They are already tired of everything, have given up hope of life, and even face death with a calm smile.

Life and death are not a choice for them, but a necessity.

For anyone, I am afraid that he would either commit suicide, or run away and be killed by pirates.

But none of them.

They chose to fight to the death.

They are sinners abandoned in a lonely place in the New World.

But they still have their pride.

Kirby bit his lower lip tightly.

He felt a faint smell of rust in his mouth, a smell of blood that did not belong to others.

"I see……"

A deep sigh suddenly resounded in the flying snow that filled the sky.

Then the deep voice of the vice admiral drifted slowly in the icy wind.

"Colonel Pompeii, just now you said that G5 is not some 'fortress of justice', but a prison."

"It's actually quite interesting."

Ron's words made Pompey and the G5 navy stunned at the same time.

They turned around and saw the Vice Admiral's figure looming in the lonely wind and snow.

"Because it just so happens that I once stayed in the world's number one prison."

He smiled,

"And what's even more coincidental is that I really like the people in prison."


"Maybe you don't know, or maybe my so-called 'hero' name is so loud that you all forgot my other name."

The corner of Ron's mouth curled up in an unscrupulous arc.

"In my place, it seems that there are no rules at all."

"So, Colonel Pompeii, and everyone in the G5 branch... Please give me your advice in the future."

Pompeii and the others stared blankly at the vice admiral smiling at them, not knowing how to answer for a while.

After a while, Pompeii suddenly sneered and shook his head.

"What a guy who likes to talk big..."

He turned around again, leading a group of G5 members into the snowstorm.

Their casual laughter came from a distance from time to time.

"Guys, what's for dinner tonight?"

"I haven't finished eating the sea beast octopus from the day before yesterday!"

"And the spirits I snatched from the pirates today!"

"Hahahaha! Let's drink and eat meat tonight! Have a hearty meal!"


Ron and the others looked at the figures of the G5 branch members who gradually disappeared from sight.

Farther away, there is a dark, collapsed and dilapidated military fortress.

The bonfire reflected their figures indistinctly, and they were constantly dancing.

They are laughing wantonly.

This group of people...

Wearing tattered clothes like that,

Carrying tattered weapons,

Living a dilapidated life without a single meal,

Camped in this tattered iron ruin,

Guard the days and nights of this new world of tatters and sporadic justice.

Are they qualified navy?

Maybe not.

But at this moment,

In the hearts of Ron and all of them,


The earth upon which they stand,

It is indeed... the foremost bastion of justice!





Well, that's probably how I added the background of the G5.

In order to avoid controversy, this is the second setting. After all, the original book does not have too many descriptions. It only says that G5 is a branch of gangsters and scum, and it does not write why.

A 4000-word chapter, please everything, thank you very much.

Chapter 43 The Predicament of G5

The night is deep.

The heavy snow covering the entire G5 branch stopped at some point.

Outside the glass window of the base chief's office, the noise and laughter of the G5 branch navy still came from time to time.

From this angle of the office window, one can vaguely see the group of gangsters sitting around the campfire, drinking spirits and eating barbecue, while playing various "games".

"These guys are really crazy."

Standing in front of the window smoking a cigarette, Alder's scalp felt numb, and finally he couldn't help cursing.

Because he suddenly saw that the drinking "game" of the G5 members was clearly a "game" that was close to self-mutilation, such as throwing darts blindfolded and Russian roulette.

Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer. He looked back at Ron who was sitting at his desk flipping through the dusty files of the G5 branch, and asked persuasively:

"Are you sure you don't want to stop them?"

"I've seen people have their fingers chopped off."

"That guy is still laughing! Really crazy!!"

Ron slowly raised his head from the dusty and piled-up files, rubbed his temples wearily, shook his head and sighed:

"Have you still not understood?"

"Those guys are numb."

"After years of torture in the 'prison' of G5, their hearts are dead, and human life is as cheap as straw to them, and so is their own life."

"Death is more like a relief to them."

"They may not have the slightest sense of justice in their hearts, but their responsibilities as a navy drive them not to run away or commit suicide. What they to frantically fight pirates to death...or even take the initiative to seek death."

"And, even if I gave them an order to stop, they wouldn't listen."

"Except for combat missions, they will not obey my other orders."

Alder stood there dumbfounded upon hearing this, gritted his teeth and asked again:

"Is it true that your feats and name have no influence on them?"

Ron shook his head, leaned back on the chair back, staring blankly at the chandelier and cobwebs on the ceiling.

"Because of my name and achievements, they are even more disgusted with me."

"Maybe if any of the lieutenant generals in the headquarters is changed, their reaction will not be so big."

"The suppression of strength is even more meaningless."

"When a person's heart is dead, he just wants to fight like a wild beast until he dies to release the shackles... There is nothing and no one in the outside world that can subdue him."

Alder fell into a long, bottomless silence when he heard the words.

His hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

"So... are the things Pompeii said true? Are the conditions on G5 really that bad?"

After a long time, Alder took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the complicated emotions in his heart, stared at Ron with deep eyes and asked.

Ron nodded reluctantly.

He pointed to the pile of documents on the desktop, and heaved a long sigh:

"The real situation is even worse."

"The supply has been cut off for too long."

"I also went to check the armory. The shells, guns and parts of the warship have long been exhausted."

"Remember when they fired at our warship that day, did something go wrong?"

Alder recalled for a moment, hesitated and said:

"The accuracy of the gun barrel is not enough, and the power of the shell is wrong."

Ron lowered his eyes, and his tone was heavy:

"That's right, their shells are filled with low-quality gunpowder, and they are probably snatched from pirates."

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