Landing on the ground, while blowing fire, while smacking his tail and claws, Vortigern, who was constantly ravaged, seemed to feel the magical power emerging from Fujimaru Tatsuka's body.

Maybe it's because he sensed the danger, or maybe Voutigeng thinks that a magician like Fujimaru Tatsuka who 'possesses' a lot of magic power needs to be dealt with first.

Just after Vortigern smashed a barracks with his claws.

Voutigeng, who turned around his huge body very quickly, immediately spewed out a mouthful of raging dragon flames in the direction of Fujimaru Tatsuka.

'Help me, help me...I need your help...'

"Shadow of Spirit Foundation!"

Borrowing Merlin's enhancement, the magic power provided by the fairy in the lake.

Facing the attacking Longyan, Fujimaru Tachika, whose tense forehead was covered with cold sweat but did not take a step back, begged a few times in his heart, and immediately unfolded the shadow of the spirit base.

In just a moment, a bright red cloak appeared in front of her under the call of Fujimaru Tateka.

Immediately afterwards, the expression was hollow, and the whole body was a little illusory, but he raised a huge shield to block the suffocating dragon flames for her against the real shadow of the follower.


He exclaimed the name of the shadow of the servant he had summoned, and then took advantage of the opportunity of Leonidas blocking the dragon flame, and immediately activated the spirit base projection again.

One after another, from different time and space, but the past and the future, the shadows of servants who will inevitably establish a bond with Fujimaru Tachika appear on the stage in turn.

At the same time, it seems that she is very sensitive to danger by nature, and Fujimaru Tachika, who can avoid Vortigern's attack at every critical moment, although it seems dangerous.

But she really did, entangled Vortigern.

Frowning, he jumped off Vitigeng's dragon's back, and then Morgan, who saw his own figure in the projection of Fujimaru Tachika, froze in place.

Spirit base projection is not some profound magic.

For Morgan, it only takes a glance to learn how to stay away from it and how to use it.

However, meeting does not mean that Morgan can also perform it.

Just like a messenger of justice, the combination of origin and magic attributes makes someone's projection magic unique.

As for the spirit base projection used by Tachika Fujimaru, this variant of projection magic, the difficulty and conditions of its use are even higher than that of a certain justice envoy.

Not only are there strict requirements on magic attributes, origins, etc., but the most important thing is...this kind of projection magic, if you want to project a must get the approval and permission of the follower.

"..., would I recognize such a girl?...Could it be that there are fools in me in the parallel world?"

Morgan, who can clearly see Fujimaru Tachika's true level at a glance, can't be punished.

Seeing herself being projected, she waved her magic staff and beat Vortigerm, who dared not resist, and screamed. Morgan, who was quite speechless, simply came out of sight and out of mind, and casually yelled at Vortigerm. After leaving a sentence of 'You will play here first'.

For some reason, Morgan, who felt very strange to Fujimaru Tachika, just leaned on his staff, turned around and left here.

Seeing Morgan leave, Tachika Fujimaru was also relieved.

After all, the current Morgan can be said to be simply too scary. The dark magic power scattered all over his body floats hundreds of meters away, and the whole person feels like a thousand years of ice.

After leaving Fujimaru Tachika, Morgan, who exuded a cold aura all over his body, naturally would not run elsewhere, nor would he run to bully those ordinary humans.

Knowing who he needs to eliminate in this battle, and who he needs to take revenge on, Morgan quickly came directly under the tower.

He didn't destroy Merlin's position, nor did he disturb the fairies in the lake who were serving as batteries under the tower.

Morgan stepped up step by step on the air, and soon came to the same height as Merlin.

", who even the Master sent out, do you have any tricks?"

"Hey, hey, Morgan, you've gone the wrong way, why don't you go find the fairies below, what are you doing looking for me..."

Looking at the murderous Morgan in front of him, who made no secret of wanting to kill him, Merlin, who was sweating coldly, seemed to be cowed in the face of Morgan like this.

However, after seeing Merlin's performance, Morgan, who had a sharp look at Merlin's right cuff, turned around in the next second and fell back under the tower again.

A few small cries of 'Fufu...Fufu' floated from Merlin's sleeve.

As if suffering some kind of pain, Merlin, who saw Morgan leaving, heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time his expression suddenly grinned.

Then Merlin pulled open his sleeve, revealing the little beast hiding in his sleeve, which was biting his arm tightly.

"Oh, Cathy Paluge, my little ancestor, don't bite, I know I'm wrong this time, but it hurts..."

However, before Merlin waited, the little guy let go.

Suddenly, the tower under the feet collapsed with a bang, accompanied by flames and thick smoke.

As Morgan returns to the surface...the battle between her and Vivienne, Nimue, Elaine...the three fairies of the lake begins.

162. Sakura's battlefield chat and analysis.

Sitting on the arrow tower of the city wall of Camelot, shaking those short legs wrapped in white cotton socks with a promising future.

Looking at the incomparably magical battlefield in the distance, Sakura frowned slightly unbearably.

"Why should ordinary people be involved in such a war... Except for the opponent to consume a little more mana and stamina, ordinary people have absolutely no value in this war..."

