Then, in addition to the reward of exempting from dropping out of school, the reward can also be the class evaluation score.

If we say that everyone's sense of resistance was very strong at the beginning, but seems to have decreased a lot.

"What do you think about this?" Yue Cheng looked to the other side.

I just said that there are two authorities in the school, one is the faculty council, and the other is the student union. The president of the student union has the authority to allocate class evaluation scores for each special exam.

This permission is outrageous.

At the same time, it also represents encouraging students to climb up.

Want to keep your class stable?

Want to quickly catch up with other people's classes?

Then you customize the distribution of class evaluation scores for each exam.

But Horikita is unique.

That is, after he became the president of the student council, he never once sought personal gain for his class.

Not only that, each time the score is allocated according to the score of the previous year.


It's the same this time.

"If it is a class vote to drop out, I can delegate the power to the class evaluation score of 300 points."

"However, this is a special reward given to classes that did not drop out," Horikita said.

"How could there be no dropping out of school..." the digital teacher on the board almost cried out.

Because although the rules have been revised, each class still has to vote for the student with the most critical votes.

So how will you be rewarded if you are dropped out of school.

Wait a moment.

Isn't there another rule that everyone knows to avoid dropping out?

That is... spend 2000 million points to avoid dropping out of school.

"Oh." The numbers on the board suddenly fell silent.

Because he already understood.

Apparently, Horikita Gaku also disapproved of the practice where the students in the class voted for whoever they voted for, and whoever they voted would drop out of school.

So a ray of life was given.

And this hope is that if a student drops out, then drop out.

But if you don't drop out, and the students in the class collect all the points to keep the dropped out student, then you will get 300 points for class evaluation.

And if the 300 points can be maintained for 2 years, then 2000 million points can be collected.


If everyone chooses to contribute points to keep the student who dropped out, then the final points will be returned to everyone.

Then the assessment is whether everyone is willing to keep this student, and then whether they can stick to this 300-point score for 2 years.

The teachers have basically thought of the glimmer of life given by Horikita Gaku.

So no comments.

Including Moon City.


After setting the exit exam, the chairman left Horikita Gaku alone.

"You have changed a little bit."

Chairman Sakayanagi said to Horikita Gaku.


"It's a little bit of selfishness. The exam this time is different from the school's previous assessment and direction."

"So keep an eye out." Horikita said.

This is a strong school.

But Horikita Gaku does not believe that all weak or problematic students must be excluded.

That's why he supported Sakuta's service department in the past.

And now it's the same.

"You are not wrong to think so." Chairman Sakayanagi said, "There are some problems in this exam."

"Yuecheng has something he wants to do."

Is it.

In other words, there is no problem with the school, but it is Yuecheng who has the problem.

And Yuecheng is probably the existence of various forces coordinating and then entering the school.

So the chairman told him this, just to tell him that he was going to graduate and enter the society, so the road there would not be so clean.

Adults also need to compromise or be hypocritical.

"However, I'm a little curious about your suggestion."

The chairman said, "That's how the first graders will react."

"Are you determined to keep your companions?"

Or... delete unnecessary students directly.

Listening to the chairman's words, Horikita also pushed his glasses.

What he thought was.

How would Sakuta handle this kind of exam?


What will Sakuta do?

Of course Sakuta handled it casually.

After taking a shower with Kosaka Yanagi, the two got into the quilt again.

And the cake brought by Kosakayanagi was eaten by him.

Also because of this, the small willows need to be re-showered.Otherwise, the cake will be sticky and sticky to the body, which is very uncomfortable.

"Speak up."

Sakuta hugged his wife and looked at the ceiling of the room.

"Maybe there will be a class voting exit exam soon." Sakuta said.

"Do you have anyone you hate who wants to drop out?"

"Anybody?" Sakayanagi cutie held Sakuta's hand. "I want to ask you about that too."

"Then let's write it together." Sakuta said.

So the two sides held each other's hand and wrote a name respectively.


Sakuta and Sakayanagi continued to have a pleasant nightlife after they wrote the names of people they hated.

Class votes to drop out exams or something.

For those who can control the class... isn't it that they can drop out whoever they want?


So, the next morning, at eight o'clock.

The four classes of the first grade all had class meetings.

"That's the rule."

"An additional special exam proposed by Tsukishiro acting principal as the examiner."

Teacher Hoshinomiya Tomoe, the head teacher of Class B, didn't drink alcohol yesterday.

Then I kept my spirits up today and told the little angels of Class B.

Exit exam.

The rules are organized as follows.

1. This is an additional exam for the first grade only.

2. Exit exam, as the name suggests, each class must have a dropout.

3. The way to withdraw from school is that each student has 3 appreciation votes, 3 criticism votes, and one appreciation vote that can only be voted by students from other classes.

4. The test time is the class meeting on the third day.Send the anonymous form to everyone, and the students fill in the names of the students they think they can appreciate, and then the names of the students who need to be criticized.At the same time, there is also a person who the outside class thinks can be appreciated.

Among them, the praise and criticism filled in by a student cannot overlap.

5. After the class meeting on the third day, the votes will be counted, and the total number of votes = votes of appreciation - votes of criticism. (Appreciation tickets include outside class appreciation tickets that can be obtained from outside classes.)

6. In the number of votes, the person who gets the most total votes in the final class can get a reward without dropping out of school.At the same time, the student with the least total votes in the class will be punished with expulsion.

8. It is necessary to decide the students who withdraw from school. If the class is rejected or terminated, the acting principal of Yuecheng will designate a student to withdraw from school.

7. However, there is an additional reward, that is, if there is no dropout in the class vote, then the class will get a class evaluation score of 300 points.


"Why is the Exit Exam—"

"Isn't this the same as the exams in the forest school?"

The little angels in class B suddenly thought of the horror of the acting principal of Yuecheng during the forest exam.

So, it really was the idea of ​​the quitting principal again.

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