She has a lot of friends, that is to say... well-informed, especially good at distinguishing bad men.

It's like asking a girl out, and then specially inviting the other party to drink iced drinks, it seems to want to confirm whether the girl is [that day].

If it wasn't for that day, normal appointments would be cut short and then mostly scheduled for open houses.


It's just what she heard from friends of friends.

So it doesn't count.

After all, she also found so many advantages for Sakuta-san just now, and it is too much for her to guard against him like a thief.

So Ichinose sent a message.

"I haven't had class for several days. I want to spend the evening studying and reviewing my homework."

Ichinose's entrance score is no,1, but that doesn't mean she's a genius.

She also has to learn.


She already knew that both Sakayanagi-san and Sakuta-san had higher academic ability than her.

So she, an honest person, can only try harder.

Therefore, I declined Sakuta first.

Although she has dated with the other party, Ichinose will not completely only fall in love and not pay attention to other things.

This is her reason.

That's why Sakuta likes her too.

Then Sakuta quickly replied to Ichinose.

[Then I will bring you an iced drink to express my condolences later.I'm in the library now. ] by Sakuta classmate.

"You don't need to bring the drinks here, thank you. Don't spend money casually."

[Is that so, then I will stay at your place tonight?Or say you come to my dormitory. ]

[It's been four months to this world, four months haven't seen your real. ]

"..." Ichinose Hoonami.


Sakuta classmate.

On her side, she was trying hard to find an opportunity to give you points, but in the end, are you really this kind of person?

Inviting her to have an iced drink or giving her a drink is to confirm whether she is a girl's day, and then can she be his night object?

So Fanbo began to think about whether it would be okay for him to get back together with Sakuta?

Because this guy is a pervert, he definitely won't let her sleep well.



Drop drop drop.

Sakuta's phone kept beeping as it received messages.

"My lord... My lord——"

Xiao Congyu looked at him curiously.

"Ichinose said that she will be mentally prepared tomorrow, so she won't make an appointment tonight." Sakuta said.

"Wum, it's not this." But Xiao Congyu shook his head lightly. "I mean, Master, didn't you say that you want to send some learning materials to Ibuki?"

"But why did you choose from the area where Karuizawa complained that all you showed her were emperor uncles?"

"Oh." Sakuta said, "Because a large part of my campus life is related to girls."

"And if Ibuki is my bodyguard, he will naturally have to adapt."

"But it would be embarrassing if I asked her to help guard the gate so bluntly while I was having fun afternoons with the girls."

"That's why I want to subtly."

"Let her understand that I am not such an innocent person."

"Or do you want to be the gatekeeper, Xiao Congyu?" Sakuta said. "If Xiao Congyu is willing to guard the gate, then I will let Yibuki be a pure bodyguard."

"Eh? Let Xiao Congyu do this kind of thing? Don't want it." Xiao Congyu immediately refused.

"That's right. So Ibuki can use it."

"But she seems too innocent, so I have to pollute it first." Sakuta continued to search for the book.


Xiao Congyu understood, so this is planning for a rainy day.


Xiao Congyu didn't believe him.

So the two headed to the shopping street after borrowing books.

After all, here is the big deal.

Chapter 120 Will my family population explode in the future? (seeking automatic, seeking full order)

The information obtained from Itanagi is that Hiyori's children and Alice Itanagi are temporarily living in the school as family members of the faculty and staff under the arrangement of the chairman.

In fact, Xiao Congyu has already found out, although Sakuta said that he will deal with Ibuki's problem first.

Actually... I don't dare to look at Hiyori's children.

Judging from the information heard by the master, Sakayanagi-chan's child has been seen before, so there is no surprise.

But the children on Rihe's side, not only have they never met, they don't even know their names.

So, are you hesitant to meet?

And is this what being a father feels like?


"So that's why you asked me out?"

For Sakuta, the distance was more than a week, but for Ms. Changmu, it was more than four months, and the two met again.

The place is the library.

Although the library is generally used by students, it is not exclusive to students.

Teachers and staff can also borrow books as long as they have a staff ID card.

After all, this is a school, so there is no reason to stop the faculty and staff from continuing to improve themselves.

After swiping the card, Ms. Changmu quickly found Sakuta who was standing on the side of the bookshelf starting with the letter J according to the GPS location of the mobile phone.

But she is obviously not the kind of person who wants to improve herself, so she came here because Sakuta asked her to come here.

"But stop joking."

"You're only 18 years old... Well, although your very mature, it's impossible to have a 10-year-old child."

"Mashiro is Hiyori's younger sister."

Miss Chang Mu said.


Is this what you feel when you have a four-month-old baby?

It's rare for Sakuta to tell the truth to the other party, but Ms. Tokiki is indeed like this, avoiding the correct option.

"However, if you pursue Hiyori classmate and then want to go the route of Mabai-chan, it probably won't work."

"Although that child is cute, she won't get close to other people."

"I think I took care of her for four months, but I didn't get into her heart." Ms. Chang Mu said.


Ms. Chang Mu thought that he wanted to pursue Hiyori, and then take the child route.

Sakuta quickly collected information about her daughter.

The name is Zhenbai.


Is Azusagawa really white?However, since she is Hiyori's daughter, she may also be Shiina Mashiro.

"..." Sakuta couldn't help thinking of a poisonous animation he had seen.

It is said that he is pure love, has a tendency to speculate in stocks, and then the male lead and the female lead are purely in love, and the supporting characters mate to play different tricks, what kind of sisters, wives and big sisters.

Sakuta didn't finish watching.

But the name of the heroine of that work is also Mashiro.

Quite cute.

"In that case, I want to see her." Sakuta said.

"Hey, I've already said that you can't follow the route of her sister if you want to chase after Rihe and her classmate."

"Besides, what did you say, she's already here?" Miss Chang Mu said.

"Eh? Did you bring it?" Sakuta was taken aback for a moment.

"Bring it, after all, she is only 10 years old, and she is very cute, how should I put it..."

"It makes people feel that if she doesn't pay attention, she will suddenly get lost."

"Then the skills in life are close to 0." Ms. Chang Mu said.

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