"After all, she is our ancestor, she has a bit of a temper." Ararataki said with a sigh, he had already recalled the tragic experience of Miko Chiyo beating him up when he disagreed.

Jiu Qiren, who was eating in silence, glanced at the two ghosts, and she felt that the reason why Miyu Chiyo drove them away with her eyes was entirely because she didn't want these two to be presumptuous in front of Qu Yuan.

After all, everyone knows that Ararataki Ichito has a carefree personality, speaks freely, and can say whatever he wants.

After Arataki Ichito and the table also retreated, Miko Chiyo's eyes returned to the virtuous and elegant before, she looked at Qu Yuan's empty wine glass, and her heart moved slightly.

".~Master Qu Yuan, do you want to taste the ghost liquor unique to our ghost clan?"

"I'm interested, but the name of this wine should be a strong bar?" Qu Yuan asked.

Miyu Chiyo thinks that the dandelion wine is a light wine with no taste of alcohol, so the oni spirit she never forgets should be an extremely strong wine.

In fact... Qu Yuan's guess about ghost spirits is correct. The authentic ghost spirits can be ignited directly with fire.

However, the ghost liquor that Miyu Chiyo found from the blue ghost lineage is not so pure, and it has not yet reached the level where it can be ignited.

"Don't worry, although it's a spirit, it has a strange and wonderful taste. Anyone who has drunk our ghost spirit spirit will never forget this wine." Miyu Chiyo said seriously.

"Then let me taste it." Qu Yuan said with a hint of curiosity.

"Well, then please allow me to leave the table for a while." Miyu Chiyo, who was sitting upright beside Qu Yuan, stood up, and she went to fetch ghost liquor.

Miyu Chiyo (Nuo Zhao's) didn't leave for too long, and came back after only 2 minutes, holding a small old bottle in her slender white and jade-like palm.

"Master Qu Yuan, I kept you waiting." The returning Yuyu Chiyo sat back beside Qu Yuan.

Because Yuyu Chiyo had to pour wine for Qu Yuan, she shortened the distance with Qu Yuan, so Qu Yuan could clearly smell the elegant body fragrance emanating from Yuyu Chiyo.

The faint fragrance of Yuyu Chiyo wafting over made people feel comfortable and nostalgic, and Qu Yuan couldn't help swallowing lightly.

She is indeed a woman who can be pursued by all the Inazuma men crazily. The body fragrance emanating from Miyu Chiyo's body alone is enough to make people's hearts flutter.

Miyu Chiyo noticed Qu Yuan's changing breathing, she gently raised her eyelids to look at Qu Yuan who was a little closer, and then smiled slightly.

"Master Qu Yuan, please allow me to pour wine for you."

Chapter 380 Nine Ghost Clan's Ghost Spirits (for Subscription)

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Qu Yuan handed his wine glass to Yuyu Chiyo.

Yuyu Chiyo knew why Quyuan's breathing sped up slightly. After all, she was crazily pursued by men hundreds of years ago, and almost all men would look like their eyes glowing and their breathing speeding up when they met her.

For some reason, after realizing that Qu Yuan was attracted to her, Yuyu Chiyo did not feel conflicted or uneasy, and even had a little joy in her heart.

Because Qu Yuan is different from other men.

When interacting with other men, Miyu Chiyo just wanted to find an excuse to leave, but when staying with Quyuan, her heart was very comfortable and natural.

This may be caused by Qu Yuan's gentle and elegant temperament.

Or maybe it was because of the help and support provided by Qu Yuan that Miyu Chiyo developed a strong affection for him.

The smiling Yuyu Chiyo personally poured a glass of ghost liquor for Qu Yuan, and the pure red liquor made Qu Yuan break out in a cold sweat.

"Chiyo, is this really wine? Not some animal's blood?!"

"It is indeed wine, but the ghost spirits brewed by Tokuya are not pure, so it looks like blood. Pure ghost spirits are like clear and transparent rubies." Miyu Chiyo explained.

"It's still red." Qu Yuan vomited 970, and the smiling Miyu Chiyo didn't care about his rant, and she took the glass after pouring out the ghost liquor.

"Qu Yuan, please enjoy."

Qu Yuan looked at the wine glass brought by Yuyu Chiyo Yushou with tangled eyes, "Chiyo, can I ask, what material is used to brew your ghost spirits?"

