Then you have to drop out of school together, and you have to deduct points together.

And deducted together, then the four classes will all have -300 points, and the gap between them will not be widened.

It can be said that... this plan is quite unique.


Sakuta looked forward.


"Those guys..."

"Actually doing this, do you mean you want to give up this exam!"

"If they are the last ones, not only will they drop out of school, but even the class will be deducted—"

"My classmate, you have worked hard."

Ju Qian was comforting a classmate.

But this classmate is not her group, but the 36th group.

The members of the 36th group are ten other girls from class A of the third grade + 1 member of class B + 4 members of class C.

And this girl from the church was chosen to be the leader of the 36th group.

It seems that the girl from class B in the group doesn't cooperate with the 4 members of class C.

Mingming was assigned to clean up on the side of the playground, but they refused to go to the side with the sun.

Then the students in this hall retreated and arranged them to a place in the shadows.

But these girls didn't cooperate at all, they did it very slowly, and ran away before get out of class was over.

I just don't listen to the command and say that it's time to eat, and there is a problem with cooking and not actively being a human being.

Completely undisciplined.

This made the remaining girls in Class A of Group 36 very helpless.

This is not the first time that this happened. There were also conflicts when choosing a bed, and conflicts when deciding to be responsible for cooking in the morning.

These girls from other classes refuse to cook, but if they don't follow the school's rules, the whole group will be deducted points.

Now both the third grade and the first grade were deducted an average of 10 points because of problems with the team formation at the beginning.On the last day of the assessment, it was a dangerous one.

So the girls in Class A in the same group also complained about their classmates.

I feel that my classmates are not courageous enough.

Because the girls in other classes stopped working and ran away, they were the only ones to clean up the mess and sweep the areas that the girls didn't clean.

But the students in this hall felt wronged.

So Ju Qian was comforting her.



When Sakuta arrived, a senior from Class C called out to Sakuta.

This is Lily-senpai from the Art Department of Class C of the third grade.

Has long brown curly hair.

Hands are beautiful and slender.

Had an in-depth transaction with Sakuta... no, it was a relationship.

He taught the other party to draw, but the other party's talent is not very high, and he can only draw about 100 million points per painting.

She was assigned to the group where Juxi was.

"That's great, I heard you're back, and I actually saw you."

Senior sister said.

That's it.

He is desired.

"Then let's get together after the exam." Sakuta was still very gentle towards the girls he had a relationship with.

But since an acquaintance is present, it is natural to obtain the information first.

"How should I put it—"

The senior quickly contributed information.

She is in Ju Qian's group, and Ju Qian's group is very harmonious.

no problem.

But the 36th group where the girls in Class A who were not in Juxi's group was bad.

The classmate in this hall was chosen to be the group leader, but in that group, 1 senior from class B and 4 seniors from class C did not cooperate very well.

All kinds of fault finding.

It made it very difficult for the senior sister in this hall.

And now she even needs Ju Qian's comfort.

And anyone with a discerning eye can tell... This group is probably the last class prepared by Class B of the third grade under the full attack.

In the original book, Ju Qian's team was chosen, but now it's replaced by Ju Qian's next-door team.

Is it.

Because he changed Ju Qian, who has a deceptive appearance and is also the secretary of the student union, so now Ju Qian is not considered a good choice for bullying.

So it was replaced.

It was replaced by the senior sister of the hall.


"Anyway, thank you, Ju Qian."

"I won't let Horikita-san's hard work go to waste."

"After all, this is also our exam."

The students in this hall cheered up, gently wiped away the tears with the back of their hands, and then made an effort.

She is also a student of Class A, and has received a lot of help from Horikita in the past, so she can't embarrass Horikita at the end.

So, after saying this, the classmate in this hall picked up the broom again, and then returned to the original position to clean the sweeping area of ​​the escaped members of the same group.

And Ju Qian stood and stared at the other party, as if she wanted to say something but finally gave up.

Just like what my classmate said.

Horikita-san is working hard now.

Because of the grouping, they and the first grade were deducted an average of 10 points in the final assessment.

Facing the situation of -10 points, Horikita Gaku still wanted to lead the boys' team to take the first place and win points for the class.

This is difficult.

So if they bother him again, it's really... It's useless.


"Are you worried?"

"Do you think it's a conspiracy by Class B of the third grade?"

Sakuta's voice came from behind Akane Tachibana.

This made Ju Qian's body stand still.

But when she remembered that her relationship with this person was already very close, the momentary stiffness that Ju Qian felt like a cat being stroked by someone other than its owner returned to normal.

"Even if there is a conspiracy, it's useless."

"In Horikita's distribution plan, the four groups in our class all include members of Class B, so if we are at the bottom, they will also be deducted points."

"So the students in Class B have no chance, so I want to make a last resort." Ju Qian said.

So I really think that the problem is in the 36th group.

So you've made progress.

In the original book, you were bullied like your classmates, and then you hid in the shoe cabinet and cried quietly.

"Then you will go to Horikita Gaku to inform about this situation?" Sakuta said.

"Because if you don't let Horikita know, then the 36th group will be the last place."

"Then your class A can only face the next month's assessment with high tension."

"Even the status of Class A has changed because of this."


"What do you mean?"

Tangerine suddenly became nervous.


Sakuta is a very unique person to her.

From the very beginning of enrollment, this student has been poisonous, why can he observe so many places that ordinary people can't pay attention to.

of course.

The other party is also very gentle.

It would be better if men's sexual affairs could be more gentle.

She consulted others, and there was no need to swallow it.

So Sakuta was lying to her.

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