Placing his hands on the wall next to Sakura, his whole body showed a feeling of laziness. Kurumi, who was leaning against Sakura, replied casually after hearing what Sakura said.

"Anyway, Sakura will follow your plan, they will come back to life after all, don't worry too much about it."

"Though the third sister Kuang said so... hey! That's right, after all, what I pursue is the ending, not the process. As long as the ending is happy, it doesn't matter what happened or what I did during the process... "

"It's just that you're still not used to watching humans die in front of you, right?"

"Almost, sister leader... Maybe I think so..."

Standing beside Sakura, like a silent lady, Luo Hao, who would seem to have disappeared if not seen with the naked eye, is constantly accumulating momentum at this moment.

After he opened his mouth and answered Xiao Ying casually, Luo Hao's body felt like a mountain pressing down on him again, and the momentum was getting heavier and heavier.

It is conceivable that when Luo Hao's power accumulated to its peak, what kind of terrifying thunderbolt strike would be her first strike.

He glanced at Luo Hao with some displeasure, and leaned against Sakura. Kuang San, who planned to use this topic to talk to Sakura more, looked at Sakura who had shut up again, and then stretched out his little feet. Kick without leaving a trace, the goddess Arturia standing not far from the three of them.

First, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he gave Kuang San a helpless look.

The goddess Artoria, who rarely reveals her humanity, naturally knows what Kurumi wants to do.

If it was a normal day, she wouldn't be able to utter a single word for ten days and a half months, and most of the time she maintained the posture of a god, and the goddess Artoria with empty eyes might ignore Kuang San.

But now, Goddess Artoria does have her doubts in her heart.

"Master Sakura, I don't understand why the goblins betrayed Morgan?"

"Betrayal? Where did the goblins betray Morgan?"

"Isn't it?"

"If you insist on saying something, it depends on how the word betrayal should be defined."

As Sakura spoke, she raised her hand, and grabbed the air in front of her at random. Suddenly, in this Camelot city full of Dayuan magic power, which was like the peak environment of the Age of Gods, Sakura grabbed a large group of large pieces very easily. Source magic.

"Although I don't know what those goblins think, maybe they are tired?

Anyway, if I use my method and only look at the result and not the process, I don't think they are betraying Morgan, but they are still saving her. "

"My lord, I don't understand even more when you say that."

"Well, let's put it this way, Morgan's idea is actually just a beautiful fantasy. Her current Eternal Britain can actually make the Age of Gods continue for a thousand years.

When the magic power on the surface of the world is consumed by Morgan after a thousand years, what do you think Morgan will do?

Give up your own kingdom, or turn your head to extract the magic power of the sea within the stars, or even...sacrifice magic creatures? "


"Morgan will definitely not give up. With Morgan's head, she can't imagine that this is a dead end, but her obsession prevents her from giving up.

Of course, without our existence, these goblins might not be able to achieve this level, and they will probably still choose to persuade Morgan slowly as before, after all, there are at least several hundred years before this road comes to an end..."

Hearing these words from Sakura, Goddess Artoria, although she has some understanding, but it still doesn't make sense to say that the goblins are not betraying Morgan.

"But... Sakura-sama, even so, their move to deprive Morgan of her fairy status is still..."

"Artoria, you ignored our existence.

We and Morgan are from the future. Although we haven't exposed much in theory, I believe that those goblins must know, especially after Titania was brought back by Merlin. "

When Sakura said this, Kurumi who was on the side also nodded, and directly accepted what Sakura said.

"That's right, what Sakura said is correct, the fairy Titania is another key."

"Titania her?"

"Do you know why we captured Luge when we captured her?"

"I remember that the leader once said that it was because she felt a very weak prototype of power in her."

"That's right, power... Although Sakura's ritual has not been able to extract power from her for such a long time, it doesn't mean that she will be able to retain her power.

In fact, her power has long been plundered by the godslayer ritual, but because it is too weak, it has not yet formed, so Sakura has not condensed the corresponding power of Titania. "

"So the goblins are scared?"

"I don't know about that, but the goblins must be worried about Morgan. After all, Morgan was brought back from the future... plus we extracted powers and created you... goblins Either they are afraid that we will plunder the goblin's power through Morgan, or they have guessed our purpose......"

"I see...the analysis seems to be's just that the goblins did it, and I think it's still a betrayal."

"If you betray, you can betray. It's just a difference in personal philosophy and perspective...Right, Sakura!"

Just when Sakura and his party were staring at the battlefield outside the city, they were too idle to start discussing irrelevant topics.

Morgan, who is constantly exuding dark magic power, has already started a formal fight with the three fairies of the lake.

The power of the island is mixed and compressed with its own magic power.

In this era when gods still exist, in this era when mystery is still extremely active.

Many magics that will be called magic in the future actually exist as magic in this era.

Just like the black lightning that Morgan stretched out his fingers to strike at the fairies in the lake.

In this era where there is absolutely no artificial electricity, things like thunder, regardless of color, are some kind of representative of mystery and gods.

If it were put into modern times, the lightning Morgan released at this time could at best electrocute a whole playground in one breath.

But in this era, those strands of black lightning that are no bigger than chopsticks are enough to tear apart everything and melt everything.

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