Miyu Chiyo narrowed her ruby-like eyes slightly, and said with a narrow smile, "You drink first, and I'll tell you after drinking."

Qu Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his palm to take the wine glass handed over by Yuyu Chiyo, Qu Yuan didn't drink it right away, he first sniffed the blood-like ghost liquor.

The smell of ghost spirits does not have a strong smell of alcohol, but a strange sweetness... Qu Yuan can't describe this sweetness very well.

If Qu Yuan had to describe it, he thinks it should be - fishy and sweet.

It's as sweet as blood...

Qu Yuan took the wine glass, and Miyu Chiyo quickly poured herself a glass of Ghost Spirits, holding the wine glass in her pale jade hand, looking at the troubled Qu Yuan with expectant eyes.

"Master Qu Yuan, let's have a drink. Although the ghost spirit they brew (beed) is not pure, it still has five layers of flavor."

"All right……"

Miyu Chiyo's enthusiasm made it hard for Qu Yuan to refuse, he clinked the glass with her, Miyu Chiyo seemed to know that Qu Yuan was skeptical of the blood-red ghost liquor, so she drank it first.

Under Qu Yuan's gaze, Yuyu Chiyo raised her snow-white slender neck, and then she drank down the glass of ghost spirits in one go with a bold gesture that didn't match her beauty.

Miyu Chiyo put down the empty wine glass, a little blood-red wine remained on her crystal lips, which added a bit of coquettish beauty to this beautiful ghost king.

With her delicate tongue, she licked the ghost liquor remaining on the cherry lips, and Miyu Chiyo, exuding a sweet breath, said to Qu Yuan with a smile, "Master Qu Yuan, it's your turn."


Qu Yuan lightly took a sip of ghost liquor, the wine was slightly cold in the mouth, and then brought a strong shock to the tip of his tongue, just like the terrifying shock of a volcanic eruption!

Immediately afterwards, a strange and strong fishy-sweet taste diffused from Qu Yuan's mouth!

The impact and the sweet taste that hit the forehead made Qu Yuan's mind explode.

Qu Yuan subconsciously swallowed the ghost liquor in his mouth, but the strange thing was that after the liquor was swallowed into his throat, he felt a smooth and delicate feeling of comfort.

Qu Yuan's eyes could not help but lighten up with such a strange ghost liquor.

"What an amazing wine!"

Seeing Qu Yuan's expression of surprise and astonishment, Yuyu Chiyo said with a smile, "The ghost liquor of the ghost clan is very magical, Mr. Qu Yuan, do you like it?"

"Very good, I like this wine very much." Qu Yuan said sincerely to Yuyu Chiyo, "This is the most special wine I've ever had."

"I'm very happy to receive such a high evaluation from you." Yuyu Chiyo continued to pour wine into the wine glass in Qu Yuan's hand, exhaling like blue, she said softly, "Food is not something that is in short supply in this era, so I plan to brew Ghost Lie wine to sell."

Ghost spirits consume a lot of food, and in the ancient rice wife who is still alive in Miyuchiyo, food is very precious, so the production of ghost spirits is very rare.

But in this era, food is no longer so precious, and Mikyo Chiyo can brew ghost spirits wantonly.

"Is this the profit method you thought of for the ghosts?" Qu Yuan asked.

"Yes." Miyu Chiyo nodded slightly.

"This is indeed a good way." Qu Yuan agreed, "Ghost spirits have a unique taste and taste, and will definitely open up a path in the beverage industry."

"Chiyo, I can help you contact the wine owners of Mond and Liyue, and build a sales channel for you."

"Then I will thank you here first." Mikoshiyo showed a beautiful smile.

At this moment, food, wine, and beauties are all around him, and Qu Yuan's mood is extremely comfortable. He accidentally drank several glasses of ghost spirits.

Because the taste and taste of ghost spirits were too strange, Qu Yuan subconsciously forgot that he couldn't drink too much alcohol.

Qu Yuan has already felt a sense of erratic now, as if he has been melted physically and mentally by ghost spirits, it is obvious that Qu Yuan is already drunk.

Mikoshiyo shook the old wine bottle, the empty feeling let her know that the ghost spirits inside were gone.

"Master Qu Yuan, I'll go get those bottles of ghost liquor again... Huh? Why is your face so red?!" Miyu Chiyo looked at Qu Yuan's handsome face in surprise.

