Is this because Brother Horikita thinks that Sakuta is being selfish?

So at the end of the day, such a low score was decided.And with such a low score, even if they lose, Class A of the third grade can still graduate in place.

Everyone can get the future they want.

It made the students in class A of the third grade very reassuring.


Since the school gave 50 points to the third grade, Sakuta had no choice.

But now Horikita brother thinks he is helping?

But it wasn't his own credit, Sakuta didn't have a strong reason to claim it.

So I also sent a message.

"The school only stipulated 50 points, so don't thank me."

Click Send.

[I remember this favor. ] by Horikita School.

Obviously, Chairman Horikita doesn't believe it...


This is really honest.

Sakuta shrugged.

But Horikita Gaku doesn't want the favor, Sakuta wants to put this favor on the right person.

For example, Horikita Suzune.

"Your brother's third grade final exam score is out, 50 points." by Sakuta.

When get out of class was over, Sakuta received a message from Horikita Suzune.

[Don't look for me during class time. ] by Horikita Suzune.

[That's great, it looks like my brother can graduate in Class A of the third grade. ]

Then it's gone.

Good Horikita-san.

Sakuta decided to shut down Horikita's brain for another 3 hours during tonight's teaching.


Although the exam was announced, it was only a week later.

What is needed now is that at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, the command towers of each class will go to the special classroom to draw lots to select the battle class.

The test items selected by each class are also submitted in the day after tomorrow.

So everyone continued to study honestly.

The curriculum of Yucheng High School is no more difficult than that of the outside world, and the teaching materials are also shared with the outside world.

It shows that he also attaches great importance to the basic academic ability of the students.

Make sure that students who do not reach class A still have the option to pass their own academic ability to take the exam when they graduate to go outside.

At the same time, because I have stayed in this school and experienced so many exams, if I can understand the school's ideas and follow the school's development, I will be much better than outside students.

Therefore, it is not possible to completely deny this school.


Ministry activities.

When get out of class was over in the afternoon, Sakuta arrived at the service department.

"Speaking of which, since I have become the president of the student council, the environment in the service department can also be improved."

"For example, specialize the clean classrooms and supply them to the Ministry of Service."

"When I first opened the club, doing hygiene was really scary." Sakuta said.

"Okay, you, the student council president, stop talking."

When Huicai arrived at the service department, he discovered that the new student council president wanted to do things for personal gain.

"Hmm..." Master Sakuta nodded. "By the way, Hui, how about I promote you as the secretary of the student union?"

"Can remind me just, just, just."

"It's a very important thing."

"Eh?" Karuizawa blinked slightly. "What do you mean... to bring me to the student union?"

"Of course."

Sakuta nodded.

"I am the president of the student council, and becoming the president of the student council is different from the previous secretary. You can't keep running in the club."

"So, by arranging all of you to join the student union, isn't it that you can take care of both clubs?"

Saying so, Sakuta sat down and wrote down the new list of student council members.

The previous second-year senior Asahina Suzuki's position as vice president remains unchanged.

Then two more vice presidents were added - Arisu Sakayanagi and Hiyori Shiina.

Book-note: Megumi Karuizawa, Hoonami Ichinose

Accountants: Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyo

Discipline committee members: Inokashira Kotomi, Shiraba Chihiro, Shinohara Satsuki, Matsushita Chiaki, Onodera.

Student Council Pet: Sakura Airi

"If it's the student union's list, I'd like to change it."

Arisu Sakayanagi cut in, and added a new name to the pet.

Kamuro Masumi.


It seems that Sakayanagi-san pays close attention to Kamuro-san.

Sakuta nodded, Kamuro-san is his and Sakayanagi's puppy, and the owners are both in a small team, so it's really inconvenient not to have the puppy.

And in the art department.

"Ah—my painting! Ph—fortunately."

Kamuro-san found that his hands were almost shaking and the ink stained the drawing paper.

Fortunately, he quickly stopped it.


Her strength has always been very stable. It shouldn't be like this when holding a pen. What's going on?

Chapter 160 Battle on the Top!The battle between the strongest Class B and Class A!

In the ministry of service.

Sakuta added Kamuro-san's name to the student council list.

But now Horikita Suzune is also here, and the former student council president is still working as a secretary in Sakuta's student council.

At this point in time, it is probably still working.

So Sakuta saved face for everyone.

Put away the list of the new student union that was drawn up just now.


"It's a little surprising."

Sakuta made the opening remarks.He looked around.

"I didn't expect this society to have the current scale."

Because of the increase in the number of people, one more long table was added.

Two tables.

Sitting quietly on the left are Horikita Suzune, Karuizawa Megumi, Sakura Airi, Shiina Hiyori, and Inokashira Shinobi.

Sitting on the right side are Arisu Sakayanagi, Hoonami Ichinose, and Chihiro Shirami.

"Almost the cutest girls in the whole school are gathered here." In Sakuta's eyes, this scene is too beautiful.


The thin-skinned girl's cheeks immediately turned red.

Then came Hui.


Well, Hui is not talking now.

Because Sakuta said at the beginning that this is a club, but Kei always wondered if the other party was setting up a harem department.

And now take a good look, are there any members of the club that he hasn't touched?


There really is.

It was Chihiro Shiraba with pure white skin and like a baby bird.

"That, that, Sakuta-san."

It is not the first time for Bai Bo to join the service department, and he knows that this is a place where problems can be resolved.

It's rare that Sakuta is here now, so she's a little troubled.

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