beast on the yang side, Ruberos still noticed it.

The light card is the nemesis of ghosts, and it should be quite convenient to deal with monsters in the world of Ghost Slayer: Blade.It's just that it's not that the ghost king has no misfortune to appear, but just a few ghosts, even if it's a nightmare, but Ruberos feels that Kazama doesn't need to use this high-ranking card.

"It is true that there was a small episode, and it has subsided for the time being."

Kazama looked at Kerberos and said that he could feel that something was obviously wrong with Kerberos' state.

The familiar, who has always been heartless, is now a little worried about gains and losses, and the joy of getting delicious food is not as strong as it used to be.

This is also normal, after all, the next thing and the journey is related to the original karma.

The book of Kuro's seal emerged in Kazama's hand.Because of having an owner, this powerful magic item is no longer in the shabby state of being placed in the utility room before.Now it is as bright as ever, full of magical brilliance.

Touching the cover of the book, Kazama looked at Kerberos:

"Are you ready?"

"It should... be ready..."

Kerberos said with some uncertainty.

After all, the next step is to meet his creator.Compared with Kazama, the second-generation master, he is more like a father.

There are also the things experienced in this world, the uncertain factors encountered, and the terrifying existence hidden in many worlds.

Does the strongest fortune teller and magician have any understanding of this situation?What kind of response will you make?

(End of this volume)


There is nothing to say about this volume, it mainly focuses on ambush pens.

The inspiration for the first half comes from a not-so-good storyline.Well, it just doesn't feel right.

Then comes the next volume, which shouldn't be too long.It's to the world of Cardcaptor Sakura.

Probably so (つД`)


Chapter 240 The Devil Comes

"Then... get ready to go."

A brand-new advent ceremony array was built, such as a temporary workshop in the suburbs.The silver light overflowed, as if silver stars were circulating on the ground.

Kazama stood in front of Yigui and said to Kerberos.The latter nodded slightly, and then lay on Kazama's shoulder.

Kazama, dressed in a modern uniform, stepped into the ritual, and when the Philosopher's Stone began to shine, the magic formula represented by the ritual on the ground began to operate, completing a precise fit.

Then came the key and the beacon. Kazama locked a certain world in the ability, and the silver door in the void slowly opened towards him.

It seems that the impact of the God's Descending Ceremony not long ago touched the ability, the ability that has always existed in Kazama's expectation, and the new function began to be unblocked.

Of course, Kazama only opened a small door to the other world, and to push it open enough for him to pass through would require a complete set of advent rituals as an aid.

As the silver light filled the entire warehouse, Kazama's figure gradually disappeared from the warehouse.


in some world.

The earth was covered with snow, and the whimpering wind gave all matter a frozen crystallization.This is the northern pole of the world, one of the coldest places on earth.

The temperature is twenty degrees below zero all year round, which is not suitable for living things.Only a few ethnic groups can survive on this land.

It also includes humans.

Humans' ability to adapt is actually not weak. Although they don't have thick hair and fat like other creatures, they rely on their own conditions to adapt to this severe cold environment.But human beings have the wisdom that no other creature has, and can make and use various tools to resist the cold.

The more famous ones are the Inuit, who are world-famous for their unique architecture of snow houses.

A certain Inuit tribe.

If there are tourists visiting here, they will probably be very disappointed, because there are no snow houses here, but wooden houses with modern civilization characteristics that look very strong.Snowmobiles can even be seen outside the wooden houses.

The tribe, or the town even has a grocery store selling various goods and a place to refuel.

Since human beings began to spread their footprints all over the world, even the cold and hellish North Pole has been able to set foot. The isolated ancient Inuit civilization has undergone earth-shaking changes after it came into contact with modern civilization.

Some backward traditions are replaced by more advanced methods, which is also in line with the law of civilization evolution.

Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon the ancient and long-lasting culture of thousands of years because of contact with outside civilizations in just a few decades.

Just like faith.

The number of Inuit people is relatively small, and it is impossible to form an institutional religion. The spiritual sustenance of people here is the oldest thing, the worship of ancestors and nature, that is, the original shamanism.

A wooden house located in the center of the town, when the tribesmen passing by here looked at it, they would all give them respectful and awe-inspiring eyes.

The unremarkable wooden house is the place where the shaman of the tribe lives.As the sustenance of faith, shaman enjoys a high status and prestige in the tribe, even the patriarch respects him.

But at this moment, this elderly shaman who was as kind as an old grandmother fell into madness.

Looking at the dancing Granny Mosa, the girl with braids and heavy leather jacket, leather pants and boots showed a worried look.

The girl's name is Nazha, and she is also a shaman, or a trainee shaman.

After her teacher, Granny Mosa returns to the embrace of nature, she can inherit the teacher's mantle and become a noble figure in charge of sacrifices in the tribe.

The tribe has many "civilized people" from outside who are curious about the shaman culture in the tribe.Although it seems respectful, deep down in his heart he doesn't care.

This primitive worship is nothing but the ignorant ancients' fear of unexplainable natural phenomena.In the modern age of advanced technology, almost everything can be explained by science.

Nazha knows the mentality of these outsiders, but she is not affected at all, because she knows that the mysterious power does exist, and she can also touch and control it.

The magical power of shamanism.

In fact, the foreign civilizations that claim to be the supremacy of science also hide such masters of similar mysterious powers, and their number is even larger and more powerful at the same time.

The Inuit tribe where Nazha lives is the largest tribe nearby, with a total of 230 people.Granny Motha is naturally the most powerful shaman among the Inuit.

However, three days ago, Granny Mosa had an abnormality.

From a dream.

As a shaman, he is born with the ability to divination. In the dream, it seems that the great spirit of nature gave the revelation.

A terrible revelation, even for a trainee shaman like Nazha who has stepped into the circle of supernatural beings, it feels absurd. The prophecy of revelation-a terrible demon has descended on this world.

The evil spirits come with the ancient terror on their backs, and they will bring disaster to the world.So stop him at all costs and kill him.

Nazha has never mentioned the ferocious appearance of the kind and kind Granny Mosa.

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