Under the light of the bonfire at the banquet, Qu Yuan's face turned red, his ruddy handsome face, and his drunken eyes made Miyu Chiyo swallow softly.

Once, Yae Kamiko felt that Qu Yuan was more like a fox than she was, because sometimes he showed a masculine charm that made the heart beat faster.

Although the taste of ghost spirits is strange, its alcohol content is not low. After drinking several cups, Qu Yuan has already entered the state of drunkenness. Now he can no longer hear the sound of celebration from Miyu Chiyo and the surroundings.

Under the gaze of Miyu Chiyo, Qu Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged, shook slightly, and then fell towards the table in front of him.

Miyu Chiyo, who had quick eyes and quick hands, immediately stretched out his slender arms, and embraced Qu Yuan, who had fallen drunk.

Chapter 390 Yuyu Chiyo, my wife! (seeking subscription)

Qu Yuan, who was embraced by Miyu Chiyo, his head happened to be leaning on Miyu Chiyo's fragrant shoulder, and now the breath that Qu Yuan exhaled hit Miyu Chiyo's snow-white neck.

Qu Yuan's warm breath made Yuyu Chiyo slightly tense her delicate body, and her jade-like cheeks gradually turned a faint blush.

Yuyu Chiyo, who suppressed the throbbing in his heart, asked in a low voice, "Master Qu Yuan, are you alright?"

"..." Qu Yuan, who was already drunk, didn't answer Miyu Chiyo's question, he rested his pillow on Miyu Chiyo's delicate shoulders very quietly.

The fact that Qu Yuan didn't answer also made Yuyu Chiyo realize that he was already drunk. Although Qu Yuan kept emphasizing that he was not good at drinking, Yuyu Chiyo didn't expect that Qu Yuan would get drunk after a few glasses of ghost spirits.

Yuyu Chiyo's slightly flushed pretty face showed a little helpless smile, she stretched out her jade hand and put it gently on Qu Yuan's waist, and Yuyu Chiyo, who was sitting upright, put a little force on Qu Yuan's waist, and stood up stand up.

Miyu Chiyo, who was holding Qu Yuan, looked at Ararataki Yidou at the next table, "Yi Dou, Master Qu Yuan is drunk, I will help him to rest now, you watch the banquet for me."

"Understood, but..." Itou Ararataki looked at the delicate and slender Mikoshiyo strangely, "Big sister, can you move him by yourself? How about me instead?"

"You think I'm a weak woman?" Mikoshiyo said angrily~ Arataki Ichito rolled a blank look.

"Ah... I forgot, you can leave at ease, Banquet-I will watch."

Looking at Miko Chiyo, who was half smaller than Qu Yuan, Ichito Ararataki subconsciously classified her as a woman with little power, but this woman actually possessed the strange power enough to break his neck...

After giving Arataki Ichito the order to take care of the banquet, Mikoshiyo put Qu Yuan's arm on his shoulders, helped his Mikoyochiyo leave the table, and walked towards his house.

As the leader of the ghost clan, Miyu Chiyo, the ghost clan who respected her let her live in the best house here.

When he helped Qu Yuan walk towards his own house, his body temperature and the warm breath he breathed hit Miyu Chiyo's neck.

The strange feeling coming from her neck made Miyu Chiyo purse her cherry lips, and a shy mist began to appear in her red jade-like eyes.

At this moment, Miyu Chiyo felt a slight itching in her heart, as if someone was gently sweeping her heart with a feather.

No matter how embarrassing the current situation is, Miyu Chiyo has no intention of speeding up her pace. She walks steadily towards the room step by step with support.

After more than ten minutes, Miyu Chiyo finally helped Qu Yuan to her room, and she gently placed Qu Yuan on the bed.

Miyu Chiyo stood beside the bed, and with the help of the bright moonlight coming in from the window, she silently watched Qu Yuan lying on the bed.

Qu Yuan, who was lying on the bed, had a peaceful and beautiful expression. Because his handsome face was full of burgundy, people couldn't help but have a certain feeling for him.

Miyu Chiyo gently stretched out her jade hand, and she touched Qu Yuan's cheek with her pale jade fingers, and the temperature from her fingertips made her beautiful face a little smile.

The sober Qu Yuan gave Miyu Chiyo a gentle and mature feeling.

Qu Yuan, who was drunk, gave Miyu Chiyo a feeling of tranquility, as long as she looked at him like this, peace and warmth would rise in her heart.

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